The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2782 Ling Tian's Ambition

Chapter 2782 Ling Tian's Ambition

In the meeting room, Li Bai once again saw Wei Yan and Tian Lin who hadn't seen each other for a day. What surprised Li Bai was that in the meeting room, the parents of the two, Wei Yu and Liu Meiping, were actually Also, but from their expressions, they seem to be still at a loss as to what happened at home.

"Why did you call the elders over?" Li Bai quickly walked into the meeting room, and said to the two of them.

"Wei Yan feels that if they are allowed to participate in the discussion of family affairs, not only will they be able to recall the past faster, but they will also be able to quickly regain their business acumen," Tian Lin said. Li Bai said, his face was full of anxiety, and he hurriedly asked Li Bai to sit on the side seat.

Li Bai looked at Tian Lin with some helplessness: "What exactly did you investigate that made you so nervous?" Li Bai wanted to make Tian Lin calm down, but it didn't seem to have any effect. Tian Lin directly introduced the content of their investigation to Li Bai , Moreover, the speech speed is extremely fast.

"It's such a master. We have investigated for a day, and we have probably investigated the strength behind this Lingtian Hotel." Tian Lin quickly said to Li Bai.

It turned out that two outsiders came to Xiaolian City two months ago. At that time, their faces were quite strange, and they did not attract anyone's attention. What has been done, no one in Wei's enterprise knows.

It wasn't until now when the "dongchuang incident" happened, after Tian Lin's investigation, that they were surprised to find that those two outsiders had done something that many people hardly dared to think about in the past two months.

The first thing those two people did when they came to Xiaolian City was to spend a huge sum of money to buy a newly established hotel building. Ashamed to say, that building was built by Wei Yan herself through Wei's enterprise Yes, just when it was about to be turned into the Swift Linping Hotel, a huge sum of money struck Wei Yan to give up her original idea.

So, that building was sold to the other party. At that time, Wei Yan thought it was some kind of new start-up company that wanted to build in Xiaolian City, so she didn't pay much attention to the other party. In the following time, their The actions were so low-key that Wei Yan almost forgot their existence.

First of all, they started to decorate the new building. At the same time, they also started to work in the government of Xiaolian City. In a short period of time, they spent money on the favor of many officials, allowing them to obtain The qualification to establish an enterprise is also the reason why, in less than two months, the Lingtian Hotel was born in Xiaolian City.

Li Bai has been listening quietly, and at the same time, he is analyzing that what Lingtian Hotel branch in Xiaolian City did seems to be almost exactly the same as what Lingtian did in the capital back then. caught off guard.However, it seems that Ling Tian has never done the thing of sending messages to threaten competitors before the completion.

However, Li Bai quickly rejected this idea. After all, his Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company is a pharmaceutical company and is not a competitor at all.

"Then, is there any other news?" Li Bai's voice became colder, and he asked. If it's just like this, then Li Bai himself has almost nothing to do.

"Also, when I asked them to investigate the situation in Xiaolian City, they also checked the information of other cities." Tian Lin told Li Bai that in the past six months, in some large cities in northern China, Similarly, several Lingtian hotels were born, and now, there are about twenty hotels.

Li Bai was really shocked by this news. He knew that Ling Tian should be very strong, but Li Bai never expected that Ling Tian was so powerful. Twenty Ling Tian hotels appeared in half a year. Just like what Tian Lin said, if two people spend two months to "capture" a city, then Ling Tian will definitely not do these things by himself.

That is to say, the thing that bothers Li Bai even more is that under Ling Tian's subordinates, there seem to be about six to eight capable people. It is because of their help that Ling Tian Hotel can suddenly become so "powerful".

Thinking of this, Li Bai's expression became more serious. He no longer focused on the current situation in Xiaolian City, but thought of Ling Tian, ​​who was thousands of miles away and located in the capital.Li Bai is very curious now, who is this Ling Tian, ​​where does he come from, and why does he have such a powerful ability?

Moreover, behind such a powerful ability, Ling Tian also has considerable financial and human resources to support it, otherwise, it would not be possible to reach the current scale.This made Li Bai feel a lot of pressure.

"Master, master." Just as Li Bai fell into deep thought, Tian Lin's voice sounded in Li Bai's mind, making Li Bai come out of his contemplation.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Li Bai raised his eyes and looked at Tian Lin and asked.

Tian Lin then continued: "Master, I have already investigated who those two people are. One of them is called Xiangnan and the other is called Xiangbei. They should be biological brothers, but where are they from? What family is behind them? , we are at a loss, we just know that the two of them are not weak, and they are rich."

Tian Lin said to Li Bai with some frustration, in this world, there is always something wrong with the saying that there are people outside the world and there are days outside the sky. After following Li Bai, Tian Lin already felt that he was a winner in life, but there are even more powerful people The appearance of Tian Lin severely hit Tian Lin's self-esteem.

At this time, Wei Yan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke: "Master, I have analyzed the current situation. Although our Wei's enterprise has been established in Xiaolian City for a long time, if we really have a relationship with these two If brothers start to fight, it may not take advantage if they don't use force."

Wei Yan said to Li Bai in a serious tone, because the brothers Xiangnan and Xiangbei were quite willing to spend money, so at this time the government officials of Xiaolian City are not necessarily on the side of Wei's enterprise, and if they want to If he wants to regain some lost markets with a money offensive, Wei Yan is a little worried that the other party's financial resources may be higher than their entire Wei family.

When talking about this, Wei Yan smiled wryly, and looked at Li Bai: "Master, aren't we ashamed, leading a whole family, but being frightened by only two people." Wei Yan's expression was very bitter , looked at the parents who had been sitting on the other side, and kept saying things like "I'm sorry, I messed up the family".

Seeing Wei Yan suddenly become like this, Tian Lin became panicked all of a sudden, ran to Wei Yan's side and gently hugged her, and said some comforting words to her.

However, the appearance of this young couple made Li Bai even more helpless. After waiting quietly for a while, and finding that Wei Yan still had no intention of stopping, he had to take the initiative to break the atmosphere: "Hey, hey, I Do you two look like the head of the family now? If the whole Wei family sees you now, what will they think?"

Li Bai's words made Wei Yan and Tian Lin finally calm down, and Wei Yu and Liu Meiping also understood Li Bai's words, which seemed to have a little influence on them, causing their eyes to start Filled with some different eyes than before.

"The brothers haven't done anything to you yet, and you've already started to retreat. What, is it the end of the world?" Li Bai said to Wei Yan and Tian Lin in a somewhat angry manner, feeling very unclear , How did the two of them retreat after practicing for a year.

"Stop crying and crying, and spend more time thinking about how to solve this problem. What, do you two really want everyone in your entire Wei family to follow you to drink the Northwest Wind?" Li Baiyue said The more angry he got, he finally yelled at the two of them, "I don't plan to take care of this matter anymore, you guys figure out a way for yourself, and I'll be back to Kyoto tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Li Bai really stood up, left the meeting room, and walked towards the resting place angrily, while behind him, Wei Yan and Tian Lin stood there in a daze, and did not keep Li Bai. In other words, they have forgotten how to retain them.

Li Bai, who was lying on the bed, quickly calmed down. Naturally, he couldn't leave Xiaolian City and leave Wei Yan and Tian Lin here when the morning came. What he said was just to get the two of them to fight again. Faith comes.

At this time, Li Bai naturally couldn't fall asleep. At this time, his mind was also running at high speed, thinking about how to solve the current predicament of Wei's enterprise, so as to prevent Wei Yan and Tian Lin from really failing to figure it out. The solution.

The next target of the Xiangnan Xiangbei brothers for Wei's enterprise is their real estate, and, according to Wei Yan, the time given to her to think about it is only tomorrow, and if they don't give them a result by then, Then they will repeat the last action again.

Wei Yan didn't know what big move they would make, but according to the situation of Lingtian Hotel, their second big move was enough to shake the real estate of Wei's enterprise.

In the current situation, there is actually one of the easiest ways, Wei Yan has already said, and that is force.Even the two brothers from the south to the north must have good strength, but as long as Li Bai makes a move, Li Bai doesn't think they will survive. In that case, the dispute in the entire Xiaolian City will end with their death.

However, this method is also the most unfeasible and the most stupid, because in that case, if the brothers Xiangnan and Xiangbei die, a bigger person or family will definitely be involved. Survive under the crazy revenge.

Go to Ling Tian to have a good discussion and ask him to give up his investment in Xiaolian City?Li Bai smiled to himself. In this regard, he and Ling Tian are both businessmen, and Ling Tian has always been the kind of person who doesn't show his face. Li Bai doesn't think that Ling Tian's ability to cheat is much worse than his own.

Therefore, if you really want to resist, or even counterattack the fierce attack of the brothers from the south to the north, then the only solution is to solve it from the root cause.

There are two reasons why the Brothers Xiangnan Xiangbei achieved such "achievements" in such a short period of time. One is money, and the other is the "care" of officials bought by money. In terms of money However, Li Bai couldn't think of any good way to stop them, so the only way to test them was through the aspect of power.

After Li Bai constructed a model in his mind, he went to sleep. Tomorrow morning, he had to send Bicci and the two children to the airport first.

(End of this chapter)

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