Chapter 2772
Seriously, it's real "brainwashing", not referring to the brainwashing that uses various languages ​​to change someone's worldview, but they instill the blood of purebred vampires into these people, so they become Non-pure vampires.

Most of the blood gathered in their brains, and their previous blood was removed. At the same time, under some methods of their vampire family, they successfully overwrote their previous memories, and finally only recorded them in words down.

If you want them to change back from being vampires, the method is simple to say, you just need to draw the blood of the previous purebred vampires, but in practice, even the vampires themselves are absolutely unable to do it Yes, because so many years have passed, no one can distinguish the blood's ownership.

"Do you know how much loss I have caused tonight because of your affairs?!" It was not until this time that Duke Edward finally mentioned the night's bedtime, and his fierce tone made Wei Yu and Liu Meiping both I couldn't help trembling a bit.

The two of them naturally don't know how much damage has been caused, but many of them are right.

"Please punish the Duke." Wei Yu lowered his head and said to Duke Edward, but he heard Duke Edward smile again, "Punish you? Is it useful to punish you? Everyone else is dead." Duke Edward's tone Among them, it is full of disdain.

"This..." Duke Edward's words made Wei Yu and Liu Meiping both at a loss, staring blankly at the ground.

And at this time, Duke Edward changed the subject: "However, now I have a chance for you to make up for your mistakes. As long as you are willing, I don't have to punish you." Duke Edward said, which made both Wei Yu and Liu Meiping His eyes lit up.

"What task, we will definitely complete it!" Wei Yu said eagerly. After being a vampire for so many years, the task seems to have become a part of their lives.

Next, Duke Edward told Wei Yu and Liu Meiping his plan.

"Those Chinese people are looking for you, don't they just want to bring you back to China? My task for you is to follow them back." Duke Edward said to the two of them lightly, which surprised them , I don’t understand why Duke Edward would do this.

"My lord duke, we are loyal to the family. We really don't want to do anything to betray the family!" Wei Yu and Liu Meiping became anxious all of a sudden, and hurriedly expressed their loyalty to Duke Edward, which made Duke Edward Hearing it was quite irritated, and he waved his hand to make the two of them stop quickly.

"I don't doubt your loyalty. This is a mission. Do you understand the mission?" Duke Edward said helplessly to the two, and then told him what he thought.

In Duke Edward's plan, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping will take the initiative to find Li Bai and the others tomorrow, and then tell some lies, saying that they have figured out everything, and then follow them back to Huaxia, let them In Huaxia, the vampire Huaxia branch was established, and then in this way, in that way...

When Duke Edward expressed his thoughts eloquently to Wei Yu and Liu Meiping, both of them were almost going to be stupid.

"Is this...really possible?" Wei Yu looked at Duke Edward with some uncertainty and asked. ", it was like a kind of torture for them.

"Don't worry, if you have any needs, just ask them, I will try my best to meet your needs." Duke Edward said to the two of them again, directly blocking all the escape routes of Wei Yu and Liu Meiping It made Wei Yu and Liu Meiping not know what to say.

"Hey, let's try it." Wei Yu said to Duke Edward with some confusion, glanced at Liu Meiping, and then the two left Duke Edward's office together.

But at this time, both Wei Yu and Liu Meiping became frowning. The most difficult part of the task assigned to them by Duke Edward is not to go to China to establish a vampire branch, but how to pretend to be with Li Bai. They look familiar.

After all, Tian Lin said that they still have a daughter in Huaxia, but they can't think of this "daughter" at all in their memory.

"By the way, didn't that Li Bai tell us before he left that he hoped we could get our identity certificates? Why didn't Duke Edward mention this matter just now?" Liu Meiping looked at Wei Yu strangely and asked , it would be great if they could see their ID too.

"Do you dare to ask? Anyway, I dare not." Wei Yu curled his lips. It was good enough for them not to be punished, and they dared to ask for extravagance.

Liu Meiping didn't continue talking, and glanced at the time, it was almost six o'clock: "It's the beginning of a new day." She said lightly.

When the sun slowly emerged from the largest cathedral in Luxembourg, the whole city once again became what it used to be. The fierce battle that took place last night was cleared up by someone who didn’t know when. Nothing happened in general.

At this time, Li Bai and the others finally woke up from their short sleep. Before they fully woke up, they were found by Xiao En. It can be seen that he really didn't sleep after that.

"Li Bai, I thought of a way, but this way can't even be done with my identity, it needs Wei Yu and Liu Meiping." Xiao En said to Li Bai, "My identity can only slightly change the process. Just be quicker."

"Say." Li Bai didn't say any nonsense.

Sean's thinking is this. He believes that after what happened last night, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping will definitely be punished by Duke Edward. "Come out, and then let the two of them go directly to Duke Edward to request to see the identity certificate.

"Require? Are you sure if you do that, the two of them won't be beaten to death?" Li Bai asked, turning his head to look at Xiao En, not thinking it was a good way.

"So, in this process, we need close cooperation." Sean said to Li Bai very seriously, "In my plan, after I go to Duke Edward to get Wei Yu and Liu Meiping out, we need to Mr. Tian Lin is going to persuade them to take the initiative to ask for their identity certificates, and at the same time, you and Ms. Icethorn need to make some noise."

The atmosphere at this time became a little strange. As a purebred vampire, Sean was actually helping outsiders think about how to torment the Luxembourg headquarters of their vampire family. If Duke Dick heard about it, he would definitely be pissed off. .

"In this case, under the pressure from both sides, Duke Edward should agree to show their identity certificates." Although Sean's words were "should", his tone was firm.

While washing, Li Bai thought about the feasibility of Sean's plan. There were no obvious flaws, and there were no traps to trap Li Bai and the others. Then he nodded.

"Okay, let's do it according to your method." Li Bai said lightly.

Li Bai's answer made Xiao En very embarrassed, and he asked Li Bai hesitantly: "Well, didn't you say that as long as I figured out a way, you would take away your things?" body, which made Sean feel that his life would be in danger at any time.

But Xiao En was glared at by Li Bai: "Wait until these things are finished, you'd better not say I'm cheating or something, don't you mean you have escaped my control now, and you still want to cause trouble for me?" no?"

When Xiao En was yelled at by Li Bai, he was about to cry, he quickly denied Li Bai's idea, and left in despair.

At 07:30 in the morning, Li Bai and his party left the hotel again and walked towards the vampire castle, but when they got outside the vampire castle, everyone stopped again.

"Okay, Mr. Li Bai, then I will go in with Mr. Tian Lin. You wait outside for our signal, and then you start to act." Xiao En said to Li Bai, who nodded and watched Xiao En and Tian Lin walked into the castle.

In their plan, their first step would take at least an hour. However, to Li Bai's surprise, in less than half an hour, Xiao En and Tian Lin came together from the vampire castle. Li Ge walked out, and behind them, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping followed.

If Li Bai hadn't seen that Tian Lin's face was already happy at this time, Li Bai would have thought that they were playing some kind of conspiracy at this time.

Soon, Tian Lin came to Li Bai with an excited face, and said to Li Bai happily: "Master, good news, good news! The two of them remembered everything before!" Tian Lin said excitedly. Li Bai said, but Li Bai raised his eyebrows, and didn't immediately understand what Tian Lin meant.

At this time, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping also walked in front of Li Bai with smiles on their faces: "Li Bai, right? We are very sorry for the misunderstanding of you before, but after we parted last night, the two of us want to After a long time, I finally came up with some previous memories."

Wei Yu smiled and said to Li Bai, saying that he has now remembered all the previous things, such as Xiaolian City, their daughter Wei Yan, and Wei Yan's three brothers, etc. .

Tian Lin looked very happy, because as soon as they thought about it, his status as a son-in-law would be confirmed, so at this time his IQ had almost dropped to freezing point, and he did not show the slightest doubt.

However, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping recalled so many things in one night, it was really weird, even Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi felt that something was wrong, not to mention Li Bai and Bingthorn.

"Calm down first." Li Bai said to Tian Lin lightly. Tian Lin didn't know what happened, and his smile froze suddenly: "Ah? What's the matter?" Till now, Tian Lin didn't realize what was going on in this matter. question.

But at this time, Li Bai looked at Wei Yu and Liu Meiping again, full of suspicion, which made Wei Yu and Liu Meiping suddenly feel a little bad, but in order not to show their flaws, they had to pretend to stand where they were.

"Have you really remembered? Then I'll ask you a few questions." Li Bai licked his lips and thought for a while, "The first question, which three provinces are the three northeastern provinces?"

"This, it's been too long, we have all forgotten." Wei Yu frowned, and hurriedly explained.

However, his explanation did not dispel the doubts in Li Bai and the others, on the contrary, it made Tian Lin not believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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