The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3067 Dingji Islands

Chapter 3067 Dingji Islands
After Sun Baichuan's Tianxun was turned off, it was Zhao Wugong's, and Zhao Wugong also quickly ordered martial law to be lowered.

In any case, we must find out the undercurrent that wants to sneak into China.

After a series of orders were issued, all that remained was the rewards for the people who went to Yuscale Island on behalf of Huaxia this time.

The reward is very simple, but also very heavy, everyone has a military rank.The military rank is lower than that of Li Bai, but the difference is not too far.The most important thing is that the country will not take back any of the treasures that everyone has obtained this time, and it belongs to whomever it is.

In fact, everyone has no idea about rewards, and doesn't care much. They just took this trip to the secret realm as an experience, but they didn't expect this time to be so dangerous. The most important thing is to let them know that there are people outside the sky and people outside the sky. , I thought they were geniuses standing at the top of the pyramid, but this time let them know that they are far away from the top of the pyramid.

Zhao Wugong handed everyone a medal, but this medal was a special medal, which reminded Li Bai of his Dragon Guards, but he hadn't seen the Dragon Guards for a long time, since the last time TLF was raided by the Gao family , Long Wei Li Bai has not been in touch for a long time.

After thinking about it, Li Bai felt that he was a bit incompetent as the Dragon King.

Everyone has medals, but Li Bai does not.However, Li Bai was still puzzled by this situation.

Is there anything more special than everyone else?
But after waiting for a long time, Zhao Wugong didn't come up with anything.

This made Li Bai a little embarrassed, Li Bai smiled and said: "Old Zhao, look, have you forgotten me?"

Zhao Wugong glanced inside and said, "You haven't, because you already have the best reward."


Li Bai really didn't know what his best reward was, but one thing is certain, that is, he didn't see any real reward at all.

Sun Baichuan smiled and said, "Have you forgotten those islands?"

After being told by Sun Baichuan, Li Bai naturally knew what it was. The archipelago was naturally much better than those medals. Li Bai couldn't help but feel happy when he thought that the Huaxia government had actually approved this matter. For the matter of getting a medal reward, I can't wait to go to those islands to investigate immediately.

Both Zhao Wugong and Sun Baichuan took a look at Li Bai, seeing Li Bai's appearance, they naturally knew that Li Bai was cheating, but they didn't explain, but said to others: "Each of you has a medal, and this medal It belongs to the special medal, and its function is completely different."

Hearing this, Li Bai was also very curious about the function of these medals.

Everyone thought that these medals were the same as those of the army, but now they seem to be different. The most important thing is that Zhao Wugong's mysterious smile makes people feel like there is some kind of conspiracy.

Immediately afterwards, Zhao Wugong said: "These medals are not for managing the army, nor do they carry any titles, but they have a very substantial functional value."

"There is a picture on each of your medals, and this picture is your identity, and it is also a substantive thing."

Hearing what Zhao Wugong said, everyone looked at the pattern on the medal. The pattern on the medal, which they hadn't cared about before, actually had this function.

Shi Kailai took a closer look, and then looked at Zhangwu's around him. They were indeed different, but the pattern on the medal was still clear at a glance. Basically, everyone was a pattern of an island.

Seeing these patterns, everyone was confused. What can the patterns of the island represent?
Zhao Wugong looked at everyone's puzzled look, and immediately stopped hiding, and said directly: "The medals on you people represent the positions that you can manage at any time, it is an island, and this island is completely under your management. Of course, it is not your private islands, and the general management of you people is in the hands of Li Bai, because Li Bai has already taken a fancy to those islands before, so this time we decided to let you unite or work alone, the islands let you free The only point of development is not to damage the island in the slightest."

After Zhao Wugong finished speaking, everyone was completely dumbfounded.

Manage an island?Are you making an international joke, they are all geniuses among geniuses, they don't even have time to practice, and they are still asked to manage the island when they don't have enough time?The most important thing is to manage it. How can the island not be damaged in the slightest?This is to make it clear that they are asked to guard the island. This is not a good thing, it is clearly an errand.

Immediately, Shi Kailai laughed and said: "Mr. Zhao, do you think I can transfer this energy to others? You also know that my base camp is still in country M. The most important thing is that I am not expected to manage islands."

Hearing what Shi Kailai said, Zhao Wugong naturally knew what Shi Kailai was up to.

Immediately laughed and said: "As long as you don't regret it, it's up to you."

Seeing Zhao Wugong being so determined, Shi Kailai hesitated. The others originally had the same idea as Shi Kailai, but Zhao Wugong's appearance made them hesitate.After all, a dignified commander of the military region would not deceive them with this kind of thing.

Shi Kailai looked at Li Bai hesitantly. After all, what Zhao Wugong said just now seemed to be Li Bai's proposal, so whether this matter is worthwhile depends on Li Bai.

When Li Bai saw Shi Kailai's eyes, he knew what Shi Kailai meant.

Shi Kailai smiled slightly at this and said: "You can keep it, it will benefit you in the future, and you basically don't need to manage those islands. After all, I am the chief island owner, and you will be responsible for collecting the benefits when the time comes."

After hearing this, Shi Kailai didn't hesitate any longer, quickly took back the medal, and threw it into the interspatial ring.

Zhangwu and the others were a little embarrassed when they heard Li Bai say this, but with Shi Kailai's performance, they are naturally not pedantic people.They were all collected.

Li Bai did not expect that other people's movements were so consistent.

Zhao Dakui laughed and said: "Boss, I'll be hard on you. Don't worry, I will definitely ask for the benefits in the future, and I will take a stroll to see if I have nothing to do."

Hearing Zhao Dakui's shameless words, the corners of Li Bai's mouth twitched.

In his heart, he wanted to repair Zhao Dakui well when he had time, this kid was itchy in his eyes.Unsatisfied with sitting back and enjoying the success, but still want to ask for it?That's not what itches are.

But Li Bai didn't say it out, just smiled very friendlyly at Zhao Dakui: "Don't worry, you are welcome to go for a walk when the time comes, and I promise to surprise you with the benefits you get."

Zhao Dakui didn't understand the meaning of "surprised" in Li Bai's words at all, but the others did understand that Li Bai wanted to fix Zhao Dakui's rhythm.

Zhao Dakui was still laughing and said: "The boss is the boss, and being a man means being generous."

Li Bai also said with a smile: "Then you have to separate people, I'm just more generous with you."

Zhao Dakui was flattered by these words.

Zhao Dakui couldn't understand the meaning of Li Bai's words, but it didn't mean that others didn't know and couldn't understand Li Bai's meaning.

Shi Kailai laughed and said, "Boss, how about we leave a message to each other and then set up a Tianxun group? When the boss has anything to say, we will definitely help. Of course, if you are embarrassed, you can chat privately." our."

Shi Kailai's words made Li Bai feel a lot better.

Zhang Wu also said, "Well, I agree with what Shi Kailai said, if you have anything to say, we will help you if you can, and if you can't, we will try our best."

The two brothers Yuan Feng and Yuan Long also said: "We also agree with this matter. We have no other skills, but we can still make any opponent you want disappear."

Yuanfeng said: "Of course, I can also help with medical science and pharmacology. As for poison, I think I should be able to enter the top ten in the world."

In fact, Yuanfeng said conservatively. In Yuanfeng's heart, he should be the top three existences in the world, but this time the trip to the secret realm let him know that there are heavens and people outside the sky, and people in other countries are not necessarily weaker than Huaxia. , so he will be conservative and then conservative.

Li Bai did not expect Yuan Feng to be so powerful.

Immediately said: "How familiar are you with medicinal herbs?"

Yuan Feng didn't expect that Li Bai would ask this question, and said, "Basically, everyone is familiar with it, and those who don't know should not change much."

Seeing Yuanfeng's self-confidence, Li Bai knew that Yuanfeng's words should be true.

Immediately laughed and said: "Well, how about you go to those islands with me this time first, it's a big deal."

Yuan Feng glanced at Yuan Long, Yuan Long nodded and said, "Okay, we brothers will accompany you there."

Seeing the cautious appearance of the two, Li Bai knew that this was a habit the two had developed over the years, and they had to be vigilant about everything around them.

Zhao Wugong did not expect that things would develop so quickly. Originally, the division of those islands was to allow these geniuses to supervise and balance each other, but he did not expect that just a few simple words and a few questions would make these young people quickly Condensed.

But since this is the case, it is impossible for him to report anything to the above.

After all, these things are all good things in his eyes. The most important thing is that they will have a good effect on the future of China and the general structure of the world. The future may change with these young people.

Thinking of this, Zhao Wugong cleared his throat and said: "Okay, you can decide the rest, and I think you will gain more than just treasures from this trip to the secret realm. If you are willing to continue to visit, please continue to visit. Those who do not want to, I will not forcefully stop them, those who are willing to leave will leave, those who should go home will go home, and those who should go to see the island will go to see the island.”

After hearing this, everyone knew that Zhao Wugong was issuing an order to expel the guests.

And everyone didn't intend to stay longer, and they all offered to leave immediately.

The same is true for Li Bai, who walked out of the military area with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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