The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2763 Instructing the route

Chapter 2763 Instructing the route
This night was spent seemingly peacefully. When the next day came again, the bloodstains on the tree trunk had been washed away by the morning dew, so that the expedition team did not realize what happened last night. something happened.

The members of the expedition team seem to have gotten used to the environment of living in the wild. When they woke up the next morning, they were doing things like washing up as usual. At this moment, Li Bai looked like a strange person. , because generally when he is in the wild he doesn't wash at all.

After some guidance from Phelps, Li Bai was integrated into this group, and after having breakfast with everyone, he went on the road again.

Phelps said that they had been in the mountains for a week, and that their current location had actually gone deep into the unmarked place on the map.

Before leaving, Phelps took a knife and carved a big mark on a tree as a mark when returning. However, Phelps and everyone in the expedition team seemed to be ready to return. The intention of not going is average, it seems that he is not worried about his own safety at all, only for the excitement in life.

"Your friend is likely to be dizzy because of the problem of the magnetic field here. If he guessed correctly, he may have entered the core area of ​​this mountain range and knocked down something that no one has seen before. "Phelps said to Li Bai with a smile again.

Their traveling speed was very slow, and they spent most of their time observing the terrain and simply drawing maps.

Li Bai just kept quietly behind the expedition team. At the same time, he found an excuse and Phelps borrowed a hat to wear, so that he could cover his face and prevent the group of people in the sky. Vampires have discovered his presence.

From morning to noon, Li Bai had already felt that there were about four waves of vampires patrolling the sky. If it wasn't for the existence of this expedition team composed of ordinary people, then Li Bai would have gone up and killed them long ago.

However, these vampires' inspections made Li Bai more certain that they were indeed slowly approaching the real address of the vampire family, because the interval between the three times was shortening.

However, Li Bai also knew that even if he killed the vampires above, he would not get any news he wanted. The determination of the two vampires last night had already told Li Bai this fact. Finding the address of the vampire family made Li Bai very distressed.

What made Li Bai even more distressed was that after Phelps led everyone through the mountains for a whole morning, there seemed to be no progress. The surrounding trees all looked exactly the same, so they didn't know Where did I go.

"Don't worry, we will definitely find the right path!" Seeing Li Bai's somewhat mournful expression, Phelps encouraged Li Bai, but it didn't make Li Bai happy.

"Going here, the difficulty for you has obviously been increased." Li Bai said helplessly to Phelps, and then pointed to a big tree ten meters away, "If I guessed correctly, the mark is yours. Did you make it this morning?" Li Bai said to Phelps dumbfounded.

Li Bai's discovery stunned the entire expedition team, and when they found the big tree Li Bai had mentioned, they finally found out with regret that what Li Bai said was correct, they walked for a whole morning, and finally Or to circle back to the origin.

"Could it be that the most powerful magnetic field is on the land we walked this morning?" But at this moment, Phelps seemed to think of something, with a joyful smile on his face, "If it is true If this is the case, then as long as we find the center of the magnetic field, we will definitely be able to discover the secret of this mountain range!"

Phelps excitedly said to everyone in the expedition team, and his words made his team members instantly relieved from the mourning mood, and they all cheered, feeling very happy about Phelps' discovery look.

However, seeing these people, Li Bai still had the expression on his face that was about to go crazy, but at this time, he didn't intend to tell a few people about his discovery.

"If you want to find the center of the magnetic field, then I think we should separate temporarily. If you find my friend every second every night, then he will be a little more dangerous." Li Bai waited until these young people were happy. After that, he walked up to Phelps, patted him on the shoulder, and said.

Li Bai, who had just joined them for a day, was about to leave, which puzzled Phelps: "Why did you leave? Stay with us, we will definitely help you find your friends faster, and, you If you go to your friend alone, he will be worried about your safety."

Phelps looked at Li Bai with a puzzled expression, which made Li Bai speechless for a while. After thinking about it, he was not prepared to talk around the bush like a Chinese in front of this foreigner. He said directly to Phelps: "If you really want to take your team members to find the so-called magnetic field, then you are just wasting your time."

Li Bai's words immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the rest of the expedition team, who all accused Li Bai, feeling that this outsider had no right to question their captain.

But in front of this matter, Phelps, the person involved, looked very calm, quietly looked at Li Bai, and asked Li Bai why he said that his efforts were useless.

Li Bai chuckled lightly, and then told his discovery.

When Phelps led the team this morning, Li Bai discovered one of his characteristics, that is, if there is a voice coming from one side, then he will lead everyone towards that direction, but Phelps does not What I didn't know was that those sounds were all made by vampires flying through the sky.

In addition, the flight trajectory of those vampires was obviously set in a circle, so Phelps was also taken in a small circle, so that, in the end, he returned to the place where they started.

"Since you discovered this problem this morning, why didn't you tell me earlier?" When Li Bai finished speaking, Phelps was also a little angry. Every time wasted, their food would be less last copy.

Li Bai snorted and did not explain. In the morning, he had been calculating the address of the vampire family through the flight trajectory of the vampire. He had no time to pay attention to these people. Even in the end, Li Bai did not calculate the address of the vampire family. where the hell.

Li Bai confronted the entire expedition team for about 2 minutes, then stopped wasting time, and just said "bye" lightly, and was ready to go on the road alone.

However, Phelps' voice sounded again: "Wait, do you mean that you can definitely find your friend? Or, you can definitely find the most mysterious place?" Phelps He looked at Li Bai suspiciously.

Li Bai chuckled: "I can't guarantee it, but what I can be sure of is that I am much more reliable than you."

Regarding Li Bai's contempt, this time the members of the expedition team unexpectedly fully accepted it. After their short exchange, they agreed to temporarily let Li Bai lead the team. If there is still no progress, then they will break up. up.

Li Bai changed from a stranger to the captain of the expedition team. This change of status made Li Bai very happy. After eating some lunch with everyone to satisfy his hunger, he continued on the road again.

This time, Li Bai did not continue to wait for their slow speed, but kept thinking about the flight paths of the four waves of vampires in the morning and the pair of vampires that appeared in the afternoon to reversely judge their starting point. Go all the way to the depths of the mountains.

It only took half an afternoon for Phelps and the others to turn from doubting Li Bai to admiration, because the environment they were in had already changed significantly.The leaves on the branches have changed from dark green to light green, which is due to the gradual increase in the altitude where they are located.

And Li Bai is naturally the one who confirmed that he did not go the wrong way earlier, because at this time, the number of vampires patrolling in the sky has gone through a process of decreasing to increasing and decreasing again, which shows that, They are getting closer to the center.

And Li Bai also found out that as early as an hour ago, a few pairs of vampires had been following them, as if they were ready to attack them at any time, but there was no movement for a long time.

Li Bai didn't know what these vampires wanted to do. He just knew that if he really wanted to start fighting, these ordinary people would definitely die, and he would also be caught in a bitter fight.

With such thoughts in mind, Li Bai continued to walk towards the depths together with the expedition team, but at this moment, a girl suddenly uttered a cry of panic, raised her finger tremblingly, and pointed towards the distance.

Everyone's attention, including Li Bai's, was attracted, and on a tree trunk not far away, there were lines of blood books on it. However, due to weather-beaten reasons and Li Bai's poor English The reason is that he didn't understand what was written on it.

The translation work was done by Phelps again. He also said to everyone in shock: "Go left, it's dangerous, go right, it's safe."

When Phelps said it, Li Bai finally saw it clearly. There were two words written on the trunk, namely "danger" and "safe", and next to the two words were painted Two arrows, one left and one right.

"Is this the instruction route that the seniors left for us?" Li Bai looked at the frightened Phelps and asked, but he shook his head in a daze. He didn't know exactly what happened.

"Then, are you going to go to a safe place or a dangerous place?" Li Bai asked with a smile, but he was puzzled in his heart. In such an environment, writing these words with bloodstains, is it true? Can it survive for such a long time?
"Go to danger. After all, we are born for adventure. If we don't see the legendary thing, then we will regret it." After thinking about it, Phelps said to Li Bai, his tone changed again. Firm up.

In fact, Li Bai can go both ways, because he doesn't think this is the real instruction route. If he makes a mistake, it's a big deal and he just needs to come back.

After determining the direction to go, Li Bai and the expedition team headed towards the "dangerous" direction. At the same time, Li Bai felt that among the vampires following them, someone left quickly and flew to nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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