The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3029 Li Bai's Invincibility

Chapter 3029 Li Bai's Invincibility (3)

Once the elixir entered the abdomen, the effect appeared instantly.

Although the Xiao Huan Dan is not as magical as the Da Huan Dan and can improve the cultivation base, the healing effect is still considerable. Although it cannot improve the cultivation base, it refers to the situation of high realms. If ordinary people take it, it can also be beneficial The effect of Da Huan Dan.

Lin Hai felt the effect of Xiao Huan Dan, and immediately sat cross-legged to refine the power of the medicine.

After running for a week, Zhao Dakui's penetrating energy has basically resolved it, and most of the injury has recovered.

Two weeks later, the injury has basically recovered, but the effect of Xiao Huan Dan is still not completely gone. At this time, the effect of the drug has begun to transform into spiritual power.

This situation surprised Lin Hai a little.

But how could Lin Hai let go of such a good thing, and quickly absorbed it immediately.

Li Bai was also a little puzzled. Logically speaking, Lin Hai should have absorbed the medicinal power of Xiao Huan Pill by now, but Lin Hai didn't open his eyes, instead, he continued to absorb the medicinal power there.

Suddenly the air around Lin Hai changed, and then became distorted. This scene surprised not only Li Bai, but also Zhao Dakui and the others.

This is the rhythm to break through. Lin Hai actually broke through with a elixir, and it was a healing elixir.

Lin Hai's feeling was not as strong as everyone else's. He just felt that his cultivation base had improved again, but the distance of improvement was not too large, and soon Lin Hai opened his eyes.

He said to Li Bai: "Thank you for the elixir, otherwise I don't know when I will break through the tenth level of Qi training, but now I will be able to hit the foundation building after a while."

Li Bai didn't expect that Lin Hai's breakthrough would be made by his small return pill. It can only be said that it was God's will.

"You don't have to thank me. To me, I just want to be fair. I didn't think that much at all, and I didn't want to help you break through. All this is just a coincidence."
Although Li Bai said so, Lin Hai was still very grateful to Li Bai.

"I'm fine now, let's get started."

Li Bai also nodded, and said: "Let's use the previous style of fighting, and don't use strength beyond the ninth level of Qi training."

Lin Hai also nodded in agreement.

Originally, Li Bai wanted to take everyone to see the beauties, but Li Bai didn't want to let go of such a powerful talent. Of course, it is important to choose talents first, and then talk about beauties, there are several wives who can compare with him.

And when everyone saw that Li Bai and Lin Hai were going to fight again, they didn't express any objection. After all, everyone wanted to know what Li Bai's strength was. After all, the strength of the later stage of transformation was Sun Baichuan's own words. But at such a young late stage of transformation, everyone is very puzzled, even the pill pile may not be able to have such a speed.

The battle between Li Bai and Lin Hai just allowed everyone to see Li Bai's true strength from the side.

This time Lin Hai was not the same as last time, and even exchanged greetings with Li Bai.

It was an attack without any warning, and then another attack.

Everyone was also very surprised by Lin Hai's approach, because Lin Hai's previous competition with Zhao Dakui was mainly defensive, but this time it was actually offensive.

Li Bai was not surprised by Lin Hai's attack.

Because Lin Hai doesn't attack at this time, I'm afraid he won't have a chance after a while.

The pulsation of the earth was released instantly, making Lin Hai's movements slow down.

Immediately afterwards, Wan Jin turned his strength and blasted towards Lin Hai. Lin Hai was already familiar with Li Bai's move, but he still made the right plan.

But even so, Lin Hai took the punch easily.

Li Bai was not surprised that Lin Hai could easily receive his punch.

After such a long time, if Lin Hai still can't solve his own trick, then he won't be a soldier king.


Seeing that Li Bai used the pulse of the earth, Lin Hai also directly activated his own mask defense, and Lin Hai was constantly imitating Li Bai's pulse of the earth. Seeing this scene, Li Bai suddenly thought of the gene man with the head of a bull and snake.

That snake body can perfectly resolve the pulsation of the earth, and it can also imitate it.

The ripples on Lin Hai's mask keep spreading outwards, but they are not as powerful as Li Bai's repulsive force. After all, Li Bai catches the power of the earth, and the actual power he uses is very small, while Lin Hai's mask has no power of his own. by any external force.

Li Bai was not in a hurry when he saw Lin Hai's performance, but slowly accumulated his strength, ready to smash Lin Hai's mask with a punch.

Lin Hai is constantly studying Li Bai's pulsation of the earth and is also defending Li Bai's movements.

Suddenly, Li Bai's pulsation of the earth instantly imprisoned Lin Hai's mask, making it difficult for Lin Hai to dodge. At this time, Li Bai's fist that transformed into a force of ten thousand catties also rushed directly.

Seeing Li Bai doing this again, Lin Hai was also very annoyed.

The momentum of the dragon's chant spread out in an instant, and then the mask dissipated, turning into circles of ripples and spreading around to dissolve Li Bai's earth pulse.

Bajiquan's one move fixed the world and went straight to meet him.


Lin Hai and the others took a few steps back with a snort, and Li Bai also shook his numb boxer.

Said: "It's very powerful, but there is no injury."

Lin Hai didn't reply, but stepped on the ripples formed by his aura under his feet and rushed towards Li Bai. Because this method consumes too much spiritual energy, Lin Hai prepared to fight quickly.

Li Bai naturally knew Lin Hai's plan, and said with a smile, "In order to convince you, let me show you my true strength."

After speaking, Li Bai removed Pulse of the Earth.

But Li Bai exudes a kind of momentum, but this kind of momentum is silent.

There are no roars of tigers and dragons, some are just calm, but there is chill in the calm.

Lin Hai did not expect that Li Bai would withdraw such a trump card, which surprised Lin Hai a little.

Li Bai said lightly: "Come on, let you see how good I am."

Lin Hai didn't say a word, he stomped his feet vigorously and ran towards Li Bai, followed by a blast of Bajiquan.

But what surprised Lin Hai happened, Li Bai actually used Bajiquan, and Li Bai's stomping strength seemed to be much stronger than his own.

Not only that, but Li Bai can launch Tieshan's fighting style in an instant when he is close to the body, and his strength perfectly interprets the unparalleled ferocity and thunder of Bajiquan.

Lin Hai who was knocked into the air said in surprise, "How do you know Bajiquan?"

Li Bai smiled and said, "Are you surprised? Look at the trick."

It was Zhao Dakui who stared wide-eyed next.

Because Li Bai used the Paoquan this time, but Li Bai's Paoquan is completely opposite to Zhao Dakui's Paoquan. Li Bai's Paoquan is not as fast as Zhao Dakui's, but a little slow, but the power of the explosion can only be heard by the sound. How powerful is a cannon punch.

Lin Hai saw that Li Bai had used Pao Fist, which was more powerful than Zhao Dakui, and immediately smiled wryly, "I lost."

Li Bai didn't expect Lin Hai to admit defeat so quickly?It's a bit regretful but also quite happy, because it means that he has received another effective stop. Li Bai believes in this legendary soldier king in the defense of the South China Sea.

"Since you admit defeat, you must keep your word."

Lin Hai said lightly: "Don't worry, whenever you let me follow you, I will apply for discharge immediately."

Hearing Lin Hai's words, Li Bai smiled, and said, "Okay, okay, this is a book of my boxing experience, which is a welcome gift."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai reached into his bosom and took out a copy of "General Outline of Octopus" and handed it to Lin Hai.

Lin Hai was surprised when he saw this "General Outline of Octopus" and said, "Isn't this something that has been lost? How could you have it?"

Li smiled and said: "The secret must not be leaked, you should understand it yourself, we are going to see the beauties."

After finishing speaking, Li Bai said to the crowd: "Let's go, I'll show you beauties, but you can invite me for lunch."

Shi Kailai said: "As long as I can meet the beautiful woman I'm in love with, let alone treat you to lunch, even dinner will be included."

Li Bai heard what Shi Kailai said, and said directly: "It's no wonder you don't have a girlfriend, and you have no prospects at all. If you ask me to find someone I'm interested in, I'll just recognize him as the boss. What difficulties will there be in the future?" As long as he says, I dare to help."

Li Bai told Shi Kailai that he was worthless, so he immediately became unhappy.Retorted: "As long as you find it for me, I will recognize you as the boss."

Li Bai really dare not say that Shi Kailai can find him, but there are still many beauties here.

Li Bai's first thought was Qin Yuyan in the infirmary.

Dang even took everyone straight to the infirmary.

Soon Li Bai appeared at the door of the infirmary, and Qin Yuyan was bandaging a soldier. The words Li Bai said in front of Qin Hong last time made Qin Yuyan's heart throb. With a wife, although this is no longer a monogamous society, monogamy has been practiced for many years. Although there will be a great change in thinking over the past century, not everyone can accept this change.

Qin Yuyan is a person who respects monogamy.

Li Bai appeared at the door of the infirmary with eight people behind him, and then knocked on the door.

Said: "Is Qin Yuyan here?"

Qin Yuyan heard the voice familiar, but didn't remember who it was for a while, and said to the door: "Come in, I'm here."

Hearing Qin Yuyan's voice, Li Bai was very happy. After all, there are not many beauties who can fall into his eyes, and Qin Yuyan is one of them.

Li Bai pushed the door open and entered, but Shi Kailai was not Li Bai who went in first. The moment Li Bai pushed the door open, Shi Kailai rushed in.

Seeing that eight or nine people came in at once, Qin Yuyan was a little puzzled.

Said: "Are you injured?"

Shi Kailai was the first to react, and said, "Girl, please help me, I'm injured and I'm about to die."
After hearing Shi Kailai's words, Qin Yuyan had no doubts, and said directly to Li Bai, "Hurry up and carry him into the operating room."

(End of this chapter)

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