Chapter 2802 The Return
Li Bai nodded, and said to Tian Lin: "If the two of them still want to continue to develop the power here, they will have to wait for more than a month. By then, how can they be the opponents of Wei's enterprise? As long as you develop well and don’t die, that’s fine.”

Li Bai led Wei Yan and Tian Lin towards the direction of the company building, and while walking, told them some things that they needed to pay attention to in the coming time.

Like an old man saying his last words to his back, Tian Lin and Wei Yan listened very carefully, for fear of forgetting anything.

"Okay, don't look so heavy, it's not like I won't see you all in the future, maybe I'll come back in a few days." Li Bai looked helplessly at the two who were about to cry, not knowing whether to laugh or cry Said.

Li Bai has no reason not to believe Ling Tian's words. He asked Li Bai to find Liu Meng in the Greater Khingan Mountains, which probably means that the entire Liu family is in the Greater Khingan Mountains. Otherwise, in some other places, I would be too sorry for their cultivation. The names of the four major families.

However, even though Li Bai wanted to see Liu Meng very much, he still had to suppress his strong impulse. First of all, Liu Meng was forcibly summoned back by the Liu family. Even if Li Bai really found the Liu family, Then if you want to see Liu Meng, you will definitely need to be obstructed by the Liu family in every possible way, and even attacked.

Secondly, today is already September [-]th. In three days, Li Bai's junior year will start. Even if the things in school are not so important, Li Bai still needs to go back to the capital to deal with the two problems. Shannon Pharmaceutical Company and Shannon Technology Company, which have not been asked for more than a month.

This is not to say that Li Bai does not believe in the abilities of his women, but after all, he established the two companies himself, and it is better for Li Bai, as the real behind-the-scenes boss, to know some major decisions.

Therefore, after solving these matters in Xiaolian City, Li Bai had to go back to the capital for the time being. After the matters over there were also resolved, Li Bai would have the time to come to Liu Meng and let Liu Meng start again. Go back to yourself.

So, after Li Bai stayed in Xiaolian City for the last night, on the morning of September [-]th, he arrived at Xiaolian City Airport early and took the earliest flight back to Kyoto. As usual, Li Bai The return did not notify anyone.

After getting off the plane, it was not until eleven o'clock in the morning. Li Bai walked out of the terminal building lightly, and stood by the side of the road as usual to take a closer look at the city.Although it has been more than two months since he left the capital, this time, the capital has not changed much. On the surface, what Li Bai was like when he left is still the same now.

Of course, there are still many small changes, but Li Bai can't see it from the surface.

After hailing a taxi, Li Bai went back to the villa where he had been away for two months, because a few days had passed in September, so this time, Li Bai didn't feel the enthusiasm he had when he returned.The entire villa seemed empty, only Xia Ma was preparing lunch for a while in the kitchen.

Seeing Li Bai suddenly appearing in front of her, Xia's mother was quite surprised, but because the two children Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi had told Xia's mother that Li Bai would come back soon, Xia's mother was already prepared for this.

"I'm back, you must be tired. Let's take a bath. I'll pick up the two children. The food will be ready to eat as soon as it's reheated." Xia's mother said enthusiastically to Li Bai, not wanting the dusty Li Bai to go again. Pick up two kids.

"It's okay, Mommy Xia. I'm comfortable staying in Xiaolian City. You can stay at home. I'll pick them up. Besides, I usually pick them up when I don't have anything to do." Li Bai said with a smile. Xia's mother said that although Xiaoxi and Xiaoxin are fully capable of going to and from school by themselves, Xia's mother has always been very worried, so she has been picking them up and going to and from school.

Xia Ma couldn't resist Li Bai, at least watched Li Bai who had just come back out of the villa again, after thinking about it, she made a few new dishes to celebrate Li Bai's return.

Although it has been two months since he drove his own car, Li Bai still walks with ease to pick up his two children. Standing at the school gate, there are already many parents waiting here. It seems that everything is very familiar.

For example, the security guard at the door was also the same security guard who made things difficult for Li Bai last year, and he still hasn't changed, and there are a few aunts, all of which Li Bai has a little impression of.

Only this time, there were no other foreigners like Jack who came to trouble Li Bai, which made Li Bai feel a little uncomfortable, as if people always came to trouble him, which is what Li Bai should have Living condition.

But you must know that in this world, there are still more good people than bad people. Even those so-called "bad people" are just in order to fight for their own interests, and have to do something that goes against the world view of the world, so they are classified On the side of the "bad guys", if you change the angle, maybe they are some more tragic heroes.

At twelve o'clock in the noon, the school finally ended. A group of children chattered out of the small school gate like a tide, and rushed to their parents. Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi also saw Li Bai early. The figure jumped directly into Li Bai's arms.

On the way home, Li Bai realized that after the "struggle" of the whole school year last year, no one dared to bully the two children at school anymore, not that the two children resolved it with force. Those little fat guys from before used some tricks instead.

The specific method is that the two children, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, turned out to be a trick to Li Bai and did not tell Li Bai, but Li Bai is sure that the two children will not lie.

Back home with the two children, Xia's mother had already prepared a sumptuous lunch, but this time, to Li Bai's surprise, Zhang Yuhan also returned home.

However, when Li Bai just entered, Zhang Yuhan, who had his back to the door, didn't notice anyone coming in, but kept asking Xia's mother why the lunch at noon was so rich today, and whether there were any guests at home.

"You know if you can't see it yourself." Xia Ma said to Zhang Yuhan with a smile, and glanced at the door, and when Zhang Yuhan turned his head in doubt, Li Bai did not know when he appeared in front of Zhang Yuhan .

Zhang Yuhan was taken aback by such a sudden appearance, subconsciously raised her hand to fight back, but was grabbed by Li Bai: "Hey, hey, I just came back, are you going to murder your husband? " Li Bai said to Zhang Yuhan dumbfounded, and raised Zhang Yuhan's chin with his fingers, only then did Zhang Yuhan see his own face.

"Li Bai!?" Zhang Yuhan yelled in surprise, and Li Bai could tell that her tone was first surprised, then puzzled, as if she didn't believe that Li Bai would come back at all.

However, when the next second came, Zhang Yuhan hugged Li Bai's waist tightly, squeaking, as if she was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

"Hey, hey, don't be so excited, and the two children are still watching, don't spoil them, okay?" Li Bai joked to Zhang Yuhan, slowly pushed Zhang Yuhan away from his body, and moved closer to him In Zhang Yuhan's ear, she whispered, "Since you miss me so much, wait a while, and I'll let you squeeze it out."

"I hate it!" Zhang Yuhan's face turned red like a little girl, and she punched Li Bai lightly, and then she and Li Bai started to clean up the dining table.

And at this moment, he heard the sound of footsteps from the other side of the stairs, Li Bai turned his head away, only then saw the ice spike walking down the stairs with some resentment.Seeing Li Bai and Zhang Yuhan being so close, Bingjian's expression was obviously jealous.

Originally, when Li Bai returned home for the first time, Bingthorn had already noticed it, but she didn't appear immediately at that time. She wanted to surprise Li Bai, but she never thought that Li Bai would have no generation gap for 5 minutes at home. Went to pick up the child, which made Bingjian full of jealousy, and kept scolding Li Bai in his heart.

At this time, Li Bai seemed to have forgotten about the ice thorn, and kept flirting with Zhang Yuhan, how could he make the ice thorn not jealous?After all, during the two months in Europe, many, many stories happened between Bingthorn and Li Bai.

"Bingthorn, did you just wake up?" Seeing Bingthorn's expression, Li Bai immediately guessed Bingthorn's thoughts, walked to Bingthorn's side, and squeezed Bingthorn's face pretending to be worried. , but was glared fiercely by the ice spike.

"Okay, okay, I know you're angry about getting up, hurry up and wash your hands and eat, and go back to sleep after eating." Li Bai said something nasty to Bingji again, which made Bingji suddenly feel that he was angry and had nowhere to go After a while, this time he gave Li Bai a heavy punch, and then he followed Li Bai to the dinner table.

Although there were only six people present for this lunch, the happy and harmonious atmosphere did not diminish at all. Except for Zhang Yuhan's frequent suspicious looks at Li Bai, everything was harmonious.

At the dinner table, Li Bai became the protagonist in everyone's eyes again, telling everyone some interesting things he experienced during his trip to Europe, whether it was funny or not, the two children laughed happily, but Li Bai knew that behind this smile was full of sadness.

In any case, Li Bai's first lunch back in the capital ended beautifully. The two children went to take a nap, Xia Ma went to clean up, and Li Bai was forcibly dragged into her bedroom by Zhang Yuhan one step ahead of time. He saw the astonished eyes of the ice spike.

"Did something happen between you and this ice thorn?" Zhang Yuhan stared at her and questioned Li Bai, and directly threw Li Bai down.

"Uh, do you want to hear the truth or lies." Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan weakly and asked, but he was muttering in his heart. It turned out that Bingthorn hadn't told Zhang Yuhan about the things between them.

"What do you say!" Zhang Yuhan bit Li Bai's lip hard, and left quickly without giving Li Bai a chance to fight back.

"Okay, yes." Li Bai said to Zhang Yuhan helplessly. After all, this matter can't be kept secret for long, but seeing Zhang Yuhan's reaction made Li Bai even more worried. He didn't know how to explain it to other girls This problem, after all, Icicle was among them before, but it has always been an iceberg type of person, with almost zero sense of existence.

Zhang Yuhan's grievances were not finally filled until Li Bai satisfied her several times, and when the two came to the company again, two-thirds of the afternoon shift had passed.

For Li Bai's reappearance, the company did not cause much commotion. After all, even before, Li Bai often came to the company only once in two or three months.

Zhang Yuhan in the company looked like a professional, and soon came to the office with Li Bai, and then turned on the projection on the desk.

"This is the company's financial statement for the past two months, and the technology company in Shu County also sent it to me, so let's show it to you together." Zhang Yuhan said to Li Bai seriously, saving Li Bai a lot time.

(End of this chapter)

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