The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2760 The second chance

Chapter 2760 Second Chance

Tian Lin was obviously a little impatient, wondering what kind of medicine was being sold in Xiao En's gourd.Since, as a vampire, Sean neither killed them nor used their lives to do other things. Fortunately, he offended his master.

From Tian Lin's point of view, what Xiao En did was simply trying to kill himself, and he didn't know the meaning of what Xiao En did.It wasn't even clear what questions Sean could get out of his mouth.

However, when Sean asked a question, Tian Lin knew that he was a blind cat pretending to be a dead mouse.

"What are you guys coming to Europe for?" Xiao En asked. It was obvious that he wanted to know more about Li Bai, but unfortunately, this matter was actually Tian Lin's matter.

"Why do you care about this? Anyway, I didn't come to Europe to kill you. If it was just for this purpose, you would have died last night, understand?" Tian Lin said to Sean in a mocking tone, which made Sean very angry Let's talk about it, last night he had already suffered from Li Bai's side, and now he has to suffer from Tianlin here, which makes Xiao En very unbearable.

"Anything I ask you, you can answer me, otherwise, I don't mind letting you die now." Xiao En said to Tian Lin viciously, stretched out his sharp claws, and scratched Tian Lin's face, Tian Lin's face was quickly scratched with four long wounds.

Tian Lin calmed down. Although he was very angry in his heart, he knew very well that this was the territory of the vampire family, and he could not resist now. Moreover, even if he could resist, Tian Lin would still die after all, and even the two children would suffer. , In that case, it’s fine to feel sorry for myself and the two children, and it will make all the efforts of the master go to waste.

Tian Lin gritted his teeth and glanced at Xiao En, before finally choosing to reveal their purpose.

"We are here to find someone, two people." Tian Lin said to Xiao En, after thinking about it, he didn't tell the truth, but made up a poignant love story, saying that he had come here a few years ago He went to Europe once, and at that time, he met a couple who helped him a lot. He came to Europe again this time to repay them.

And in the past so long investigation, they slowly searched and finally discovered that the couple were both vampires in the vampire family, but when they rushed to Manchester, Sean had already taken the initiative to bring people together. To trouble them, under such circumstances, Li Bai would naturally not be outdone, that's why he did such a thing.

Tian Lin's lie successfully deceived Xiao En's IQ, because this story is very likely to be true to him, because their vampire family does allow intermarriage, and there are some lower-level vampires It is true that he loves to help ordinary people, but someone actually came back to repay, which Xiao En did not expect.

"Perhaps, all this is just a misunderstanding." Tian Lin said again while Xiao En was contemplating.

Xiao En frowned. If this was the case, then it might really be a prom, and because of the hatred between him and Li Bai, the relationship between the two parties became so complicated.

"What's their name?" Xiao En asked Tian Lin again, wondering if he could set a trap on Tian Lin's side, trap Li Bai, and then go to Li Bai to do it.

No matter what happened to other people, Xiao En's desire to kill Li Bai would never change.

"I forgot, many years have passed, if you can show me the photos of all the members of your vampire family, maybe I can find them." Tian Lin said to Sean again, if Sean really If he agrees, then maybe he can find his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

"Oh, by the way, I heard that those two vampires also came from China, so I remember them so deeply." Sean added another sentence, thus narrowing down the scope of his search even more.

However, after so much thought in Tian Lin's heart, Xiao En directly rejected Tian Lin's proposal: "You really dare to think about it, how can an outsider see the affairs of our vampire family, and You have to know that the three of you are my captives now, maybe one day I will be in a bad mood and I will kill you."

Xiao En looked at Tian Lin and said viciously, the purpose of his coming to Tian Lin was to know the purpose of their coming to Europe, and now that he has got the answer, there is no need to continue talking nonsense with Tian Lin.

So, under Tian Lin's astonished eyes, Xiao En directly left the room where they were held, and left again.

Xiao En, who walked out of the room, still didn't immediately think of a good way to deal with Li Bai. After all, Li Bai's strength is too strong. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes are empty, and if you want to invite a marquis-level vampire to deal with Li Bai , Duke Dick will definitely know about it.

"Two vampires from China." Xiao En murmured, his mind running rapidly, trying to find the vampires that meet the requirements from his mind.Thinking about it, Sean's pupils widened suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

In Xiao En's memory, he actually searched for two people who met Tian Lin's requirements. A few years ago, their vampire family sent several vampires to China to find some breakthroughs there, but in the end, They didn't succeed, but they managed to make two Chinese people become members of their vampires.

And, most importantly, the two vampires really seemed to be a man and a woman.

"Could it be that Li Bai and the others are looking for those two people?" Xiao En murmured, thinking in his heart, if those two vampires were Li Bai's relatives, they would kill them directly and destroy their last hope. But if they are only here to find two people, then the loss outweighs the gain.

If Tian Lin knew Xiao En's thoughts at this time, then he would be glad that he made up a lie, otherwise, he might have finally found out the whereabouts of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, but failed at the last moment.

As the earl, Sean already had some power in the vampire family, so he quickly asked some lower-level vampires to help him investigate the situation of these two people at this time, and at the same time, It was Sean who continued to think about how to deal with Li Bai.

But it didn't take long for Sean's quiet and solitary environment to be broken by other vampires. After one night and half a day, Duke Dick finally knew that Sean and his actions last night ended in failure. I want to have a good talk with Sean.

As a last resort, Sean had no choice but to hang his head, cross the vast territory of the vampire family, and came to Duke Dick.

"Master Duke, please listen to my explanation." As soon as he entered the door, Sean's eyes met Duke Dick's angry gaze, and he hurriedly said to Duke Dick, but before Sean could stop, Duke Dick was out of thin air. With a sweep, Sean was not only fanned out of the room again, but also four wounds appeared on Sean's face.

Wrong retribution, these four wounds are much deeper than the wound on Tian Lin's face.

"Explain? What do you have to explain? Didn't you tell me swearingly that you can take care of that Chinese man named Li Bai by yourself? And then? You have a total of six earls, and as a result, not only did the mission fail , and sacrificed one person, is this the explanation you gave me?" At this time, Duke Dick was furious.

Any death in the vampire family must be personally investigated by Duke Dick, because of their special identities and physiological specialties, it is very difficult to breed pure blood vampires, although their strength Progress is simpler, but it still requires a lot of time and energy from the family to cultivate.

But now, under Sean's sudden brain fever, or in other words, the reason why he went to China to commit crimes before Sean was because of Li Bai, they had already lost four vampires at the earl level. It made Duke Dick unbearable at all!
"Duke Dick, please give me another chance. This time, I am the only one who can kill Li Bai. If I still fail, then I will apologize with death." Faced with Duke Dick's anger, Sean Very flustered, he hurriedly promised him, but Duke Dick didn't seem to want to hear such a guarantee from Sean at all.

"You went to find that person by yourself, and if you failed, you still have to apologize with death? You think you haven't caused enough damage to our family, and you have to involve yourself, right?" Duke Dick gave Sean a fierce look. , and announced his decision.

"Starting today, deprive you of all the powers of the Earl, give me peace of mind to experience the Marquis, and then come and talk to me about the future." Duke Dick said to Sean lightly, but it made Sean almost cry.

Duke Dick's decision is almost a life sentence for him, because he has not long been an earl, and if he wants to be promoted to a marquis again, it will take at least 50 years, and these 50 years, who knows What will happen in this world.

"Duke Dick, wait a minute. I have one more important thing to tell you. Besides, as long as I can ask the Marquis for help, I will definitely be able to kill Li Bai and eliminate the future troubles of our vampire family forever!" Sean was eager Said to Duke Dick, the movement that made him give orders finally stopped.

"What's the matter?" Duke Dick asked in a deep voice, and then, Xiao En told Duke Dick with added details to the lie that Tian Lin had fabricated for him, and this version sounded even more outrageous. Li became, they came to Europe just to find those two vampires, and then join the vampires from them, no one else.

After hearing this story that was seriously inconsistent with the facts, Duke Dick was silent. He was not thinking about the truth of this matter, but was thinking, if that mighty Li Bai and his few friends really wanted to be their In the case of vampires, do you need to let go of your suspicions against Li Bai and ignore the losses he caused to the vampire family before?

"If this is the case, then I will give you another chance. However, killing Li Bai is the first choice, and letting them join us is the second choice, understand? Also, what they are looking for Find out who those two are." Duke Dick said to Sean, then waved to Sean to let him back down.

Such a result made Xiao En feel like he was surviving a catastrophe, but let Li Bai join the vampire?This is naturally impossible!

(End of this chapter)

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