The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3056 Li Bai's bewitching words

Chapter 3056 Li Bai's bewitching words

No matter what Li Bai said, who would go back and take the lead at such a time, people from other countries act like you can negotiate everything as long as you don't do anything.

But this doesn't include those strong men in the Unity Realm, they have their own arrogance.

Seeing that several people in the Heyi Realm seemed to want to get ahead, Li Bai of course seized the opportunity and continued: "It's really disappointing that you don't have any impulsiveness in your great youth, but look like an old man in his twilight years. .”

If Li Bai didn't say this, those few foreigners in the Unity Realm might be able to attack, but once Li Bai said that the great youth, in their eyes, the great youth is not for desperate, they have to enjoy it Glory, enjoy the wonderful life in the future.

Immediately, the masters of the Unity Realm suppressed the impulse in their hearts.

Seeing that the few people who originally wanted to make their mark gradually calmed down again, Li Bai couldn't help feeling angry that such a good opportunity was snuffed out by a few words of his own.

At this time, Zhao Dakui also saw that those foreigners were really scared, and immediately Zhao Dakui said to Li Bai: "Boss, let's go, you see so many of them are really scared now."

They were afraid of Li Bai, but they were not afraid of Zhao Dakui. Immediately, someone was ready to overwhelm Zhao Dakui with arrogance, but how could Li Bai let this happen.

Before the man could overwhelm him, he was blocked by Li Bai, and Li Bai even secretly used a trace of spiritual consciousness to attack.

Of course, Li Bai's spiritual attack was only tentative.

But the effect was good, the man obviously turned pale after being hit by Li Bai's spiritual attack.

Seeing this situation, other people naturally knew that Li Bai had done it secretly.Immediately, these people made their own defensive preparations. Who knows if Li Bai will make a sudden move.

Seeing everyone's careful look, Li Bai didn't say anything, because he basically took all the treasures here, and he still had to go to other places to search to see if there would be any other gains.

Immediately said to Zhao Dakui: "Let's go, we don't want the baby here."

Zhao Dakui naturally knew that all the treasures here were basically gone. Li Bai even used the pulsation of the earth to extend to the ground to look around and found that there were none before letting go. What Li Bai said was just to waste some time for these foreigners.

Seeing the figures of Li Bai and Zhao Dakui going away, everyone who stayed at the mountain pass also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the pressure Li Bai put on them just now was too great, and it made them breathless.

Fortunately, Li Bai has left now, and everyone who stayed here is silently waiting for treasures to erupt from the mountain pass again, but this kind of situation is still rare.There was nothing to spew out until late at night, and the people left.

At this time, Li Bai and Zhao Dakui have shuttled through countless places here.

Li Bai stood on a tree branch and said to Zhao Dakui: "Do you think there are more than one secret place here? It stands to reason that we should be able to find them after searching for so long, but they don't even have a shadow."

Zhao Dakui was also puzzled.

He said to Li Bai: "Boss, I don't know what you said, but I feel that the secret place here is definitely not that simple. We thought there would be nothing here, but suddenly a big foot appeared Treasures came out of the house, but the voice pointed to another person, that person would not be hurt by Baoguang, we don’t have such a person here, and I suspect that it made others enter a different secret realm from us.”

Li Bai frowned and said, "Since this is the case, we still have to look for it. This place must have a secret realm leading to other places."

Zhao Dakui also nodded, and continued to walk forward. This time they decided to move forward, believing that they would find other entrances to the secret realm.

At this time, Sun Bin had already robbed five or six treasures in a row, and he also found Shi Kailai and Song Xian. As for Ruth who was with Shi Kailai, she also returned to her main force.

Sun Bin divided the treasures one by one, and kept three for himself.

The three of them found a place to refine the treasure in their hands.

What Shi Kailai got was a pair of wings, which could be regarded as top-grade magic weapons. Although he hadn't used them yet, Shi Kailai could feel that the spiritual power fluctuations on them were as strong as any magic weapon in his hand. up.

And Song Xian's is a pair of shoes with a lot of formations engraved on them. Although he hasn't figured out what formations, Song Xian immediately felt that this pair of shoes should fit him very well.

When Sun Bin asked him to choose one, he would choose this pair of shoes without hesitation.

And Sun Bin refined the remaining three treasures one by one.A piece of armor, a pair of knee pads, and a helmet. These should be the same pair of shoes as those worn by Shi Kailai and Song Xian. However, Sun Bin is not a stingy person in this environment. A magic weapon for self-defense, I am afraid it will be difficult to break out of the siege.

Not long ago, they were also besieged. Although Sun Bin had a powerful spiritual attack, he was not the only one with powerful spiritual attack, but also other countries.

His spiritual sense attack only worked once not long ago, and was stopped by someone the second time.

That is, at that time, Sun Bin snatched six pieces at once from the mountain pass where the treasures erupted out. The main reason for this was that he would not be injured by the precious light of the treasures, otherwise he would not have been able to snatch them all at once. Many, as well as Liu Guang's body protection, these cheat-like things made Sun Bin feel like a fish in water.

However, in order to break out, Sun Bin still lost Baidao Liuguang's bodyguard.

The desperate attack power of those people cannot be underestimated.It just made most of Sun Bin's bodyguard disappear in an instant. If it weren't for Song Xian and Shi Kailai, two partners who are good at speed, he might not be able to get out.Even so, the three of them were exhausted.

But now refining these treasures is the first to bear the brunt, not for anything else, just to save their lives, Shi Kailai and Song Xian have to get one.

Soon Shi Kailai's pair of wings disappeared behind him, and Song Xian's pair of shoes also slowly disappeared on his feet.

But as long as they move their minds, their magic weapon will appear instantly. Shi Kailai's wings are tailor-made for him. out.

Shi Kailai hadn't used all the spiritual power to try it yet, but just a little bit of spiritual power had such a powerful effect, which made Shi Kailai very happy.

And Song Xian's shoes are also amazing.

The formations on Song Xian's shoes are basically related to the wind, and this pair of shoes also played a role of bonus. Song Xian used to use 100% of his spiritual power to send out a wind blade, but now it is 50.00%. The blade is for the feet, not the hands.Otherwise, the formation bonus on the shoes will not have any effect.

But even so, Song Xian was overjoyed as if he had found a treasure.

The two quietly waited for Sun Bin's refinement to be completed. The two thought that Sun Bin should be the weakest one in this time, but during the day, Sun Bin suddenly killed dozens of people in an instant and let them see how powerful Sun Bin was. If it weren't for the Heyi Realm to protect those people, I'm afraid it would have been a one-sided massacre.

But even so, there are very few people who dare to catch up all the way, but those who can catch up are the best of the best, that is, people who are not afraid of Sun Bin's spiritual attack. When they meet such a person, the three of them join forces It's only for running away. After all, except for Sun Bin's spiritual attack, Shi Kailai and Song Xian are both speed types. It's hard to achieve a real kill, but it's very powerful to fight a war of attrition. .

Now Shi Kailai and Song Xian have already refined their own magic weapons, and the rest is waiting for Sun Bin to refine them so that the three of them can fly freely in this secret place.

In terms of speed, who can catch them?In terms of strength, there are only a few people.

So now Shi Kai and Song Xian don't feel any fear at all.

It didn't take long for Sun Bin to refine three magic weapons. With these three magic weapons, Sun Bin's defense power can be said to have been significantly improved, and it also made up for his shortcomings.

Just after Sun Bin finished refining, Sun Bin's spiritual sense detected three people chasing in their direction, and all three of them were masters of the Unity Realm.

Immediately Sun Bin said to Shi Kailai and Song Xian: "Let's go, someone is chasing us."

Shi Kailai asked suspiciously, "Very powerful?"

Sun Bin said indifferently: "Three in one realm."

Hearing the three unifying realms, Shi Kailai didn't say any nonsense, and directly spread the wings that had just been refined, pulling Song Xian and Sun Bin to disappear in place.

Shi Kailai didn't expect him to fly so fast with both of them with all his strength, this speed was much faster than the Heyi Realm.Unless Li Bai is a pervert who can shrink into inches.Otherwise, ordinary people would not be able to catch up with him now.

Sun Bin and Song Xian didn't expect that Shi Kailai's speed had reached such a level, but this was a good thing for them, and it made it possible for them not to be defeated and arrested even if they encountered a master of the Unity Realm in the future.

At least it's possible to escape.

Not long after Shi Kailai left, three yellow-eyed F nationals appeared at Sun Bin's place.

One of them said: "They have just left not long ago, and they are faster than us. We have to wait for the opportunity. They will not be able to catch up with us."

The other two glanced at each other and nodded, "That's the only way to go. It's just that this time we lost two masters at the transformation stage. It's really abominable."

The person who started to speak also sighed and said: "There is no way to do this, no one knows that Huaxia hides so deeply, that person is only at the Nascent Soul stage, but his spiritual knowledge is so terrifying that it is at the peak of God Transformation , and even the attack power is not much worse than our spiritual consciousness in the Unity Realm."

The three of them still have lingering fears when they think about Sun Bin's spiritual storm at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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