The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2766 I am thinking of you

Chapter 2766 I am thinking of you

Even in the human world, it is quite difficult to share blessings and difficulties together, let alone in a world like the vampire family.

When Earl Robin Hood ran away, the viscounts who were lower than Sean did not dare to escape immediately because of Earl Sean's majesty, but now, after Earl Sean was captured by Li Bai, their minds were There was no longer any thought of fighting Li Bai with Xiao En, they all flew in all directions and disappeared in an instant.

"Hey, it seems that the people of your vampire family are not doing well, and they are all flying separately in the face of disaster." Li Bai grabbed Xiao En and said sarcastically, making Xiao En sweat coldly, but he didn't dare to say anything. He only hoped that these vampires could quickly return to the vampire family, and then tell Duke Dick the news of his kidnapping.

However, Li Bai directly punctured Sean's fantasy, he patted Sean's head lightly and said: "I know what you are thinking now, but do you really think that even the most powerful member of your vampire family Come here, can you be rescued from my hands?"

Li Bai forcibly turned Sean around, looked into Sean's eyes, and said coldly. At the same time, in order to prevent accidents, Li Bai even directly stored a trace of silver star power in Sean's body. Because of the conflict between the aura and the blood of the vampire, it already made Sean feel very painful.

"You, what did you do to me?!" Sean looked at Li Bai in shock and asked, the muscles on his body seemed to be convulsed, shaking uncontrollably. There is no way to stop this feeling.

"It's nothing, it's just a way to prevent you from thinking too much. You have to know, I'm also thinking about you. After all, I believe you don't want to die at such a young age, right?" Li Bai replied with a smile. Sean said, but it made Sean tremble all over.

"Li Bai, if you have something to say, I will listen to you, as long as you don't kill me." Xiao En said nervously to Li Bai, and his attitude made Li Bai very satisfied.

"Who is the most powerful person in your vampire family?" Li Bai first asked Sean a few questions, and soon learned that the head of the vampire family, a man named Duke Dick, was the strongest, almost You can defeat all twenty dukes by yourself.In other words, the strength of that Duke Dick is almost the same as that of the Pope, and he is much stronger than Li Bai.

However, Li Bai didn't think too much about people who were stronger than himself. On the one hand, the difficulty of leapfrogging was too great. On the other hand, even the Pope couldn't do anything to Li Bai. , What can this Duke Dick do to himself.

After asking some questions about the vampire family, Li Bai's question quickly turned to Tian Lin and the two children. From Xiao En's mouth, Li Bai learned that they are still locked up, but it has been about two days They haven't eaten or even given them water.

Hearing what Xiao En said, Li Bai's anger came up immediately, and he directly slapped Xiao En two big mouths. It's okay for Tian Lin not to eat or drink water for two days, but Li Bai didn't think the two children It can also go on, which is why Li Bai is so angry.

"Now, take me back to your vampire family and say that I have escaped, understand?" Li Bai said to Xiao En fiercely, "If you dare to play any tricks, then you will die!" , Li Bai is urging the power of the silver stars in Xiao En's body, making him feel the pain that life is worse than death.

When Sean raised his head again, Li Bai disappeared as if by magic, which shocked Sean again. He didn't know what else Li Bai hadn't shown, but he got Li Bai's order Afterwards, Sean didn't dare to play any tricks at all. After identifying the direction of the family, he flew towards it.

When he was about to return to the vampire family, Sean saw a group of vampires gathering at the gate of the family's castle, flying towards the place where they encountered Li Bai just now, while Sean was awkwardly meeting them in the air met.

"Earl Sean, why are you back?" The Marquis Robin Hood, who led the team, also looked at Sean in embarrassment. He thought that Li Bai had already killed Earl Sean, so he was anxious again. Such a group of vampires are going to find Li Bai." revenge".

"After you ran away, I ran away too, that's it." Sean looked at Robin Hood quietly and said, deliberately pronounced the word "run away" very heavily, making Robin Hood even more embarrassed, but, For the majesty of the Marquis, he deliberately pretended to be righteous.

"It's fine, it's fine." The Marquis of Robin Hood said to Sean with a smile, and asked Sean to go back to the castle to rest. As for hunting down Li Bai, I left it to him to deal with it.

So, Xiao En passed by the brigade of vampires and returned to the vampire castle. However, when he fought on the ground again, his heart was still heavy, because he knew that although he couldn't see Li Bai is there, but he must be watching his every word and deed by his side.

Of course, there is one more thing that Sean is thankful for. Duke Dick must have received the news that their operation failed in the first stage. It may be because he has not received news of Sean's return, so he did not come to find him right away. Sean's trouble.

At this moment, the painful feeling in Xiao En's body surged into his heart again, and he knew that this was Li Bai's urging, so Xiao En didn't even take a break, and went straight to the place where Tian Lin was being held. gone.

Sean tried his best to avoid the sight of other vampires, and finally re-entered the place where Tian Lin was held quietly. At this time, it had been almost two days since he came here for the first time.

And when Xiao En pushed the door and entered, Li Bai's figure jumped out from nowhere again, first closed the door with a "boom", and then kicked Xiao En to the ground , his face was full of anger.

At this time, the three of Tian Lin were in a very bad condition, especially the two children. Because they hadn't drank water for too long, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi's lips were chapped at this time, and they didn't know whether they were in a state of lethargy or coma.Tian Lin's situation was better, and when he saw Li Bai appearing, he could still say a few words.

"Master, you finally came to save us!" However, the excited voice was hoarse.

Li Bai walked quickly to Tian Lin's side, because he already had something to restrict Xiao En, so he was not afraid of Xiao En's escape. First, after untying Tian Lin and the three, he took out some water from the Qiankun Ring, but The quantity is not very large, in case they cannot bear it.

Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi still didn't wake up after drinking water, but Li Bai was relieved a lot. He had already confirmed that the two children were lethargic rather than comatose.

At this time, Li Bai finally turned his head and faced Sean: "Do you know how big a mistake you have made?" Li Bai said viciously. When Xiao En heard this, his whole body trembled. It was simply too terrifying, and he had no doubt that Li Bai would kill him now.

But Xiao En was not mistaken. At this moment, Li Bai was indeed intent on killing. Even if he killed Xiao En, he was sure to escape from the vampire's castle.

"Wait, wait!" At this moment, Xiao En suddenly yelled at Li Bai in horror, "Don't kill me, I know where the two people you are looking for are now!"

Hearing what Xiao En said, Li Bai paused for a moment, turned his head and looked at Tian Lin suspiciously, Tian Lin then told Li Bai that he had already told Xiao En who they were looking for.

"Where?!" Li Bai asked Xiao En fiercely again.

"In Luxembourg, the headquarters of our vampire family's non-pure blood members." Sean said to Li Bai without daring to hide anything, and was afraid that Li Bai would not believe him, so he promised, "I can take you to find them, if not , you kill me."

Xiao En stared at Li Bai with terrified eyes. After thinking for a while, Li Bai nodded: "I only give you three days to take us to find them. If you exceed the time limit, you will still die, understand?" Li Bai Said fiercely to Sean, Sean nodded desperately without any consideration.

"Okay, stand up and take us out now." Li Bai said to Sean, telling him to stand up and turn his back to them. After a while, Sean turned his head again, and he was the only one left in the room. .

"Huh—" Sean let out a long breath, and was about to leave the room, but at this moment, there was a burst of noisy and hasty footsteps outside the door.

Sean was startled, and wanted to hide for the time being, but before he took two steps, the door of the room was pushed open, and Duke Dick came in angrily from the door.

"Why, Earl Sean, you are ashamed to see me after you escaped by chance?" Duke Dick showed his anger with his calm expression, which made Sean panic even more.

"I, I just want to be here for a while." Sean lied to Duke Dick.

"Quiet? So you think, this way I won't punish you for failing your mission?" Duke Dick looked straight at Sean. He came to find Sean himself, not because he had heard about this His actions showed that he was extremely angry now.

"What did you say before? Let me give you another chance, right? Here's your chance. Where's Li Bai? Why didn't I see him?" Duke Dick walked into the room, and behind him was Followed by a few personal guards.

This question made Sean sweat from the back of his head, and he didn't know what to do. But when Duke Dick ordered Sean to be arrested, Sean suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"My lord, the failure of this operation is because the Marquis of Robin Hood ran away when facing Li Bai. If he had made a move at that time, I would not have failed!" Sean shouted to Duke Dick a little hoarsely, which made Duke Dick frowned slightly.

"Really?" Duke Dick asked a little surprised, because he didn't think that members of their vampire family would do such a thing of running away.

"It's guaranteed to be true, otherwise, he wouldn't be so anxious to dispatch again." Sean didn't dare to take a breath, for fear that Duke Dick wouldn't believe it.

"Then, you should reflect on the night here today, and make a decision after I investigate this matter clearly." After Duke Dick finished speaking, he left here, and as the door of the room closed again However, Sean did not relax.

Because the door of the room was locked, and he didn't dare to break the door forcefully.

(End of this chapter)

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