Chapter 300

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Uncle Er Niu, after this incident, I understand a lot of things. I used to be too selfish, thinking of myself first..."

Er Niu waved his hands and said, "Don't you say that. When it rained heavily in our village, pieces of wheat waiting to be harvested fell into the water. At that time, I was so anxious that my mouth was full of bubbles. If you hadn't resolutely Stand up and buy all the wheat. I don't know how many households will have to live a hard life that year.

Can such a person be considered selfish?hehe……"

Sighing, Li Xiaogang said: "Uncle Er Niu, I want to do something practical for the village. A family is not rich, but the whole village is rich!"

Er Niu looked at Li Xiaogang with great satisfaction, and said, "Okay! You can really make me happy in this way. Tell me, what good ideas do you have?"

Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "In the past few days, I looked around the village and found that the reason why our village's food production is not high has a lot to do with water.

Our place is like a funnel. If there is less rain, it will quickly leak down and cannot hold water. However, if there is too much rain, the speed of water seepage cannot compare with the speed of rain, and a large area will be formed. Large swaths of water, forming floods. "

Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Erniu also frowned and said: "You are right, that's why our village is either drought or flood every year.

But do you have any good way to manage it? "

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "That's natural! I found that there is an underground river underground in our village.

In years with little rain, all the water seeps into the underground river and goes to other places along with the underground river.

In years with a lot of rain, the underground river is full of water, and the rainwater can no longer seep into the ground, so severe waterlogging will occur.

There is no way to solve it, as long as we dig a large enough pond at the outlet of the underground river, when there is less rain, we can pump the water from the underground river into the pond, and then use it for irrigation!When there is a lot of rain, the pond can be used to store water, so that the harm of waterlogging can be reduced! "

Li Xiaogang's words made Erniu's eyes light up and he said, "Good idea! But where is the exit of this underground river? Do you want to find the geological experts in the province?"

Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "No need, I have found the exit, what I have to do now is to gather the villagers together and start working!"

"Hehe... Good boy, so you have planned it a long time ago!" Er Niu couldn't bear the excitement in his heart and punched Li Xiaogang in the chest, Li Xiaogang laughed.

"Okay! Let's do it like this. I'll go and call someone. Let's try to start and finish the work as soon as possible.

Damn, I have to worry about the rain every year, now I'm fine, it's all up to you to cure my heart disease! "

Li Xiaogang nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, leave everything to me!"

When Er Niu and Li Xiaogang were busy building the pond, Gao Liguo and his wife finally couldn't bear it anymore and returned to S Province from BJ.

When they got home, they saw Gao Yuanyuan staring out the window in a daze with blank eyes. Even Gao Liguo and his wife didn't know they came in, which made them very worried.

"Yuanyuan..." Mrs. Gao let out a low cry, Gao Yuanyuan turned her head in a daze, seeing her parents, Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help crying and threw herself into Mrs. Gao's arms, crying: "Mom, Li Xiaogang... Li Xiaogang doesn't want me anymore, he left alone, I... what should I do?"

Mrs. Gao was taken aback by Gao Yuanyuan's words, and immediately frowned, she patted Gao Yuanyuan's shoulder lightly and said, "No, he loves you so much, how could he be willing to leave you, don't think about it!"

Gao Yuanyuan moaned and said: "No, no! I can see that he looked at me as if he was looking at a stranger. This time, he really... really doesn't love me anymore, woo woo ..."

"He dares! If he dares to reject you, I will break his leg!" Gao Liguo roared angrily, hoping to temporarily ease Gao Yuanyuan's grief.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yuanyuan cried even more fiercely, saying: "No, don't! He has suffered enough, his hair..."

Gao Yuanyuan hugged Gao Yuanyuan pitifully, and said, "Mom already knew that you are a good and considerate child, you must understand Li Xiaogang! The blow he received this time is really too great, and he needs to be calmed down by himself." Jing, trust mom, when he calms down, he will come back to you."

Gao Yuanyuan raised her head, her tears filled with hope, "Is it true?"

Mrs. Gao smiled slightly and said, "Silly boy, I am your mother. When did your mother lie to you? During this period of time, you can go back to BJ with us, reflect on it, and see what is wrong with what you have done in the past. , correct everything, and when Li Xiaogang goes to pick you up, you can show a brand new you in front of him, in that case, he will love you even more, and can't leave you even more!"

After listening to Mrs. Gao's words, Gao Yuanyuan really cheered up a lot, and a smile appeared on her face again, but this smile fell into Mrs. Gao's eyes, which made her feel very uneasy. She secretly prayed that Li Xiaogang was really what she thought. In that way, I just didn't figure it out for a while.

"Dong dong dong..." Mrs. Gao had just comforted Gao Yuanyuan when the door was rudely knocked on. Gao Liguo frowned and stood up and said, "It must be Liu Changhe. He is the only one who dares to knock on my door like this!" Open the door The one standing outside was indeed Liu Changhe.

Liu Changhe frowned, looked at Gao Liguo and said, "I heard you're back, I'll be here right away, you have to think of a way for me now, my head will explode in the next few days ! If you don't come back, I will go to BJ to find you myself!"

Gao Liguo let him in with a smile, and teased: "Don't forget, you are a high-ranking official in Province S, and this is your territory. I'm afraid I can't do anything about things that you can't even settle!"

Liu Changhe snorted coldly and said, "I am the emperor here, even if you go to the sky, then Li Xiaogang is also your son-in-law! You are better than me at dealing with him!"

Gao Liguo shook his head, and said with some seriousness: "This time, I'm not so sure either!"

"When are you going to find Li Xiaogang, I'll go with you!" Liu Changhe asked straight to the point, Gao Liguo was taken aback and said, "Who told you that I'm going to find Li Xiaogang?"

Liu Changhe curled his lips and said, "If you don't go to Li Xiaogang, what are you going back to Province S for?"

Gao Liguo said dumbly: "Don't forget, I still have a daughter here, can I come and see her?"

Liu Changhe said impatiently: "Okay, okay, don't pretend to be with me, I'm not in the mood to go around in circles with you! Let's just say, this time you are here, you must take me to see Li Xiaogang, and persuade me He reopened Longquan Group, resumed the production of Longquan fine wine, and stabilized the market!"

Gao Liguo frowned and said, "Are you ordering me?"

Liu Changhe didn't back down at all, and responded, "If you must think so, I can't help it!"

Gao Liguo sneered and said: "It's really unreasonable! When I left BJ, I told you to ask you to help me take good care of Li Xiaogang and take care of him if there is any problem! But when Li Xiaogang received Where were you during the siege? Why, you are now practicing the tortoise magic skill? Now that he is gone, you are in a hurry, let me tell you, it’s not that cheap!"

Liu Changhe became a little annoyed by Gao Liguo's words, and said: "What about you! You are an official in the capital now, and you can say ten words to me! And the old chief, what is he doing? Is he asleep? I am You didn't stand up in time to stop all this, but the two of you are not the same, we are half to eight, what right do you have to say that about me?"

"You!..." Gao Liguo pointed at Liu Changhe and shouted loudly, wishing he could bite him.

"Okay, okay! You two have been arguing for most of your life, why are you still so immature, can just arguing solve the problem?"

Mrs. Gao scolded the two of them, and they stood aside in silence.

Mrs. Gao sighed and said: "Changhe is right, we should go to Xingfu Village, even if we say sorry to him.

In this matter, to put it bluntly, the two of you did something wrong, and it was outrageously wrong!Even if Li Xiaogang is not our son-in-law, but a stranger, you can't just ignore him, right?It's no wonder that people will leave immediately, and they don't know how sad the child is now! "

"Okay, whatever, let's go for a walk!" Gao Liguo thought for a while and nodded.

"Dad, are you going to Happy Village? Take me with you, and I will go too!" Gao Yuanyuan said eagerly.

Gao Liguo glanced at her and nodded silently.


"Hey!" Er Niu found Li Xiaogang, and before he could speak, he let out a long sigh. The sighing Li Xiaogang asked in a daze, "Uncle Er Niu, what's wrong? Something happened?"

Er Niu sighed and said, "I'm really worried. I told everyone about the need to dig a pond, and everyone agreed, but when it came to asking everyone to contribute labor, they actually asked me for wages. You say I'm a poor man." The noisy village party secretary, where can I get them wages? Besides, this is a great thing for the collective benefit, and they should be able to contribute!"

"Haha..." Li Xiaogang suddenly laughed after hearing Er Niu's narration. If you can’t dig it, if you can’t dig it, you will have to suffer from disasters every year. The people in the past are so simple. As long as our village chief says a word, it’s a desperate job. It’s not like we need money now. It seems that we can’t live without money. It looks like it's gone!"

Li Xiaogang suppressed his laughter and said, "Uncle Er Niu, you shouldn't be sad because of this, you should know that this is a good thing! This shows that our farmers have become more and more market-conscious.

It is only right and proper to contribute your efforts to get money. If you are still restraining them in the same way as in the past, then it is too inappropriate! "

Er Niu glanced at Li Xiaogang and sighed: "I am getting more and more out of step with the times now, the concepts in my mind seem to have taken root, and I can't change even if I want to."

Shaking his head, Er Niu said, "But what should we do now, where do we get them wages?"

(End of this chapter)

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