Chapter 2738
In this world, there are some countries that are very magical. They are small, but the various systems and institutions of the whole country are very sound. Of course, this country is not talking about Italy, but is talking about the country within the territory of Italy. Another small country, his name is Vatican.

The Vatican is an independent sovereign country, which is called "China" because it borders Italy on all sides.At the same time, it is also the center of Catholicism in the world - the seat of the church headed by the Pope.The Vatican is an inland city-state located on the highlands in the northwest corner of Rome, the capital of Italy. It is the seat of the Holy See, the highest authority of the Catholic Church (Catholic Church), and the seat of the Pope.

In short, Vatican City is the capital of the Vatican, that is, the country, so it is called "city-state".As the religious center of one-sixth of the world's population, the Vatican is also one of the smallest and least populated countries in the world.Its predecessor was the Pope's state, and since 1929, it has been determined as a sovereign state by the "Latland Treaty", accepting the direct rule of the Holy See and implementing an independent political system.

The above is some information about the country of the Vatican that Li Bai searched from a certain search engine. At this time, Li Bai finally understood why the church can respond quickly under such an attack by the Mafia, even The reason why he was still ready to move and prepare for a further counterattack.

It turns out that the stage of the church is not only Europe, but also the "paradise" of all Christian believers in the whole world!
"Master, master, please excuse me. Are you sure we are really going to that place? We are still on the church's most wanted list. If we go like this, are you sure we can see the pope instead of Was it directly caught and burned?" Tian Lin asked Li Bai again, with a troubled face.

Li Bai turned his head and nodded to Li Bai with a smile: "Yes, otherwise, after seeing such an introduction, do you still think that people from the mafia can beat the church?" Li Bai asked back, thinking I'm also a little glad that I didn't have a road to the dark.

"However, the fact that we have been wanted is indeed a very worrying world." Li Bai scratched his head. The mafia and the church are now like this, although it is still fashionable to spread to Rome. It's early, but the vigilance of the city of Rome will definitely not relax.

"Hurry up first, it will take three days to drive from here to Rome." Li Bai said to Tian Lin, and then made an agreement with Bingthorn that the three of them would switch cars every four hours.

So, under the rush of several people day and night, on the second night, the figure of the city of Rome finally appeared in their sight again, but when they were about three kilometers away from the city of Rome, they just stopped. Down, choose to walk.

In this day and age, there are naturally no such things as city walls. The reason why Li Bai and the others are so cautious is because Li Bai discovered from a distance that there are teams of policemen and clergy patrolling around. Patrol along the road.

Under such circumstances, Li Bai naturally did not dare to forcefully bring his two children.

"Icicle, is your home still available?" Li Bai asked as the five of them walked slowly towards the city of Rome in the darkness of night.

"It shouldn't work. After all, I'm also a wanted criminal, and the house might have been taken back by the government." Ice Spike stuck out his tongue at Li Bai, without any frustration.

And at this time, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi took Li Bai's hand again, and asked pitifully, "Brother Li Bai, do we have to sleep on the street?" After all, they are all wanted criminals, it is impossible Hotel or something.

"Don't worry." Li Bai patted the heads of the two children, comforting them, "I still have the Qiankun ring, if I really can't find a place, I can only wrong you."

The two children were very well-behaved, and nodded after hearing Li Bai's answer, while Tian Lin still looked sad and worried, but he didn't say anything.

Although there are no walls in the city and its suburbs, there is a very long bridge. It is generally recognized that the city of Rome is on the other side of the bridge, but not outside.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Bai and five people walked on the long bridge. The night wind blew and it was a little bit cold. Fortunately, the bridge was not empty, but there were cars running constantly. There are also some people like Li Bai who choose to walk on the sidewalks on both sides of the bridge.

Those patrols were also walking on the bridge, but because of the night, they couldn't see Li Bai's faces clearly, or they didn't intend to see clearly at all. After all, at this time, the main battlefield of the mafia and the church Still at the junction of western and central Italy, they don't think any Mafia would dare to attack Rome directly.

Therefore, a problem that worried Li Bai just now was solved directly, and the five of Li Bai soon entered the boundaries of the city of Rome.

"Let me check, where is the location of the Vatican." Icicle stopped, took out Tianxun to search on the map that came with it, and asked Li Bai again, "We are going to find it tonight. The Pope? Do you need to make some preparations?"

Li Bai thought for a while, and it seemed that he didn't need to be so anxious, so he said, "Let's look for a place to live first, in case the citizens of Rome have forgotten what we look like. "

The ice spikes had determined the location of the Vatican, so they walked in that direction, hoping to find a suitable place.

"Go to my house first and have a look, maybe you can still live in it." Bingjian said with a fluke, and after seeing that Li Bai and the others had no objections, they walked towards home again.

After more than half a month, Icicle returned to the familiar apartment again, but at this time, although the apartment was dark and no one else lived there, when Icicle took the previous key to unlock it At that time, the door did not open in response.

"Then why bother, this is your home, just live in it." Tian Lin said domineeringly, but still looked around to make sure no one noticed the movement here, and kicked the belt with The door of the electronic lock was kicked open.

"Bingthorn, you don't have any alarm system in your house, right?" After Tian Lin kicked the door open, he suddenly remembered something. Bingthorn shook his head with a smile, and then took the lead into the room.

"Don't turn on the light, someone needs to notice us." Li Bai reminded Xiaoxin who was kind enough to turn on the light, and Xiaoxin quickly retracted his hand.

What made Icicle himself a little strange was that although they had been gone for such a long time, the room was still clean, as if someone had cleaned it specially. When I opened the refrigerator, there were still some bread and milk.

"Did I buy these things before I left?" Bingjian murmured, some couldn't remember clearly, but she still took out all the food for everyone to fill their stomachs.

In the dark, everyone sat on the table and looked at the opposite person who couldn't see clearly. It felt very interesting. Tian Lin couldn't help but wanted to chuckle, but he was stared at by the big eyes of the ice spike in the darkness. went back.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden conversation outside the door of the apartment, and then the door of the room was opened.

The emotions of Li Bai and the others sank in an instant, and they looked towards the door, preparing to strike immediately if the other party made a move.

However, what surprised Li Bai was that after the two people walked in from the door, they did not turn on the light, but closed the room door with a "boom", and then there was a heavy panting sound from there.

Only then did Li Bai realize that the apartment of Bingthorn was probably rented by this young couple.

"Jack, let's go back to the bedroom." A girl's voice sounded, and the boy nodded, but when they turned their heads, two men suddenly appeared in front of them, making their hearts stop suddenly One shot.

"Don't scream!" Li Bai and Tian Lin quickly covered their mouths to prevent them from shouting. At this moment, the light was finally turned on by the ice spikes, allowing the young couple to see clearly the situation in the room.

"If you can promise us not to shout and scream, we will promise not to kill you, okay?" Li Bai looked at the two people coldly and said, they nodded quickly, and Li Bai and Tian Lin let go.

Of course they didn't dare to speak anymore. At this moment, they were even trembling all over, because they could see clearly after turning on the light. The five people in this room were exactly the five people wanted by the church before.

"We will sponsor you for one night, and we will leave early tomorrow morning. I hope you can be quiet. Of course, you can continue to do whatever you want, and we will not interfere. However, please don't call the police, otherwise, you I understand." Li Bai said coldly to the two of them again, and the two of them nodded, and then hurried to the bedroom.

"Just let them go back like this?" Tian Lin asked in surprise.

"Of course, do you think they dare to call the police? Or if they call the police, you won't notice it." Li Bai said, and at this time, he had already activated the soul consciousness monitoring of the two of them. If there was anything unusual about them, He'll notice it right away.

"Have a good rest. Let's go to the Pope tomorrow morning." Li Bai said to everyone, except for the room occupied by Li Bai, everyone else returned to their bedrooms, and Li Bai could only sleep on the sofa sadly. superior.

Still, it's much better than sleeping on the streets.

"Your name is Jack, right?" When Jack walked out of the bedroom to go to the bathroom, Li Bai suddenly stopped Jack, startling him.

"Yes, yes, is there anything I need help with?" Jack asked tremblingly.

"There is indeed a place that needs help. Tomorrow, can you drive us to the Vatican? We have something to do with the Pope." Li Bai said to Jack lightly, as easily as if he was going to a relative's house .

"Okay, okay, as long as you don't kill us." Jack immediately agreed. However, he heard Li Bai say that he would pay him, which made Jack suddenly feel that Li Bai didn't seem bad.

However, in the next morning, there were still some problems, and someone called the police, but it was not Jack and his girlfriend who did it.

(End of this chapter)

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