The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2878 Inexplicably hostile

Chapter 2878 Inexplicably hostile

Yu Chengcheng didn't tell Li Bai whether this thing was called a sleigh, but after simply teaching Li Bai how to drive this thing, the two finally hit the road again.

At night, the Mount Everest is quite unsettled. Although a moon hangs high above their heads, the wind and snow below never stop their whistling.

Fortunately, Li Bai followed Yu Chengcheng's advice and put on these thick mountaineering suits at the beginning, otherwise, he would have died of cold now.

The two sleighs were driving fast on the snowy ground, and Li Bai followed behind Yu Chengcheng, constantly changing the direction of progress, just when Li Bai felt that Yu Chengcheng took him around several bends, the rain in front Cheng Cheng finally stopped.

"Okay, we're almost there, let's just walk." Yu Chengcheng said to Li Bai, put away the two sleds, and walked towards a cliff.

"No way? Your Yu family dug a space in Mount Everest?" Li Bai looked at Yu Chengcheng in surprise and asked, but suddenly forgot that he had seen many times in a certain place, and opened up a space leading to it. Passages to other spaces.

The Yu family seems to have used the same trick. When Yu Chengcheng took Li Bai to the foot of the solid cliff, she stopped, and a light blue aura surged from her body, transported to the palm of her hand, and gently placed it on the cliff. On the cold wall.

The miraculous thing happened again, and the next moment, a door that could pass through by one person appeared out of nowhere on the solid wall.

"Mr. Li Bai, welcome to Yu's house." Yu Chengcheng turned around and smiled at Li Bai, and made a "please" gesture at the same time.

Li Bai nodded, but he was thinking in his heart that he must study this technology after returning home. In this way, next time his villa will not need to face threats from others.

When Li Bai walked into this door, he felt a change of time and space. Although it was pitch black when he stood at the door, when Li Bai walked in, he suddenly came to a quiet and peaceful place. place.

But when Li Bai looked back, Yu Chengcheng was walking from the wind and snow world, only a door separated the two worlds.

"I'm surprised, isn't it? This door was set up by the ancestors of our Yu family, and we have always used it." Yu Chengcheng said proudly to Li Bai, and then invited Li Bai to go deeper.

Different from the icy and snowy land outside, the place where Li Bai is now is like an ordinary autumn. However, the time is also synchronized with the outside world, it is the scenery at ten o'clock in the evening.

"In front is our Yu family's mansion." Yu Chengcheng pointed to Li Bai from a distance, and about a kilometer in front of the two of them, a solemn and simple mansion stood there, very solemn and solemn.

Although Li Bai had already dealt with all four cultivation families, this was his first visit to one of them, and he was quite curious.

At the same time, although the Xiuzhen family also lived in a place like the "mansion", it was obviously dozens of grades higher than those of the ancient martial arts families in the secular world, no matter in terms of momentum or layout.

"Tomorrow is your mother's birthday, right?" Li Bai suddenly thought of this matter and asked.

Yu Chengcheng, who was leading the way, turned around and nodded strangely: "What's the matter? Are you not used to the environment here?" There seemed to be a little loss in the tone of the speech.

"No, no, I'm just asking casually." Li Bai quickly denied, a little helpless, he didn't expect that people at Yu Chengcheng's level were so sensitive.

But at this moment, a man's figure suddenly appeared in front of the two of them, dressed in sky blue clothes, but his face was gloomy.

"If you think our place is not good, then please come back as soon as possible, our Yu Family does not welcome such an arrogant person like you."

When this man appeared, Li Bai wanted to say hello to him in a friendly manner, but he didn't expect that when this man came up directly, he would be overwhelmed with disgust.

"Yu Rengui, are you crazy? This is our guest, you apologize to me, now!"

Seeing that Yu Rengui didn't give Li Bai face so much, Yu Chengcheng was also furious, and said to Yu Rengui a little angrily, but this Yu Rengui was also very proud, and seemed unwilling to apologize to Li Bai.

"I'll give you three seconds. If you don't apologize, I'll..." Yu Chengcheng looked at Yu Rengui sullenly, and before she could finish speaking, Yu Rengui impatiently said to Li Bai Say sorry.

"Don't mind, I'm not in a good mood today, I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, Yu Rengui turned and left, leaving only Li Bai's back.

I was in a bad mood, so I vented my anger on the guests?Is this something a normal person can do?What about basic etiquette?

Li Bai glanced at that figure indifferently, and then at Yu Chengcheng indifferently: "Yu Chengcheng, if this is how your Yu family treats guests, then there should be no need for me to stay any longer. "

Li Bai said coldly, making a gesture to go back the same way.

This is not to say that Li Bai can't bear any grievances, but that it took him so long to follow Yu Chengcheng to Yu's house. When he entered the door, he hadn't even had a sip of hot water. treat.

In this case, I am afraid that anyone who puts it on their body will shake their arms and leave.

"Li Bai, Li Bai!" Yu Chengcheng panicked, and hurriedly stood in front of Li Bai, "I'm sorry, I'll ask Yu Rengui to apologize to you seriously later, please don't leave."

Yu Chengcheng said to Li Bai with a bit of grievance in his eyes, which made Li Bai sigh helplessly. As the most powerful young generation of the Yu family, Yu Chengcheng used the word "begging" to himself, if he It would be too disrespectful to the Yu family to continue to leave here willfully.

"It's fine to apologize, he may be really in a bad mood, and I don't have to worry about this kind of thing." Li Bai pouted and said, but he knew in his heart that this kind of lie can only be blamed on himself.

A few minutes later, Yu Chengcheng finally took Li Bai into the Yu family's mansion. Because it was already relatively late, there were almost no active people in the entire Yu family.

"Li Bai, you should take a good rest tonight, I will wake you up tomorrow morning, around eleven o'clock at noon, I will take you to meet my parents, the head of the Yu family. " Yu Chengcheng said to Li Bai while leading the way.

However, when Yu Chengcheng said "meet the parents", his voice suddenly became weaker, as if he was hesitant and reluctant to mention this matter.

"Okay, but I'm still wondering why your father wants to see me so much?" Li Bai asked again in doubt.

" will know tomorrow, so let's take it as a surprise." Yu Chengcheng hesitated again, and said to Li Bai, fooling it.

After taking Li Bai to the guest area, Yu Chengcheng arranged for Li Bai a quite comfortable room, the size of which can almost reach the level of a three-star hotel.

"Okay, then I'll go first, Li Bai, take a good rest, and see you tomorrow." Yu Chengcheng smiled at Li Bai, and then left.

Li Bai didn't think too much about whether the last smile left by Yu Chengcheng had other meanings. He was tired from the day's travel. bed.

Li Bai is still very interested in that door. If this is a small world similar to the Qiankun Ring, then the ancestor of the Yu family is really strong.

And if it was like the Li family of the hermit family before, if they simply used the space teleportation technology, it would be relatively simple.

However, Li Bai is still more willing to believe the former. After all, it is unbelievable how far the distance is from the freezing place of Mount Everest to another quiet and peaceful place.

After repeated thoughts, Li Bai slowly fell asleep, but he knew that at the same time, in a certain room of Yu's mansion, the lights were still brightly lit, and several men seemed to be discussing something.

The next day, Li Bai was woken up by the sound of a rooster crowing. This made Li Bai, who was still sleepy, both helpless and amused.

After washing up, Li Bai left his guest room. The entire Yu family mansion was bathed in light, and the air was unusually fresh.

However, in the air, Li Bai still felt some coldness, as if mixed with sufficient moisture, so Li Bai probably guessed that the Yu Family Mansion probably existed somewhere on Mount Everest.

Because he came back too late last night, Yu Chengcheng didn't bring Li Bai to introduce him.Although Li Bai also knew that he shouldn't walk around without Yu Chengcheng's leadership, but when he saw that the Yu family's mansion was full of lights and festoons, Li Bai couldn't help but prepared to take a look.

Li Bai didn't know exactly how many people there were in the Yu family, but he could probably guess from the scale of these decorations that the total number of people in the Yu family was estimated to be around two hundred.

This number is not small. After all, if a family has an average of four people, there are more than 50 families, and all of them are relatives.

Li Bai admired the architecture of the Yu Family Mansion even more. It was a completely different style from the buildings he had seen before. Although it was majestic, it did not show its sharpness.

It's like the word "rain" in the Yu family, the feeling of moistening things silently.

"My friend, it seems that you also have some research on architecture." While Li Bai was watching carefully, another strange man's voice sounded next to his ear, but it was not Yu Rengui from last night.

Li Bai turned his head and looked, it was another man, also dressed in sky blue, and unlike that Yu Rengui, he looked more polite.

"Hello, my name is Yu Renfu, and I am my father's third son." Yu Renfu introduced himself to himself, and this kind of self-introduction made Li Bai feel interesting. After all, "I am the son of so-and-so" This way of introduction is a bit too strange.

However, Li Bai did not show these things, and said to Yu Renfu with the same courtesy: "Hello, my name is Li Bai, and Yu Chengcheng invited me here."

When he said this, Yu Renfu's expression paused for a moment, but it was only fleeting. He didn't seem to want to discuss other things, but said to Li Bai: "Seeing that brother Li Bai is so interested in architecture, I'll show brother Li Bai around our Yu family mansion."

Li Bai readily agreed that he had nothing to do anyway, but what Yu Renfu said next made Li Bai feel uncomfortable again.

"You are very lucky to hear my introduction."

(End of this chapter)

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