The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2829 Flame Cave Mansion

Chapter 2829 Flame Cave Mansion
At this moment, even if Li Bai has become a cultivator in the transformation stage, his life is still tied to a rope with Jin Yan.

And Jin Yan, just like being bullied by a dog in the plain, was chased up and down by a few small magma fish, constantly running towards the depths of the upstream, and at the same time, constantly moving on the wall, Prevent being knocked back into the lava again by those magma fish.

At that time, if Jin Yan is also swallowed by the magma fish, then Li Bai can only forcefully appear in the belly of the speech fish and give it an explosive body to die, but at that time, Li Bai will definitely be burned The magma is cooked.

However, fortunately, although Jin Yan's strength has been reduced a lot in such a scorching environment, Jin Yan is still flexible. Although he was thrilled by the magma fish along the way, he was still safe and sound .

So, after Jin Yan was chased for about 10 minutes, he realized that the magma fish's pursuit finally stopped. At this time, Jin Yan was also panting from exhaustion. At the place where I was, a strange phenomenon actually appeared.

In the very center of the magma river below Jinyan, there was a blue well at this time. The well seemed to be made of some special materials, because when the magma came here, it was forced by this well. Divided and reunited after the well.

"This, it should be the entrance." Seeing this scene, Li Bai heaved a sigh of relief for no reason, and he appeared on the lava river again, stepping on the edge of the well.Jin Yan was already very tired, so after Li Bai appeared again, he took the initiative to return to the Qiankun ring.

Li Bai looked down at this well. In this well, it was really filled with clear well water, which formed a stark contrast with the surrounding hot magma, which made Li Bai very strange.Because according to common sense, even if there is a well here, the water in it has already been boiled, and it will not become so calm.

Li Bai stepped on the slender wall of the well, squatted down cautiously, first touched the outside of the wall, because of the magma, it was very hot, but inside the well, it was cool.

"Amazing." Li Bai praised sincerely, pulled out another blade of grass from the Qiankun ring, and then gently threw it into the water surface of the well.

Not as Li Bai was worried, the grass was corroded by the possibly poisonous well water, but floated lightly on the surface of the water, and then slowly sank deeper.

At this time, Li Bai was finally sure that this entrance was very safe, and it wasn't that someone still set up obstacles here.Of course, if after experiencing the torment of magma and magma fish, he will be tortured here again, I am afraid that even Li Bai will go crazy.

Li Bai finally put his hand into the well water, it was very cool, and even made Li Bai feel comfortable in such a hot environment, just when Li Bai was about to rest for a few minutes before going down, the whole magma river suddenly gurgled bubbling.

And the place where the entire magma river existed also began to shake violently at this time, as if an earthquake had struck, with stones constantly falling from Li Bai's head.

"This is, force me to go in." Li Bai bit his lip, and plunged into the well water. At the same time, the magma outside finally overflowed and poured into the calm well water. There was a "stinging, stinging" sound, and at the same time, the well water was quickly evaporated.

"No wonder Liu Feng is in danger. This kind of place is really too dangerous." Li Bai kept diving towards the bottom of the well, and just behind him, magma and rocks kept coming in, Almost chasing after Li Bai's buttocks, Li Bai had to speed up and speed up.

He didn't know how deep he dived, Li Bai only felt that when he came to a certain place, a white light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, almost blinding his eyes, and when Li Bai opened his eyes again, Li Bai's whole body Appeared in a dark environment again.

"I'll go." Li Bai cursed, sat up straight, and rubbed his arm that hurt from the fall. If he guessed correctly, Li Bai should have fallen directly from the top of this place, but when Li Bai looked up again When I opened it, it was pitch black and there was nothing there.

After resting for a few seconds, Li Bai's eyes finally got used to the pitch-black environment slightly, but what surprised Li Bai was that the place seemed to be completely sealed, and no light could penetrate, so that Li Bai was still in the dark. Can't see anything.

"God said, let there be light." Li Bai said to himself, and then clicked on the flashlight sold to him by the scalper, and finally some light appeared in Li Bai's line of sight. You get what you pay for, and this flashlight is actually waterproof.”

Li Bai said to himself with a smile, as if he had forgotten how he scolded that scalper before.

Li Bai quickly calmed down, and looked around with the light of the flashlight. It was not like a domestic horror movie. When Li Bai turned his head, a human head suddenly appeared in front of his eyes. After turning around, Li Bai found that he Now I am in a relatively empty secret room.

Li Bai raised the flashlight to let the light shine to a higher place. At this time, Li Bai finally realized that this place seemed to be an ancient temple-like thing.

When Li Bai turned to a certain direction, he suddenly saw a huge stone statue in front of his eyes, sitting there like a Buddha.What made Li Bai even more strange was that the stone statue was not looking straight ahead, but looking obliquely downward.

Li Bai frowned, and followed the stone statue's gaze, shining the light of the flashlight there, and then saw a small cushion for one person in that place.

"What's the situation? This is it." Li Bai was a little speechless. He didn't know what this place called "Flame Cave Mansion" meant. Li Bai didn't even know whether the place he was in now belonged to the Flame Cave Mansion. part.

"Senior, I won't accompany you for now, I have to save my companion." Li Bai said to the stone statue, then turned around, ready to walk in another direction.Because generally speaking, the position facing the stone statue must be the entrance of a room, so it is correct for Li Bai to walk on time.

However, when Li Bai took the first step towards the opposite direction of the stone statue, something strange still happened.

After one step, Li Bai only felt that the temperature around him suddenly rose a bit, but he didn't dare to be sure about it. When Li Bai took the second step, with the further increase in temperature, Li Bai was finally sure that he couldn't go on. Let's go, if he continues, maybe he will be roasted before he reaches the exit.

However, what Li Bai didn't expect at all was that because of his existence, the people on the other side who entered the secret realm of the Flame Cave Mansion in advance suffered a lot.

Strictly speaking, the entire Flame Cave Mansion is like a proving ground. If you want to enter the real Flame Cave Mansion, you have to go through several tests first.

And at this time, the Liu family, the Long family, the Yu family, and Yu Lingtian's four groups had already entered their respective planes, conducting their own trials.

Just like what Yu Lingtian was worried about before, the most dangerous place in the entire Flame Cave Mansion is all the things with fire attributes here, even in the air that is invisible to the naked eye, there is a thick fire Poison, if they accidentally inhale those gas fire poisons into their bodies, then they will fall into a vicious circle of deteriorating strength.

At this time, although the four groups of people are in different trials, the same thing is that each of them has encountered some troubles, because the checkpoints set by the Flaming Cave Mansion are too difficult.

And just when everyone was thinking hard, everyone suddenly felt the environment they were in, and the temperature suddenly increased a little. Just when everyone was stunned for a while, it was not clear whether this change would still take place. , the temperature suddenly increased again.

Over there, Li Bai didn't know what happened outside, but the four groups of people were all in bad luck.At the same time, the difficulties faced by everyone increased twice as the temperature rose, and just these two times caused a certain amount of trauma to everyone.

All the arrangements of the four groups fell short at this moment, and everyone was in a hurry to deal with it. At the same time, the fire poison they had been defending against finally invaded most of their bodies, and Liu Feng was no exception.

In addition to the minor injuries he suffered from entering the Flaming Cave Mansion until now, the current Liu Feng is really in danger as Yu Lingtian framed him.

At the same time when everyone was extremely flustered, everyone was pleasantly surprised to find that the temperature of the environment they were in had inexplicably dropped, and the crisis that had just appeared suddenly disappeared, if not everyone was injured , Maybe some people will doubt whether those things just appeared.

"Someone must have gone to a place that none of us have been to before." At this moment, such thoughts resounded among the four groups of people. Liu Feng and Long Tianlin, as the leaders of the two families, thought of this, Naturally, there was a greater motivation, and everyone thought that the person who was one step ahead was the other party.

While the four groups were competing silently, here, Li Bai finally retreated to the position where he was standing at the beginning. When he felt that everything was back to normal, Li Bai breathed a sigh of relief again, because he also thought of it. If he continued to go his own way just now, it might cause greater harm to Liu Feng.

There was no way for Li Bai to leave here, so Li Bai had no choice but to turn around again, looking in the direction of the stone statue and the small cushion he was looking at.

"Are you forcing me to sit there?" Li Bai shook his head helplessly, took a step towards the stone statue, and then hurriedly stopped. After making sure that something strange happened, Li Bai shrugged his shoulders, Continue walking towards the cushion.

Of course, there were still some strange things, for example, as Li Bai got closer to the cushion, the lights in the whole secret room would become brighter for no reason. What surprised Li Bai was that he couldn't find the light source.

"It seems that you are responsible for all this." Li Bai raised his head and glanced at the stone statue. In this flame cave, this stone statue has such abilities. Li Bai has no reason not to believe that this stone statue, It should be the real owner of this flame cave.

(End of this chapter)

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