The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2838 Special Leaving Technique

Chapter 2838 Special Leaving Technique

"Let's go." After the second dangerous rain, Cheng Cheng didn't let her teammate relax immediately, because at this time, she saw again that there were more boulders appearing in the direction of the top of the mountain. The onslaught came.

For everyone, it is relatively easy to avoid the rolling of this boulder, and what makes them more uncomfortable is the subsequent eruption of magma that soars into the sky.

The six members of the Yu family who have already experienced the "baptism of magma" are naturally unwilling to experience it a second time. Therefore, under the leadership of Yu Chengcheng, the six members of the Yu family moved downward more quickly, and This time, the Flame Lord didn't seem to continue to play with them. When they reached a certain level of the hillside, a man-made cave finally appeared.

"This cave is not dead, it should be the exit." Yu Chengcheng stood at the entrance of the cave and looked inside, and soon confirmed the fact, first let the other five people run into the cave, Yu Chengcheng He glanced at the top of his head again.

At this time, those huge stones had surpassed the Liu family and were chasing after the Long family. It seemed that they were in a panic.

"Persist a little longer, this is the exit!" Yu Chengcheng yelled towards the top of his head with enough aura, and because of Yu Chengcheng's words, all the Long family members saw the dawn of hope, and escaped. Greater motivation.

However, because some people lost their minds for a short time, several weaker members of the Long family were also accidentally hit by boulders. Although they were also lucky enough not to be knocked into the magma, they were all seriously injured. Compared with those of the others, it is almost not too much.

"Hurry up, we'll get to the exit soon." At this time, Long Tianlin also shouted to everyone in a panic, and even jumped over his team members, ran to the front of the team, and headed towards Yucheng regardless. Run to where they disappeared.Because Long Tianlin knew that after these few stones were smashed into the magma later, the magma wave generated would probably be bigger than the one just now.

Long Tianlin didn't want to waste too much spiritual energy at this time, so escaping from the mountain road as soon as possible was the result he wanted most.However, the other Long family members were not as relaxed as Long Tianlin. Although they were running as hard as they could, they still couldn't catch up with Long Tianlin in front.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Long Tianlin kept urging in front, and just when they were only tens of meters away from the exit, there was a series of "plop" sounds, and those boulders finally came out. It fell into the magma, and then, with a "boom", the monstrous wave of magma rose into the sky again.

Long Tianlin cursed fiercely in his heart, but the situation at this time did not allow Long Tianlin to sprint to the exit with all his strength. If he did that, Long Tianlin could not guarantee that his team members could survive like this. Survive under the powerful magma.

"Everyone, defend!" Long Tianlin finally ran back to the team of the Long family, and ordered everyone, and immediately after that, more than a dozen yellow beams of spiritual energy shrouded the heads of everyone, forming a protective umbrella. appearance.

The magma fell on the top of everyone's heads, corroding the aura shield, making a "stinging, stinging" sound, as if it was about to shatter in the next second.

"Persevere, it will be over soon!" Long Tianlin cheered everyone up again and said, although Long Tianlin wanted to break away from the team and act alone, but Long Tianlin also knew that if he really did that, He will definitely make everyone angry, and when he returns to Long's house, he will be scolded by his father again.

Of course, if Long Tianlin can successfully pass the trial of the flame cave and successfully return to the family.

However, at this moment, someone cried and shouted to Long Tianlin: "Boss, we can't hold on anymore, let's move forward!"

Long Tianlin didn't immediately realize what the speaker meant, because in his opinion, the magma wave was about to end in three seconds at most, and their aura shields could definitely last through the last three seconds. seconds.

And just when Long Tianlin was hesitating, the person standing at the end of the queue let out a scream, and then he sank for a while.

At this time, Long Tianlin was shocked to find that although they protected the sky above their heads, there was no protection at all on both sides of them. When all the magma fell on the hillside, the super high temperature unexpectedly It corroded a large part of the hillside in an instant, so that a person could sink under it.

And the worst thing is that after the man got stuck, the magma from a higher place rushed in towards his position. With the man's screams, everyone could clearly see his legs Flooded by lava.

Long Tianlin turned his head unwillingly, not to look at the plight of his team members. He knew very well in his heart that that person had been crippled. A lot of magma is also piled up on the hillside of the exit from here.

The temperature of the magma was so high that the hillside couldn't bear such erosion at all, and it was slowly melting. If they were given a few more minutes, Long Tianlin would have no doubt that the entire hillside would disappear.

"Hurry up, hurry up and enter the exit, we don't have time." Long Tianlin canceled the output of the protective cover the moment the magma wave dissipated, and shouted to the people behind.

"Then what about Xiaobai?" Someone asked Long Tianlin worriedly from a distance, but he had already seen Long Tianlin take the lead and run towards the exit.

Therefore, everyone understood that Long Tianlin had given up on their teammates, but they had no objection to Long Tianlin's decision, because they were no longer children, and they all knew that, although he Still breathing, but actually dead.

After the Long family collectively left their teammates behind and entered the exit, the Liu family finally came here as well.Because they were at a relatively high place just now, the number of magma waves they faced was much smaller, so they carried it with ease.

But when the Liu family came here, they had to stop, because in front of them were sections of separated hillsides, looking down, there was even a man lying on the lower floor with an unrecognizable appearance The hillside, as well as his body, were all covered in magma.

"Boss, what should we do? Should we jump over it?" Someone asked Liu Feng. Although the hillside was cut off, the gap was not very big, and they could easily jump over it.

Liu Feng frowned, and looked up at the top of his head. At this time, he still didn't see Li Bai's figure, but Liu Feng still said to the others: "Let's wait for Li Bai, he must be on the top now, and , without the boulder, we are safe now."

Liu Feng said to everyone, but just as his voice fell, another black dot appeared in the direction of the top of the mountain. Although it was far away, Liu Feng could still see it clearly. Another boulder.Moreover, this time the boulder did not continue to roll down the hillside, but flew directly towards the magma in the middle.

"Forget it, let's not wait." Liu Feng immediately changed his mind, because they had seen the plight of the Yu family and the Long family just now, but Liu Feng didn't think they would Better than the Long family.

Liu Feng led the Liu family to quickly jump over the gap on the hillside and rushed into the exit. It's not that Liu Feng didn't want to care about Li Bai's life and death, but at this time, as the leader of the Liu family, he had to deal with the rest of the team. Eleven members of the Liu family were responsible for their lives.

At this time, Li Bai who stayed at the end was about to scold his mother. He walked from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, but he didn't find so many boulders, and he didn't know where the person who targeted them found so many stones.

Although these stones are just stones, the harm they caused to everyone is far more than what they appear on the surface. Below, a cultivator at the golden core stage has died heroically, which is the best proof.Li Bai simply stopped on the hillside, he didn't believe that the man could not stop on the top of the hill.

Watching the boulder falling from the sky getting closer and closer, Li Bai suddenly discovered that there was a man standing on top of the boulder, trying his best to maintain his balance in the air.And when the eyes of the other party and Li Bai collided, they actually cast a mocking look at Li Bai.

Li Bai was actually quite shocked. He had to admire this man's wisdom. Maybe the other party had already noticed Li Bai's thoughts, so when only Li Bai was left, he actually chose such a "suicide" The way of falling, after all, if you fall directly and freely, it is much faster than walking.

It really is a special leaving technique.

"Is it just a person? That's easy to say." When Li Bai saw the man finally appeared, there was only one thought in his mind to kill him.Although Li Bai didn't know this man, Li Bai would never let anyone who wanted to frame him live.

The speed of the stone falling was very fast. Li Bai gave up the method of directly using the meteorite knife. Instead, he looked at the falling boulder and began to run on the hillside. He jumped up and jumped in the direction of the boulder.

When seeing Li Bai make such a move, even Yu Lingtian was stunned for a moment.In his plan, he used the last boulder to jump into the exit of a certain floor, and the magma wave set off by the boulder would cause certain damage to Li Bai, and even directly kill Li Bai.

However, what Yu Lingtian never imagined was that Li Bai would choose such a method as if he wanted to "die together" with him. In this way, Yu Lingtian almost lost his position.

However, Yu Lingtian quickly calmed down, because he was afraid of revealing his identity as the Yu family, so Yu Lingtian didn't use the spiritual energy, but used the sword in his hand as a dart, and threw it towards Li Bai in the air.

And Li Bai quickly took out the Sky Meteor Knife, and unleashed the flying sword, and even borrowed a little strength to make his body rise a little in the air.

"Go to hell!" As I got closer to the boulder, Li Bai squeezed me bigger and bigger, and the power of the silver stars quickly enveloped the blade of Tianyun, and then he slashed towards the boulder.

Yu Lingtian knew that he couldn't put himself in danger, so when Li Bai's Tianyun knife fell, he stepped on the boulder hard, and he jumped in the opposite direction.

Li Bai, who had hit the boulder, also received the reaction force. Li Bai, who was not hit by the rain, had to use the same force to fly in another direction, and then landed on a hillside that had not been melted.

(End of this chapter)

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