The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2736 Take the first step

Chapter 2736 Taking the First Step

The red-clothed archbishop died so easily, which made Li Bai himself a little unexpected. He thought the red-clothed archbishop was fighting a fierce battle, but it turned out that he died in less than 5 minutes. Under the Meteor Knife, it's really, really too weak.

Li Bai turned his head and glanced at Tian Lin and Bingthorn. After they saw Li Bai decisively kill the archbishop in red, they also decisively killed the two priests in their hands, and when they looked around again , the surviving priests have disappeared, and they don't know where they went.

"Master, where are we going now?" Tian Lin walked to Li Bai's side and asked.

"Let's go, what else can we do? Do you want to wait for the reinforcements from the church to arrive?" Li Baibai glanced at Tian Lin, and the three walked towards the outside of the church. However, they did not leave the main entrance openly, but Go out over the wall from behind.

Li Bai quickly contacted Mickey and Minnie, and after learning that their results were equally good, he announced that the mission was officially over. Next, if the people from the church want to hunt them down or something, they still need to to cope.

In this regard, Mickey and Minnie did not say anything dissatisfied. After all, as members of the mafia, they have always been hostile to the church. Even without today's incident, they would still be hunted down by the church.

In fact, the gang of killers headed by Mickey and Minnie are still a little grateful to Li Bai. If it weren't for Li Bai, they don't know when they would be able to complete such an earth-shattering large-scale assassination. You know, in the past short In just one hour, they completed a historic mafia feat.

A red-clothed archbishop, four priests, and about eighty clergymen died one by one under their hands under their tactics of stalking east and west and guerrilla warfare.

Although this is not a mission issued by the mafia, if any church member can be killed, the mafia system will record the corresponding points and experience points, allowing them to increase their level more quickly.And after such an assassination, Mickey and Minnie can become B-level killers without any accidents.

The three of Li Bai and Mickey did not meet again but bid farewell to each other. At the same time, under Alvaro's reminder, the church's reinforcements had already entered the city of Genoa, and there were many of them. There were two cardinals leading the team together, which made Alvaro have no idea of ​​being happy at all.

Li Bai and the others quickly returned to Alvaro's residence. At this time, they had already learned what happened at noon from the reports of all-pervasive journalists.

According to the news, because of the extremely bad behavior of the "fearful elements" this time, the church attaches great importance to this matter. The church branches in two nearby cities have sent most of the elite forces, hoping to Here in Genoa, those wanted criminals were severely punished, and they were sanctioned by the church.

This decision was naturally fully supported by all the citizens of Genoa, and they all followed the relevant content issued by the government meticulously.

Just at three o'clock, the entire city of Genoa had been put under martial law by the mixed forces of the church and the police. All the residents had returned to their homes, and a temporary gate control was imposed. At the same time, more clergymen were They began to search from house to house, and they would not give up until all the people who caused the riot at noon were caught.

At this time, Li Bai and the others were all crowded in Alvaro's house, and the atmosphere was not very optimistic.

"Mr. Li Bai, should we leave Genoa immediately after your operation is over? Now, we seem to be unable to escape." Alvaro said to Li Bai nervously, even if they hid at home, it was impossible to hide It is even more impossible to kill those who have been searched by the clergy.

"Don't worry, we killed the archbishop in red, are we still afraid of these little searchers?" Li Bai comforted Alvaro and said, standing up and walking to the edge of the window, looking at the empty street. The few corners of the city were already filled with policemen and clergymen, and it seemed that they were not going to let go of any trouble.

Among such a group of people, apart from Li Bai, the two children were the most calm. They just sat quietly in front of the TV and watched the news reports, trusting Li Bai unconditionally.

"Wait for me to call Tianxun." Li Bai said to several people, then went to the bedroom, dialed Karis's Tianxun, "Minister Karis, hello." When Tianxun was connected, Li Bai smiled at Karis said.

"Mr. Li Bai, long time no see. I have already heard about your heroic achievements in Genoa. You are worthy of my choice! You have taken the first step in the history of our Mafia!" Caris was not stingy For Li Bai's praise, Li Bai just smiled slightly, and he didn't take Casri's praise too seriously. As for whether the first step is not the first step, he doesn't care.

"However, Minister Carliss, we killed the archbishop in red, but now I am in a little trouble." Li Bai pouted and said to Carliss, and then told Carliss about the current situation in Genoa. After listening, Karis also frowned.

"What? Two cardinals from neighboring cities also rushed over?" Carliss quickly investigated the situation there, and what Li Bai said was true, but Carliss didn't show much. Uneasy, after all, he was also a mafia branch minister.

"Since they have reinforcements from the church, how can our mafia have no reinforcements? Li Bai, let your people calm down first. I will prepare for the rescue work immediately. Give me six hours, no, four hours is enough , as long as you survive these four hours, you will be absolutely safe." Carliss assured Li Bai, and then hung up Tianxun.

In just one minute, an urgent task appeared on the task screen of the Turin branch, requiring everyone to rush to Genoa within four hours and wipe out all the church personnel gathered there.

Li Bai naturally didn't know about Caris's decision. If he knew, he would be very surprised. After all, he was skeptical of Li Bai's idea a few days ago. This decision means that they don't intend to continue to shrink back. Shrunk, but prepared to directly declare war on the church!
However, Li Bai naturally doesn't care about the outcome of the battle. He only cares about when they will leave this "earthly" dispute in Europe, find the vampire family as soon as possible, and find out the whereabouts of Tian Lin's future father-in-law as soon as possible.

"Okay, okay, Minister Carliss has already said that he will send someone to rescue us. We can sleep peacefully. If the people from the church find this place, you can wake us up in advance." Li Bai called He yawned and said to Alvaro, and then walked into the bedroom again. He has not had a good rest since last night.

In the next four hours, it was okay for Li Bai and the others. They have experienced this kind of experience too many times, but for Alvaro and his girlfriend Caitlin, it was frightening , for fear that their door would be knocked in the next second, and then they would be taken away by the people of the church again.

"Master Li Bai, they are coming up soon." Just three hours after the call with Carliss ended, the people from the church finally searched the community where Alvaro and the others were located, and Alvaro hurriedly took Li Bai Several people woke up, and then said with worried faces.

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements." Li Bai said to Alvaro with a smile, and after briefly asking Alvaro what he should do, he went to find the two children.

Alvaro swallowed, then went to Caitlin to start preparations.

Ten minutes later, there was a knock on the door of Alvaro's room, and several clergymen walked in. They were greeted by a young couple.Alvaro did not carry out any disguise, because he was not a wanted criminal, and Caitlin had a mask on her face, so the priests could not see her appearance clearly.

In fact, Caitlin didn't need to be so careful, after all, the priests with her were all dead.

The priests were constantly using the holy light technique to investigate the room. If there were any people or objects with life signs, they would be recognized, but they didn't find it, just on a bedside table, where there was a quiet There is a ring.

The clergy left quickly, and just as they walked out of the door on their heels, Li Bai and the others reappeared in the room on their heels.

Alvaro was very curious about where Li Bai and the others had gone, but Li Bai just smiled and said nothing. Naturally, these foreigners would not know the secret of his Qiankun ring.

"There is still one hour before we can leave this city." Li Bai said to Alvaro indifferently, the sky outside the room was already dark.

And just when the sun finally set and the night shrouded the entire city of Genoa, a long voice suddenly sounded from the sky, followed by a white light, and flew towards the dark sky. After a few seconds, "Pa "With a sound, a huge red firework bloomed in the sky.

So Li Bai knew that Karis' reinforcements had finally arrived as scheduled.

At this time, the two archbishops in red were sitting in the Genoa church. When they saw the fireworks that suddenly appeared, they felt an ominous premonition in their hearts: "Let everyone cheer up and strengthen their guard." Archbishop Yi said so, but with the order issued, another killing has quietly spread.

In order to prevent Li Bai and the others from escaping, the clergy of the church have blocked all means of transportation, including airports, train stations and even highways. If you search for the clergy of the church, you will find one target after another.

"Mr. Li Bai, the rescue has arrived. You should start preparing to leave Genoa now. After tonight, Genoa and those two small cities will also become the world of our mafia." Carliss called again from Tianxun , said to Li Bai with a smile, from the screen of Tianxun, Li Bai could see that this time, Karis also came here in person.

"Okay, Minister Carliss, we'll see you tomorrow morning." Li Bai smiled at Carliss, hung up the Tianxun, and then led everyone to walk downstairs, because there were no ordinary people rushing to the street, and along the road The people on guard had already been transferred away, so Li Bai and the others hardly encountered any difficulty in leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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