Chapter 304
Uncle Xiang carefully tasted Long Sihai's words, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that what Long Sihai said made sense. Now that Chen Hao was asked to come out, he might be dismembered before he got to BJ.

"But how long is he going to stay in there?"

Uncle Xiang asked with a worried face.

Long Sihai smiled lightly and said, "How long will you stay? Stay until Li Xiaogang comes out of the mountain again, Longquan fine wine is on the market again, and people's anger is extinguished!"

Hearing Long Sihai's words, Uncle Xiang seemed a little surprised: "You mean, after such a blow, Li Xiaogang will make a comeback?"

Long Sihai said: "Of course! He is not the kind of person who can be easily defeated, and it is not in his nature to be willing to be lonely.

Just wait, he will be everyone's focus again in a short time! "

Uncle Xiang said in his heart: "I hope it won't be too long, otherwise little Chen Hao doesn't know how long he will stay in there?"

Shaking his head, Uncle Xiang forced himself not to think about Chen Hao for the time being, and said to Long Sihai: "Master, when are you going to find Li Xiaogang?"

Long Sihai shook his head and said: "No hurry! I have to think about it carefully, what should I say when I see him..."

"Li Yong, I...I want to go home." The past few days have been very bad, as long as you close your eyes, Li Xiaogang's white hair will flash before your eyes, like a nightmare Every time she woke up from her dream.

After a few days, she not only lost weight, but also became emaciated a lot. She handed over the company to Xinran and Xiaoxiong to take care of them, but shut herself at home.

Li Yong has been with Li Xiaoshui for the past few days, knowing how she feels, he is both anxious and distressed.

Looking at Li Xiaoshui's darkened eye circles, he said softly, "Okay, if you want to go back, I'll go back with you! It just so happens that Longxi Group is still waiting for Li Xiaogang's raw materials to be produced.

Now Niu Tong and Xiao Ming from the Quality Inspection Bureau are urging me to go into production as if they were ghosts, and I am about to be driven crazy! "

Li Yong made an exaggerated expression on purpose, trying to win the beauty to smile, but Li Xiaoshui is full of melancholy now, how can he laugh, looked at Li Yong and said: "I want to go back, but I am afraid of going back, I am afraid Meet Xiao Gang.

When I was in the countryside, I loved him very much. No matter what happened, I would stand by his side and face it with him.

But since I came to the city, I found that I seemed to be a different person. I really couldn't believe that at such a moment, I would choose to abandon him and draw a line with him.

Li Yong, do you think I have become annoying..."

Li Yong gently lifted Li Xiaoshui's face and said, "Silly girl, this shows that you have become more rational and shrewd.

In fact, you shouldn't think that way, you should think this way, we did this to preserve his power and save money for his future comeback.

Does it make us feel at ease if we have to watch Qiangnong Company and Longxi Group finish with him? I'm afraid that not only we will regret it, I believe Li Xiaogang will be even more sad!Do you understand, baby, as long as you think about it this way, you will find that it is the right thing for us to do, isn't it? "

After listening to Li Yong's words, Li Xiaoshui finally calmed down a lot, and his face was no longer full of sorrow.

He stood up and said, "Okay, let's go back and explain to him right away, hoping they can understand our painstaking efforts!"

Li Yong said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, Li Xiaogang is the smartest person I've ever met, he will definitely figure it out!"

In Xingfu Village, the fervent collective labor is still going on, and a huge pond has slowly formed.

With the addition of several huge excavating vehicles, the progress of the work is getting faster and faster.

Looking at the excited villagers around him, Li Xiaogang was filled with pride, and this kind of pride was something he had never experienced before.

That is a kind of great pride from the depths of the heart, and this pride comes from everything he has done for everyone.

Compared with the little pride he had when he made money, Li Xiaogang suddenly discovered that this kind of pride was what he longed for.

Although Er Niu was sweating profusely, he always had a happy smile on his face. He walked up to Li Xiaogang and said, "The pond has been dug. Shouldn't it be time to open the exit of the underground river?"

Li Xiaogang glanced at him, and said with a loud smile, "That's natural! You evacuated the villagers, and I'll install the explosives!" Er Niu grabbed his hand and said, "No, I'll go! I'm the village director. , such a thing should have been done by me.

And when I was in the army, I also had contact with explosives, and I know more than you! "

Li Xiaogang knew that Er Niu was concerned about him, and said with a smile: "Uncle Er Niu, this is just the most common explosive device. Just plug in the detonator and it will do. You don't need to know so much at all. Let me do it. I'm young. Run away." Also run faster than you, hehe..."

Looking at Li Xiaogang who was smiling but determined, Er Niu sighed, said nothing more, said "Be careful!" and turned to evacuate the crowd.

Li Xiaogang took the dynamite pack and got into a diversion ditch that had been dug long ago, connecting the pond and the rock wall that blocked the underground river from flowing out.

After placing the explosive package, plugging in the detonator and fuze, and looking back at Er Niu, Er Niu shouted loudly: "People have been evacuated, it can be detonated!"

Li Xiaogang took out the lighter, lit the message, then hurried out of the diversion canal, ran to Er Niu's side and lay down to hide.

But 2 minutes passed, but there was no movement of the explosive package. Er Niu looked at Li Xiaogang suspiciously and asked, "Are you sure you lit it?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "Sure, it must be on fire! Why not blow it up?"

Could it be that the fuse was broken, or was it damp?I gonna go see!

"Er Niu said that he wanted to get up, but Li Xiaogang firmly held him down, and said: "You don't want to go, I will go! "Before the village chief could react, he jumped up and ran towards the explosion site where the explosives were placed in the diversion canal.

When he came to the explosive package, Li Xiaogang saw that the fuze had burned to the bottom of the explosive package, because the short section of the fuse had been damp, and now it was no longer burning, only emitting green smoke.

But just when Li Xiaogang wanted to change another fuze, suddenly there was a light puff, and the fuze that was just emitting green smoke suddenly flashed sparks, and after about one-tenth of a second, the explosive package exploded with a bang.

With a powerful energy, the tongue of flame rolled towards Li Xiaogang. Before Li Xiaogang could react, a huge torrent suddenly flew out from the blasted rock wall, and directly rushed Li Xiaogang out along with the water.

"Li Xiaogang!" With the sound of the explosion, Er Niu couldn't help crying out in grief.

In his opinion, Li Xiaogang seemed to have just entered the aqueduct when the explosives went off, so Li Xiaogang's fate can be imagined. blocked by the flow of water.

"Li Xiaogang, Xiaogang!!!" The helpless Er Niu could only call Li Xiaogang's name over and over again, heartbreakingly.

The rest of the villagers also realized what happened one after another at this time, and the whole construction site was in chaos for a while, and everyone was eagerly calling Li Xiaogang's name...

Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong returned home together. Seeing Li Xiaoshui came back with her boyfriend, Li Ming and Bai Yun were naturally extremely happy. They were even more enthusiastic about Li Yong and took good care of them.

Li Ming talked with Li Yong, while Bai Yun pulled Li Xiaoshui and complained: "You are far worse than your brother, once you enter the city, you won't come back again, you want to die!"

While talking about Baiyun, she looked at Li Xiaoshui carefully, and the careful mother suddenly found that something was wrong with her daughter, and there was a bit of sadness in her eyes, so she immediately grabbed Li Xiaoshui and asked, "Son, what's wrong with you?" Is something wrong? Mom knows that you are all busy with big things, and Mom doesn't understand, but Mom will always be your best listener. If you tell Mom about things that don't go your way, even if Mom can't help you, there is one more person to help you. If you share it, you'll feel better too, won't you..."

Bai Yun's words made Li Xiaoshui couldn't help crying anymore: "Mom, I'm sorry Xiao Gang, woo woo..."

Looking at Li Xiaoshui who was crying bitterly, Bai Yun felt so uncomfortable, hugged Li Xiaoshui and comforted him: "Silly boy, you and Xiaogang are brothers and sisters, and we are all one family. What can you do? I'm sorry! Come on, Don't cry, tell mom what happened, if it's not a big deal, I'll tell Xiao Gang, if he dares not forgive you as a sister, mom will clean him up for you!"

Li Xiaoshui said bitterly: "Am I still worthy to be his older sister? Am I really worthy?"

"Silly girl said stupid things again, you are his elder sister for a day, and you will be his elder sister for the rest of your life. As an elder sister, you can deny your younger brother, but as a younger brother, you must definitely deny your elder sister. It's okay, you have a mother to make decisions for you! " Bai Yun stroked Li Xiaoshui's beautiful hair and said firmly.

Looking at Baiyun's trusting and comforting eyes, she suddenly remembered the way Li Xiaogang looked at her when she was a child, shining brightly, full of dependence and admiration, "Mom!" I said it again.

Hearing Li Xiaoshui's words, Baiyun didn't say a word for a long time, and after a long while in a daze, he said: "Xiaogang, this kid has suffered such a big grievance outside. I thought it was just because of the things he sold. It's a bit expensive, it's just making others jealous, no wonder... No wonder the black hair that was fine turned white all of a sudden!
But why doesn't this child tell us anything, he acts like a normal person all day long, and keeps all his grievances in his stomach, this child, why is he so stubborn... he won't talk to his parents when he is wronged Say, what is the use of parents? "

Because he felt sorry for his son, Baiyun's eyes shed turbid tears. Thinking of Li Xiaogang suffering so much outside, Baiyun's heart was so painful that he wanted to suffocate.

Seeing Bai Yun's state of mind, Li Xiaoshui hurriedly hugged her and said with a choked voice: "Mom, it's all my fault, it's all my fault. It's my fault for not taking good care of my brother. It's all my fault. Mom, don't be sad. Everything has passed, please don't be sad anymore..."

Baiyun wiped away tears, hugged Li Xiaoshui and said: "Xiao Shui, Xiao Shui, when you were young, you were the one who loved your younger brother the most. Every time your father beat Xiao Gang, you protected him, but what happened to you this time? Ah, your brother is facing such a catastrophe, how much he hopes that someone can comfort him and give him a hand, but you, you can abandon him so cruelly.

It's like you've stabbed a knife in his heart. Can his hair not be white? "

(End of this chapter)

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