The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2836 Volcanic Barrier

Chapter 2836 Volcanic Barrier
From a distance, Long Tianlin shouted impatiently at Liu Feng, as if nothing had happened with Liu Feng before that.

At this time, Liu Feng felt more and more disgusted with Long Tianlin. He didn't want to pay attention to Long Tianlin at first, but the members of the Yu family also stood aside. If he didn't respond, he would look too petty.

"What are you waiting for me? Shouldn't you be happy that we are slower than you?" Liu Feng said to Long Tianlin with a sneer, and then he led his Liu family members to walk a little higher.

After being ridiculed by Liu Feng, Long Tianlin just snorted coldly, and did not answer immediately, but turned his head to look at the members of the Yu family: "Hey, now the Liu family has come, we can start now." Bar?"

Long Tianlin shouted to the Yu family's square team. After they arrived at the Flame Mountain, the Yu family did not participate in any battles, but were rushing at full speed. When they reached the top of the mountain, they found that they had to wait until the other two families came together before they could move on.

At this time, Liu Feng finally understood why the Long family and the Yu family were waiting for his arrival, because the top of the Flame Mountain was not like a real mountain top, but a huge platform.

The platform was huge, but neither the Long family nor the Yu family stood on the platform. They just stood on the red soil outside and kept moving their feet to prevent the flames from erupting.

Liu Feng walked to the edge of the platform, and slowly stretched out his hand, and soon, Liu Feng felt a hot feeling coming from his hand, so Liu Feng had to withdraw his hand quickly.

"Don't waste your energy. If we could get over, we would have already passed." At this moment, a voice rang out from the Yu family's six-member team. It was still just like Liu Feng's impression. Indifference remained.

Liu Feng glanced at Yu's house. Yu Chengcheng, who led the team, was also an acquaintance. He had met several times when they were very young. She was a very ambitious girl, but more than ten years ago, The entire Yu family just disappeared, and there was no contact with the Long and Liu families.

If it wasn't for the opening of the Flaming Cave Mansion, the Yu family would have continued to play with them, and the Gao family of the four major cultivation families played even harder, and they didn't even come to this secret event.

"Why, is this an enchantment, or what?" Liu Feng asked in Yu Chengcheng's direction, but Yu Chengcheng didn't respond to Liu Feng, which made Liu Feng very embarrassed.

On the other side, Long Tianlin laughed softly: "What are you talking about with this ice cube? It's not like you don't know what she looks like." Long Tianlin looked at Liu Feng, and then told him that there was a girl on the outside of this platform. If you want to break the enchantment, you need certain conditions.

"Conditions?" Liu Feng frowned, and was really confused by the settings of various places in the Flame Cave Mansion.

Long Tianlin was also very annoyed, and then pointed to the distance: "I see those three places, if I guessed correctly, we need three of us to stand on each of them, and then attack this enchantment." Long Tian Lin said to Liu Feng.

Liu Feng looked over and saw that in the direction Long Tianlin pointed to, there were three small cylindrical platforms of small size, not far from the large platform on the top of the mountain, forming an equilateral triangle.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start quickly." Liu Feng said, looking back, he didn't find anyone other than the three of them. Even Li Bai didn't know where he went.

After the Liu family started to act, the Long family and the Yu family also started to act. The three leaders stood on the three cylindrical platforms, while the others just stood below and watched.

"I'll count to three, two and one. Let's release the spiritual energy towards the barrier together." Long Tianlin automatically became the conductor. Although Liu Feng was very reluctant, at this time, he had to choose to cooperate.

"Three!" Liu Feng, Long Tianlin, and Yu Chengcheng started their luck respectively.

"Two!" The three raised their hands at the same time, facing the direction of the barrier on the platform.

"One!" After Long Tianlin shouted, the yellow, green and blue aura beams flew towards the platform from three directions respectively. When they touched the position of the barrier just now, it was obvious that Can't go on.

At the same time, the three of them felt a strong pressure at the same time, which came from the enchantment.The enchantment seems to be very disgusted with such power.

"Come someone from the late stage of Jindan, let's output together!" Long Tianlin yelled at everyone again, and the remaining people from the three families immediately dispatched a second person, again under Long Tianlin's command. Next, he began to release his aura.

At this moment, everyone understands that if they want to break the barrier of the platform, there is only one way to go. Everyone's effort is the same, so no one has any complaints.

"Not enough, one more!"

"another one!"

The power of the enchantment seemed to be very strong. Under Long Tianlin's order, people continued to join the queue for outputting spiritual energy. It was not until all six members of the Yu family had joined the battle that Long Tianlin stopped letting new people join.

It's not that their aura output is strong enough to surpass the barrier, but that there is no seventh person in the Yu family. Although Long Tianlin is very impulsive, he is also very clear that if they rashly let the Long family and the Liu family If they continue to produce people, it may cause an energy imbalance. By then, it will be all of them who are unlucky.

"Everyone hold on for a little longer, the barrier should be broken soon!" Long Tianlin shouted at everyone again. It has been about 6 minutes since the output of spiritual energy, although the three leaders They are all cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, but they will be a little bit overwhelmed by the continuous output of spiritual energy.

Liu Feng's face was a bit difficult, because he didn't know whether the Long family would take advantage of the danger to launch a second attack on them after the barrier was broken.However, Liu Feng was soon relieved. The one who should be more worried about this problem was Yu Chengcheng who was diagonally opposite. After all, all six of them played.

"It won't work like this, let's increase the output together!" At this time, Yu Chengcheng finally couldn't bear it, and he may have considered their safety, and said to both sides.

Long Tianlin smiled mischievously, but he didn't play other tricks at this time. After shouting "three two one" again, everyone increased their output.

"It's coming, it's coming!" Immediately afterwards, everyone clearly felt the trembling of the enchantment, and said happily.

However, at this time, no one noticed that the seventh light blue aura suddenly appeared in the sky in a certain direction behind the Yu family. It was located very high, so no one noticed.

And when the blue aura flew into the barrier, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The entire barrier finally couldn't hold it anymore, and there was a loud "click".

It's just that at this time, there was no joy on everyone's face, but a burst of pain.Because of the addition of the seventh light blue aura, their tripartite situation was instantly broken.

The barrier just cracked, not shattered. At this moment, even though it was very uncomfortable, everyone still didn't leave immediately. Instead, they put in a lot of effort and finally let the barrier shatter with a "boom". .It's just that with the huge air wave, all the people who participated in breaking the boundary were blown away.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai, who had been hiding in the distance, suddenly sank in his heart, because his attention was completely focused on the barrier just now, so even Li Bai didn't see the seventh blue aura , and at this time, the three families have all encountered such danger, which means that someone must be playing tricks.

Moreover, the culprits were not the three families present, because Li Bai had confirmed just now that all 15 members of the Long family, 12 members of the Liu family, and six members of the Yu family were all present, so the culprit must be someone else .

Because of the huge air wave and the backlash of spiritual energy, at this moment, all the people who were blown away spurted out a mouthful of blood, and their appearance was extremely tragic. At this time, Li Bai didn't want to reveal his identity before that person appeared, So instead of going to rescue Liu Feng, he started to move quickly, looking for that mysterious person.

However, after Yu Lingtian released the spiritual energy, he didn't stay in place at all, and immediately ran down the mountain, so that Li Bai's search was useless.

"Who the hell!" At this time, no matter whether it was Liu Feng, Long Tianlin or Yu Chengcheng, they all ran away, roaring at the people looking at them, but the murderer was not among them, how could they find the murderer, they could only silently Endure the consequences of injury.

Liu Feng's expression was very solemn. Although Long Tianlin and Yu Chengcheng were both injured, but only for himself, the next journey must be more uncomfortable, because at this time, he can already clearly feel Seeing the impact of the fire poison on him, he didn't know how long he could continue to persist.

"Leave me alone, go and help them up." Liu Feng pushed away a few people who wanted to take care of him, and pointed to a few people who were lying on the ground and writhing in pain. The rest of them didn't participate in the spiritual energy The output person immediately resisted them. Although they were in pain, it would be more than just pain if they waited for a while for the underground flames to burn again.

Liu Feng raised his head to look at Yu Chengcheng and the others. The six members of the Yu family, except for Yu Chengcheng who had entered the Nascent Soul stage, the others were at the peak of the Jindan stage, so although they were at the same time Injured, but still struggling to get up, walked into the platform ahead of time, probably because they were afraid that they would take advantage of others.

"Let's go after the Long family is gone." Liu Feng said to everyone. At this time, two mid-stage Jindan players had been seriously injured, and the situation on Long Tianlin's side was better than them. After the Yu family disappeared, they set off.

On Liu Feng's side, after everyone had rested, they walked to the edge of the platform again, but what surprised Liu Feng was that at this moment, the huge platform just now had disappeared, and it was displayed in front of them. In front of him, it turned out to be a huge volcanic hole.

Everyone always thought that Huoyanshan was not a volcano, but at this time, the raging magma in the middle of the bottom of the cave was slapping their faces. From the golden bubbles rolling in the magma, Liu Feng had no doubt that if they were not careful If it falls into it, it will definitely be corroded immediately, not even bones left.

"Are we going to go on like this?" A person standing beside Liu Feng said weakly, because around the entrance of the Flame Cave, there is a revolving downhill road, and at this time, the Yu family and the Long family are walking on such a road.

"Aren't you going to stay here?" Liu Feng asked with a wry smile, "The entrance to the next place should be right below."

Then, Liu Feng took the lead in jumping
(End of this chapter)

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