Chapter 2913
Even if Sun Nana's grandfather is no longer in that position, those huge roots are enough to make the Sun family a giant dragon. No one knows how huge this giant dragon is, because no one dares to tease this giant dragon.

In case something happened to Sun Nana in the school, I am afraid that a large number of school leaders will change positions.

Thinking of the seriousness of the matter, Tian Wen couldn't help sweating secretly, but Li Bai solved the matter, it seems that Li Bai should be rewarded, so as to encourage more students to have a brave heart, of course it can't Blindly brave.

After seeing Sun Nana and Zhao Feiwu leave, Li Bai said to Tian Wen with a smile: "Director Tian, ​​I want to interrogate this assassin, I wonder if it's convenient for you to avoid it."

After hearing Li Bai's words, Tianwen was taken aback.

assassin?Will there be assassins in the school?You must know that the security system of the University of Hong Kong is very thorough, and it is set up by professionals. How could it sneak into the assassin?
Tian Wen looked at Li Bai with some doubts and said, "Are you sure he is an assassin?"

Li Bai nodded and said: "If it's fake, it can't be true anymore."

Tian Wen frowned, and asked the people on the ground, "What age and class are you in?"

Seeing that the students lying on the ground didn't respond at all, Tian Wenda lost face.

Li Bai explained with a smile: "Director Tian, ​​I removed his jaw, so he can't speak, and just now he wanted to kill himself by biting his tongue. I think the school should have a file on this person's identity. You can take a photo and enter the school." Search the internal official website."

After listening to Li Bai's words, Tian Wen also felt that it was feasible. He took out Tianxun and took a photo of the face of the little wild dog on the ground, and then entered the official website to search.

Soon the internal official website searched for this person's information.

Xia Wei, who lives in Okinawa, Japan, has been in school for three years. Three years ago, she entered the University of Hong Kong with a score [-] points higher than the admission mark, and then studied law.In the past three years, I have not had any abnormal behavior except for studying, but I just study alone, often after twelve o'clock at night.There is another comment at the back, a good student who works hard is easy to go to extremes.

Looking at the information, Li Bai thought for a while and felt that although there was no misunderstanding in the information, there must be some problems in the final comments.This is simply the best cover for everything he did today.

At that moment, Li Bai clearly felt a strong murderous aura emanating from the person in front of him.

If he hadn't killed someone, it would be impossible to have such a murderous aura.

After carefully looking at the information on Tianxun, Li Bai asked: "Does Director Tian know who compiled these materials? And will these materials be tampered with? I mean hacking tampering?"

Tian Wen thought for a while and said: "This should be impossible, but three years ago, someone actually hacked into the school's official website, but it was quickly blocked. Do you mean that this person's information has been tampered with? "

Li Bai nodded and said: "Yes, I suspect that the school may not be the only one whose information has been tampered with. After all, the University of Hong Kong is a place where geniuses gather, and it is also a genius concentration camp for some caring people. Just imagine, the scientific research talents or medical talents who go out of the University of Hong Kong Not all talents are hired with high salaries, and some are even secretly recalled by the state to study some new drugs."

After hearing Li Bai's words, Tian Wen was taken aback, but then he thought of something terrible.

Facing Li Bai, he said, "I'll leave this person to you. I have to tell the principal about the situation."

After speaking, Tian Wen left in a hurry.

Li Bai, on the other hand, smiled and looked at Ke Ke, the little stray dog ​​pretending to be dead on the ground.

"Get up, I know you're not dead, if you don't want to suffer, you'd better get up now, otherwise I won't guarantee that your life will be worse than death later, and I have many methods, I think you still don't know many things."]

After finishing speaking, Li Bai used his spiritual sense to transmit the sound, which was transmitted directly to the depths of Little Wild Dog's mind, causing a huge roar in Little Wild Dog's mind.

The little wild dog looked at Li Bai in horror. After all, no normal person would ever encounter such a thing. Although the little wild dog had received cruel training, he did not accept such training beyond the scope of science.

Seeing the little stray dog ​​stand up and prepare to run away, Li Bai was amused, it seems that sometimes using some special methods is very effective.

Li Bai used his cultivation at the stage of becoming a god, and directly grabbed the little wild dog with a big hand of spiritual power, and slowly put it in front of him.

"You can't escape, so don't waste those powers, and cooperate with me obediently, otherwise it will not be easy to want to die. Of course, I can also directly interrogate your soul, but I am not killing innocent people indiscriminately. I feel that you are not worthy of death, you choose, do you want to tell me with your soul or tell me now?
The little wild dog looked at the big hand of spiritual power on his body in horror.

Li Bai let go of the little wild dog, then connected the little wild dog's chin, and looked at the little wild dog quietly.There is no sign of being afraid that the little wild dog can commit suicide.

The little wild dog is also aware of his situation, until now he still doesn't know whether it is a human or a devil in front of him.

Even so, the little wild dog also chose to compromise.

He said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know what my organization is called. The purpose of my coming here is to study, but I don't know why they stopped sending me a message three days ago to assassinate Zhao Feiwu. It took time to figure out Zhao Feiwu's routine, and finally today I felt it was the best opportunity, but I didn't expect it to fail."

Hearing Xiaoyegouke's words, Li Bai smiled coldly and said, "I will believe the feelings you said?"

"You should know a thing or two about my methods. I don't think you should hide your secrets. Although I can't know whether what you just said is true or not, I can tell from the strong murderous aura on your body that what you just said is complete. is fake."

"If you haven't killed anyone in three years, you certainly won't have such a strong murderous intent, and your purpose of coming here is to study, I'm afraid it's to steal some important information."

After hearing Li Bai's words, the little wild dog was shocked.

Seeing the little wild dog's pupils shrink, Li Bai knew that what he said just now was true, and the little wild dog was also lying to him.

Fortunately, under such circumstances, under normal circumstances, the little wild dog would never have exposed so many flaws.

After being threatened by Li Bai with the means of reaching the sky, the little wild dog who had lost his mind was even more disciplined.

Li Bai said coldly: "It seems that I have to kill you, and then conduct a soul search, otherwise I really can't believe your words."

After speaking, Li Bai grabbed the blue dagger in the distance with one hand, and the blue dagger was sucked up in the air, and fell directly into Li Bai's hands firmly.

This scene looked even more frightening in the eyes of the little wild dog.

But Li Bai is really not in the mood to go around with the little wild dog now, what Li Bai has to do is to kill everything first in the cradle.

Li Bai really has no mood to keep a person like Xiaoyegouke alive.

Just when Li Bai was about to stab the dagger into Little Wild Dog's heart, Little Wild Dog said quickly, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything."

Li Bai glanced at the little wild dog, and said, "I'm sorry you only had one chance, and you missed the chance to live."

After speaking, he directly inserted the dagger into the heart of the little wild dog.

The little wild dog fell to the ground in pain, but did not die immediately.

As for the state Li Bai wants, only in this state can the things searched by the soul search method be relatively comprehensive, and even the things that can be found deep in the little wild dog's memory can be found.

The spiritual consciousness directly entered Xiaoyegouke's sea of ​​consciousness, and then quickly browsed Xiaoyegouke's life.

And the little wild dog is also recalling his life.

When he was very young, he was taken to an island for training and saw his parents killed by his master.

I saw with my own eyes that the friends who were training together committed suicide, or killed each other.

But Little Wild Dog always had one goal in mind, which was to kill his master, but he found it impossible to kill that powerful man.

Only hard training and more training can calm down the hostility in my heart, the hostility that wants revenge.

Was put into a pond by the master to fight with a crocodile. That time, the ten-member team of Xiaoyegou survived Xiaoyegou himself, but Xiaoyegou's training was far more than that.

Killing people, understanding every organ of the human body, making poisons, and refining medicines. If you fail to do anything well, you will be tortured by disabled people.

For ten years, the little wild dog has been trained hard for a full ten years. At the age of 16, the little wild dog can use the self-made blue shadow to insert into the heart of the master. At that moment, the little wild dog feels that he is the most successful and the most fail.

That time, the little wild dog was hacked more than a dozen times by his master, but none of them were as fatal as the little wild dog's dagger.

In order to make this dagger, the little wild dog can add a lot of toxins, and the poison will be quenched in every process.It took six years to build a big one to succeed.

When Xiaoyegou saw his master died, he was not very happy, because his master's eyes were soft, and he seemed to have expected this day to come.That look is a kind of gratifying and encouraging look.

But Little Wild Dog, you don't have any goals at all, you don't know where the goals are, and you don't know the meaning of your life.

The little wild dog is so desperate that he has nothing to love in his life. All of this seems to be a trick from the gods. He jumped into the sea directly to drown, but was saved by someone.

The person who rescued him was a woman, and secondly, this woman led him on the road of killer.

But this only family member has already disappeared because of an assassination of a central high-ranking official in Huaxia.

Finally, the little wild dog can find out the information of the person he wants yesterday.

Zhao Wugong, 89 years old, commander of the Huaxia Military Region, granddaughter Zhao Feiwu, a medical student at the University of Hong Kong.

Thinking of this, the little wild dog is ridiculous, but he never expected such a result.

Everything is so close, even so it was stopped by someone.

(End of this chapter)

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