The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2786 North and South Brothers

Chapter 2786 North and South Brothers
Think about it carefully, if Li Bai is an ordinary customer instead of Tian Lin's master, then, on one side is the restaurant established by Wei's enterprise, and on the other side, Lingtian Hotel is like a one-stop hotel. Some people will definitely go to Lingtian Hotel to take a look first.

Regardless of whether the food at Lingtian Hotel is good or not, there will definitely be many people who want to try it. Even if a certain category is not delicious, some people may go back to taste other categories.

When he thought of this, Li Bai frowned even deeper. If he really thought of it this way, then it meant that Ling Tian, ​​the real behind-the-scenes mastermind of the Ling Tian Hotel, was also quite a business-minded person. Or more accurately, a talent.

At least at this time, even Li Bai secretly admired Ling Tian's actions. Putting himself in another place and thinking about it, it seems that what he did by himself may not necessarily be better than Ling Tian.

This is not to say that Li Bai admits to being cowardly again at this time, but it even more inspires Li Bai to really get to know this Ling Tian, ​​and then go to him to challenge him once, or in other words, to find an opportunity, relying on himself With his strength, he stomped Ling Tian down fiercely, destroying his prestige.

Of course, in the current situation, the most important thing for Li Bai is to help Tian Lin and Wei Yan solve this very urgent problem.

"Actually, this incident has taught us all a lesson." At this time, Li Bai finally spoke again, quietly looking at Tian Lin and Wei Yan who were sitting opposite, and said, "The matter of Lingtian Hotel tells us that we are doing In this aspect of business, you must know how to be flexible and come up with some novel ways, this is the most important condition for winning."

Li Bai didn't say something dry to the two of them immediately, but started to "educate" the two of them. At the same time, he also reminded himself that if such a thing happens in the future, don't confine your thinking to the old road , Jump out of the old thinking and think about some new things. This is the most correct way.

"Master, we know, but how do we solve the current situation? If the current situation cannot be resolved, how can we have any chance to face future challenges." Tian Lin complained, looking at Li Bai.

Li Bai chuckled: "So, in this situation, we can only deal with it in the old way for the time being." Li Bai pouted, just as Tian Lin said, if you die today, how can you see tomorrow sun.

"Let's find the two brothers Xiangnan Xiangbei. This afternoon, you can send someone to search for some of their whereabouts. Or, Wei Yan, you can contact them in advance and say that you agree to their proposal temporarily. However, I ask you to meet each other." Li Bai turned to look at Wei Yan and said.

Tian Lin and Wei Yan suddenly looked at each other. After thinking about it, they decided to use the second, faster method. If the second method doesn't work, they can only use the first method.

However, just when Wei Yan took out Tianxun and was about to dial the unfamiliar number before, there was an untimely noise in the Chinese restaurant.

Throughout noon, the Chinese restaurant was quiet, but at this moment, the three of Li Bai heard a commotion not far away. In front of her, a waitress kept lowering her head apologetically, and in front of her were two men about 30 years old, talking to the waitress.

Or rather, yelling something.The expressions of the two men seemed very excited, one of them was obviously the main force to reprimand the waitress, he pointed at the waitress with his finger for a while, and pointed at the dishes on the table for a while, Li Bai listened attentively for a while. It was only then that I roughly heard what the two men were doing.

The reason for the dispute was quite simple. The reason was that the two men called the waitress and said something to the waitress that the food was not very tasty.The waitress didn't talk back or anything, she just defended the Chinese restaurant she was in, but the two men just started to hold on to this point.

Not only did they not let the waitress leave, but they also asked the Chinese restaurant to change the dishes. At the same time, they clamored that the food here was not as good as the Lingtian Hotel next door.

Such things, in the few days after the ribbon-cutting of Lingtian Hotel, often appeared in the major restaurants of Wei's enterprise. Although this method is very shameless, the name of Lingtian Hotel has indeed attracted many people. The people who eat melons who don't know the truth go.

"Damn it, it's someone sent by Lingtian Hotel again." Before Li Bai and Tian Lin said anything, Wei Yan was rushed first. He got up, and when he was about to walk over there, he was held back by Tian Lin.

"What are you doing? Don't you say anything because you've been bullied by others?" Wei Yan looked at Tian Lin with some complaints, but Tian Lin just asked Wei Yan to sit down first, and then pointed over there, because At this time, the manager of the Chinese restaurant has already trotted over to prepare to deal with the matter.

However, because those two men were too shameless, or the manager couldn't argue with those two men at all, so in order to calm things down and create a quiet environment for other guests, the experience was changed according to the requirements of the two men. Two other dishes were served.

"Interesting, interesting." When the Chinese restaurant became quiet again, Tian Lin said "tsk tsk" twice, "I can't imagine that the two brothers Xiangnan Xiangbei are so shameless now. When will the food not be good?" Delicious food can be a reason to change dishes.”

While talking, Tian Lin glanced at the direction where the dispute happened just now. At this time, the two men were complacently eating the new two dishes, but they didn't replace the old two dishes. Tasting it quietly like that, I didn't feel bad at all.

"Shameless, shameless." Tian Lin said again, looking at Li Bai, "Master, or else we should follow their example and send some people to make trouble. This is also a good way."

Then, Tian Lin was glared at by Li Bai: "That's not bad, the reason why Xiangnan Xiangbei dared to do this so blatantly is because we are considering whether to make concessions to them. If If we did the same, maybe they would have moved earlier."

Li Bai looked at Tian Lin helplessly and said, and then looked at Wei Yan: "Call them Tianxun. If it is delayed until night, we will have much less room for change."

Wei Yan nodded, then picked up Tianxun again, then found the strange number before, and dialed it.

"Hello?" What Wei Yan didn't expect was that Tianxun was connected very quickly, and on the other side, a middle-aged man's voice came quickly, but he didn't open the video, "How about it? Are you okay? Although cooperating with us has indeed suffered some losses for your Wei's enterprise, but in the long run, it is also mutually beneficial, isn't it? "

Wei Yan clenched Tianxun's hand quite tightly. She had never seen such a brazen person who said such a thing in such a high-sounding manner.

But at this time, Li Bai just nodded at Wei Yan, signaling her to follow the plan.

"Yes, I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to agree to cooperate with you..." Wei Yan just finished saying these words, and there was a burst of laughter from the other side: "If I knew this, you would have You should have made such a decision, otherwise, your catering industry wouldn't have become so miserable."

The man over there said to Wei Yan in a very arrogant tone, which made Wei Yan even more angry, but reason told Wei Yan that she still needs to keep calm at this time.

"But, listen to me, I still have buts." Wei Yan said coldly to the other side of Tianxun, "I will agree to cooperate with you, but I want to meet with you, otherwise if it's just a phone call If we communicate, we will disagree."

Wei Yan said firmly to the other side, the other side was silent for a while, but from the noise in Tianxun, it can be heard that the man seems to be outside now.

"Meet us? What are you doing? The cooperation between our Lingtian Group and your Wei's enterprise does not need to sign a contract to bind each other. We just want to share a piece of money with you, and we don't want to fight with you. Yes." On the other side of Tianxun, the man said again, which made the three people here show puzzled expressions.

The man is obviously lying to them, or it can be said that they are just talking nonsense. If Lingtian Group entered Xiaolian City just to get a share of Wei's enterprise, there is no need to go to war like this. From the perspective of the above, this is clearly the momentum of wanting to replace Wei's enterprise and become the new boss of Xiaolian City.

"No, no matter what kind of cooperation it is, we must insist on meeting with you. If you don't agree, then I don't mind fighting to the death with your Ling Tian Group, even if it will cost our lives. "Wei Yan once again said solemnly and solemnly to the people on Tianxun's side, and Wei Yan's expression can be seen on the other side.

"Hehe, you guys want to fight us to the death? We are not the net, we are the land, we are the wall, do you understand?" The man's disdainful and mocking voice came again, extremely arrogant, extremely unconcerned. Wei's enterprise was taken seriously, which almost made Tian Lin run away in anger.

However, Li Bai stopped Tian Lin again, and at the same time, asked Wei Yan to remain silent, waiting for the next words on the other side.

But this time, after saying that sentence, the opposite party also fell into silence, but they did not hang up Tianxun, so Wei Yan and the others knew that at this time, it was their turn to think about the current situation .

The time displayed on Tianxun quietly passed for another 5 minutes, and the other party finally spoke again: "Well, since you want to see our North and South brothers so much, then we will reluctantly meet you Well, but we will not take the initiative to find you, we are now in your Chinese restaurant, come here by yourself."

The man on the opposite side, who didn't know whether it was the man facing the south or the north, hung up Tianxun, and this time, it was Li Bai's turn. They were surprised. The two brothers were in this Chinese restaurant owned by their Wei's enterprise at this time.

"Could it be those two stinky and shameless men?" Tian Lin looked over there in a daze, and when Li Bai turned his head away, he also noticed that one of the two men over there Just in time to put a Skycom on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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