The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2780 A Small Crisis

Chapter 2780 A Little Crisis
In such a situation, Li Bai can only watch quietly, secretly envy, and silently bless, however, he can only use his own imagination to feel their current mood .

Three commercial vehicles shuttled non-stop on the busy street. After more than 20 minutes, they finally stopped in the parking lot of a certain commercial block. A group of people, led by Wei Yan, took the car inside the parking lot. The exclusive elevator directly came to the ground.

At this time, even Tian Lin let out a cry of exclamation, because what Wei Yan said before, their new restaurant was actually called Yuyan Linping. Although the name sounds a little weird, but this The name is simply another kind of family portrait.

Tian Lin specially explained the meaning of these four words to Wei Yu and Liu Meiping. At this time, the hearts of the two elders were also full of emotions. It was also at this time that Tian Lin learned that this restaurant was owned by Wei Yan when they left. After that, I started to prepare. After two months of preparatory work, I recently reopened the business.

Later, when she was free one day, Tian Lin asked Wei Yan how to explain the name if they failed to return. Wei Yan told Tian Lin that if her parents really did not come back, the restaurant could only It was one of her thoughts.

It seems that Boss Wei Yan is going to bring his parents here for dinner tonight. It seems that he has been notified, so when a group of people walked outside the restaurant, the waiters in the restaurant actually lined up to welcome them. This kind of battle was obviously never in the memory of the two elders, but they could clearly feel that everyone was very happy.

The news that Boss Wei Yan's long-lost parents finally came back quickly spread in the restaurant. At this time, the customers in the restaurant, whether they were Wei Yan's acquaintances or strangers, all stood up and offered gifts for them. The most sincere blessings, and the group all smiled, and then sat in their exclusive private room.

The five priests of the church were also not left out, and they worked together with everyone. Although they still didn't say much, Li Bai could clearly feel that their state of mind was quite different from that before they left Italy. Obvious improvement.

However, these Italian clergymen, even Wei Yu and Liu Meiping, are obviously not used to the authentic Chinese cuisine. It is delicious, Chinese people eat it happily, but for foreigners, it is quite heavy taste.

However, even so, several foreign friends still had tears in their eyes, and they finished the sumptuous dinner together with everyone present.

At the dinner table, Wei Yan kept talking about past events with her parents, deliberately bypassing the rest of the Wei family, talking about things about him and the second elder when they were young, and talking about what Tian Lin had shown Wei Yu before, When was the last photo she kept with her father taken, and what happened when it was taken.

Although Wei Yu and Liu Meiping still couldn't remember anything, when Wei Yan was talking, they still showed empathy and tried their best to integrate themselves into the scene.

But when everyone was eating happily, the door of the private room was gently pushed open, and a little boy with a flustered expression walked in from the outside. He moved to Wei Yan's side, and after whispering something to Wei Yan, Even Wei Yan's expression changed slightly.

"Everyone, you eat first. There is a small situation outside. I will go out and take a look and come back." Wei Yan apologized to her parents and said to everyone. Tian Lin wanted to go with Wei Yan, but Wei Yan refused. .

Therefore, in the private room without Wei Yan's company, Tian Lin once again became the main force to stir up the topic, trying to make the dinner table not so boring.

However, the time Wei Yan left seemed to be too long. Tian Lin waited for a full 15 minutes, but Wei Yan did not come back.

This time, Tian Lin had no choice but to leave the private room. After asking the waiters along the way where Wei Yan was, he saw Wei Yan in the office.

At this time, Wei Yan was sitting in the office, holding Tianxun in her right hand and sitting there blankly, the busy tone kept thinking, it seemed that it had been ringing for a while.

"Daughter-in-law? What happened?" Tian Lin frowned, walked to Wei Yan's side, and hugged her gently. Just when Wei Yan was about to let go, Wei Yan hugged Tian Lin tightly with her backhand: "Husband, let me hug you for a while, just for a while." Wei Yan whispered to Tian Lin, so Tian Lin stood there quietly, and waited for 2 minutes before Wei Yan let go.

This time, Wei Yan finally told Tian Lin what happened.It turned out that the Tianxun that just called Wei Yan told Wei Yan bad news.

"Husband, it seems that our Wei company has been targeted." Wei Yan raised her head and said to Tian Lin with some uncertainty, and then told Tian Lin that someone told her in Tianxun just now that if Wei Yan didn't take the initiative to give up If some industries are monopolized, then their Wei's enterprise will get several times the loss.

"Is this some people making threatening calls? Who can target us in Xiaolian City? Just ignore that person." Tian Lin curled his lips and said to Wei Yan, "Let's go back and have dinner with our parents first. Well, if parents are unhappy because of this kind of thing, then the loss outweighs the gain."

Tian Lin said to Wei Yan, grabbing Wei Yan's hand, trying to pull Wei Yan up from the seat, but it didn't succeed immediately.At this time, Tian Lin finally realized that things were not as simple as he imagined.

"We were indeed targeted." Wei Yan reiterated what she had just said for the second time, and this time, she directly explained to Tian Lin in a more specific way.

It turned out that as early as a month ago, Wei Yan had received such news that the other party asked her to give up some monopoly on catering companies, otherwise their Wei Corporation would receive even greater retaliation.

Wei Yan at that time had the same thoughts as Tian Lin at this time, thinking that it was just some threatening messages sent by some of their competitors, so he ignored them and continued to work on the early stage of the Swift Linping Hotel Preparations, but just a week ago, the major retaliation actually came.

This retaliation is not a retaliation by force in the traditional sense, but a commercial one. Just a week ago, a really high-end and luxurious hotel suddenly appeared on the border of Xiaolian City. On the same day, it was also reported by many media, so that all the people in Xiaolian City knew about the hotel.

At the beginning, Wei Yan still didn't pay too much attention to the appearance of that hotel. After all, many people had done similar things before, but in the subsequent long-distance running, they soon became weak in succession, but this The difference is that Wei Yan has already felt the horror of that hotel in just this week.

In just one week, the catering companies affiliated to Wei's Enterprises sent reports to Wei Yan that the traffic in their respective stores began to drop sharply, and even sent a trend chart. During the period of time, the flow of people in the catering industry under Wei's enterprise has dropped by more than one-third.

Such a situation made Wei Yan feel a lot of pressure, but because the summer vacation was coming to an end, the Swift Linping Hotel was nearing completion, and Wei Yan's parents were about to return, under the influence of multiple factors, Wei Yan never bothered to send someone to investigate Let's see, what kind of strength does that newly established hotel have to bring such a huge loss to their Wei's enterprise.

However, after ten years of being Wei Yan, seeing her parents again on a night that should have been enjoyable, this kind of thing happened again. Wei Yan could tell that the voice in Tianxun was still the same. The voice from the previous time, but this time, the other party asked Wei's enterprise to reduce its monopoly on real estate companies.

But this time, Wei Yan originally wanted to directly refuse, because the real estate business is almost the pillar industry of their Wei's enterprise, if they just let it out, then their Wei's enterprise will suffer a huge loss, but, Thinking of the other party's warning and the previous blow, Wei Yan hesitated, and then told the other party that she needs to think about it.

"Daughter-in-law, no way, you have to agree to this kind of thing? We should refuse directly, and then find out who the other party is, and attack them first!" Tian Lin said to Wei Yan anxiously, and this Only then did Wei Yan's eyes finally flash a ray of hope.

"When you were not around, I almost forgot how to make decisions. Although Hong Wu was always there, I always forgot to ask his opinion." Wei Yan said to Tian Lin a little apologetically, and then took Tian Lin's hand. He stood up with his hands, first gave Tian Lin a long kiss, and then returned to the private room with Tian Lin.

At this time, the private room had been silent for a long time because there were no two people present. When the two came back again, a trace of anger finally appeared.

"What happened?" Li Bai asked out loud. He had already seen that Wei Yan had something on his mind, so he was more worried about the situation of the two of them at this time.

"It's okay, it's just a little trouble." Tian Lin said to everyone with a smile, but when he looked at Li Bai, his eyes changed slightly.Li Bai understood that it meant to have a private chat with him later.

Therefore, after a little "interlude", everyone finally finished the sumptuous dinner, and it is naturally impossible for the five clergy to start their big plan tonight. To show the host's courtesy, Tian Lin Invite them to return to their Wei family mansion to stay for one night.

In such a modern city, the Wei family mansion still maintains all the charm of ancient times, which made Wei Yu and Liu Meiping feel very curious, while Wei Yan told the two elders with a smile that many of the designs here are It was designed by the two of them very early on.

"Mom and Dad, this is your room. Take a good rest tonight, and I'll take you to do what you want to do tomorrow." After Wei Yan settled Wei Yu and Liu Meiping, Tian Lin also settled the others. , At this time, he glanced at Wei Yan, his expression sank, and then found Li Bai again.

"Master, if you are not sleepy, can you come and discuss something with us, a little trouble should be easily resolved." Tian Linru said to Li Bai.

And Li Bai understood that this "little trouble" required Tian Lin to ask him to help, so it must have turned into a big trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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