Chapter 3106
In this icy world, Li Bai's words made the three of them feel the temperature colder than ice.

The pulsation of the earth always locks on the three of them, as long as the three of them make the slightest move, Li Bai will directly kill the three of them without hesitation.

Dare to let his wife forcefully practice the "Tai Shang Wang Qing Jue", this is intolerable to Li Bai.

The three of them felt that the force of restraint on their bodies was much smaller, and they couldn't help but relax in their hearts.

One of them tried to break free, but before he could fly, he was ruthlessly killed by Li Bai.Sometimes killing is so simple, as long as you are the enemy, there is no reason, only reason to kill you.

The remaining two people saw that Li Bai killed the two of them without hesitation, which made them tremble in fear in the Ice Lake Palace all the year round. It's not that they never thought that they would be killed one day, but when they really faced Only then did they know how terrible the fear of death is.

Li Baihan said: "Now can you lead the way obediently?"

This time, the two Ice Lake Palace disciples lost their previous arrogance and arrogance, but nodded obediently, just like two gentle and obedient cats, very obedient.

But cats also have sharp claws, and Li Bai will not take it lightly.

To be on the safe side, Li Bai put Sun Baichuan directly into the space ring.Although Zhang Hu said that this interspatial ring should not be displayed casually, but in this case Li Bai can't care so much anymore, he can't leave Sun Baichuan here.

Seeing Li Bai using the space ring again, Zhang Hu wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he just shook his head and didn't say anything.

But the crimson lizard in Sun Bin's dantian was extremely pleasantly surprised.

At that moment just now, he actually felt the breath of the world. Although the breath of this world is not very pure, the crimson lizard knows that if he lives in such a world, he should be able to survive the thunder disaster.

This made the crimson lizard look eagerly at Li Bai.

Of course, Sun Bin didn't know all this, and Sun Bin didn't ask how Li Bai managed to get Sun Baichuan away, but Sun Bin could guess eight or nine points based on his guesses.

But Sun Bin didn't ask, but continued to follow here.

Li Bai didn't explain at this time, after all, some things don't need to be explained, and if you explain it, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

There is a formation above the gate of the Ice Lake Palace, and the gate is tightly closed. If it weren't for these four people who were arrogant and wanted to teach Li Bai a lesson, they wouldn't have let Li Bai take advantage of it.But now he has become a lamb in Li Bai's hands, and everything must be obeyed by Li Bai. If he doesn't obey, he will only die on the spot.

Li Bai said coldly, "Open the door."

After speaking, the pulsation of the earth shrank a lot towards the two, and this invisible force made the two feel nervous.

Soon one of them cast a magic spell, and then an ice print was printed on the azure gate.

click, click...

The huge door opened slowly.Li Bai stepped in without hesitation, and Zhuang Fei, Sun Bin, and Zhang Hu followed closely.

Li Bai looked at the two Ice Lake Palace disciples and asked, "Where are the two girls brought by Sun Baichuan?"

Hearing Li Bai's words, the two of them trembled. When the two women brought by Sun Baichuan came to the Ice Lake Palace, they immediately alarmed several elders, and the owner of the palace came out personally to take a look at the century-old palace. A rare beauty.

You must know that the Ice Lake Palace is a place to look at your appearance. The higher your appearance, the more profound and powerful your cultivation resources and "Taishang Wangqing Jue" will be. Let's start with the low-level "Tale of Forgetfulness".

Those two women were ordered to keep it strictly confidential, and whoever leaked anything would face not only death, but torture in the Ice Lake Palace, a thousand knives in the ice and snow.

The so-called thousand knives in the ice and snow have not endured a hundred knives until now, and these thousand knives are very particular, each knife is not fatal, but every knife will make you extremely painful, If it is a man, No. 90 nine knives is to cut off a man's lifeblood, how many people can bear this kind of pain that is not a man.

If it is a woman, it is even more cruel, a thousand times a thousand times, and the two thousand times will kill the woman directly. Currently, no one can bear five hundred times.

Li Bai's question put the two Ice Lake Palace disciples in a dilemma.

Of course, Li Bai also saw the hesitation of the two, and said, "Do you want to talk?"

Hearing this, the foreheads of the two male disciples of Ice Lake Palace were covered with sweat, not to mention a happy death, but to accept the death of a thousand knives, the two said without hesitation this time: "You Kill us quickly, we won't talk about it."

Li Baidao didn't expect why these two people suddenly became so tough.

"Okay, if you don't lead the way, then there's no point in keeping you."

After finishing speaking, he was about to use Zhenzijue to kill the two of them. Li Bai's moods were extremely mixed now, and he didn't have any intention of talking nonsense with these two disciples of Ice Lake Palace.

Suddenly there was an angry shout in the air: "Stop."

Li Bai looked at the sky sweetly, and found that it was a handsome man, the beauty of this man was enough to make women ashamed.

The two Ice Lake Palace disciples who were restrained by Li Bai immediately knelt down when they saw this man and said, "Greetings to the Palace Master."

It turned out that this handsome man was the lord of the Ice Lake Palace, which made Li Bai wonder if anyone else would be more beautiful than the lord of the Palace. At the same time, he also knew that the method of selecting disciples in the Ice Lake Palace was definitely not groundless, but It's a well-deserved reputation.

Looking at the appearance of this palace lord, it is simply against the sky.

The lord of the Ice Lake Palace looked at Li Bai and the others with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Why do you want to kill my Ice Lake Palace disciple?"

Li Bai couldn't feel the fluctuations in cultivation with the master of the Ice Lake Palace, the only thing he could feel was that the master of the Ice Lake Palace was a little unfathomable.

In this situation, Li Bai still decided not to do anything.

"I'm here to pick up my wife."

Hearing Li Bai's words, the Mistress of Ice Lake Palace was taken aback, and said, "Who is your wife? How could she be from my Ice Lake Palace?"

Li Bai did not hide anything: "Zhang Yuhan and Su Meng are the two girls Sun Baichuan brought."

Hearing this, the Mistress of Ice Lake Palace finally knew who it was.

He smiled slightly and said, "I'm really sorry, they are not your wives, but my Ice Lake Palace's female disciples who can even replace my existence for outstanding disciples."

Li Bai originally wanted to have a good talk with the Mistress of the Ice Lake Palace, but he didn't expect that the other party would be unceremonious and forceful. Li Bai's only hope now is that they don't practice that "Tai Shang Wang Qing Jue".

"Can I meet them?"

Li Bai tried his best to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked this sentence.

The master of the Ice Lake Palace said decisively: "This is not good. Did you meet the female disciples of the Ice Lake Palace?"

"Besides, since you are here, you have killed two of my Ice Lake Palace disciples. I will give you two choices for the sake of your looks and cultivation. One is to enter my Ice Lake Palace, and the other is to accompany me. Choose from those two dead Ice Lake Palace disciples."

Li Bai didn't expect that the other party could be so unreasonable. The most important thing is to give him a choice.

Li Bai immediately laughed angrily.

"What if I choose neither?"

When the Lord of Ice Lake Palace heard what Li Bai said, his face turned cold immediately.

Said: "Then you go to die."

After speaking, the Mistress of the Ice Lake Palace slapped Li Bai directly, and the power of this palm actually distorted the space around Li Bai.

Li Bai quickly mobilized the pulsation of the earth to block it, and ice walls formed invisible in the surrounding space dwellings, trying to bury Li Bai directly in the ice walls.

The pulsation of the earth unfolded, and those ice walls instantly turned into powder.

Seeing that Li Bai had successfully deciphered one of his moves so easily, the Mistress of the Ice Lake Palace also became serious.

He sneered and said, "Boy, I didn't expect that you, an ant who is only a half-step unity state, can exert such great power. It really makes me admire."

Li Bai didn't talk nonsense, since the fight had already started, there was no reason to stop it.

Wan Jin turned all his strength and directly hit the lord of the Ice Lake Palace, but before he could exert his force, an iceberg appeared in front of the lord of the Ice Lake Palace.The punch hit the iceberg directly, even so, the iceberg collapsed with a bang by Li Bai's punch.

Seeing that Li Bai dared to fight back, the Mistress of the Ice Lake Palace stopped laughing and said to Li Bai: "Boy, I wanted to save your life, but it seems that you want to die yourself, so you can't blame me. "

After finishing speaking, a big hand grabbed Li Bai directly.

At this moment, the lord of the Ice Lake Palace revealed his cultivation, the cultivation base of the peak of distraction. Facing such a powerful Ice Lake Palace lord Li Bai, he knew that he could not win a frontal battle, and the strange thing was that the Ice Lake Palace seemed to have only The Palace Master of the Ice Lake came out, but the others did not see one.

The crimson lizard opened its eyes to look at Li Bai, and then stopped to look at the Mistress of the Ice Lake Palace above the sky.

Then I scanned the inside with my spiritual sense, and found that all the disciples and elders of the Ice Lake Palace were surrounding an altar, and there was a pattern of yin and yang fish on the altar.

So far, two people have been made for the two fish eyes, one is Zhang Yuhan, and the other is Su Meng Su Daji.

The two seemed to be suffering a lot, their brows were furrowed, and a snowflake pattern slowly appeared between their brows.Zhang Yuhan's has snowflakes as white as snow, while Su Daji's has dark blue snowflake patterns.

At this moment, the red lizard seemed to understand something.

This is an altar for erasing the soul seal of the second daughter. Using the memory of the soul of the second daughter to awaken the potential of the second daughter's body, if it succeeds, the memory of the second daughter will disappear, and the cultivation method will be a thousand miles away.

If it fails, the second female cultivation base will be paid and start from scratch.

The most important thing is that if it fails, its qualifications may be damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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