The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3092 The movements of the major families

Chapter 3092 The movements of the major families

Although the Dongfang family experienced Cecil's incident, there were no casualties at all, and they were not in the mood to intervene in the Nangong family's affairs. After all, the construction of their own family has not yet been completed, so how can they have the energy to manage the Nangong family? I just want to take care of the matter, as long as it is where Li Bai appears, the Dongfang family does not want to make a move.

After all, in the eyes of the Dongfang family, Li Bai is the biggest unknown.

The Xiahou family is now headed by Xiahou Tomorrow.Although he is still young, he still has the demeanor of a patriarch. When he heard about the Nangong family, Xiahou Mingri's thoughts were the same as those of the Chen family and Chen Gan.

It has been rumored outside that he is not as good as his elder brother Xiahou Lieyang, and he forced the Wusun tomb away, causing the Xiahou family to lose a general, all of which have been made a laughingstock.

After what happened to the Nangong family, Xiahou knew that his chance had come tomorrow, a chance to wash away his inferiority to his elder brother, a chance to surpass his elder brother.

Immediately let the Nangong family's hotel industry conduct promotions overnight to compete for the Nangong family's source of customers.

But the source of customers cannot be attracted by simple promotions.

After one day, there was no effect at all, and Xiahou decided to use Yin tomorrow. He asked people to gather a team to go to the Nangong family's hotel industry to make trouble, and then drove away the guests of the Nangong family.

All of this is seamless in the eyes of Xiahou Mingri, but in the eyes of Nangong Tianhai, it is just a child's play.

Nangong Tianhai didn't even bother to take action on Xiahou Tomorrow's petty tricks.It's just a simple move to invite the king into the urn, and all the younger brothers sent by Xiahou tomorrow will be wiped out.

The most important thing is that Nangong Tianhai didn't end like this. Since he dared to attack his Nangong family, he had better be prepared to be caught.

Nangong Tianhai didn't make a move himself, but just made a move that was more ruthless than Xiahou tomorrow.They directly asked someone to burn down five hotels of the Xiahou family, causing heavy losses to the Xiahou family in an instant.

Besides, the Chen family, the plan made by Chen Qian is relatively safe. Chen Qian first sent people to negotiate a deal, and wanted to buy it, but the result must be unclear. How could the Nangong family agree to the other party's acquisition?

Even if it is a purchase, the price offered by the Chen family is unacceptable, just like Ming Qiang.

After the talks collapsed, Chen Gan was ready to use his methods.But before he could use those methods, Nangong Tianhai took the lead.

Nangong Tianhai directly asked Nangong Lie to intercept and kill the members of the Chen family on the way.Needless to say, Nangong Tianhai won this confrontation.According to Nangong Tianhai's previous materials, as well as the collected information, this time the Chen family may also be dealt a serious blow.Although the Chen family is second only to the four major families in Haigang City, the Chen family also has a fatal weakness, that is, the personnel are all punks, and very few can hold up the scene.

But this time Nangong Tianhai directly wiped out two-thirds of the Chen family's supporters.

Zhuang Fei sat in the courtyard of his home and listened quietly to Zhuang Liang telling him about the turmoil in Haigang City.

After listening, Zhuang Fei secretly said: "It's dangerous, but luckily we didn't collide head-on with the Nangong family. It was thought that Nangong Tianhai has such strength and scheming, and it directly made the two families withdraw from the competition of the future top ten families in Haigang City.

Chen Gan sat blankly on the Patriarch's seat, as if he had lost all his strength.

Under his leadership, the Chen family thought they could ascend to heaven in one step, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be hell in one step.

Looking at those indignant members of the Chen family, Chen Qian knew that he had no chance to hold on to the position of Patriarch.

While lying in the hospital, Chen Bo also closed his eyes when he heard his younger brother report to him. There were tears in the corners of his eyes. No one understood what the tears meant.

Xiahou Kongkong looked at the decadent Xiahou tomorrow, he knew that sooner or later the Xiahou family would be like this, he could have prevented this scene today, but he didn't.

If it is stopped today, more serious things will happen in the future.

Now this result is exactly what he wants, and the Xiahou family should withdraw from the Haigang City stage for a while.

Temporary withdrawal is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes temporary withdrawal is for better development in the future.

Xiahou listened to the report of his subordinates in a daze tomorrow. The five most important hotels of the Xiahou family caught fire for unknown reasons, and there were no casualties.

Xiahou will know who did all this tomorrow, but so what if he knows, firstly, he has no evidence, and secondly, he acted first.He has no temper at all.

On that day, Xiahou announced tomorrow that he would return the position of Patriarch to his father Xiahou Kongkong. At the same time, he would no longer be the patriarch in his lifetime, and only wanted to assist his elder brother Xiahou Lieyang.

At this time, Xiahou Lieyang was not in Haigang City, but was looking for hidden sects from Wusun's tomb to learn from his master.

When Xiahou Lieyang knew the news, it was already a day later, but Xiahou Lieyang was not surprised when he heard the news, he was in pain and sadness, but happy.

Instead, he had a calm face, so calm that one couldn't figure out what was going on in his heart.

Xiahou Lieyang looked at the Xiahou who had already cried into tears in Tianxun and said lightly: "If you are a man, put away your tears. Tears can't solve the problem. The same is true for resigning the patriarch. You are just escaping. You should learn to faced."

After hearing what his brother said tomorrow, Xiahou suppressed the tears in his eyes.Facing Xiahou Lieyang, he said: "I am inferior to you in everything, I just have a stronger vanity than you, how can you understand my suffering?"

After hearing this, Xiahou Lieyang said angrily: "Are you born inferior to me? What were you doing when I was practicing? What were you doing when I went out with my dad to meet the world? When I was living alone ,What are you doing?"

Xiahou Lieyang's successive questions made Xiahou have nothing to say tomorrow.

Xiahou Lieyang said angrily: "You are drinking and drinking, you are not doing your job properly, you have emptied your body in Wenrouxiang, if you have not really changed in recent years, do you think I will give up the position of Patriarch?"

"The Xiahou family is today, will our father not know? When you dealt with the Nangong family, did you ask our father? You didn't hesitate to order to deal with the Nangong family. Maybe our father came forward to stop you?"

"Think about it carefully. You still want to be the Patriarch. It depends on how you do it. If there is nothing else, I will close it."

After saying this, Xiahou Lieyang directly turned off Tianxun.

Originally, when he heard the news, the first thing Xiahou Lieyang did was to comfort Xiahou tomorrow.

But seeing Xiahou tomorrow's appearance, Xiahou Lieyang knew that his comfort might backfire, so he could only point out his mistakes directly so that he could reflect on himself and maybe change.If it continues, he will not continue to hand over the Nangong family to Xiahou's management tomorrow.

But for his younger brother, he is willing to gamble with the family's fate that his younger brother will grow up.

The turmoil in Haigang City was basically overwhelmed by the Nangong family within two days, and the remaining major families did not act rashly. The same was true for Zhuang Fei. He knew that going out at this time would only be counterproductive, so he finally accepted Nangong Tianhai For the price, he bought a hotel owned by the Nangong family.

And Dongfang Yunchu was also relieved to learn about the changes in Haigang City within two days. Originally, he wanted to fish in troubled waters, but considering that the Dongfang family had just experienced a turmoil, it was better to play it safe.

It was this decision that allowed the Dongfang family to continue to prosper.

And Dongfang Yunqi finished sorting out the pictures in his mind, and took Ouyang Wenhua's place, resolutely set foot on the plane to country M.

He wanted to find her, and he felt uneasy if he didn't find her.

Dongfang Yunqi is going to find out in person whether she still loves him or not.

In fact, when he learned that Ouyang Wenhua was going to throw away the earring, he already knew it in his heart.But he didn't give up, ten years, even though ten years have passed, the simple oath at the beginning has not been fulfilled.But Dongfang Yunqi felt that there was still a chance.

Although the chance was slim, he wanted to try it.

Having missed it once that year, Dongfang Yunqi didn't want to miss it again.

Dongfang Yunchu didn't stop his brother, but told him to be careful all the way.

Because he knew his brother's heart.

Nangong Tianhai sat on the top of the seven-star hotel, looked at the bustling Haigang City, and took a deep breath.

Cigarettes have not been smoked for many years, but today he smoked again, just like he supported the Nangong family again.

The smoke is no longer what it used to be.

And the Nangong family he supports is not the previous Nangong family. After all, things are different, some people have left forever, and some things can't be kept if you want to keep them.

The shadow in the darkness said to Nangong Tianhai: "My lord, Li Bai has been in the cafeteria and has not left."

Nangong Tianhai nodded and said, "Well, you go down first."

Nangong Tianhai's initial plan was indeed to hand it over to Li Bai, but after all, there are still many people in the Nangong family who are his immediate relatives, and the reason why he handed it over to Li Bai was because he liked Li Bai's potential and Li Bai's aggressiveness. .

But I didn't expect Li Baihui to refuse, and he refused so happily, without any delay.

After these two days of understanding, Nangong Tianhai also knew that Li Bai's placement in the cafeteria was of little use to him. He didn't expect that Li Bai would succeed in earning respect from the whole buffet staff in just a few hours. He, and the efficiency of doing things has also improved a lot.

Li Bai didn't know that it took only two days for Nangong Tianhai to deal with those hunters who wanted to eat the Nangong family.

Li Bai only knew that the Nangong family would encounter unprecedented crises, but he did not expect that these crises were nothing in the eyes of Nangong Tianhai.

Nangong Tianhai was just conservative, the most important thing was that Nangong Tianhai wanted to keep Li Bai.

(End of this chapter)

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