The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3032 If you want not to suffer, you have to be shameless

Chapter 3032 If you want not to suffer, you have to be shameless (2)

Qin Hong smiled coldly: "Li Bai, do you think I will believe what you said? I haven't found you for the last time I injured Wang Lianhua. I didn't expect you to bring someone here again this time. What are you doing? You didn't pay attention to me."

Li Bai smiled awkwardly and said, "Commander Qin, you really misunderstood me. This time, I didn't think so. It was Commander Zhao who asked me to do this. He said that we are all grown-ups. If we want to find the right person to be with, we should come to Qin The commander is here, but Miss Wang didn't bring us here, so I can only bring them here, you see, he fell in love with Miss Qin not long after he came here."

Hearing Li Bai's words, Shi Kailai immediately had the urge to kill Li Bai.

There is no such thing as cheating people. Shi Kailai had prayed not to turn his eyes on him, but now Li Bai directly led him to him, which made him have nowhere to hide.

Qin Hong glanced at Qin Yuyan and said, "Is he the one who molested you?"

Qin Yuyan nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

Hearing Qin Yuyan's affirmative voice, Shi Kailai immediately wanted to run away, but how could he run away at such a time, not to mention the question of whether he could run away, just Qin Hong, an expert here, might have been killed before he ran out of the gate. People were blasted into ashes.

Shi Kailai wanted to explain a few words for himself, but he didn't know what to say when the words came to his lips.

It can't be said that it was Qin Yuyan who asked him to molest her, then I'm afraid the result would be as bad as turning into ashes, maybe life would be worse than death, and those tortures would be used by himself.

Even the temperature of the cold storage in the military area is a tormenting thing.

Thinking about Shi Kailai felt terrible, and couldn't help looking at Li Bai for help, but Li Bai acted like it was none of my business, which made Shi Kailai give up immediately.

But something unexpected happened, Qin Hong didn't ask Shi Kailai, but looked at Li Bai and said, "Is what you said just now true?"

Li Bai was stunned for a moment, thinking that Qin Yuyan would be distracted by Shi Kailai, but she didn't expect that not only did she not distract her attention, but she actually became more serious. If you don't believe me, you can ask Commander Zhao."

Li Bai regretted it when he said this.

Sometimes spending too much is not a good thing.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Bai's words, Qin Hong sneered and said, "Just ask, I'm afraid that old man won't do it?"

Immediately took out the sky signal and directly dialed Zhao Wugong's sky signal.

Soon Zhao Wugong was connected, looked at Qin Hong and said, "Commander Qin, why don't you give me the Skycom when you have time?"

Qin Hong looked at Zhao Wugong's smiling face, and sneered, "You sent people to our military area to choose beauties as partners?"

Hearing Qin Hong's words, Zhao Wugong was confused this time, and said, "What are you talking about? How could I do such a thing at such an age?"

This time Zhao Wugong directly turned on Tianxun's projection technology.

Although it was daytime, Zhao Wugong could still clearly appear in front of Qin Hong.

Zhao Wugong said angrily: "Let me see who actually used my banner to ruin my reputation."

Qin Hong threw Tianxun to Li Bai without hesitation, and Li Bai's instinctive reaction was to catch it.

But the moment he caught it, Zhao Wugong also saw Li Bai's appearance.

Zhao Wugong said angrily: "Li Bai, I guessed it was you. How dare you ruin my reputation like this."

Qin Hong went to Li Bai's side and took Tianxun directly, and said to Zhao Wugong, "Now do you know who it is? What else do you want to say when the evidence is gathered?"

Zhao Wugong did not expect that Qin Hong would really take it seriously. In fact, Qin Hong naturally knew that Zhao Wugong would not do such a thing, but she was very upset when she was defeated by Zhao Wugong last time, so now she finally had such an opportunity, she didn't want to let go.

"Commander Qin, the people over there, you can do what you want, don't come to me if you have nothing to do." After finishing speaking, he directly closed Tianxun.

Qin Hong knew that Zhao Wugong was afraid, afraid that she would cause trouble, so she felt much better immediately.

Looking slowly at Li Bai, he said, "What do you say now?"

Li Bai knew that Zhao Wugong's background was no longer useful, and he was even more shameless than anyone else.

With the heart of wanting to give a back when he was about to die, Li Bai started directly.

Pointing at Zhao Dakui and the others first, he said, "I didn't want to come, but I was provoked by them."

"The burly fat man pulled me and said that there was only one woman in the team, there were more wolves and less meat, and this was not his style, so let me take him to find a girl who is attracted to him."

"The skinny guy behind the fat guy is called Sun Bin. He said he saw me as a good-looking talent, and that he could acquire a unique temperament when he was with me. I didn't expect this guy to change so quickly. One moment I was fine, and the next moment I was fine. Good with you."

"As for those few, don't look at them Wang Meimei, Wang Xiannv yelled, when I was with me, I said a lot of bad things about you, look at that honest Kou Jun, he is the most vicious tongue, he can say anything. Just 1.6 meters five, too thin, no breasts and no buttocks, no one loves her anywhere."

"I won't talk about the others, because I'm afraid it will make you angry."

Li Bai's words directly made the few people who had already stood in the line feel nervous.

At this time, Shi Kailai also stood up and said, "That's right, I can testify that what Li Bai said is true."
Shi Kailai thought that it would be nothing if he said something to Li Bai, and maybe he could turn passive into active, but he thought too much.

Wang Yan pointed at Shi Kailai coldly and said: "You guys go and beat him up first, until you can't get up, I will believe what you say, if you are guilty, you don't have to."

At this time, how could everyone miss this moment of expressing their loyalty.

Zhao Dakui directly cast a cannon fist and rushed towards Shi Kailai. Seeing this scene, Shi Kailai didn't care whether Qin Hong was a master or not, and ran away.

But before he could run away, a pile of dirt appeared under Shi Kailai's feet, and his whole body was grabbed by Kou Jun's left hand.

Of course, Zhao Dakui would not let go of this kind of moment, a cannon punch directly made Shi Kailai bend over.

But Kou Jun had already made a move, and of course the others couldn't be idle, and started to ravage Shi Kailai even harder.

Watching this scene, Li Bai was terrified.

After 10 minutes, Shi Kailai really couldn't get up anymore.

Looking at a few people with blank eyes, the hatred in my heart, I immediately vowed to repay this hatred no matter what.

Zhao Dakui was the one who had the most fun beating, and also the one who was the hardest.

Wang Yan looked at Qin Yuyan and said, "How is it? Are you relieved?"

Qin Yuyan smiled and said: "It's too relieved, this time I will take advantage of him, but I feel that Li Bai is the last person I can't let go."

Hearing Qin Yuyan's words, several people agreed, especially Wang Lianhua.

Li Bai didn't want to be beaten like Shi Kailai.Dang even used his cultivation power to prepare to escape.

But Qin Hong made a move, and directly restrained Li Bai with huge spiritual power. Li Bai wanted to use the power of the stars, but found that people like Zhao Dakui moved.

Kou Jun wrapped Li Bai's whole body with a big earth-type hand, and then Wang Yan directly used her water-type kung fu to freeze Li Bai.

But Yuanfeng was even more wicked, and directly used poisonous powder, but Li Bai's cultivation base disappeared temporarily.

In just a few seconds, Li Bai was brought down by everyone.

Feeling the strength of Li Bai's cultivation gradually dissipating, Wang Yan actually removed the ice layer, and then Kou Jun also withdrew the big hand of the earth element.

Leaving Li Bai standing in place with no cultivation at all.

Li Bai felt weak all over, and he didn't know what kind of poison Yuanfeng used to be so vicious.

Zhao Dakui looked at Wang Yan earnestly and said, "Do you need to teach him a lesson?"

Wang Yan glanced at Zhao Dakui and said, "Isn't this nonsense? It can only be compared to Shi Kailaizhong who is lying on the ground, can't you understand?"

Shi Kailai was lying on the ground, looking at the sky, and felt much better after hearing Wang Yan's words.

Soon he heard Li Bai's howling ghosts and howling wolves. Zhao Dakui worked very hard. The explosive power of Pao Fist was on Li Bai.

Li Bai said lightly: "I have written down today's hatred."

Li Bai thought that everyone would hesitate after saying this and would stop working so hard, but Li Bai regretted it.

Because everyone who heard this was like a lunatic punching him like a lunatic.

Li Bai didn't even have the chance to ask for mercy.

Especially the two brothers Yuanfeng, who were originally from assassination background, hit Li Bai's pain points with all their shots, and Li Bai shed tears after the pain.

This time it lasted for half an hour. I have to say that Li Bai was so tenacious in life that he was still alive under the ravages of everyone.

It's just that now Li Bai doesn't even have the strength to speak.

Seeing Li Bai in this state, Shi Kailai instantly became more balanced.

And the hatred for everyone has also disappeared a lot.

Although everyone didn't use their cultivation, they fought very hard this time.

Qin Hong said calmly: "Have you finished fighting?"

Zhao Dakui wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Well, it's so cool, it's been a long time since I've felt so good."

The others also nodded in agreement, expressing their agreement.

"Since you are done having fun, then take him away, we don't welcome such people here."

Everyone has seen Qin Hong's method just now. He can instantly imprison Li Bai in the late stage of transformation. His cultivation level is at least suitable for the first stage. How could they be able to compete.

Qin Hong's words are now like an imperial decree to people like Zhao Dakui.

Soon, Li Bai and Shi Kailai were carried out of the military area by the crowd.

But Wang Yan did not follow.

When I walked out of the military area for a certain distance, the style of painting changed.

Zhao DaKui directed the crowd to quickly carry Li Bai and Shi KaiLai to a massage clinic, and Zhao DaKui went to massage Li Bai himself.

"Boss, I know you are a righteous person, you won't bother with me over such a trivial matter today."

(End of this chapter)

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