Chapter 2734

There is not nothing next to the beach. Some hotels and restaurants have been built following the prosperity of tourist attractions. In the small city of Genoa, there is a lot of income every day.

After the big black brother took Li Bai away, he fell silent, completely different from the funny image just now, and in the process of leaving the beach, Li Bai also found Tian Lin and Bingthorn, so the four of them headed towards the beach together. A restaurant in the distance has gone.

To Li Bai's surprise, not only did these restaurants not have private rooms, they didn't even look like a formal restaurant. In the huge venue, there were densely packed tables one after another, and the waiters were at each table. Shuttle between the tables, but never mix up what the guests ordered.

When the black elder brother brought Li Bai and the three of them into this restaurant, they immediately cast several glances from the corner of the hotel, all of them were men in very casual clothes, but Li Bai knew that they should be some local killers in Genoa up.

"Mr. Li Bai, please don't mind if we choose this place for the joint. In fact, this is the safest place." The black brother finally spoke to Li Bai, and told Li Bai that his name is Mickey, Mickey is the protagonist of an old American cartoon.

Mickey explained to Li Bai that the restaurant designed it like this on purpose. After all, most of the people who come here are for leisure, and few people come here to discuss business. Moreover, the people here, Everyone will brag a few words, such as earning [-] million today, meeting the president of which country tomorrow, and so on.

Here, each table can probably seat four to six people. Li Bai looked over there and found that even Mickey, a total of eleven killers came, sitting on three different tables.

Mickey led Li Bai and the others past the two tables in front, smiled at the men, didn't say anything, just sat on the third table, and soon, No.12 appeared again, a woman, Sitting beside Mickey, she introduced to the three of Li Bai that her name was Minnie.

"Don't be so surprised, we're just best partners, not lovers." Minnie smiled and said to the very surprised Icicle.

"Then let's chat while eating. After all, it's already 11:30." Mickey said to Li Bai, and as he called the waiter to order, the people at the other two tables also began to order.

The expressions of Mickey and Minnie were only relaxed for a while, and then became serious. Looking at Li Bai and the three of them, it can be said that there was still a trace of suspicion.

"Mr. Li Bai, Minister Carliss told us that we must follow your command unconditionally during this operation. Naturally, we will not resist Minister Carliss' order, but I still want to know how strong the three of you are, otherwise If so, our lives cannot be thrown out casually." Mickey said seriously to Li Bai.

Hearing Mickey's doubts, Li Bai smiled softly, but was not angry, because if it was him, a stranger suddenly appeared and asked him to listen to the other party, Li Bai would not have listened immediately.

"Okay, let the three of us introduce ourselves too. I am Li Bai of A-level, this is Tian Lin of B-level, and this is Icicle of C-level. She completed ten missions within a week, so she can upgrade faster." Li Bai said to Mickey and Minnie, their faces were startled, and they were relieved immediately.

"In that case, I'm sorry for the suspicion just now." Mickey quickly apologized, Li Bai didn't have to lie to them about the level, and, among the twelve of them, except him and Minnie, who were C-level killers, The others are all D grade.

At this time, Li Bai finally understood why both the mafia and the church didn't pay much attention to this city. After all, neither the attacker nor the defender was very strong, and there was no need for both of them to be in such a small city. Put a lot of effort into it.

However, from today onwards, the church will certainly not think so.

"Then let me briefly explain what you all need to do in order to wait for a while." Li Bai said to Mickey and Minnie lightly, the expressions on the faces of the two suddenly became a little restless, but at this time The waiter just came to serve the food, so the two of them choked back their conversation.

After the waiter left, the two spoke again: "What? Are we going to act today? We didn't even make any preparations!" Both Mickey and Minnie were very surprised, because in previous operations, they had to carry out at least two Only one day to prepare can guarantee the success rate of the operation.

"Yes, we have run out of time. When the reinforcements from the church arrive, the possibility of our success will be greatly reduced." Li Bai said seriously, "Besides, you don't need to prepare anything, your The task is very simple, it is to attract the attention of the clergy and priests of the church, and the task of the three of us is to assassinate the cardinal."

In one sentence, Li Bai explained his method of "striking from the east to the west", but the expressions of Mickey and Minnie became a little shocked: "What, the target of this mission is actually the archbishop in red? Do you know the strength of the archbishop in red?" How strong is it?"

Mickey and Minnie asked in surprise, after all, in their previous actions, it took a lot of energy to kill a priest.

Li Bai naturally didn't have time to tell the two of them that Karis's code of conduct had changed, so he just gave them a cold look: "Minister Karis asked you to obey my orders, please just listen and then do it? Please Don't have too many doubts."

Li Bai said coldly to the two of them, and they just shut up.

There are [-] killers in Genoa. Although they are not very high-level, they are enough to deal with some of the church's soldiers and crab generals. They were divided into six groups by Li Bai, and each group was assigned different tasks. The simple ones don't even require them to kill people.

"When do we start to act? Mr. Li Bai." Mickey no longer has any doubts. Their mission is really simple. They just need to support the others and give the archbishop in red to Li Bai and the three of them. As for whether the mission is OK Done, it has nothing to do with them.

Li Bai looked at the time on Tianxun, and it was already 12:30: "Let's start at two o'clock. At that time, the sun is the hottest, and it is also the time when people are most likely to get sleepy."

Li Bai said to Mickey and Minnie lightly, and then took a sip of cold drink to cool down his hot heart.

At the same time, the church is still waiting in full force.After several hours of investigation, the priest who was in charge of investigating the number of people finally found out that Caitlin was missing. After the missing notice was posted, it had been a whole morning, and they still had no news.

Although the police were on guard, they were too weak to make any effective contribution at all. They had to send other clergymen to find Caitlin's whereabouts, and they were afraid that those people would attack the church again, so they could only wait restlessly. Waiting, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements, and also waiting for the arrival of Li Bai's attack.

And when the sun slowly rose to the top of the head, it was already two o'clock.

The clergy of the entire church were divided into two groups, who were responsible for the guards in all directions of the church. Every four hours, there was a guard change, and at two o'clock, the next guard change.

A clergyman who obviously didn't rest well walked up to another clergyman who was already exhausted and performed a simple handover ceremony, and such a boring standing guard would take at least twelve hours. They are even more irritable.

But what they didn't know was that there was a commotion at this time outside the range of martial law 150 meters from the church.

A normal driving car was driving, but suddenly crashed into a supermarket on the street, causing the whole supermarket to panic, and the nearby policemen also temporarily gave up blocking pedestrians, and ran to that place Check the payment near a supermarket.

Just walking to the side of the car and taking a look, the police were surprised to find that there was no driver in this car!

The same thing happened in two other places at the same time, but within 5 minutes, all the police officers stationed near the church were attracted by these three inexplicable car accidents, so, around the huge church, In an instant some unguarded open spaces appeared.

As a result, passers-by thought that the church had given up its guard and rushed into the open space near the church, but among the crowd, there were four groups of eight people who followed the flow of people to the corner of the church. four different directions.

These eight people are naturally the local killers in Genoa, and the mission Li Bai entrusted to them is to break down the church's defenses.

The four groups of people did not start to act at the same time, but divided into four different time points. The first group of people was the best team of Mickey and Minnie. The clergyman, sneered.

Mickey squatted on the ground, while Minnie stepped on Mickey's shoulders, and instantly appeared in front of the clergyman. The man didn't even react when Minnie wiped his throat with a knife. The post fell to the ground.

Li Bai said that they don't even need to kill people, but since they can kill one or two people to relieve their hatred, Minnie will naturally not let them go.

The sound of "boom" was not very loud, but it was heard by all the priests on nearby posts.

"Mafia attack!" I don't know which priest yelled, and all the nearby priests rushed towards this direction, as if they wanted to get rid of Minnie immediately, but Minnie just jumped out of the wall , and ran towards the crowd with Mickey.

Only then did the clergy realize that the martial law of the police had completely failed. For a while, some of them didn’t know whether they should continue the pursuit. After all, the priest did not give the order, so some of them chased out, while others stayed behind the church. Zhong wants to get in touch with the priest.

3 minutes after Mickey and Minnie did it, another group of people also successfully assassinated a clergyman, and then left. After another 3 minutes, the death happened again. After another 3 minutes, the last group of killers failed to assassinate this time. , but also attracted the attention of some clergy.

The entire church was in chaos in an instant, and even the five priests had internal strife, because at this time, they had no time to wait for the order of the archbishop in red.

(End of this chapter)

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