The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2754 Goodbye Sean

Chapter 2754 Goodbye Sean
The sky over Manchester City was still dark at this time, and as time went by, instead of decreasing, the rain was getting bigger and bigger.

The "swish, swish" of the rain kept ringing in people's ears. If they spoke at this time, they would probably have to shout. However, at this time, everyone chose to remain silent.

Tian Lin brought the two children and stood face to face with Li Bai. At this moment, Tian Lin didn't dare to move after feeling the threat of the killer.In this afternoon, Tian Lin could fight an S-level killer with vigor, but the premise was that Tian Lin had reacted at that time.

However, on such a rainy night, the killer was not stupid. In the heavy rain, even if he made some footsteps, they were covered by the sound of the rain, so that Tian Lin fell into such a passive state at this time.Among them, of course, it was because of having two children that he did not dare to make too many moves.

Li Bai's eyes turned around Tian Lin, and quietly looked at the killer behind the three of them, but the killer was still under the cover of the raincoat, whether he was excited or frightened, Li Bai still couldn't tell.

"Let go of the three of them, I'll let you go." Finally, Li Bai spoke ahead of time, and said to the killer.

However, the killer took off his raincoat hat first, allowing Li Bai to see his sinister smiling face clearly: "Do you think it is possible? Five killers of the Mafia have died in your hands. Today , if you are not dead, I really have no way to explain to the minister."

The killer looked at Li Bai coldly, all the muscles in his body were tense. He had just seen how powerful Li Bai was, so at this moment, he seemed so nervous, for fear that if he was not careful, he would be caught by Li Bai's ghost. Speed ​​beheaded.

"Master, don't listen to him, he doesn't dare to kill me." Tian Lin also said to Li Bai at this time, knowing very well that if the killer really dared to kill them, the killer himself would die. lost.

However, what Tian Lin didn't expect was that before his words fell, he suddenly felt a slight pain in his neck, and then he felt a warm feeling coming from there.

"You can try it anyway." The killer chose to attack Tian Lin unexpectedly, and even caused damage to Tian Lin, in order to achieve a warning effect.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai still stood there without any movement, staring at the killer, and asked coldly again: "What do you mafia want? Do you have to kill us 'traitors'? You can tell them that we joined the mafia just for fun, so many S-level killers need to die to fool us? Is it worth it?"

Li Bai asked the killer several questions one after another, which made the killer stunned for a moment. He couldn't answer any of these questions. However, these are the history of the mafia for many years, as long as they are traitors, they will get rid of them.

"I don't care about those things. My task now is to get rid of the three of you." The killer also said to Li Bai in a cold voice, "I know I can't beat you, but now your friends are all in my hands. If you choose to commit suicide, I will kill Tian Lin and let the two children go, if you don't, then all four of your friends will die."

The killer said viciously to Li Bai, even if Li Bai attacked and killed him suddenly, then he still kidnapped an ice thorn, if this Li Bai still cared about the life of that icicle, then maybe he would agree to his proposal.

However, at this time, Li Bai was still standing there quietly.

"If I commit suicide, we will die three people. If I resist, we will die four people. Then you will be killed by me. That's what you plan to do, right?" Li Bai chuckled, thinking to himself, this killer is really real. It was a wishful thinking.

It may be that the Mafia has guessed Li Bai's mind, so they threatened Li Bai so confidently, but let alone, it is really impossible for Li Bai to give up the lives of the other four people for his own safety.

The killer nodded, but Li Bai fell silent again, frantically thinking about countermeasures.

If this S-level killer really attacked, maybe Tian Lin and Xiao Xi could survive with a little resistance, but Xiaoxin had no chance of surviving in front of this level of killer.Therefore, Li Bai did not dare to do anything at this time.

Li Bai put his hands behind his back and quietly released Jin Yan and Hei Yan, hoping that these two little guys could help him, but at this moment, the killer had already started a five-second countdown.

"Five! Four! Three! . . . "

Li Bai's eyes narrowed, his heart tightened, and when he was about to give it a go, suddenly, several black shadows flew over the heads of several people, and one of them landed directly behind the killer.

Li Bai didn't see clearly who these black shadows falling from the sky were, he just saw that the person behind the killer landed and bit the killer's neck with one bite.

For a while, there were endless screams.At the same time, Li Bai finally understood that these "rescue soldiers" who fell from the sky turned out to be vampires again.

Before the killer could even finish counting the last five numbers, he had already died tragically under the fangs of the vampire. Seeing this, Tian Lin was about to run towards Li Bai, but before he ran a few steps, another Several vampires landed between Li Bai and Tian Lin, and sneered sinisterly.

Although Li Bai was a little shocked in his heart, the speed of the vampires was too fast. When Li Bai just ran a few steps towards Tian Lin, they once again controlled Tian Lin, and then stood aside again, using their Looking at Li Bai with pale face and dull eyes.

Tian Lin's mood at this time was rejection. He had just escaped from the mafia's killers, but unexpectedly, he fell into a more dangerous situation now, which made Tian Lin want to cry but had no tears. In such weather, others cannot find it.

"Who are you?" Li Bai asked coldly, turning his eyes around. In front of him, there were six vampires in total. From the feeling, they were probably at the earl level, or the first level of viscount.

Li Bai didn't directly disclose their vampire identities, because Li Bai didn't know whether Earl Judy really told the vampire family the news about them before.However, judging from the current situation, it seems that this is indeed the case.

And at this moment, apart from the two vampires guarding Tian Lin and the two children, among the other four vampires, a vampire walked towards Li Bai one step at a time. Slowly raised his head.

"Li Bai, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Do you still remember me?" Xiao En stopped two meters away from Li Bai, and looked at Li Bai with a sneer.

More than a month ago, Xiao En finally managed to escape from the ambush circle set up by Li Bai, and after a lot of effort, he finally returned to England.Because of the serious injury, Sean took a full month of recuperation, but there is another good news that, because of this month's training, Sean has completely stabilized his Earl's strength.

Sean felt that with his current strength, it would be a breeze to defeat Li Bai, which was why Sean would volunteer so confidently before.

Seeing Xiao En's appearance, Li Bai was a little unresponsive, and even felt a little strange.Xiao En naturally remembered it, but it was really a bit unexpected to meet again at this time and this place.

"Who are you? I never remember the name of a defeated player." Li Bai said to Xiao En coldly, without giving him any face.

"You?!" Xiao En became anxious when he heard Li Bai's words, and wanted to kill Li Bai immediately, but he quickly calmed down again, realizing that this was just Li Bai's aggressive method.

"Li Bai, Li Bai, I was planning to go to Huaxia again when I find time, and kill you personally to avenge you. Unexpectedly, you sent me to your door before I set off. It's really good. Give me the rest I paid for the air ticket." Xiao En said arrogantly to Li Bai, but this time, he didn't mention his name again.

Li Bai scanned the other vampires, and then he roughly knew what Xiao En wanted to do: "So, what you mean is that you think that you are not my opponent by yourself, so you called so many people to deal with me. Yeah?"

As a result, the anger that Xiao En had just eliminated was ignited again. The last thing he wanted to hear now was that his own strength was not as good as others.

"Hehe, Li Bai, you are really arrogant. Their presence is just to prevent you from fleeing without fighting." Sean said to Li Bai viciously. Although Duke Dick didn't mean that, but Sean's plan at the beginning was Such.

And when they heard Xiao En's words, those vampires didn't show any performance. It seemed that they had already discussed something.

"Oh? Then you mean, if I can still defeat you this time, then you will release the three of them and go back to your vampire family, right?" Li Bai smiled softly, and made another condition, But this condition is almost not allowed for Sean to refuse.

If Sean refused, he would be cowardly, and he would be embarrassing the vampire family!Therefore, Sean immediately agreed.

Sean's eyeballs turned blood red again, and the fangs in his mouth and the sharp claws on his hands slowly stretched out, and there was a scarlet light shining on his body.As soon as it came up, it was almost Sean's strongest form.

"It seems that you really attach great importance to my opponent." Seeing Xiao En's appearance at this time, Li Bai just smiled softly. As for Xiao En, it can be said that he didn't take it seriously at all. After all, he already He easily killed a count-level vampire, and Li Bai had almost thoroughly grasped the fighting method.

"Stop talking nonsense, go to hell!" Xiao En didn't want to have any more verbal conversations with Li Bai, so he jumped into the air and rushed towards Li Bai.

This time, Sean gave Li Bai a slightly different feeling from Nick, probably because Sean had hatred in his heart, so Sean's attack was faster than Nick's in terms of speed and strength, and, completely It's the appearance of not being afraid of death.

This kind of Sean forced Li Bai to temporarily play defensively and counterattacks at the beginning, preparing to find an opportunity to return these intensified efforts to Sean, but Sean became more and more excited as he fought, maybe it was I feel that Li Bai blindly dodges because his strength is suppressed by him.

Xiao En even felt that as long as he continued to attack like this, Li Bai would collapse sooner or later, and then all the blood in his body would be sucked up by him.

(End of this chapter)

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