The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2751 Attack of S-Class Killer

Chapter 2751 Attack of S-Class Killer
Because Li Bai resolutely did not allow the two children to follow Alvaro's words and join the mafia, the two of them did not feel this kind of strangeness. After a meal, all interest was lost.

"Let's eat quickly. Although the mafia people should have confirmed our location, they should not be able to come here in a short time." Li Bai frowned, said to several people, and then called everyone to eat quickly Finished the meal that this table should have enjoyed slowly.

After lunch, the five of them left the restaurant. Standing at the entrance of the hotel, Li Bai used the positioning system on Tianxun to confirm their location. At this time, they were about ten miles away from the location heading west. You can leave the city of London and enter the territory of the city of Manchester with a distance of only [-] kilometers.

However, because this is a suburb, the road is empty, and occasionally a few cars pass by, all of which are families traveling by car to other places.

Although in Europe, such things as hitchhiking can be seen almost everywhere, but if five people have to hitchhike at the same time, few people will agree.

"Let's go slowly, and digest lunch by the way." Li Bai said helplessly to everyone, checked the direction on the map again, and then walked towards the direction of Manchester.

The sky is very blue, the wind is very light, and the air in the suburbs is also very fresh, but the expressions of the three adults of Li Bai have always been gloomy, because the pain has never stopped from the beginning until now, if you feel it carefully , Li Bai could even feel the signs of being scanned by radar.

"Get ready for battle." After walking about a kilometer, Li Bai suddenly said this lightly. covered their heads, and then the sky became completely gloomy.

With the sound of thunder, another gust of wind rushed over from the fields on both sides of the road, overwhelmed all the crops in the fields, and blew hard on Li Bai and the other five.

"It's really a coincidence." Tian Lin also said lightly, looking around, although in his field of vision, there is a vast expanse, but Tian Lin can clearly feel that the few of them have been stared at on.

However, the expected danger did not appear immediately. Li Bai and the others remained vigilant and continued to walk towards the west. After about 10 minutes, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and a drop of rain finally fell. Come down and hit the tip of Li Bai's nose.

"It's finally here." Li Bai gently wiped the raindrops on the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, and a smile appeared on his face. Feeling, he hit a solid object.

Immediately afterwards, several footsteps of "噗噗噗" sounded in succession in front of Li Bai, and at the same time, in the air, a figure slowly emerged, and finally stood a few meters away from Li Bai. He looked at Li Bai in astonishment.

"How did you find me?" The man looked at Li Bai solemnly and asked in a deep voice.

The man's name was Krob, and he was a mafia killer, and he was the top S-level killer of the London mafia branch.Before he became a mafia killer, he discovered that he had a special ability, that is, if he could stand still in a certain place, his body would be integrated with the surrounding environment.

It is also by virtue of this "supernatural power" that Krob completed one extremely difficult task after another, and gradually became the top S-rank killer. Moreover, the completion of his tasks can almost reach hundred percent.

What Krober didn't expect was that in front of Li Bai, a "traitor" of the mafia, his abilities were directly useless.

Hearing Krob's question, Li Bai just sneered, under the detection of his soul consciousness, even if Krob would be invisible, he could feel it, but Li Bai didn't say this, just Let Krob fall into deep fear.

"If I'm not wrong, you should come to kill the three of us, right?" Li Bai looked at Kerber and said coldly, but he didn't feel panic at all. After all, this S-rank killer Ke Rob's greatest reliance has already lost its effect.

"Heh, even a small A-level dared to speak to me so arrogantly. I don't know where your confidence comes from. Even if you are fighting head-on, you have the strength of an A-level, and you still can't beat me, an S-level. ” Krob said viciously.

The falling raindrops were getting bigger and bigger at this time, and they kept falling on people's bodies, making their clothes soaked very quickly.

"Hurry up if you want to fight. We still have to arrive in Manchester before tonight." Li Bai said disdainfully to Cropper, and did not hide their whereabouts. After all, with the existence of the chip, the mafia It is still possible to lock their positions.

So Krob was enraged, as if he would never allow A-level people to challenge his S-level dignity, following the rain, he came to kill Li Bai.

Li Bai and Crober quickly fought together, while Tian Lin and Bingthorn stood behind to protect the two children. The fighting speed between Li Bai and Crober was so fast that they could hardly intervene.

"Is this mafia an idiot? If I were the leader of the mafia, I would send two S-level killers, one to deal with the master and the other to deal with us." Tian Lin murmured while looking at the battle ahead, but He was glared fiercely by the ice spike.

"Crow's mouth!" Bingthorn scolded Tian Lin, because of Tian Lin's crow's mouth, they had encountered danger many times, and this time, it seemed that there was no exception.

Immediately after Bingthorn's voice fell, another gust of wind blew towards the four of them. If Tian Lin hadn't dodged instinctively, then the flying knife hidden in the wind would have pierced into the four of them. Tian Lin's neck was broken.

"Fuck, Xiao Li Fei Dao!" Tian Lin cursed, and when he realized it, he saw another killer appeared not far from them. There is no need to doubt this time, this killer is definitely It is S grade.

"You come to protect the two children, and I will meet this S-level killer." Tian Lin glanced at the ice thorn and said, he also hid his strength in the rating test at that time, after all, he, like Li Bai, did not use his own Aura.

The two children, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, looked very nervous. Although they wanted to help, they also knew that their strength was as weak as an ant in front of these people. If you really rushed up, it would be a disservice to help.

"There shouldn't be a third killer coming." Outside the two battle groups, Xiaoxin said weakly, and then quickly covered his mouth, and this time, as Xiaoxin wished, No No.3 killer appeared.

It may be because Director Simon of the London branch felt that two S-rank killers were enough to complete this task, so he didn't waste too many resources.It's just that what Simon didn't expect was that even an S-level killer was not enough to look good in front of Li Bai.

Tian Lin fought inextricably with another S-level killer, while Li Bai faced the man named Kerber. Although the battle looked fierce, it was actually quite easy for Li Bai, or He said that Li Bai just regarded this battle as an after-dinner exercise.

After playing for 5 minutes, Li Bai got tired of playing. He spotted a flaw in Kerber, and took Kerber's life away with one blow. He wanted to help Tian Lin, but was strongly rejected by Tian Lin. , Said that he wanted to test his own strength.

Seeing this scene, the killer who was fighting Tian Lin felt a strong anxiety in his heart. He wanted to repel Tian Lin and escape, but found that he had been entangled by Tian Lin to death, and under the suppression of Tian Lin's Huaxia aura Under such circumstances, the so-called S-level killer's strength could not be brought into play at all.

After more than ten minutes of hard fighting, Tian Lin finally won, but instead of taking the killer's life, he brought him to Li Bai.

In the process of questioning the S-level killer, Li Bai quickly confirmed that they found themselves through the location of the killer chip, and their current fighting process has also been fed back to the mafia branch, but it did not Real-time video recording or something like Li Bai imagined.

"Is there any way to prevent my whereabouts from being leaked?" Li Bai asked the killer another question.

Originally, the killer was unwilling to say these things, but under the threat of death, the killer still revealed some methods.

The first is that a few people can find some places that completely shield the signal, but the mafia's detection system has been changed over the years, and this method is almost unfeasible.

The second way is to cancel the killer's information at the mafia headquarters, but there are two conditions, one is to retire at the right age, and the other is to die. Obviously, the three of Li Bai are absolutely impossible.

The third is that the killers themselves know the location of the chips on their bodies, and then take them out by themselves.

Many killers have tried all the above three methods, but except for the "death" method, none of them have succeeded.

"No matter what happened to the three of you, I still advise you to go back and surrender as soon as possible. If you sincerely admit your mistakes, the mafia will still accept you again." After the killer finished his method, he started to convince others with virtue. model, but Li Bai and the others didn't listen to it at all.

After dealing with this killer, the three of Li Bai went back on the road, and Simon, who was tens of kilometers away, discovered that the signals of the two S-rank killers disappeared within half an hour. Everyone was in a state of shock and anger.

"Are these three people really only below A-level strength?!" Simon was angry and anxious, and immediately knocked Tianxun down to Carliss. However, Carliss didn't know what happened, he just knew that the strongest The famous A-level killer Li Bai actually killed an S-level killer.

"They must have set up an ambush." ​​Carliss said, not thinking that under their strength testing system, Li Bai and the other three could fool them.

"However, if these Chinese people really have such strength, then shouldn't we continue to trouble them? If this continues, our losses will only increase!" Simon said with a trace of remaining Rationality said to Carliss, after all, the S-level killer is the supreme treasure to the mafia!

The two ministers were all lost in thought, and here, Li Bai and the other five had found the car hidden in the field by the two killers, and they were on their way to Manchester.

(End of this chapter)

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