Chapter 2821
Hearing Li Bai talking to him in such a nonchalant manner, the expression on the third uncle's face became even more exciting, and he glanced at Li Bai contemptuously: "What? The current owner of Toyota Farm? Hehe, where is it? Isn't he still in the hospital? Are you lying there?"

The third uncle looked at Li Bai viciously and said, his eyes were full of malice: "Besides, you said yesterday that we are now fully qualified to be the masters of Toyota Farm, so you two children should not Make trouble here, otherwise, we will call the security guards to chase people away."

The third uncle's words are very arrogant. This Toyota farm is clearly Hasna's father's farm. However, now that Haru is not present, they are actually the masters of the house without any fear, and they want to take Hasna as well. Get out, which makes Hasna very angry.

"Third Uncle, what do you mean? I think my father is sick and only my mother and I are left behind. You are easy to bully, aren't you?" Hasna questioned and looked at Third Uncle and said, at this moment, she once again I felt the ugly faces of these relatives.

The third uncle glanced at Hasna, and said with a smirk: "Hasna, you misunderstood, we are here now, and we are also working hard for a better tomorrow for Toyota Farm, so you should not make trouble here Yes, our negotiation process has been delayed by you."

The third uncle said with a light smile to Hasna, but he gave the people around him a wink, and they immediately understood what the third uncle meant, that was to go to Hasna's side and drive her and Li Bai away.

During this process, the representative representing Huoyanshan Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. smiled and watched the farce here. After all, everything in this place has nothing to do with him.He can also see a good show appearing during the negotiation, which is what he enjoys.

Seeing their more and more arrogant behavior, Li Bai sneered, and then suddenly yelled at the men who were walking towards him and Hasna: "I see who dares to move again!"

Li Bai's roar faintly used the power of the silver stars, and in front of ordinary people, the effect caused by this trace of aura is enough to bring tremors in their lives.As a result, the entire meeting room fell silent, and even Gao Zhixiang and his representatives were taken aback. Looking at Li Bai's back, they showed a terrified expression.

The men really stopped, staring at Li Bai in a daze, not daring to move, but the third uncle, who had been swearing at them just now, was so frightened that he fell back to his seat.

Li Bai was very satisfied with the effect he had created. Before they could react, he said to the third uncle again: "It seems that you still haven't figured out the meaning of what I just said." Li Bai looked at these people coldly and said, and then, from the folder he was holding, he took out the documents that had been framed overnight.

"Here is the letter of authorization from the previous owner of Toyota Farm, your so-called chairman Mr. Haru. Mr. Haru said that if one day he is unable to fulfill his due responsibilities and obligations, then his position He will be replaced by his daughter, Ms Hasna."

Li Bai said word by word to everyone present, threw the attachment of that page of documents on the desk, and drifted towards Third Uncle and the others.

At this time, the third uncle and the others finally came to their senses, and sneered: "Hehe, so you mean that Hasna's words are correct in this Toyota farm now?" Said sarcastically, while the other relatives also cast contemptuous glances at Hasna.

Hasna just smiled faintly at this time. It seems that her relatives have not guessed what is happening now and what it means to them.

"A letter of authorization? Why have I never heard that Haru wrote it? Could it be a document that you two temporarily forged?" The third uncle finally picked up the document in his hand, still very disdainful Said, but, after seeing the contents of the authorization letter, the third uncle's expression suddenly became stiff.

"This, how is this possible?" The third uncle said to himself in horror. The content on this authorization letter is exactly the same as what Li Bai said, and the handwriting on it is also Haru's. "This is impossible! This The documents must have been forged by you!"

The third uncle yelled towards Li Bai angrily, and at the same time circulated the document to others, stood up and glared at Li Bai fiercely and said, "Okay, you actually forged Haru's handwriting to lie to us, what the hell are you doing?" What's on your mind?!"

Hasna didn't say anything yet, the third uncle just forced Hasna to buckle a shit bowl, but Hasna didn't care about it.

"Facts are facts, even if we forged it, I would never be able to forge that Toyota Farm seal, and, as far as I know, five years ago, my father wasn't the only one who owned the right to use this seal. "Hasna said to her relatives word by word.

The expression on the third uncle's face became even more gloomy. As a member of the board of directors, how could he not know what the document just meant? Everything he said just now was just sophistry.

At the same time, the faces of the relatives standing with the third uncle also became very ugly, because once this document came out, it showed that Hasna standing here at this time was very important to them. , which is almost the same as the meaning of Haru. If you want to continue signing the contract, then you must get Hasna's consent.

However, the third uncle didn't seem to think so: "Anyway, this agreement is in my hands now, since you were not here just now, it doesn't matter whether you participate in this contract or not, as long as I... …" Third Uncle said as he put the contract in front of him again, picked up a pen, and wanted to sign his name on it.

As long as this name is signed, no matter whether Hasna agrees or not, the vassal relationship between Toyota Farm and Huoyanshan Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd. will be formally concluded. If Hasna still disagrees, then she will need to pay a huge amount of compensation liquidated damages.

Uncle San hastily opened the cap of the pen, intending to sign his name on it, and when the contract came into effect, he only heard a crackling sound from the office, and then, a ding, a The dagger appeared in front of the third uncle out of thin air, cut off the tip of the pen in his hand, and then inserted it deeply into the desk with a "ding".

Third Uncle's whole body trembled. At this moment, streaks of cold sweat suddenly appeared on his neck and back, and goosebumps also stood up.

Threats, this is a naked threat!

"What do you mean? Come here, get this man out of here!" Until this time, the third uncle still didn't know what situation he was in, and shouted at Li Bai with a broken pen However, the people behind him all lowered their heads at this moment, and Li Bai and Hasna just cast him disdainful glances.

Just when the matter at the Toyota Farm came to an end, on the other side of the conference table, the representative of the Huoyanshan Company suddenly sighed, and then stood up: "What a good show that the six relatives don't recognize. For his own self-interest, he actually ignored the fate of the entire family."

Following the sound of the words, there were bursts of applause without any emotion, Li Bai and Hasna turned around, and the man in the suit and leather shoes was throwing an unknown smile at the two of them .

"Who are you?" Hasna said to the man with a sullen face. At this time, she is the real owner of Toyota Farm, and naturally she cannot lose the face of the farm in front of outsiders.Even just now, a lot has been lost.

"Ms. Hasna, right? Oh no, Boss Hasna, hello, I am the marketing manager of Huoyanshan Agricultural and Sideline Products Co., Ltd., and my name is Gao Song." Gao Song said to Hasna with a smile.

The man in front of me is not Gao Zhixiang, the big boss of Huoyanshan Company, which made Hasna feel relieved for no reason, nodded slightly, and then said to Gao Song: "Mr. Gao Song, today's farce has caused you trouble Now, let’s end the negotiation here, and I’m deeply sorry for wasting your time.”

Hasna bowed slightly to Gao Song, and then issued an order to evict the guest.Only at this time, there was still a discordant voice in the meeting room: "Hasna, what do you mean, even if you inherited your father's position, you can ignore us, right? We can Also a member of the board of directors, all decisions should be made by the minority.”

Hasna's third uncle yelled at Hasna again anxiously, the negotiation was about to be concluded, but the sudden appearance of Hasna and Li Bai stopped the whole progress.

Hearing what Uncle San said, Li Bai chuckled: "I said, whoever said that the decision of the board of directors must obey the majority, and you really think that Toyota Farm, an unlisted company, is not even a company. Does the organization have such a thing as a board of directors?"

Li Bai looked at the three uncles coldly, and said with disdain: "To put it mildly, the establishment of this so-called board of directors is just to let you feel your vanity. To put it mildly, your positions are just idle jobs. When is it your turn to decide the development of the farm? Don’t you think so, Mr. Gao Song?”

As Li Bai was speaking, he suddenly changed the subject and threw the question to Gao Song on the other side.

The third uncle and the others looked at Gao Song as if they were looking at a savior. As long as Gao Song admitted their position, they could still argue with Li Bai.

However, Gao Song's answer made them feel as if they were hit by a bolt from the blue: "Yes, what this friend said is correct. If Boss Hasna is not present, you can indeed do it for her." decision, but now, what you say doesn’t count.”

Gao Song shrugged, and then looked at Hasna again: "Boss Hasna, this matter is considered to be our confession, but next time, please prepare in advance." Gao Song pointed at Ha Sina threw down a warning, and then led his people out of the meeting room. When she left, she gave Li Bai a cold look.

Li Bai just returned a faint smile, and gave a few people a ride: "Please go slowly, Toyota Farm will welcome you as guests next time." After speaking, regardless of Gao Song's expressions, he It was a "bang", and the door of the meeting room was closed.

Then, Li Bai exhaled a long breath, made a "please" gesture to Hasna, and asked Hasna to sit in the position that Gao Song had just done.

"Then now that the negotiation is over, should we talk about your affairs?" Hasna sat down, her eyes were like sharp arrows, piercing through the heavy air and shooting at the third uncle opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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