The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2889 Gagodar Hunting Ground

Chapter 2889 Gagodar Hunting Ground

However, when the waiter heard Li Bai's question, he gave a "puchi" laugh, which made Li Bai very puzzled.

"What are you laughing at? Could it be that outsiders are not allowed to go up the mountain yet?" Li Bai looked at the waiter strangely. If this is the case, then outsiders are easily bullied here in Gagodar.

However, Li Bai soon knew that he was wrong, because the waiter told Li Bai that people were not allowed to go up the mountain at this time in January.

"At the end of November last year, the Daxing'an Mountains were closed. It's not to bully outsiders, but we locals are not allowed to go up the mountain." The waiter explained to Li Bai with a smile.

"Then why do the travel agencies outside the train station say they can take us up the mountain?" Li Bai asked again.

"It is indeed possible to take you up, but you can only go up to a height of 200 meters, and you can't go up any further." The waiter continued, and Li Bai suddenly realized.

Whether those small travel agencies are scammers is not a question that Li Bai needs to consider now. What he needs to know most now is how to successfully climb the mountain in such an environment.

It's impossible for Li Bai to wait here until the spring of next year before going up the mountain to find Liu's family. By then, the daylily will be cold.

"Is there really no way to enter the mountain? I really have something to do." Li Bai pouted and asked the waiter again.

The waiter shook his head and told Li Bai that the Daxing'an Mountains in winter are quite dangerous, and because of environmental protection considerations, there was nothing she could do to help.

"Well, can you tell me the contact information of the hunting ground? I'll go over there and have a look." Li Bai thought for a while, and he could only choose such a devious way to save the country.

"Okay, wait a moment." This time, the waiter readily agreed, walked to the counter of the restaurant, took a leaflet, and handed it to Li Bai.

Only then did Li Bai know that most of the leisure projects in Jiagodal are supporting each other.

After getting the leaflet, Li Bai took a look at it first. The things on it were very simple and rude. A large line of "Jagodar Hunting Ground" was placed in the center of the top of the front of the leaflet. field contact information.

Li Bai was not in a hurry to call the Tianxun immediately, but left the restaurant first after finishing the delicacies.

There is a map on the back of the leaflet, instructing tourists how to get to the hunting ground. Li Bai followed this map and took a local special bus to walk towards the hunting ground.

Although Gagodar is located at the foot of the Greater Khingan Mountains, the whole city is actually not very big, just the size of a district in Kyoto.Therefore, it only took more than half an hour for Li Bai to arrive outside the hunting ground.

"Huh—" When Li Bai got out of the car, he was slightly shocked by the scene in front of him.

As the waiter said, the hunting ground was directly at the foot of the Daxingan Mountains, so when Li Bai looked through the empty hunting ground and landed on the mountain behind him, he was attracted by everything in front of him.

It hasn't snowed yet in Gagodar, so the vegetation at the foot of the mountain is still lush and lush, but as Li Bai's sight moves up, his sight is slowly filled with white.

very beautiful.

"It seems like a good choice to live here." Li Bai muttered and shook his head again.It would not be too late to think about this matter if one day there were really no trivial matters to worry about, but at this time, it was too early.

Li Bai walked towards the gate of the hunting ground. Although the Daxing'an Mountains had been closed, the hunting ground seemed to be still open, and Li Bai could occasionally hear gunshots from a distance.

After entering the gate, Li Bai saw some staff members. They were explaining some basic knowledge to a few tourists, and then they got into a car and drove towards the depths of the hunting ground.

But at this time, the remaining staff noticed Li Bai and walked towards Li Bai.

"Excuse me, sir, do you also want to experience hunting?" the staff asked Li Bai with a smile.

Li Bai looked into the distance and frowned: "Hasn't Daxing'an Mountains been closed? Why are you still allowed to hunt?"

The waiter seemed to have never met a man like Li Bai who asked such tricky questions directly when he came up. After a little embarrassment, he explained to Li Bai.

"In winter, the hunting grounds only hunt in a small area, but there are no large wild animals like in summer, they are all small." The staff said to Li Bai, as if afraid that Li Bai would leave, and hurriedly added an explanation one time.

"However, the hunting experience in winter is no worse than that in summer. Summer has summer fun, and winter has winter fun..." The staff wanted to say something to Li Bai, but was interrupted roughly by Li Bai.

"What if I want to go up the mountain? Is it possible? I can pay more." Li Bai asked, staring straight into the eyes of the staff. At this time, he looked like a nouveau riche.

This time, the staff was not embarrassed at all, it seemed that they had seen a lot of people like Li Bai.

"I'm sorry sir, this is not acceptable. The purpose of closing the mountain in winter is to protect the natural ecology above. If the ecology is destroyed because of earning a day's money, then our hunting ground and even the entire Gagodar will collapse."

The staff said to Li Bai very seriously, but they were also guarding against Li Bai faintly, as if they were a little afraid that Li Bai would suddenly go berserk.

"Oh, that's it." It was rare for Li Bai to become "understanding" for a while, but when he wanted to ask something again, a staff member standing on the other side seemed to be unable to stand it any longer.

He walked towards this side quickly, pulled the previous staff member, then pointed to Li Bai and said: "Sir, I'm sorry, if you can't accept the rules of our hunting ground, then please go back, we The hunting ground will not welcome people like you."

The man glared at Li Bai, as if there was a disagreement with Li Bai, he would fight with Li Bai.

Li Bai frowned: "What kind of person am I?" Li Bai stared at the man coldly, "What's your name?" He asked again.

It's not that Li Bai wants to make trouble with these people, but that Li Bai has roughly guessed that if he continues to talk nonsense with these people, he still has no way to go up the mountain. He must find the boss here and talk to him.

"Call me the boss of your hunting ground. I have something to ask him in person." When he said this, Li Bai's tone was very calm, but in the ears of the two staff members, Li Bai's performance It's like making trouble on purpose.

The face of the second staff member who arrived suddenly sank, and he stepped forward, and actually pushed Li Bai back.

"What do you mean? Do you want to file a complaint with our boss? Well, go and file a complaint and see if our boss will stand on your side or on our side." The staff was very angry at Li Bai Said.

From their point of view, they no longer know how many people like Li Bai they have met. If they meet someone who can make sense, then everything will be fine.

But Li Bai at this time, in their eyes, is the kind of unreasonable, completely wrong Li Bai's meaning.

The staff's push did not push Li Bai half a step, which made him a little surprised, and then continued to hold up his momentum forcefully.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I called your boss. I need to go up the mountain. It's very important." Li Bai also knew that the tone of his words just now seemed a bit wrong, so this time, he tried his best to speak gently to the two of them. .

It's just that these two men seem to be a little bit reluctant.

"Our boss won't meet people like you, you'd better leave as soon as possible!"

Li Bai looked at the two of them helplessly, he couldn't discuss what he had to say, he insisted on getting angry, so, in desperation, Li Bai still chose to "gently" put the two of them on the ground.

And the fight at the gate finally attracted the owner of the hunting ground. Seeing that the two staff members wanted to attack Li Bai again, something unexpected happened to Li Bai again.

Not only did the boss not try to stop his two employees, he even started a fight with a stick and walked towards Li Bai.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai's face darkened, and he suddenly felt that behind the hunting ground's brazen propaganda of environmental protection, there might be some other dark transaction. Big fight?

Ten minutes later, Li Bai sat in the hunting ground owner's office, followed by three disheveled men, including the hunting ground owner.To deal with these ordinary people, Li Bai naturally didn't need to work hard at all.

"Sir, sir, I think there may be some misunderstanding between us." The boss of the hunting ground nodded and said to Li Bai, and quickly asked the other two staff members to pour water for Li Bai.

This sentence made Li Bai very angry. He had already told the two staff members that they might have misunderstood what he meant, but they didn't listen, so Li Bai had no choice but to adopt it. Such a crude method.

"It's okay, okay, don't pour me water, I didn't come to your hunting ground to find trouble." Li Bai waved his hand and drove the two staff members out of the office, leaving only the boss behind.

The boss swallowed, not daring to touch the wound on his head in front of Li Bai.

"Then, sir, why are you here? Isn't it to hunt?" The boss asked weakly again, "But if you want to go up the mountain to hunt large beasts, it's really not possible, even if you Kill me, we can't let you destroy the ecology here."

The boss of the hunting ground emphasized this matter to Li Bai again, but Li Bai gave him a glance.

But he can't be blamed. After all, people who come to the hunting ground are not hunting, what else can they do?

"You misunderstood me. I'm not here for hunting. I want to go to Daxing'an Mountains to take some photos in winter, okay?" Li Bai thought for a while, fabricated the identity of a photographer, and asked the boss.

"Going up the mountain to take pictures?" The boss was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect Li Bai to be in this position. "But, I haven't even seen your equipment..."

Li Bai glared at the boss, and said impatiently: "Don't worry about it, I need someone who can guide me. Here is the deposit. If I do any hunting on the mountain, it will be all yours."

Li Bai took out a pile of money from the Qiankun ring and put it on the boss's desk, and said to the boss.

Li Bai clearly saw that the boss's eyes were a little straighter, but he was still not sure and asked again: "Are you really sure you won't hunt?"

(End of this chapter)

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