Chapter 288
Seeing Chen Hao who was still chattering on TV, Li Xiaogang sneered and said, "Linger, go to the police! After he finishes recording the show, he will be charged with leaking commercial secrets. I will let him go to the detention center directly after leaving the TV station. Isn't he If you like to play, we will play with him!"

Long Ling'er said worriedly: "Is this okay?"

Li Xiaogang looked up at her, and said lightly: "Oh, I forgot, he is also your suitor, hehe..."

Long Ling'er glared at Li Xiaogang, and said, "If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart with Gao Yuanyuan!"

Putting away the joke, Long Ling'er said seriously: "I'm just worried that if we do that, it will be even more detrimental to our Longquan Group! Now, in people's hearts, he represents justice, and we are evil! If we do this, Wouldn't that be more likely to arouse the anger of the people? I'm afraid that things will get worse and worse, and in the end, it may become unmanageable."

Li Xiaogang shook his head slightly and said: "Do you think I'm afraid? I just want to be seen by others. I, Longquan Group, will not be afraid of any challenges, let alone any pressure! A company cannot be without personality, without A company with individual character will never be successful! People don’t attack me, I will not attack others, if people attack me, I will kill them! This is the personality of Longquan Group and our Da Nong Consortium!”

When he said this, Li Xiaogang's aura was overwhelming, and Gao Yuanyuan and Long Ling'er had never experienced that domineering aura before.

After going through so many trials, the two obviously found that Li Xiaogang had changed, but in which direction the change was, the two couldn't tell.

After recording the program, Chen Hao walked out of the studio triumphantly.

In the TV station, there are also many people who are loyal fans of Longquan fine wine, and there is no alcohol or joy every day.

Therefore, these people were full of admiration and gratitude to Chen Hao for daring to stand in front of the camera and expose this huge shady scene, and stood outside the studio door to applaud him.

Chen Hao became more and more complacent, and thought to himself: "Li Xiaogang, aren't you capable? You dare to rob my sweetheart, and I will make you have nothing, be accused by thousands of people, and spit on by thousands of people! Can you raise your head and meet people!"

But he said sincerely: "Everyone, as a senior management member of Longquan Group, I feel ashamed that I have the courage to stand up and say everything today! But I am more grateful to you all from our Chairman Li Xiaogang. Shocked by the squeeze of consumers!
I have endured for such a long time, until today I finally couldn't bear it anymore. No matter what consequences I face, I, Chen Hao, am willing to bear it all. As long as my heart can get a moment of peace, it is enough for me! "

The applause of "哗啦啦" immediately exploded, "Mr. Chen, you are a good guy!" "Mr. Chen, you are our hero!" "We will always support you!"... The crowd erupted continuously After a burst of cheers, Chen Haozhi complacently accepted everyone's compliments and compliments.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fang Bing suddenly felt an inexplicable disgust towards Chen Hao, and his intuition told him that Chen Hao was definitely not as righteous as he appeared on the surface.

Surrounded by everyone, Chen Hao walked out of Provincial S TV Station, but what was waiting outside was a police car with a flashing red light and several dignified police officers!One of the inspector-like police officers came forward, looked at Chen Hao and asked, "Excuse me, are you Chen Hao?"

Chen Hao nodded, and the police officer immediately took out a pair of shiny handcuffs and said, "Now, I'm arresting you for leaking commercial secrets. This is the arrest warrant. Come with us!"

Chen Hao was arrested as soon as he walked out of the broadcast hall. Of course, this is not acceptable to the staff of these TV stations. In their hearts, Chen Hao is a hero and represents justice. The person who should be arrested may be Li Xiaogang!

"No! You can't take Mr. Chen away!" A 'brave' photographer stood up first and defended Chen Hao loudly.

Other people with a sense of justice also rushed forward one after another, blocking the way of the police car, and surrounded the police and Chen Hao.

These policemen are all old policemen, and they can be said to be able to deal with such a situation with ease. The inspector glanced around coldly and said: "Who is a hero and who is a villain? It's not up to you to decide, but to We have the final say! You are all highly educated people, you should know that obstructing law enforcement is the same crime! I don’t need to say more!”

"Mr. Chen is not guilty, the guilty person is Li Xiaogang, the person you should arrest is him!" The photographer insisted on encouraging the crowd to make noise.

The police officer snorted coldly and said, "I don't know who Li Xiaogang is? I know that my mission today is to take Chen Hao away! Anyone who obstructs me is obstructing official duties, and whoever obstructs official duties, I will arrest him!"

The sharp eyes of the police officer stared at the photographer's eyes. The photographer couldn't be the opponent of this old policeman. After a few seconds, he felt a little timid in his heart. He quietly moved his eyes to one side, and he also took a step back.

The police officer snorted coldly, and with a wave of his hand, two policemen came up and dragged Chen Hao into the police car.

The photographer said to Chen Hao unwillingly: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, we will definitely find a way to help you, and we will never allow justice to be defeated by evil!"

The police officer snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the police roared and drove towards the police station.

The police car drove to a place where no one was around, and the police officer suddenly punched Chen Hao in the abdomen. Chen Hao groaned in pain and curled up on the seat. It took him a long time to catch his breath, looked at the police officer in horror, and said angrily : " dare to hit me? You..."

The police officer snorted coldly and said: "This punch is to tell you, people must not talk too much!"

" belong to Li Xiaogang!?"

Chen Hao asked a little timidly.

The police officer said: "I've already said it, I don't know who Li Xiaogang is, if you talk nonsense again, there will be more surprises waiting for you!" After hearing this, Chen Hao quickly closed his mouth knowingly.

Another police officer looked at Chen Hao with dissatisfaction and said, "This bastard, it's unforgivable for causing our Song Shuang to make such a big fuss!" Thinking of Song Shuang yelling loudly while watching TV, regardless of his demeanor In such a situation, the police officers could not help but shudder.

The scene of Chen Hao being arrested by the police was immediately released by the TV station, and a bigger uproar began to brew. That night, thousands of people with a sense of justice gathered in front of the police station to put pressure on the police station. Demand the release of Chen Hao!Chen Hao acted like a national hero.

In front of the gate of Longquan Group, there were at least [-] people demonstrating, and banners filled the sky were filled with slogans such as "Oppose profiteering!"

This time it was useless to Li Xiaogang's order, Dao Scar immediately took the initiative to pull all the brothers over, and thousands of people surrounded the gate of Longquan Group tightly, blocking the crowd like a gate.

Looking at the surging crowd in front of the Longquan Group on the TV screen, Li Xiaogang smiled helplessly and said: "This is really an eventful year, with one wave of calmness and another wave of rising! It's hard for these Longquan Group not to be famous!"

Although Li Xiaogang's smile was a bit helpless, it somewhat comforted Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan.

Long Ling'er said: "What should we do now? How to explain to them?"

Li Xiaogang tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and suddenly smiled after a while: "Do nothing, go back to sleep! I think there is a knife scar and they lock the door, so nothing will happen!"

After laughing, he stood up, stared at the crowd on the screen, and said with a sneer: "There are too many boring people in this world!"

Seeing that Li Xiaogang really went home to sleep, Long Ling'er and Gao Yuanyuan's eyes popped out.

Gao Yuanyuan looked helplessly at the sleeping Li Xiaogang, and said with a wry smile, "What should I do? He seems to have really fallen asleep!"

Long Ling'er muttered annoyed, "It doesn't matter, we'll sleep too!" After speaking, she fell down and lay on Li Xiaogang's left side, pulled Li Xiaogang's left arm and hugged her chest, then closed her eyes, Gao Yuanyuan Shaking his head helplessly, he also gently lay down on Li Xiaogang's right side...

In the early morning of the next day, Li Xiaogang took Long Linger back to the Longquan Group. Of course, he would not be so stupid as to enter through the main entrance. Tens of thousands of people can turn off the car by spitting. Although Li Xiaogang is arrogant, he is definitely not arrogant. !
"Oh, you guys are here. Seriously, I was scared to death yesterday! This nasty Chen Hao, why didn't I realize that he is still a biting dog!"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "This analogy doesn't seem very appropriate, so you don't want to bury the dog. Dogs are the most loyal friends of human beings anyway! Hehe..."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was still smiling, Li Li said bitterly, "Can you still laugh? Let me tell you, the people from the Price Bureau are already waiting in the office. It seems that this time it will be impossible not to lower the price!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head coldly and said, "That's not necessarily true! I'd like to see what they will say!"

After Chen Hao appeared on the TV station and said the piece of news that shocked the whole country, the phone calls from the Price Bureau never stopped.

Asked why the Price Bureau allowed Longquan Group to sell things worth 1000 yuan to [-] yuan?The abusive phone calls to the Price Bureau have continued one after another, and the staff responsible for answering the hotline of the Price Bureau have been involved. Now they can't help shivering when they hear the phone ringing.

That night, Director Qi Yang didn't even get a good night's sleep, and came to Longquan Group early this morning, saying that he was fighting for the interests of consumers, rather than letting his seat sit longer.

At the same time, he himself was a little upset. He had also drank Longquan fine wine, and the dreamy taste, even just once, made him unforgettable for the rest of his life, but his salary of several thousand yuan a month was really unaffordable. This kind of tossing, whenever he watched others enjoy it while he could only watch, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

If the price of Longquan fine wine can be lowered this time, it will definitely be something worth applauding for him!
(End of this chapter)

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