The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2906 Hong Kong University Mission 1

Chapter 2906 Hong Kong University Mission 1
After coming out of Li Xue's office, Li Bai was in no mood.Inexplicably selected to be an exchange student, although the exchange student is so good in the eyes of others, but in Li Bai's eyes, it is nothing like that.

Just go, the key is that Li Xue actually wants Li Bai to trample the college students of the University of Hong Kong under their feet. There are a lot of talents in this world. It will be a place of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.Moreover, the University of Hong Kong has always been among the best in the world university rankings.

It's enough to hang up with the world, so will there be fewer talents in it?

No matter how I think about it, Li Bai feels like he has been cheated by Li Xue, but for the sake of being a beautiful woman, Li Bai secretly said in his heart: "Forget it, good men don't fight with women."

Not long after leaving the school, Zhang Yuhan called and said that he had found Long Tianlin's trace.

At that moment, Li Bai went directly to a luxury hotel in Kyoto according to the address provided by Zhang Yuhan.

Because it was daytime, Li Bai didn't want to expose himself, so he borrowed Jin Yan's power to change his appearance and walked directly into the hotel, but was blocked by hotel security. The reason was that only people with platinum membership cards could enter during the day. No entry allowed.

This made Li Bai very angry, one must know that there are not so many opportunities to find Long Tianlin.

Immediately Li Bai asked: "Then I want to apply for a platinum membership."

The security guard smiled and said politely: "I'm sorry sir, platinum membership is not something that can be obtained with money, it was issued by our boss privately, and anyone who holds a platinum membership is the best friend of our boss."

Hearing this reply, Li Bai was also speechless for a while, but instead of rushing in, Li Bai chose to squat down and find a nearby cafe to sit by the window and stop.

This time, Li Bai sat for two full hours, but did not see Long Tianlin come out at all.

Looking at the time, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon, and Li Bai really couldn't figure out what Long Tianlin was doing in there for so long.

Just when Li Bai was about to give up, Long Tianlin came out.Moreover, there was an old man beside Long Tianlin, and that old man actually took a look at where Li Bai was sitting, which startled Li Bai.

Li Bai is 100% sure that he has a body-fit cultivation base.

Because the old man didn't just glance at it just now, but also scanned it with his spiritual sense.

Li Bai clearly felt that the old man's spiritual consciousness was much stronger than his, but Li Bai's silver star power should be about the same if he tried hard.

After being stared at by the old man, Li Bai didn't dare to take any action. After all, a man with a fit body was protecting him by Long Tianlin's side. For endless pursuit.

Temporarily giving up the goal of Long Tianlin, Li Bai went to Xiannong Pharmaceutical Company.

Looking at Zhang Yuhan's busy figure, Li Bai felt guilty for a while. He should have done these things by himself, but now he let them do it.

Zhang Yuhan seemed to sense the tenderness in Li Bai's eyes, so he rolled his eyes at Li Bai and said, "What? You won't be messing around outside again, right?"

Li Bai smiled and said: "How is it possible, what am I not satisfied with without you?"

Zhang Yuhan looked at Li Bai, and said, "Then the sun rises from the west today? How could you look at me with such soft eyes? I don't want to do that."

After hearing Zhang Yuhan's words, Li Bai didn't know what to say.

Zhang Yuhan said to Li Bai: "Recently, we have developed a new medicine that can effectively inhibit the spread of cancer cells, but I always feel that there is something wrong with the formula, because I think the effect of this medicine should not be so small, it should be stronger That's right."

Hearing Zhang Yuhan's words, Li Bai didn't care about any tenderness, and immediately became serious.

"Go and give me a copy of the prescription and potion, and I'll take a look."

Zhang Yuhan quickly sent someone to deliver a small bottle of potion, and the formula was in the safe in Zhang Yuhan's office.

Looking at the formula above, Li Bai tasted the potion again.

Li Bai silently identified the types of medicinal materials in the potion.

There are a total of [-] Chinese medicinal materials, the only deficiency is that they are all put into the pharmaceutical machine to make.

The taste of the potion is completely consistent with the medicinal materials in the formula, there is no problem.

But Zhang Yuhan said that there is something wrong with feeling, then there must be something wrong, Li Bai will not doubt Zhang Yuhan on this point.

In Zhang Yuhan's office, there is a laughing pharmaceutical machine, and there are also microscopes, test tubes and other things.

Li Bai looked at the prescription in his hand, and said to Zhang Yuhan, "Have someone prepare these seventeen Chinese herbs, and I'll try to see if I can make a different medicine."

Zhang Yuhan quickly sent the seventeen kinds of medicinal materials, Li Bai didn't talk nonsense, and immediately started to make them.

There is no change, but Li Bai is put into the medicine machine in the same order according to a certain order.

Soon the potion flowed out drop by drop, and it took less than half an hour for the potion to be made.

Seeing the potion in the test tube finally turned purple, Li Bai knew he was right.

Zhang Yuhan was also very surprised. Li Bai made it in front of her, and didn't add any more medicinal materials, but in the end the potion turned out to be purple, which was completely different from the colorless and transparent one he made before.

Li Bai looked at Zhang Yuhan's surprised look with a smile and said, "Isn't it amazing?"

Zhang Yuhan nodded in surprise, and asked, "How did you do it? Why is it colorless and transparent while yours is purple?"

Li Bai didn't continue to tease her, and said with a smile: "Sequence, you have to do everything in order. Sometimes this medicine is the same as chemistry. It's wrong for you not to follow the order to make sure what you make."

"Take this to test the efficacy of the medicine and see what the result is."

This time Zhang Yuhan didn't call for help, but took the potion and went to test it himself.

As soon as Zhang Yuhan left the office, Li Bai's sky message rang.

Connected to Tianxun, it was an unfamiliar number.

Li Bai asked suspiciously, "You are?"

The other party smiled and said, "Why don't you remember me so soon? Didn't I ask you to come to the military region to find me? Why didn't you come?"

Hearing this, Li Bai knew who it was. This was the old man he met in the library. Li Bai thought that the old man would not pay much attention to him, so he forgot about it. After such a short time, Tianxun called.

Li Bai smiled and said, "Old man, I've been busy recently, is it okay if I'm free?"

The opposite side pondered for a while and said: "That's fine, but if you don't come to my place, the books are all good books that record the legend of China's cultivation. If you don't come, it will be cheaper for others."

Upon hearing this, Li Bai immediately said without hesitation: "Hey, that old man, do you have time now? Can I just go there now?"

The other party smiled and said, "Yes, welcome anytime."

Li Bai sent a message to Zhang Yuhan, and then hurried downstairs to the Kyoto military area.

The military area has always been a very tight place, and the taxi stopped three kilometers away from the military area. The reason is that idle vehicles are not allowed to enter around the military area.

Li Bai had no choice but to run. He could run like lightning without using the power of the silver stars during the transformation period. In order to avoid shocking the world, Li Bai tried to run as slowly as possible.Even so, it took less than 5 minutes to arrive.

When he reached the gate of the military area, two soldiers with guns stopped Li Bai.

"This is an important place in the military area, don't you know that you can't enter randomly?"

Li Bai also knew that this was his responsibility, so he didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the piece of gold inlaid with jade.

When the two soldiers saw the gold inlaid jade, they were taken aback. They gave a military salute to Li Bai, and then said to Li Bai, "Major General please."

After finishing speaking, he gave way to Li Bai, and Li Bai was embarrassed.

Because Li Bai didn't know what was going on, Li Bai asked embarrassedly: "Well, comrades, I want to find the owner of this thing."

Hearing Li Bai's words, one of the soldiers took a step forward, saluted a soldier, and said to Li Bai, "Major General, please follow me."

Seeing the seriousness of this soldier, Li Bai couldn't help but think of Yixing. It seems that Yixing has also lived like this. Could it be that this way of army management has been handed down since ancient times?

However, Li Bai didn't care about these things, but followed the soldiers directly.

Soon they came to a small two-story building.

It's hard to imagine that someone would build a two-story building here in an important military area, which is obviously a private garden.

The soldier gave a military salute to Li Bai, and then trotted back.

The soldiers left, but Li Bai was stunned. He forgot to bring a gift because of his impatience. This is not Li Bai's habit.

Li Bai took a look inside the Qiankun ring, but luckily the Flaming Saber Technique book was still there, otherwise he really didn't know how to get in so rashly.

Before Li Bai knocked on the door, the old man's voice came from Li Bai's ear.

"Come on, you and I are not ordinary people, you don't need to care about those etiquettes when you come here."

Hearing this, Li Bai didn't knock on the door, but just pushed the door open and went in.

"Go to the second floor, I'll wait for you here."

Li Bai didn't understand why the old man waited for him, but he always felt that something was going to happen, but he couldn't say anything.

Walking to the second floor, Li Bai took out the Flaming Saber Technique from Qiankun Jie, and said to the old man, "It's the first time I visit your old man. I don't have anything. I love reading and collecting books. This is the best book in my collection." Ben, today I gave it to you, old man."

The old man glanced at Li Bai and said: "A gentleman does not take what others like. If you like it so much, you can keep it yourself. I am not interested in books."

Hearing this, Li Bai's heart skipped a beat.

Not interested in books?Isn't that interested in someone?
Thinking about it, Li Bai felt a chill.

(End of this chapter)

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