The strongest peasant city

Chapter 2915 Combat 1 Realm

Chapter 2915

I saw that the Tianshang Dao actually flew towards the big spiritual hand of the wild tree in the mountain village by itself, and slashed down fiercely.

At this time, Li Bai also moved, and his cultivation of the God Transformation Realm was fully deployed, and the hand of spiritual power that had been brewing for a long time grabbed Zhao Feiwu and Sun Nana in an instant.

The golden flame on the Tianshang knife smiled at the wild trees in the mountain village and flew directly back to Li Bai's hands.

"Jin Yan, help me find the two of them."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai went straight to kill the wild trees in the mountain village with the Tianshang Dao in his hand.

Ye Shu in the mountain village was also furious. He never thought that he would be played with by a kid in the God Transformation Realm and applauded. When would a majestic Master in the Unification Realm be played like this.

"Come with me if you have the ability."

After finishing speaking, the wild trees in the mountain village flew straight to the depths of the sea, Li Bai gave Jin Yan a few words, and went straight to the wild trees in the mountain village.

Half an hour later, the wild trees in the mountain village stopped in the middle of the sea, where you can't see the edge in all directions, and you are not afraid of shocking the world.

Li Bai came here with a knife in his hand, and he was on guard. After all, the cultivation of the wild trees in the mountain village was there, so Li Bai had to be careful.

Seeing Li Bai chasing after him, Wild Tree in the mountain village said with a smile, "You're very kind, but that's all for now."

Before Li Bai could speak, the wild tree in the mountain village pressed down with his palm.This is a big palm print with spiritual power, which fell directly from top to bottom. Li Bai held the sky-damaged knife and said with a smile: "It's just a small path, and you dare to show it."

Li Bai directly chopped off the aura palm with a single blow.

This scene was already expected by Shancun Yeshu. Shancun Yeshu always thought that Li Bai deliberately concealed his cultivation. After all, he had never seen a person who transformed into a god and cultivated into a unified spiritual consciousness.

Generally, a person's spiritual knowledge is directly proportional to his cultivation level, and the cultivation of spiritual knowledge is extremely slow. Ye Shu in the mountain village has never seen a person's spiritual knowledge practiced faster than his cultivation base.

But the wild tree in the mountain village never imagined that Li Bai still has the power of stars, which has always existed when he was in outer space, but was brought back by Li Bai.

Moreover, the place where Li Xiaogang lives is also a technological civilization, which is more developed than the earth, but there are not too many people who are cultivators there, and it is not as deep as the earth.

The wild tree in the mountain village formed a seal with both hands, and shouted at Li Bai: "The lotus seal."

The sky is full of lotus flowers, constantly absorbing the power of the water spirit in the ocean, and the ice lotus flowers that are as transparent as ice sculptures surround the wild trees in the mountain village.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai knew that he might not be able to catch so many ice lotuses without using all his strength.

"The sky is full of flames."

Li Bai danced quickly on the surface of the sea with the sky-damaged knife in his hand, and the strongest move in the flame lord's cave, "Fire all over the sky", was vividly displayed by Li Bai.

The temperature in the air gradually became scorching hot, and then the flames became one after another, like waves, wave after wave.

But Li Bai who used this move suddenly found that the spiritual power used in this move was far beyond Li Bai's imagination.

Thinking of this, Li Bai roared, and used the power of the stars without hesitation.

Just when the power of the silver star entered the fire wolf, a sudden change occurred.

The originally red fire wolves instantly turned into blue flames, but the temperature suddenly increased by more than ten times, even the ice lotus flowers around the wild trees in the mountain village showed signs of melting.

This time, it surprised Ye Shu in the mountain village.

Now the wild tree in the mountain village finally knows that the Li Bai in front of him is not at the cultivation level of God Transformation at all, he is indeed at the Unity State, otherwise how could he use such a terrifying move.

Feeling the scorching heat of the sky reach its peak, the sea surface under his feet is boiling, and the hot air is constantly rising.

Li Bai knows that success or failure is in one fell swoop.

And Ye Shu in the mountain village also felt the terrifying power of this move, and immediately circulated his whole body's spiritual power.

His hands slid in the air very slowly, but Li Bai could feel the slightest ripples from the place where the wild trees in the mountain village slid past.

Li Bai knew that the next move of the wild tree in the mountain village was absolutely terrifying, so Li Bai didn't care about that much at the moment, and used the spiritual power of his whole body plus the power of the silver stars to use the fatal blow of "flame all over the sky".

"Heavenly loss"

Feeling the blue flames falling from the sky quickly, the wild tree in the mountain village ignored the strongest protection and formed a seal quickly.

Shout out "Glass Golden Body"

The power of the water spirit in the entire sea water quickly condensed, and the body of the wild tree in the mountain village quickly froze at a speed visible to the rear. The power of water spirit is blocked by compensation.

Li Bai yelled at the flames in the sky.


At this moment, in the eyes of Ye Shu in the mountain village, it was like a flame falling from the sky.

The wild tree in the mountain village didn't care so much, burning his own blood, frantically absorbing the power of the water spirit in the sea, forming a water curtain and going straight up.

chi chi...

The flames fell, and the wild trees in the mountain village sank to the bottom of the water.

Li Bai's move instantly evaporated a water area of ​​several thousand meters in the center of the ocean.A huge vortex forms in the center of the ocean.

And Li Bai controlled his only sliver of spiritual power and slowly flew out of the center of the ocean.

Not long after Li Bai left, the wild trees in the mountain village in the center of the ocean showed their hair disheveled.After realizing that Li Bai had gone far away, he chattered and laughed.

Because at this moment, Shancun Yeshu broke through and entered the middle stage of unity.Without this life-threatening battle with Li Bai, it is still unknown whether Shancun Yeshu can enter the middle stage of unity in his life.

At the last moment, Yamamura Yeshu stimulated the full potential of his body and broke through.

But even if they break through, the wild trees in the mountain village are still extremely weak.That last blow exhausted all the spiritual power of the wild tree in the mountain village. The reason why it can still float on the sea is entirely because the wild tree in the mountain village can swim. A master of unity who was drowned by water.

Li Bai flew over the cruise ship and immediately passed out.

The blow just now not only exhausted the power of the silver stars on Li Bai's body, but also exhausted Li Bai's spiritual consciousness. If it wasn't for the last sliver of spiritual power that made Li Bai fly back, Li Bai's current situation might be worse than that of the wild trees in the mountain village .

Jin Yan turned into a huge python and swallowed the three of them in one gulp, before disappearing into the ocean.

When Li Bai woke up again, he found that he was on a sandy beach by the sea. The dazzling sunlight and the cold sea breeze kept blowing, which made Li Bai sober up a lot.

And Zhao Feiwu and Sun Nana were still lying beside Li Bai.

Li Bai rubbed his tingling head, communicated with Jin Yangou with his spiritual sense, and found that he had stayed here for three days and three nights.During these three days, the two girls hadn't woken up. During this time, Jin Yan kept protecting the two girls with spiritual power to prevent them from catching a cold from the sea breeze.

Now that Li Bai wakes up, Jin Yan returns to Li Bai's Qiankun Ring and prepares to fall asleep again.

Jin Yan consumed too much spiritual power in the past three days, of course it was mainly because of taking care of the two girls.

Li Bai checked the pulse of the two girls and found that everything was normal and there were no other symptoms, but he failed to wake up for three days, which made Li Bai wonder whether it was poisoning or other reasons.

Sitting on the beach, slowly absorbing the spiritual power between heaven and earth, and then using spiritual power to investigate the internal conditions of the two girls, it was found that the blood of the two girls actually contained sleeping pills.

Li Bai knew right away that Jin Yan didn't use spiritual power to wash the two girls' meridians, but just used spiritual power to protect the two girls' bodies to prevent the sea breeze from freezing them.

After washing over and over again, Zhao Feiwu finally woke up after half an hour.Immediately afterwards, Li Bai flushed Sun Nana's meridians, and soon Sun Nana also came to life.

Zhao Feiwu looked at Li Bai's actions just now with some surprise, but did not ask.Because my grandfather is also such a person, and I can become such a person, but Zhao Feiwu feels that it is better to be an ordinary person.

Zhao Feiwu has been living a fulfilling life for so many years, and of course Zhao Wugong's protection of Zhao Feiwu is also very comprehensive.

But what happened this time made Zhao Feiwu feel a little shaken.

Sometimes it's not that you don't provoke others, and others won't provoke you; sometimes it's not that you don't want to kill people, so others won't kill you.

Because Zhao Feiwu discovered that some things don't need a reason at all, and don't need a reason.

Sun Nana opened her eyes, and her stomach started to growl.

He glanced at Li Bai and said, "Thank you this time. If you need anything in the future, just call me, and I will help you." "

Li Bai felt a little funny after hearing Sun Nana's words, but he also felt that Sun Nana had a good personality. She didn't even ask what happened to her, and she didn't even ask about the reason for the kidnapping. This made Li Bai look at Sun Nana again. .

Zhao Feiwu also said to Li Bai in a cold voice: "My grandfather told me about you, anyway, thank you this time, and you also made me understand some things."

Li Bai was a little confused by Zhao Feiwu's words.

Zhao Feiwu said to Li Bai: "Let's go back quickly, I'm afraid my grandpa will be anxious and do some irrational behavior."

Hearing Zhao Feiwu's words, Li Bai remembered that he hadn't called the old man Zhao Wugong to report his safety. If he was negotiating and the other party threatened him, he really didn't know if the old man Zhao would do something irrational.

When Sun Nana heard Zhao Feiwu's words, she immediately knew why she was kidnapped for no reason this time.

Sun Nana said to Li Bai: "That's right, my grandfather is also involved in this negotiation, and our Tianxun has been confiscated. Do you still have your Tianxun?"

Li Bai nodded, and directly took out the Tianxun from the Qiankun ring and handed it to Sun Nana.

Sun Baichuan had just hung up the phone with a sad expression on his face.What should come will always come.

Immediately afterwards, an unfamiliar number was displayed on his Tianxun. You must know that there are only a few people at his level who know his Tianxun. Now it is an unfamiliar number, which made Sun Baichuan feel puzzled.

Sun Baichuan did not agree to the request made by the other party just now, but said to think about it and ask the other party to wait.Can't wait so soon?

(End of this chapter)

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