The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2859 come to the door

Chapter 2859 come to the door
It has been more than two years since Li Bai came to the earth. During these two years, he encountered many things that he disliked. Threats, moreover, are always threatened by people around Li Bai, which makes Li Bai very unhappy.

But this time, Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi became the targets of threatening Li Bai again. Although the other party didn't do anything, what Tianxun's camera told Li Bai was that if Li Bai didn't rush back as soon as possible, then they would do it.

At this moment, Zhang Yuhan and his lunch were all forgotten by Li Bai. While yelling at Tianxun, he rushed down the Xiannong Building and started his car.

Because the people over there hung up Tianxun when they heard the movement from Li Bai's side, so at this time Li Bai didn't know what was going on there, so he could only drive as fast as he could. Let yourself quickly return to the villa.

Fortunately, there are not many red lights on this road, so Wu Xiao rushed back to his villa within 15 minutes after running through a few red lights. Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, who were playing in the yard, disappeared again at this time.

This made Li Bai feel a little angry for a moment, took out Tianxun and quickly called the number just now, but although he could get through, the other party did not connect to Tianxun.

"Xia Ma, Xia Ma!" Li Bai rushed into the yard and shouted loudly to Xia Ma who was in the room. After a while, Xia Ma came out of the villa in a hurry. It was strange to see Li Bai coming back suddenly, but still Before she could react, Li Bai rushed to Xia Ma's side and hugged Xia Ma's shoulder tightly.

"Mom Xia, where are Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, aren't they in the house now?" Li Bai asked nervously to Xia's mother, even thinking in his heart, if they dare to kidnap Xiaoxin and Xiaoxi, when he finds them, he will Without further ado, they took their lives directly.

"The children are eating in the house, what happened?" Mother Xia was still in a daze state, looking at Li Bai strangely, but saw Li Bai let go of him and walked away into the house.

When he walked to the kitchen, Li Bai saw the two children eating quietly. He was also a little surprised to see Li Bai's return, and happily asked Li Bai, but he was the first to ask the question.

"When you were playing in the yard just now, did you see any strange people?" Li Bai asked after taking a sip of water and looking at the two children. The two children thought about it and shook their heads. The most surprising thing is how Li Bai knew they were playing in the yard just now.

Li Bai didn't answer the two children's questions, but asked Xia's mother to make sure they were safe before leaving when she dropped off the two children. Then, Li Bai walked out of the villa again without even having lunch.

And when Li Bai walked out of the villa, within a minute, Tianxun's bell rang again, and it was the same Tianxun number just now.

"Who are you, what do you want to do?" Li Bai quickly connected to Tianxun, and said to the other side angrily, but on the Tianxun screen, a strange man's face appeared, which Li Bai had never seen before. Pass.

"Who am I? You don't need to know yet." The man snorted coldly, paused, seemed to sit down somewhere, and said coldly to Li Bai, "Looking at your performance just now, for your friend I am also very concerned, I have threatened their lives, and I have become so nervous."

The man said gloomyly, but the subject suddenly changed: "What I don't like the most is a duplicitous person like you, who protects his friends and is extremely cruel to others. To be honest, I would kill a person like you." A hundred times is not enough to relieve hatred."

The man said viciously to Li Bai, but it made Li Bai confused, and he didn't understand what the man meant: "Who am I being cruel to? Your framing is too incompetent, right?" Li Bai snorted coldly. , he actually didn't care about the man's false accusations.

After all, there are many people who want to target Li Bai, and the reasons for targeting Li Bai are all kinds of strange, and most of them are made up by themselves, and they are forced to pin on Li Bai's head.

However, the man over there still sat still, and sneered: "Hehe, Li Bai, Li Bai, don't you want to admit to the things you just did not long ago? Although not many people know about the Flame Cave Mansion, but, Don't try to fool everyone."

Flame cave?Li Bai was thinking strangely again, did he kill others in the Flaming Cave Mansion?What a joke!
"I said brother, did you make a mistake? I didn't do anything in the Flame Cave." Li Bai frowned, not understanding what happened.

And what the man said next about Li Bai's "crime" made Li Bai even more helpless. In the eyes of this man, Li Bai in the Flame Cave Mansion knew the various checkpoints inside in advance, and then took advantage of other people's information. All the members of the three cultivation families were brutally killed. In the end, only a few survived.

After Li Bai heard these words, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was clear that someone was framing him, but this man naively believed it.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I came here to take your life. Why did the descendants of the Long family take revenge? Now, get the hell out of here in the garden of your villa. I won’t just show you the video anymore.” The man said to Li Bai fiercely again, and then hung up Tianxun.

When the busy message came from Tianxun, Li Bai's expression still sank. He has already said that he hates others to threaten him with people around him, and this man actually did such a thing in front of him again. The provocation made Li Bai clenched his fists. Although he still couldn't figure out what happened, Li Bai still walked towards the location the man said.

If you want to explain to this kind of people, you must defeat them first, and then they can listen to the words.

Five minutes later, Li Bai came to the garden where the man was. Because it was noon, there was no one in the garden, and Li Bai was very happy to find where the man was. It was the middle of a lake that ordinary people could never reach. small island.

Li Bai was lucky to step on the water of the lake with the power of the silver stars, and ran towards the island in the middle of the lake with ease, but when Li Bai was about to land, the man standing on the island in the middle of the lake suddenly made trouble for Li Bai. The long stick appeared in his hand, spun around, and hit Li Bai like a boomerang.

Li Bai wrinkled his forehead, and didn't dare to confront the stick head-on, because the moment the man made a move, Li Bai felt something different, not only the man's strength was different from other people's before, even the stick in the man's hand was different. no the same.

To put it simply, it becomes stronger.

Li Bai dodged the stick sideways, and his body sank slightly on the lake water. After the stick flew over Li Bai's body, it returned to the man's hand again.

But the man didn't leave any chance for Li Bai, stepped on the island in the middle of the lake, and jumped high into the air. After receiving the long stick in the air, he turned towards Li Bai on the lake like a mountain top. flew down.

"Let's start fighting without saying anything." Li Bai squinted his eyes, but he didn't refuse in his heart. Anyway, facing this kind of person, they will still fight sooner or later.

With a sound of "boom", there was a muffled sound in the lake water, and then, the lake water under Li Bai's feet seemed to be boiled, and a big bubble surged up. Push it hard in the direction of the island in the middle of the lake.

Li Bai, who landed on the island in the middle of the lake, did not pause at all. The Sky Meteor Knife reappeared in his hand, and when he turned around, he slashed fiercely towards the air. However, it seemed that he had chopped something real. There, it collided with the blade of the Meteorite Knife, sparking bright sparks.

"It's so fast." Li Bai's eyes snapped, the man's speed was so fast that even Li Bai was a little surprised, he could almost keep pace with Li Bai.

And the man's reaction is also the same, because when Li Bai rushed to the island in the middle of the lake, he had already adjusted his direction immediately. With his speed, no one could react before his stick fell. , and Li Bai is the one who broke the man's thinking.

Li Bai wanted to resolve the battle with the man as soon as possible, and the power of the silver stars was mobilized in an orderly manner, waving the meteor knife to attack the man continuously, and the man seemed to be on the same level as Li Bai, and he wanted to compete with Li Bai to see who was stronger Hurry up, dance the stick in your hand more dazzlingly than Monkey King.

However, no matter how hard the two tried, they couldn't let the other party take advantage of it. Of course, Li Bai never tried his best. Although the man was red-faced, Li Bai didn't know whether he was attacking with all his strength. .

A few minutes later, the two chose to stop in tacit understanding, and retreated to the two sides of the island in the center of the lake. While calming down with their breaths, they stared firmly into each other's eyes.

"Could it be that with such strength, it's not a problem to frame those few people." It's just that the man still slowly misunderstood Li Bai, so Li Bai didn't even want to explain it to him.

"Who are you? What does their death have to do with you?" Li Bai asked the man in a deep voice. This was a question he had always wanted an answer to, but the man never answered him.

"Their deaths have nothing to do with me? My name is Long Tianze, and I am Long Tianlin's younger brother. You killed nearly ten members of our Long family. I came to you to avenge them and get rid of you, the scourge. !" Long Tianze said to Li Bai viciously, his eyeballs were bloodshot.

Hearing Long Tianze finally introduced himself, Li Bai nodded, although he didn't quite understand why his younger brother's strength was so much higher than his elder brother's.

"Are you tired? Now you can always listen to me, what happened in the Flame Cave Mansion?" Li Bai said to Long Tianze indifferently, and quickly put a label on Long Tianze in his heart, called you Brainless.

Although Long Tianze didn't want to hear it, he had no choice but to choose to be silent when Li Bai had no choice but to remain silent. However, just as Li Bai was about to explain what happened to Long Tianze in detail, the two angry voices came again. It came from the side of the small lake in the park.

"Shameless Li Bai, take your life!"

Li Bai turned his head in doubt, and on the other side, two men, a man and a woman, looked angry, stepped across the water on the small lake, and angrily killed towards Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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