The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2832 Another Flame Mountain

Chapter 2832 Another Flame Mountain
With the disappearance of the flame lord, the entire secret room fell into peace again.

Li Bai looked around, only to find that the huge stone statue belonging to the Flame Lord in the secret room has now returned to the appearance he had just come here. The only difference is that the eyes of the Flame Lord are no longer slanting Below, it has become normal. Correspondingly, the cushion on the ground has also disappeared.

"This Flame Lord really has a big heart." Li Bai shrugged and curled his lips, because he was thinking at this moment, if he had worked hard to obtain the inheritance of the Flame Lord, but in the process, there were still some difficulties. Opportunities for various dangers to occur.If Li Bai dies directly in this process, then the inheritance of the flame lord may never be able to continue?

However, after thinking about it, Li Bai was relieved again. Since the flame lord placed his stone statue and inheritance separately, it means that this guy still doesn't really want to continue his inheritance.

"Since you are such a lord, it's no wonder I won't do my best." Li Bai said lightly to the stone statue, because Li Bai really didn't need it, in order to get a inheritance with little chance in this crisis-ridden place, To proactively meet excess risk.After all, Li Bai's primary purpose of coming here was to save Liu Feng.

Li Bai simply named the pendant "Pendant of Pure Heart", and then, he looked towards the other side of the secret room, and there, on the wall that was originally tightly stitched, there was a rectangular outline glowing with white light. If there is no accident, there should be the exit from here.

Li Bai took a deep breath, and then walked towards the door, and this time, the entire Flaming Cave Mansion did not experience any strange increase in temperature because of Li Bai's walking.

Li Bai put his hand lightly on the door and pushed it hard, but the door didn't open, but a dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of Li Bai's eyes again, making Li Bai have to close it again. own eyes.

But when Li Bai opened his eyes again, he was shocked to see that he seemed to have returned to the surface of the Flaming Mountain Scenic Area.

"What's the situation?" At this time, Li Bai's heart was full of doubts, but Li Bai was still alone at this time, and there was no second person who could explain his doubts to Li Bai.

Li Bai did not act rashly, but temporarily hid behind a big tree, and then began to look at the environment he was in now.

According to Li Bai's time in the secret room, the current time should be around two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, but what surprised Li Bai was that at this moment, the Flame Mountain was still as bright as day.

So Li Bai quickly determined that the current "Flame Mountain" is not the Flame Mountain scenic spot where he came here, or it can be said that this is another plane.

The entire Huoyan Mountain was shrouded in a thick red at this time, whether it was the sky or the ground, they were all crimson, which looked very strange, but at this moment, Li Bai suddenly felt a strange movement on the soles of his feet , Immediately afterwards, there was a "poof", and a ball of flames spewed out from the bottom of Li Bai's feet, covering Li Bai in it.

This startled Li Bai, and quickly jumped away from the spot, but there was no change in the place where Li Bai was standing just now, not even a hole.

"What the hell?" Li Bai wondered to himself, if he guessed correctly, a ball of flames should have erupted from the bottom of his feet just now, but now it was as if nothing had happened.

And at the same time that Li Bai was depressed, another scorching sensation appeared on the soles of his feet. Then, there was another "poof", and a group of flames that were bigger than before enveloped Li Bai's body again. But this time, Li Bai finally saw clearly that the flames were sprayed from the soles of their feet.

Li Bai hurriedly began to move, and now he also understood that the design of the flame lord here may be to prevent them from staying in a certain place for too long. 30 seconds or so.

"Lord Flame, you are..." Li Bai muttered and walked in a direction, wanting to complain about Lord Flame, but found that he didn't know what to say. After all, because of the pure heart pendant, Li Bai After two consecutive flame sprays, it was unscathed.

The entire Flaming Mountain Scenic Area is bright as day at this time, and flames are constantly spraying in the distance. Li Bai can even hear the screams of some people from time to time. After all, the flames under the Flaming Mountain are not ordinary flames. When dealing with them, even cultivators like Li Bai couldn't resist too many times.

Li Bai has been circling at the height of the foot of the mountain, and has not walked towards the top of the mountain. Although Li Bai has learned that the layout of this "flame mountain" is almost exactly the same as the one in the outside world, but Li Bai still didn't rush to get in touch with the people he saw, so as not to be regarded as enemies and suffer unnecessary troubles.

"Liu Feng, where are you?" Li Bai looked towards the top of the mountain, vaguely, Li Bai could see some people fighting, and according to Liu Feng, he was already in the flame cave. I stayed for at least a month, so I became so embarrassed, I hope Li Bai's rescue.

However, Li Bai didn't know where Liu Feng was at this time. According to Liu Feng himself, he should be hiding in a certain place at this time. As soon as he moved, the soles of his feet would spray flames, which meant that it was impossible for Liu Feng to stay in a certain place for too long.

And if Liu Feng is not in this Flame Mountain, it means that he is still in a place that Li Bai has never been to, and that place is very likely to be the real Flame Cave.

After searching almost the entire foot of the mountain, Li Bai finally decided to give up and continue searching. If Liu Feng is in another place, then the most important thing he should do now is not to search, but to leave this flaming mountain The plane it belongs to.

"Jin Yan? Jin Yan?" Li Bai softly called Jin Yan's name again, because Li Bai didn't want to fight, so he wanted to use Jin Yan's lightness to quickly reach the place where he could leave here, but let Li Bai was surprised that this time, Jin Yan's response to Li Bai was very weak.

"Let me sleep for a while, it's too hot here, I'm too sleepy, let me rest a little bit, I'll be fine." Jin Yan said weakly to Li Bai, as for Hei Yan, he didn't know when he would cry They fell asleep, maybe in such an environment, creatures like them are really not used to it.

As a good master, Li Bai naturally would not force Jin Yan to do something. After letting Jin Yan rest at ease, Li Bai started walking towards the top of the mountain by himself.

It seems that Li Bai came to this flaming mountain later in the evening, because in the process of going up the mountain, Li Bai easily found some tree trunks on the ground and nearby that can live in such a cruel environment, and saw some fighting Moreover, judging from the number of those traces, it seems that there are quite a few people who have come here.

At this moment, on the halfway up the Flame Mountain, where Li Bai did not see, a fierce fight was taking place. The two parties in the fight were actually members of the Long family and the Liu family. People have to have a little upper hand.

"Long Tianlin, don't bully me too much!" As the leader of the Liu family, Liu Feng has been standing upright against the members of the Long family all the time, but because they can't deal ruthlessly , has always been suppressed and beaten by the Long family.

"I deceived people too much? How could I deceive others too much? We were the first to discover these anhydrous flowers, so it is naturally you who have their power, not your Liu family." Long Tianlin said arrogantly. Liu Feng said, and not far from them, there was a clump of flowers that had lost moisture but were still brightly colored.

"You guys discovered it first? Hehe, your face really says you don't want it." Liu Feng responded to Long Tianlin with a sneer.

In fact, Liu Feng already felt a little bored. Along the way, the members of the Liu family and the Long family had had countless frictions. Every time, it was because of precious things like "waterless flowers". Conflicts arise from medicinal materials or some other things.

However, fortunately, the members of the Liu family and the Long family did not really want to get rid of each other, so every fight was just "stop".However, to the extent of "going to the end", the people of the Long family are more ruthless, so this also makes the people of the Liu family endure the anger in their hearts all the time.

However, when everyone saw this clump of waterless flowers, they decided not to let it go. However, the Long family appeared in front of them with ghosts, and forcibly argued that this clump of waterless flowers It was they who discovered it first.

The Liu family led by Liu Feng is naturally all passionate young people, and this time, Liu Feng did not continue to dissuade them, and finally had a head-on confrontation with the Long family.However, because the Liu family was far less ruthless than the Long family, although they showed momentum, they were still at a disadvantage overall.

"I'm shameless? Liu Feng, you've praised me too much. After all, you know how important these water-free flowers are. If you can exchange my face for those water-free flowers, then I am willing." Long Tian Lin looked at the furious Liu Feng with an evil smile, and directly admitted what he had done.

Liu Feng's face became gloomy. In the current situation, the arrow is on the string, and he has no choice but to act.If Liu Feng still wants to give up this clump of waterless flowers to the Long family as before, then his image in the Liu family that he managed to rebuild with great difficulty will collapse again.

And if Liu Feng couldn't bear it and chose to fight head-on with the Long family, then even Liu Feng himself had some doubts about whether they were the opponents of the Long family.

At this time, Liu Feng was even a little envious of those Yu family members. After disappearing for a long time and then suddenly reappearing, they seemed to understand that they had little competitiveness in this kind of thing, so they gave up this kind of thing early. The "boring" competition keeps moving forward, hoping that both parties can get the real treasure of this flame cave one step ahead of time.

"I'll give you another minute to think about it. If you don't give us this anhydrous flower, then I won't care about the Secret Realm Convention." Long Tianlin raised the corner of his mouth and said threateningly.

(End of this chapter)

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