Chapter 278
What addiction?Li Xiaogang inadvertently glanced at the nails on both of Zhao Xing's hands, both of which were white and shiny, and there was no trace of the yellow smoke caused by long-term smoking. Eyes, Li Xiaogang immediately realized how troubled and melancholy Zhao Xing is today.

"Hehe... Since we entered the door, you have said many sorrys in succession, which made us a little embarrassed!" Li Xiaogang's words made Zhao Xing look a little shy, smiled awkwardly, and did not speak.

Li Xiaogang sat on the sofa, pointed to a sofa beside him and said, "Sit down, Mr. Zhao! Smoking is not good for your health, so you should smoke less in the future!"

Zhao Xing bowed his body and said: "I have written down the words of the chairman, and I will try to quit in the future!"

Li Xiaogang waved his hand and said, "Mr. Zhao, why are you so reserved, isn't it better to be more casual?"

Zhao Xing smiled and nodded silently.

Li Xiaogang got down to business and said, "Mr. Zhao, do you know why I kept you here?"

Zhao Xing's complexion darkened, and he said, "It's all due to Mr. Zhao's indiscretion and lack of consideration. If you offend you because of this, please forgive me. I didn't mean it!"

"No! You are not unintentional!" Li Xiaogang looked at Zhao Xing and said firmly, which made Zhao Xing nervous all of a sudden. He opened his mouth to distinguish for himself, but Li Xiaogang waved his hand to stop him. You are very caring! Mr. Zhao, you have a kind heart that Zhang admires!"

Zhao Xing couldn't help being stunned by Li Xiaogang's words, a trace of puzzlement and confusion flashed in his eyes.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "With the power of one person, raising more than 200 disabled children alone, isn't this kind of heart not kind? There are not many people in this world that I, Li Xiaogang, can admire, but from today , you, Mr. Zhao, are one of them!"

"But...but how do you know this?"

Zhao Xing looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise, and asked nah.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said: "No matter how I know, these are not important anymore! The important thing is that I feel guilty for canceling your distribution right hastily! Li Li, show me the contract!"

Li Li nodded, took out a contract that had been drawn up a long time ago, handed it to Zhao Xing and said, "Mr. When you come to pick up the goods, you can enjoy a [-]% discount!"

After finishing speaking, Li Li smiled at Zhao Xing and whispered: "You are the only dealer who can enjoy such treatment, from now on you can have more abundant funds to support more disabled children! "

Li Li's Mandarin is very standard, every word in Zhao Xing's ears is very clear, but his head seems to be infected with a virus, the reaction time and operation speed are greatly reduced, he tries hard to understand The meaning of the words, but the brain is still blank, buzzing continuously.

Seeing Zhao Xing's dumbfounded look, Li Xiaogang lowered his head and signed his name on the two-point agreement, then stood up and nodded at Li Li, and the two quietly left the room together.

After a long, long time, a loud cry came from the room. Zhao Xing, alone in this secluded room, finally burst into tears, releasing the ease and joy of being freed from the burden. At this time, it seemed that only big Only one cry can express the thousand emotions in his heart!
With trembling hands, Zhao Xing picked up the two peace treaties on the table, and wrote his name on them with all his strength, and then, as if treating a fragile and precious little life, Zhao Xing took one of them I put one contract into my bag, put the other one back on the table, and said silently in my heart: "Children, from today onwards, you have another dad who cares and loves you, remember Let's keep his name, his name is - Li Xiaogang!

Walking out of Zhao Xing's room, Li Li seemed like a happy elf, turning around a few times in a relaxed and joyful way, with a burst of reverie fragrance, giggling and saying: "You know, I've never been like It is such a joyful thing to feel helping others today!"

Li Xiaogang just smiled and said: "But what are we doing compared to Zhao Xing? What we have paid is only a very small part of us, but Zhao Xing, he has given his all , Such talents are truly worthy of respect!"

Li Li nodded solemnly and said: "Those children raised by him are unfortunate, but at the same time they are lucky! They are unfortunate because they were born with disabilities, diseases, and were abandoned by their parents, but they are lucky. Met a good person like Zhao Xing.

Oh no, and you!You are a big good guy too!giggling..."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I'm not a good person, I'm just a bully at best, otherwise, why don't you and Ling'er treat me as a boss at all? No big or small, just make fun of me!"

Li Li said bluntly: "If you like you, you will make fun of you. If you didn't like you, you would have been playing around long ago!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "If that's the case, don't I still have to thank you?"

Li Lijiao smiled and said: "That's not necessary, as long as you don't be so heartless in the future! Sometimes you are really angry and can't help but want to beat you up. Only when you vent your anger can you be reconciled, hum! "

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "Got it! So, do you want to go back now, or continue to follow me and be a follower?"

Li Li said angrily: "Follower? When have you ever seen such a cute follower like me? Born in a blessing, you don't know how to be blessed!"

Li Xiaogang said: "In this case, I apologize to you! I shouldn't treat you as a follower, so let's break up here? I still have things to deal with!"

Li Li finally got a chance to be alone with Li Xiaogang, so she just left him like this, hugged Li Xiaogang's arm and said, "I'm not a follower, but it doesn't hinder me from following you at all! I want to replace Sister Gao Yuanyuan Follow you, lest you do bad things, hum!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head helplessly and sighed, "What a rascal!"

Li Licai didn't care what Li Xiaogang said, and asked carelessly: "Okay, then what is our next goal?"

Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said: "Scar and the others really helped me a lot this time, I have to say thank you to them no matter what!"

Li Li looked at Li Xiaogang strangely and said, "Why, isn't Dao Scar one of your subordinates? It should be doing things for you, so there's no need to thank you, right?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "I, Li Xiaogang, only have friends, but no subordinates! Can you understand?"

Looking at Li Xiaogang's eyes shining like stars, Li Li nodded heavily, knowing Li Xiaogang a little better in her heart!
"Brother Gang, do you have any orders for me?"

Scar's voice on the other end of the phone was a bit deep, although he deliberately covered it up, it still didn't escape Li Xiaogang's ears. Li Xiaogang was slightly startled, and said, "Scar, is something wrong? Where are you now?" ?”

Scar was silent for a while before saying: "It's nothing, Brother Gang! I'm... in the hospital now.""

Hospital? "

Li Xiaogang frowned immediately, and said, "What happened? Who was injured? Is it serious?"

Scar said with great pain: "Brother Gang, he is one of our brothers. He was injured by Li Haoran and was shot. The doctor has... already sent us a critical illness notice. The doctor said that it is impossible for him to survive. It's tonight..." Scar's voice became more and more choked up, it sounded like Scar had a deep affection for his brother.

"Which hospital are you in? I'll be there right away!" Li Xiaogang's stern voice made Dao Scar dare not hide anything, and hurriedly reported the address of the hospital.

In the hospital, the sadness was desolate, especially Li Feng was holding the critical illness notice in his hand, and he was in a daze, with regret and self-blame written all over his face.

Afraid that he would be too sad, Scar stepped forward, patted his shoulder lightly and said, "Ah Feng, don't do this! We all know that all this is because of that bastard Li Haoran, and has nothing to do with you.

The brothers won't blame you, and Xiao Wu won't blame you!Don't torture yourself like this, you can only make everyone feel uncomfortable with you! "

Scar's words made Li Feng feel aggrieved for a long time, and finally burst out like a flood, his body leaning against the wall slowly slid to the ground, tears also gushed out: "Brother Scar, it's all my fault! I should have thought that bastard Li Haoran would shoot, if I had taken precautions beforehand, Xiao Wu would not have done so!"

Scar shouted: "Prevention? How do you prevent it? Could it be that you just watched him run away? In that case, I'd rather Xiaowu is dead now!"

After a pause, Dao Scar hugged Li Feng's shoulder and said: "Ah Feng, if it were me, I would make the same choice as Yi, you are right!" Li Feng raised his head in a daze Looking at Scar, he asked suspiciously: "Really? You will do the same?"

Scar nodded heavily and said: "Yes! I will! Afeng, the choice you made is correct. If you want to blame, you can only blame Li Haoran for being a beast and Xiao Wu...he is unlucky!"

"Brother Scar! Xiao Wu is dying again!" Suddenly there were several exclamations in the ward, Scar suddenly stood up from the ground, and rushed to the doctor's duty room frantically, shouting "Doctor , a doctor, come quickly! Help my brother!..." The silent hospital immediately became noisy again.

After the doctor's strenuous efforts to rescue Xiao Wu, relying on his tenacious unity in survival, he survived again, but in just one hour, such a fight with the god of death has been staged several times, and no one knows the next evil death When will he attack again wielding a sickle, no one knows how long Xiao Wu can last?
In this dull and suffocating atmosphere, Li Xiaogang finally appeared in the corridor of the hospital with hurried steps, and Li Li followed closely behind him, trotting all the way.

Seeing Li Xiaogang, Dao Scar and other brothers immediately stood up and hurried up to meet him.

Li Xiaogang asked anxiously: "Scar, how is the person?"

Scar's face darkened, he shook his head weakly and said, "The doctor said that Xiao Wu will die at any time, it's just a matter of time..."

(End of this chapter)

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