The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2727 New lunatics

Chapter 2727 New lunatics
In the early morning of the next day, Li Bai and the others woke up early and set off for the mission location.

The three of Li Bai received all C-level missions. In fact, even though it was only the ice spike of a C-level killer, it was quite easy to complete these tasks, because she was a professional killer after all. It can be regarded as a familiarity with the road.

The three of them sneaked into the rooms of their targets respectively. When their targets were asleep or even dreaming, they had already gone to another world, and there was not a single drop of blood spilled on the scene of the crime.The ease of the task and the "professionalism" of the three of Li Bai can be seen.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of Li Bai had already appeared in the Turin branch of the mafia again, and quickly handed in the task, and the corresponding bounty and experience points were automatically recorded Among the ID cards of several people.

However, this was not over yet. After confirming that the mafia system was indeed operating normally, Li Bai and the others quickly accepted the second mission, and then left in a hurry again.

At the same time, on a window on the top floor of the main building of the Turin Branch of the Mafia, Karis's head appeared there, and he was a little surprised to see Li Bai and the others leave.

"You mean, they completed the task a few hours ago?" Karis asked his subordinates in disbelief, but the result he got was exactly as he had guessed.

"It's really positive." Carliss murmured, took a sip of the coffee in his hand, and then waved his hand, "Okay, you can go to your own business, and the task of following them has been cancelled."

His subordinates were overjoyed and ordered to leave.

What happened next surprised Karis even more. In the next week, the three of Li Bai seemed to go crazy, receiving and delivering tasks non-stop. In seven days, He actually completed ten missions, large and small!
In the halls on the first and second floors, there are also a few small screens showing the list of tasks that XX has completed, and on the weekend, everyone was surprised to find that in the list In the top three, three unfamiliar names appeared, and the numbers that followed were all ten.

"Are these people lunatics?" The other killers looked at the list in astonishment and wondered in their hearts whether these three people were all possessed by some kind of evil spirit, so they became like this, but they naturally didn't know. What I know is that after completing these ten tasks, Li Bai and the others are going to stop for the time being.

Different from the reaction of the killers in the Turin branch of the mafia, Li Bai and the three involved seemed very calm. At this time, they had already bought a new car with the money they earned. There is a table of rich and delicious food on the table, and everyone is eating and drinking happily.

"Tell me, what will Karis' reaction be when he knows how fast we can complete the task?" Tian Lin smiled exaggeratedly, and sat on the chair in an unattractive manner.

Li Bai didn't say anything about this. After all, ten tasks were completed in seven days. Although none of them were particularly difficult, it was a relatively large drain on their energy. Now Tian Lin used this method to relax. Li Bai Not surprising.

"I guess, he may have regretted his doubts about us. After all, he has never seen people like us who have devoted their lives to missions since joining the mafia." Li Bai also chuckled, Next, he estimated that even if they didn't do the mission for a long time, Karis would not have any doubts about them.

Bingjian was quietly holding dishes from a distance for the two children, and did not participate in the discussion between Li Bai and Tian Lin, but in his heart, he had more recognition for Li Bai's decision. After all, just now At first, Icicle felt that they should rest for a few days before starting again.

However, through the current concentrated breakthrough in a short period of time, it has achieved an unexpected effect for Icethorn, which surprised Icethorn very much.

"Brother and sister, when you go to complete the task next time, can you bring the two of us with you, we also want to experience the feeling of being a killer." Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi said at this time, Li Bai squeezed Pinching the faces of the two children, he pretended to be fierce and said in a tone.

"What are you two little brats thinking about all day long? We wouldn't let you get involved in these things if we hadn't had to. When you were young, you wanted to fight and kill. When you grow up, it's amazing. " Li Bai said to the two children, keeping the two children silent for a while, but they were soon amused by the icicles again.

"Don't be sad, what you brother Li Bai means is that when you grow up, you can fight and kill. Then, you will go to him for revenge." Bingthorn said, making the two children very happy, But it made Li Bai curl his lips. It was the first time Li Bai saw someone who educated children like this.

But when everyone was having lunch, the Ice Spike's sky message rang, and when they picked it up, they saw that the sky message was from Alvaro.

"Mr. Scout, why did you contact me all of a sudden?" Icicle stepped aside and said to Alvaro.

Alvaro smiled bitterly at the ice spike: "It's all my fault. I forgot to enter your contact information into the mafia system, so now I can only contact you."

"What's the matter?" Ice Spike asked again.

"Minister Carliss is looking for you. He said that he will be waiting for you in the branch this afternoon. At the same time, if the two children can also arrive at the scene, that would be a great thing." Alva Luo said to Bingthorn, after finishing his task of sending messages, he hung up Tianxun.

Bingjian walked back to the dinner table, looked at Li Bai and Tian Lin's puzzled eyes, and said proactively: "It seems that this Carlis is more impatient than we imagined, and he wants to talk to us so soon. Already." Bingjian said to the two with a smile, "Caris will be waiting for us this afternoon, should we go? Or let him hang out first?"

"If you want me to say, turn on him first, tell him that we are injured and can't go out recently, so that he dared to send someone to follow us at the beginning!" Tian Lin said with a temper, and Li Bai and Bingthorn were both Smiled, and then Li Bai put forward different opinions.

"No, since he wants to see us, of course we have to see him, so that he can know that we are loyal to the Mafia, and even if you are upset, you have to pretend to be excited , understand?" Li Bai looked at Tian Lin and said.

Tian Lin suddenly smirked, and looked at Bingthorn: "Then I have to learn this skill from Bingthorn. After all, your women's technique of pretending to be excited is very good." Bingjian immediately understood the meaning of Tian Lin's words, and slapped Tian Lin's chest, making Tian Lin scream in pain.

"Okay, okay, don't spoil the kids, let's have dinner quickly, and then meet Karis in the afternoon." Li Baibai glanced at Tian Lin.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the three of Li Bai appeared in the Turin branch again, and this time, they did not stay on the first and second floors, but went directly to the fourth floor, which is the Turin branch. On the highest floor of the branch, every room here has its curtains drawn, and people outside can't see what the people inside are doing at all.

Under the guidance of Miss Jieyin, the three of Li Bai quickly came to Karis' office, and after knocking softly on the door, the three of Li Bai walked into Karis' office.

Different from the darker environment outside, the windows in Carliss's office look clean and clean. Warm sunlight shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, making the whole office warm.

"Minister Carliss, here we come." Ice Spike took the lead and said to Carliss who was sitting behind the desk. Carliss stood up very happily, invited the three to sit on the sofa beside him, and let the person who was just receiving Lead the lady to pour some water.

Karis first chatted with the three of them about some very boring topics, and when the receiving lady put the coffee on the coffee table and left the office again, Karis sat upright and his expression became a little more serious .

"Mr. Li Bai, Mr. Tian Lin, Miss Bingthorn, I have seen all of you recent performances. To be honest, I am really surprised." Carliss looked at several people and said, in his mind, memories with some task details.

C-level killer Bingthorn completed ten C-level tasks, B-level killer Tian Lin completed five C-level and five B-level tasks, and Li Bai, the strongest, only completed the first C-level task, and the next nine The tasks are all A-level, and the completion rate is [-]%, and it doesn't even take much time to prepare.

"It can be said that the three of you are the most powerful and potential three people we have seen in the Turin branch in the past ten years." Carliss said very excitedly, and was so surprised by Carliss. Said Li Bai and the other three pretended to be embarrassed.

"Minister Carliss, these are what we should do. For the mafia's tomorrow, we are willing to sacrifice our lives." Tian Lin kept in mind Li Bai's warning. He didn't even hear the falsehood, but felt that Tian Lin was expressing his inner voice.

"Okay, okay!" Karis said three good words in a row, then stood up, walked to the side of the office, and let the automatic curtains cover the floor-to-ceiling windows tightly, and then opened his brain again. , At the same time, a curtain was slowly lowered on the wall of the office.

The three of Li Bai looked at each other and all laughed. They knew that now, Karis would definitely reveal some mafia secrets to them.

"By the way, why didn't those two children come?" During the preparation process, Karis suddenly asked the three of them, with regret in his expression.Bingjian nodded, and told Carlis that the two children fell ill due to acclimatization after they came to Turin, and they are recuperating at home at this time.

"Okay, it doesn't matter, then I will start, and then I will tell you some secrets of the mafia. These contents will only be told to those who are approved by the ministers, that is, from the moment you walk into this office At that time, the three of you had already become my backbone members."

Carliss looked at Li Bai and the three nodding in satisfaction, and looked at their joyful expressions. Carliss only felt that this moment was the most beautiful moment since he became a minister, even though not many people saw it.

(End of this chapter)

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