The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3087 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 3087 The Inner Ghost
Soon the turmoil was settled under Li Bai's strong shot.

It is worth mentioning that the police came quickly after Chen Bo led the people away.

But everything has been settled, Li Bai certainly won't say what's going on with the Chen family, besides, it's the Chen family that suffers.

The police are not willing to take care of the affairs of these big families. After all, the relationship in the police station is inextricably linked to this big family. It’s okay to lose the uniform on one’s body. It’s a possibility of life Get in.

After the police left, Li Bai directly told Botian to close down.

Of course, Li Bai kept all the employees. At first, everyone didn't understand what Li Bai was going to do, but then Li Bai announced a news that directly excited everyone.

Li Bai directly announced that he would take out the 100 million and distribute it to everyone as spiritual compensation and physical labor expenses.

The employees are of course willing to do such a good thing, and everyone's eyes on Li Bai, the boss, have become fanatical.

Li Bai ordered the chef to prepare the food and drinks, and waited for him to withdraw the money, and distribute it on the spot.

Hearing the old man's words, no matter the chef, the security guard, or the cleaning staff were all very excited, and at the same time they were enthusiastic about what Li Bai ordered.

Li Bai went straight to the nearest bank, took out 100 million from the card, and went straight back to the closed cafeteria.

Seeing Li Bai's return, everyone was very excited.

They didn't do anything today, and they were able to get money. The most important thing is that they did it today, and it was their own job. There was no such thing as mental loss, and the hard work and expenses made everyone very excited.

Li Bai directly put 100 million on the table, asked Botian to count the number, and reported to him after the count.

Botian still knows the number of people in the cafeteria, plus security guards and chefs, there are only twenty people in total.

Bo Tian quickly gave Li Bai a very detailed count of the number of people's information. Li Bai did not expect that Bo Tian could count so quickly, but after thinking about it carefully, Li Bai was relieved.

Bo Tian works here every day, and these are all his management personnel, such a small number of people have also been memorized.

With the motivation of money, everyone's efficiency is also at a high speed.

In an hour's time, the cafeteria has a new look.

The most important thing is that the food cooked by the chef has improved several grades compared to before. Although Li Bai doesn't know this, the general manager Bo Tian knows it. Before asking these chefs to cook a meal, it is not as fragrant and colorful as it is now. It is also just right.

Seeing everyone, Li Bai didn't need to say that he gathered automatically.

Li Bai didn't have any airs and said straight to the point: "Everyone should know that today is my first day here, and of course it's my first day as the president here, but I still like you to call me the boss."

As soon as Li Bai finished speaking, everyone seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Shouted in unison: "Hi, boss."

Li Bai didn't expect these people to be so upright.

Then he said: "I will go straight to the point, that is the money, I think you all know how the money came from, since I said that it is your mental shock fee, that is, the mental damage fee, that is your mental damage fee , but the size of this mental loss is up to me to decide, does anyone have an opinion on this point?"

Who would have an opinion at a time like this?This money is just like picking it up for nothing, and no one will have any opinions.

Li Bai looked at Botian and said, "General Manager, do you have any objections?"

Bo Tian didn't expect Li Bai to be the first to ask him, Bo Tian quickly said: "Everything is obeyed by the boss, I don't have any opinions."

Li Bai was very satisfied with Bo Tian's answer, and then Li Bai asked a few more people, and the answers were basically the same, and they didn't have any opinions.

Li Bai said with a smile: "Since everyone has no opinion, then I will start."

"The first is the general manager. Today he is at the forefront. This is obvious to all. He also brought me a bench and a chair for the other party. So I decided that the mental loss plus labor loss can get a total of 15."

Hearing this amount, not only everyone grew their mouths, even Botian didn't expect that he would get so much money all at once. He felt that it would be good if Li Bai could give him [-] at most [-] to [-], but he didn't expect to directly It was twice the highest expectation in his heart.

Especially since the 15 is cash, the visual impact is also enviable.

Immediately afterwards, Li Bai read out his name again and asked everyone to come up to collect the so-called mental damage fee.

As everyone received fewer cars, there were only two chefs left, and Li Bai only had 5 yuan left in front of him.

This made the faces of the two chefs very ugly. The least of the others was 4 yuan, and Li Bai gave reasons. The most important thing is that Li Bai's reasons are very convincing, except for Potian. The labor loss of the one that took a chair and a stool.

Li Bai looked at the two chefs in front of him with obvious expressions on their faces.

But Li Bai didn't care about the faces of the two of them at all.

Directly and indifferently said: "You two, what are you doing when there are so many people blocking the door today?"

One of them said: "We didn't do anything and kept blocking the kitchen door."

Li Bai sneered, and said, "Really, there are [-] people in the restaurant, and [-] people are outside, and there are two people hiding in the kitchen and preparing to escape at any time, but now they are brazenly saying to block the kitchen door?"

As soon as Li Bai finished speaking, another person was about to refute.


A clear and crisp slap sounded, which made everyone think of Li Bai's way of scolding Chen Bo during the day, and everyone who was already very happy immediately fell silent.

They were happy to forget before, how Li Bai got the money, and Li Bai's methods today.

Now being slapped by Li Bai completely woke up everyone.

The boss in front of him is not a soft persimmon, especially Bo Tian is very happy. He told the two chefs before, and the two chefs didn’t like him very much. It has always been like this, which made him very angry. But today Botian knew that the two pigs had kicked on the iron board.

Li Bai looked at the chef with cold eyes and said, "You want to talk back before I finish speaking? Are you very good?"

This chef is not a kind person, and after being slapped by Li Bai, he obviously wanted to refute.But how could Li Bai give him a chance to refute.


Another crisp slap.

Li Bai asked lightly: "Do you have anything to say?"

The chef was about to speak.


Li Bai slapped again.

After doing this more than a dozen times in a row, the chef was no longer human.Li Bai asked again but didn't dare to answer, just nodded and shook his head.

And this scene also directly shocked the other chef.

The two were originally timid and fearful people, but these Nian relied on their seniority, and they did have some skills. They often bullied newcomers, and gradually became bolder and swelled.Except for the boss, almost no one was looked down upon by the two of them.

No, tonight, the two of them took out their bottom-pressing skills and wanted to cook something delicious, so that Li Bai could appreciate them.

But never expected that Li Bai would drive them to the bottom before they even started eating.

Li Bai looked at the other chef who was not beaten, and asked lightly: "Tell me, what are you planning to do in the kitchen today? Of course, if you tell the truth, I will continue to use you again. If you tell lies, I guarantee that the entire harbor will The city has no place for you."

Li Bai's words were full of arrogance, but none of the people present showed any expression of disbelief.

They are all very convinced of Li Bai, after all, what Li Bai did before has proved Li Bai's strength and ability.

The chef who hadn't been beaten trembled in his heart when he heard Li Bai's words. Although he didn't know how much of what Li Bai said was true, he could clearly see Li Bai's attack just now.

"When we were in the kitchen, we agreed to take something before we left, nothing else."

Li Bai didn't lose his temper when he heard this, or was furious.

He just nodded and said, "Well, you're still honest, but it seems like that's all there is to it?"

Hearing Li Bai's words, the fat chef trembled all over, and looked at Li Bai in horror. He didn't believe that Li Bai could hear what they had discussed before, but it was obvious that what Li Bai meant was that what he said was not comprehensive enough.

The first time the chef thought that Li Bai was cheating him.

"No, that's what we discussed."

Li Bai sneered, looked at the chef sharply and said, "Who said to bring the signature dishes from this shop to the Chen family? The person who came here today should be from the Chen family."

When Li Bai said this, the two chefs looked at Li Bai in horror.

At this moment, the faces of the two of them were ashen, how could they still have the calmness and arrogance they had before.

Bo Tian didn't expect that the two of them would actually do such a thing. He also thought of changing jobs before, but he never thought of taking out some of the signature dishes in this restaurant.

Especially the sauced beef and sauced trotters in this cafeteria, these are all exclusive secret recipes, and these two people actually have such an idea, which makes Botian a little furious.

Li Bai said lightly: "Are there any lies in what I said?"

When Li Bai said these words, the two of them knew that there was no turning back today, and they also knew that they couldn't stay in Haigang City any longer.

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Li Bai asked again: "Do you two still want to stay?"

Both of them looked at Li Bai with wide eyes, as if they couldn't believe it.

The two said at the same time: "We are willing, we are willing."

Li Bai nodded and said, "Since you are willing to give each of you [-] yuan, is it considered satisfactory?"

Originally, they had to pack up and leave, but now they still have money to take. This made the two of them feel like they went from hell to heaven. How dare they say they are not satisfied, they are simply too satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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