The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2758 Rescue the Icicle

Chapter 2758 Rescue the Icicle
"I'm going, it's all a routine!" Feeling the looseness of the soles of his feet, Li Bai cursed. At this moment, he suddenly remembered that the edge of the crack is much thinner than other places, maybe it could be supported originally. The weight of two people is heavy, but after Li Bai fell down, he couldn't bear it.

So, the result had already happened, the floor where the two of them were on began to collapse, and the distance between the floor and the spikes below was no more than half a meter.

"Simon!" Li Bai yelled angrily, and he had already scolded Simon hundreds of times in his heart, but he didn't dare to do anything to wait for death.Although Li Bai was still in a state of decline at this time, Li Bai still bent down as if he was walking on the ground, and then hugged the ice spike vigorously.

However, at the same time, the broken floor also collided with those spikes on the ground. The sharpness of the spikes was far beyond Li Bai's imagination. Although the whole floor was not broken, the spikes It pierced the hard floor, but luckily it wasn't on the sole of Li Bai's feet, otherwise, just that one blow might have hurt Li Bai's feet.

However, even so, the floor was still falling violently, piercing through the place between Li Bai's feet, and piercing towards Li Bai's crotch.

Naturally, it is impossible for Li Bai to let himself lose some important parts in such an environment. He took a deep breath, and then jumped vigorously. There was a louder "click" sound, and Li Bai crushed the floor. The thorn rose into the sky again.

Now, Li Bai and the ice thorn are finally safe, but it is still only temporary, because Li Bai has just jumped straight up and down in a panic, so although Li Bai is safe at this time, he is still safe. Above the spikes and poisonous snakes all over the ground, if Li Bai falls again, there will be no other place for Li Bai to relay.

The floor under the hall has been completely retracted at this time, leaving a huge circular open space, which can also be said to be a circular burial place, and Li Bai, who has gained weight because of holding ice thorns, has an upward trend It also ended early, and at this time, once again, it fell quickly.

At this time, Bing Li's eyes were already full of tears, watching Li Bai make a "woo woo woo" sound, as if telling Li Bai, leave her alone and go by yourself, such a bloody line.

Li Bai smiled, and said the same thing, since he managed to save the ice thorn, he would not let the ice thorn get hurt again.

At this time again, the power of the stars in Li Bai's body circulated crazily again, gathered on the sole of his right foot, and stepped on the void diagonally behind him, only to hear a "bang" sound, and immediately after, Li Bai's whole body It's like a jet plane shooting in another direction.

A few seconds later, Li Bai hugged the ice thorns and landed firmly on the ground. Behind him, those poisonous snakes frantically rushed towards this side, but they could no longer touch Li Bai who was stepping on the solid ground.

"Okay, we're safe now." Li Bai smiled at the ice spike, and slowly put the ice spike down to prevent the injury on her leg from hurting her again. Then, he took out the towel from the ice spike's mouth, and It was to untie the rope binding the hands of the ice spurs from her back.

After finishing all this, Li Bai didn't say anything, the ice thorn threw himself into Li Bai's arms, his face pressed against Li Bai's chest, his hands wrapped around Li Bai's waist, and hugged him tightly.

"Li Bai, thank you for saving me, thank you." Bing Li said to Li Bai with tears in her eyes, but this time, she did not call Li Bai "Master", but directly called Li Bai's name.

"Okay, okay, I'm fine now." Li Bai was a little dumbfounded, unexpectedly, whether it was a weak girl like Mu Xiaoting at the beginning, or a girl who was already strong like Bingthorn, after being protected, she would be like a A little girl.

Li Bai also hugged Bingthorn gently, and when he wanted to push her away, he found that Bingthorn was really hard. Li Bai curled his lips helplessly, and stroked Bingthorn's hair: "Hey, if you want to hug her , I'll let you hug me when I go out later, okay?" Li Bai pouted and said to Bingthorn, "And that bitch Simon didn't catch him, let me find him Oak first?"

After Li Bai said so, Bingthorn finally let go of Li Bai's hand, and because he was walking too slowly, he took the initiative to ask Li Bai to put himself into the Qiankun ring.

Now, Li Bai became a person again, without any external factors interfering with him.

Although most of the aura in Li Bai's body had been used up at this time, he still used the last bit of aura to find Simon's location through his soul consciousness.

Just after they pressed the button, they ran towards the secret road with the secretary. At this time, they just left the experimental base, and the car was still very unstable. It could be seen that they were very panicked.

"Hmph, do you think you can really run?!" Li Bai said viciously, bypassing the huge pit, rushed out of the building, quickly found his car, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, heading towards Simon's car gave chase.

The rain has lightened a lot, and the sky is finally getting brighter. Some people who got up early to go to work are already driving on the road, but they are still in a state of confusion, and their minds are not very clear.

It wasn't until a car made a loud engine sound and almost brushed his body that it woke him up from that state.

"How dare you drive over the speed limit, I want to write down the license plate number." The driver said with a sense of justice, but just when he saw the license plate of the car in front, another car passed his car at a fast speed.

"What's the matter, are you driving fast in the morning?" The driver complained, and when he came back to his senses, the two cars had all disappeared from his vision.

At this moment, Simon, who was sitting in the car, was very anxious. He did not expect that Li Bai could escape safely under such a "certain death" situation. Not a super killer, but a real devil!

"Hurry up!" Simon urged the driver, who was also his secretary, and then hurriedly took out Tianxun and dialed another person's number.

"Hey, is it Nax? I'm Simon. Now, yes, right now, hurry up and send all the killers of your Manchester branch to ambush at the intersection. I'm luring him to run this way. Hurry up." , Just such a chance, it's best to send everyone!" Simon shouted at Nax.

Knuckles, the head of the mafia branch in Manchester, knew that this matter was extraordinary when he heard that Simon himself was used as a bait. The four S-level killers sent by him and Simon all died yesterday. It was in Li Bai's hands, and now Simon was in such a mess, so Nax guessed something.

"Has your London branch fallen?" Nax asked in a deep voice, as if he was having a heart-to-heart conversation with Simon, and successfully missed Simon's answer.

"Yes, I am the only one left in the London branch, but he has no strength now, as long as you send someone over, we can definitely kill him!" Simon shouted to Nax, expecting Seeing that Nax was able to immediately agree to his request, however, things did not develop as he imagined.

"Since this is the case, then I'm sorry. Li Bai is too strong. I can't afford to offend him. I don't want my people to take this risk. You must be running for your life now, right? Then I wish you a successful escape." After finishing speaking, Nax just hung up Tianxun, leaving Simon with a dark screen.

"Fack, Fake, Fake!" Simon yelled madly, he never thought that at his most critical moment, Nax would not care about his life, "When I survive, I will I must settle accounts with you!" Simon said angrily, but in the next second, he felt a powerful impact from the rear of the car.

Although both Li Bai and Simon's cars were moving at full speed, the killers' cars were obviously better and more practical than Simon's car, but within 10 minutes, Li Bai had already caught up with Simon's car.

Li Bai didn't want to talk to this Simon anymore, he had already caught up with Simon, but he was still going full speed, so he bumped into the rear of Simon's car simply and roughly.

At this time, Li Bai also had to admit that he was a scheming boy. He didn't hit the back of Simon's car straight, but from behind obliquely. After such a collision, Simon's car was instantly There was a "tail flick" action, coupled with the slippery road in rainy days, the whole car flew directly towards the fields beside the road.

The whole car made a "bang bang bang bang" sound, which was the sound of the car rolling on the ground non-stop. When Li Bai parked the car on the side of the road, Simon's car finally stopped and stopped there with its legs upturned. , At the same time, there were bursts of black smoke. Along the way, there was a piece of smashed crops.

Li Bai walked towards the scene of the car accident step by step, and looked down, the driver in the driver's seat had passed out on the steering wheel, and the blood on the head and the place squeezed by the deformed car door was also bleeding profusely. Know that his life is not long.

Li Bai didn't care about the secretary's life and death, but walked around the front of the car and walked to the co-pilot's place, but there was no sign of Simon.

Li Bai didn't see it when he stopped the car just now. When the car rolled over, Simon opened the door with a desperate fight, and was thrown out as the car rolled. But Simon did not give up and continued to escape.

However, Li Bai easily saw through his tricks, and within 3 minutes of escaping for his life, he saw Li Bai's lonely but terrifying figure less than one meter away from Simon.

"Li Bai, listen to me, can I help you apply to cancel the pursuit of you?" At this time, Simon finally chose to admit his cowardice, and said to Li Bai, but Li Bai didn't say a word, and put his hand The Sky Meteor Knife was thrown directly at Simon. Although Simon tried his best to dodge, he still couldn't escape the inevitable end.

"Damn it, it should be Karis!" These were the last words Simon uttered before he died, and then he fell into the cold field and was flooded by the rain.

"Caris, of course I will kill him, but he is luckier than you, and he can live for a few more days." Li Bai quietly walked to Simon's side, took back the Sky Meteor Knife, said something lightly, and then Turned around and left directly, ignoring the body of the head of the London branch of the mafia.

"Bingjian, are you sleepy? If not, let's go find Tian Lin and the two children. The next battle will be even more tragic."

Li Bai returned to the car, released the ice spike from the ring, and said to her.

(End of this chapter)

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