The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3038 Familiar Voice Unfamiliar Person

Chapter 3038 Familiar Voice Unfamiliar Person
Li Bai had heard Mu Xiaoting sing the song "Forest of Elves", and Mu Xiaoting was still dancing at that time.

The man who was once pursued by the top ten generals, was taken down by him.But since then, he hasn't heard of Elven Forest.

But today I didn't expect to be able to hear someone else's cover, which made Li Bai a little surprised, but also a little happy. The happy thing is that Mu Xiaoting is also a star, a real star.

The girl named Xiaobai held a guitar in her arms. Although it was a bit worn out, the audience was captivated when she played the first note.

Crisp and sweet, like the fragrance of birds and flowers in nature.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaobai began to sing along with the sound of the guitar.

So scared.

I'm so afraid of losing you.

How many late nights, how many sleepless, how many thoughts.

It's your smile that always lingers in my mind.

What makes me unforgettable is your generous back.

But, you don't know.

But you don't know that you have a pair of eyes, paying attention silently.

You don't know that there is a heart that moves with you.

So scared.

I'm afraid I won't see you.

How many dreams, how many realities, how many whispers.

But you don't know...

But you never know, never know that the person in the dream is you.

But you don't know, I don't know that my whisper is to say that I love you.

But you don't know that that ignorant girl has no one else in her heart.

But you don't know what it's like to love unforgettable.

The unforgettable feeling of the last sentence made the people present who have been in love have not cheered for a long time, and even the previous madness was extinguished instantly by the arrival of this song, as if the fire had lost its oxygen.

This song also made Li Bai silent.

When Mu Xiaoting sang before, Li Bai didn't feel this way, but now when Xiaobai sang, Li Bai knew Mu Xiaoting's heart.

It turned out that the seemingly carefree girl loved herself so deeply.And what about myself?

Unforgettable love, Li Bai didn't understand before, what is unforgettable, but now after listening to this song, he seems to understand.

Everyone in Shi Kailai also remained silent for a long time.

Which one of them is not a dragon and phoenix among people, and which one has no suitors.

But for the sake of cultivation, they all refused and gave up.

When the last sentence of this song you don't know what the feeling of unforgettable love is, they also fell silent.

Yes, they really don't know what is unforgettable, and they don't know the thoughts of those girls, the love of those girls.They just want to be stronger and reach the so-called peak, but after listening to this song, they suddenly feel that they seem to have missed something.

At this moment, they were a little hesitant, not knowing whether the previous decision was right or wrong.

Clap clap, clap clap...

Thunderous applause suddenly sounded, and some people in the crowd even shed tears.

"One more song."

"Yes, one more song, it's really nice."

Facing the excited people in the audience, Xiaobai sang another love song.This time it's not as intoxicating as the previous one, but overall it's still good.

After Xiaobai sang a song, he changed his mind.

But some people were not happy, and several tattooed youths ran to the stage and surrounded Xiao Bai.

"Our boss welcomes you."

Xiaobai obviously didn't know these young people, let alone their so-called boss.

"I still have something to do, I'm going first, sorry."
Then he bowed to the boss pointed by several young people, and prepared to leave.

But how could this kind of place let her leave so easily.

Seeing Xiaobai's refusal, several young people immediately turned fierce, and said, "Little girl, don't toast or eat fine wine."

Xiaobai was obviously very scared, but he still mustered up his courage and said, "I really have something else to do. My grandma will be anxious if I go back late."

After hearing Xiao Bai's words, the young men said fiercely, "Okay, just go and see if someone will take care of you after you go out."

The owner of the bar obviously noticed something was wrong, so he hurried down from upstairs and said to a few young people, "What's going on?"

It is obvious that the bar owner still has a bit of dignity in the eyes of these young people.

"It's our boss who wants to invite this girl to sit down."

The bar owner frowned and glanced at the boss that the youths were pointing at, but when he saw the sitting boss, his serious face instantly turned into a smile.

Then he cleared his throat and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, it's okay if you go have a drink with that boss."

After hearing the bar owner's words, Xiao Bai's heart turned cold in an instant, which proved that the bar owner didn't protect her anymore.

Thinking that her grandma was still waiting for her, Xiao Bai couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Brother, just let me go. I won't sing again, okay?"

The bar owner didn't speak, but those young people were not happy.

"You don't have to sing if you don't want to, does our boss agree?"

It's been so long, but no one dares to take care of this matter, which proves that the so-called boss does have a few tricks.

But Shi Kai couldn't stand it anymore.

Immediately stood up and said loudly: "Are so many of you shameless surrounding a girl?"

The whole bar was attracted by Shi Kailai's voice, even the hostess sitting next to Shi Kailai looked at Shi Kailai in surprise, you know that the boss is the boss here.

Not to mention the owner of the bar, even the chief of the local police station has to be courteous when he sees him.This background is absolutely terrifying, and it is definitely not something that Shi Kailai can provoke.In the mind of the hostess, Shi Kailai is now no different from a dead person.

I haven't heard of anyone who heats the boss and is still alive.

A few young people with tattoos did not expect that there is really someone who is not afraid of death.

One of the young men with a green dragon tattooed on his arm said to Shi Kailai: "Boy, there is no such thing as a hero who has to measure his own strength."

Another young man also said mockingly: "Look at your skinny appearance like a bamboo pole, be careful not to be beaten into a bear."

Shi Kailai may be considered weak among Li Bai's group, but to ordinary people he is a god.

Although ancient martial arts are popular now, there are not many who have really achieved something, let alone those who have reached the realm of Nascent Soul.

Shi Kailai might laugh it off if Li Bai and his group taunted him like this, but it is impossible for an ordinary person to taunt him.

Shi Kailai laughed, and laughed very loudly.

"Who do you think will be beaten into a pig's head?"

The young men were clearly dissatisfied with Shi Kailai's laughter, and immediately said angrily, "Just talk about you."

After speaking, two young men took out their daggers and prepared to give Shi Kailai a serious blow.

But before they left the stage, Shi Kailai rushed up, and the speed was very fast.

People like Li Bai could clearly feel that Shi Kailai didn't use any spiritual power at this moment, but only achieved this speed with his original physical strength and explosive power.

Almost in the blink of an eye.

The youths with tattoos didn't expect that Shi Kailai would dare to charge forward, but the youths were obviously not stupid for Shi Kailai's speed, so they immediately surrounded Shi Kailai, otherwise they would definitely be able to escape easily with Shi Kailai's speed. Lose.

But what they didn't know was that since Shi Kailai dared to rush forward, how could he be afraid of them.

Shi Kailai looked at the young men coldly and said, "Which one of you wants to be the first to become a bear?"

This sentence directly made these young people who are usually domineering and blissful explode in anger. The dagger in his hand was stabbed directly, and Xiao Bai covered his eyes and screamed in fright.

But soon the stage was clean, apart from Xiaobai, even the hotel owner disappeared from the stage.

As for where?Of course Shi Kailai kicked him offstage.

A few young people were obviously dissatisfied and wanted to rush up again, but before they could do so, Shi Kailai had already rushed down and beat them up violently. I don't know if it was because he had seen how Li Bai beat Zhao Dakui before. The reason is that now Shi Kailai also likes the feeling of hitting someone in the face.

And the bigger you are, the more you love to fight, and the fight is very vigorous.

Soon the first young man turned into a pig's head, but this was not over yet. After the beating was over, Shi Kailai asked, "Are you convinced?"

The young man said very stubbornly: "No (convinced)."

Hearing the young man's dissatisfaction, Shi Kailai didn't say any nonsense, and directly crippled the young man's legs.

After crippling the young man's legs, he asked indifferently, "Are you convinced now?"

The young man looked at Shi Kailai with hatred on his face, and said in his mouth, "I don't agree."

This time, Shi Kailai did not cripple his hands and feet, but beat blood, which directly made the young man faint. Of course, he would die strangely after a month. It is absolutely nothing to deal with ordinary people.

Seeing the fainted youth, Shi Kailai clapped his hands and said lightly: "I really can't resist beating, it's your turn."

The young man pointed at by Shi Kailai started to run away immediately, regardless of where his boss was still sitting and looking at him coldly.

But in front of Shi Kailai who is good at speed, how can he escape.

Shi Kailai was like lightning, before the young man ran out, he was directly kicked to the bottom, and then Shi Kailai stomped his face fiercely.

Soon he was trampled into a pig's head. After the stamping, Shi Kailai said with disdain: "I hate people who run away. If I were your boss, you would die a hundred times."

The other young people didn't expect that this skinny person like a bamboo pole would be so powerful.

It doesn't work if you run, or you don't run, they don't know what to do for a while.

At this time, the boss stood up and said to Shi Kailai, "Friend, can you save me and let them go?"

From Wang Tao's point of view, no one would dare not give him this face. Even if this person is so powerful, he didn't deal with him immediately, but dealt with his younger brother. This also proved that Shi Kailai was still afraid of him.

(End of this chapter)

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