The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3118 Turmoil in Old Xinjiang

Chapter 3118 Turmoil in Old Xinjiang

Li Bai didn't deliberately show off anything, Li Bai just wanted to know if a cultivator would play a big role, but it turned out to be the case.

But Nangong Tianhai didn't think so.

Nangong Tianhai thought this was Li Bai's intention to reassure him, and also to warn him not to have any unreasonable thoughts. After all, he did want the management rights of the four islands before.But now it seems that giving up is still a wise choice.

After bidding farewell to Nangong Tianhai, Li Bai took Zhuang Fei and Zhang Hu to find a random place to stop.

Then Li Bai sat in the Ferrari and gave Yu Chengcheng a Sky News.Ask about the specific location of Yu Chengcheng.

What Li Bai didn't expect was that the Yu family and the Long family, which had already gained the upper hand, would actually retreat.

This made Li Bai a little surprised. The two families can't take down the Gao family?
Yu Chengcheng still had a calm look on Tianxun's side. Even though there was a retreat situation, Yu Chengcheng still responded calmly, without the slightest sign of anxiety.

Li Bai asked in surprise: "How can you come to a cultivator family that can't even take down the lowest-level Gao family?"

Yu Chengcheng glanced at Li Bai and said, "It's not because of you, who told you to kill Long Tianlin, I don't know what method Gao Xiang used to make Long Zun completely believe in this matter, and then the Long family and the Gao family joined forces , Originally the Gao family arranged a lot of formations here, but now that the Long family has joined, do you think we can not retreat?"

Li Bai didn't expect to cause so much trouble because he killed Long Tianlin.

Originally, Li Bai wanted the Liu family and the Yu family to help out, but now it seems that he has to go to Jiujiang first.

"Persist for a while, I'll go over and help you solve them."

After hearing Li Bai's words, Yu Chengcheng was still very happy. After all, she and Li Bai still had a substantial relationship. I am so happy, maybe this is the nature of a woman.

Naturally, Li Bai didn't know this. Although Li Bai and Yu Chengcheng had a substantial relationship, what puzzled Li Bai was that he and Yu Chengcheng were as natural as good friends and buddies, but they didn't feel that kind of love at the moment.

But Yu Chengcheng is different. She really has a feeling of love for Li Bai, but it is not easy to express this feeling. The most important thing is that Yu Chengcheng can feel that Li Bai doesn't seem to be the kind of love to her. that feeling of love.

So since she rescued Li Bai, she rarely contacted Li Bai actively.

This may be a matter of a woman's self-esteem, or it may be a feeling of anticipation, hoping that Li Bai will take the initiative to send her a message.

Li Bai quickly shut down Tianxun, and then decided to take Zhuang Fei and Zhang Hu to the old Xinjiang.

After all, the Long family and the Gao family would not let things go without a solution to the old Xinjiang issue. This time, Li Bai wanted to make the two families completely give up.Li Bai completely lost the confidence to retaliate against him, and lost the confidence to fight him.

Zhuang Fei drove his Ferrari straight to the airport.

The three of them quickly bought the nearest ticket to Jiujiang.

What's more, I bought a supersonic passenger plane ticket. Although the price of the ticket is a bit expensive, it only takes half an hour to fly from Haigang City to Jiujiang City.

The only downside is that you have to wait, half an hour for the plane to take off.

However, half an hour was still enough for Li Bai to wait. The three of them got on the plane first, and then waited quietly on the plane.

Before you know it, the plane is full of people, and it's time to take off soon.

After the beautiful flight attendant gave some explanations, the plane started to take off.

Those who can take a supersonic airliner are usually those who are not short of money. No, there is a big boss sitting behind Li Bai, betting with the man next to him how much money he can pay for the night of the beautiful flight attendant just now.

Li Bai scoffed at such a boring question.Just sitting there quietly watching the two pretending to be thirteen.

Soon the beautiful flight attendant appeared in front of the two of them again.

The fat boss behind Li Bai said to the beautiful flight attendant: "Hi beauty, can I have a drink?"

The beautiful flight attendant was stunned and said, "I'm sorry sir, there are no drinks here, only boiled water. Since the travel time is very short, there is no drink delivery on our passenger plane."

How could this fat boss not know that there is no drink on this passenger plane? This is just a foreshadowing for his further chat with the beautiful flight attendant.

"Beauty, I feel like you are a cup of sweet and delicious drink, can you let me have a sip?"

The beautiful flight attendant didn't expect this fat man to be so shameless.

With a look of disgust, he said: "You should taste yourself."

After finishing speaking, I will leave.

Hearing such a merciless rejection from the beautiful flight attendant, the fat man obviously couldn't bear it.

His face turned cold.The voice said coldly: "You are so courageous, you dare to refuse the words of my Gao family's agent."

Hearing what the fat man said, Li Bai became more careful, Gao's agent?Li Bai immediately thought of the Gao family of the four major cultivation families.

If this is the case, then Li Bai will have to interrogate him.But now is obviously not the time to do it.

The beautiful flight attendant was also a hot-tempered person, she looked at the fat man coldly and said, "You don't even look at you like a pig, even the Jade Emperor's son, I wouldn't let you drink it."

Hearing what the beautiful flight attendant said, the fat man trembled angrily, and said, "Do you still want to do it? I want to complain to you."

The beautiful flight attendant immediately became angry when she heard the word complaint.

Directly said to the fat man: "I'm a big deal, quit it, you can complain, and there is a video surveillance on it, the scene just now was clearly photographed, and there is a recording surveillance in front of each seat, don't you Do you see that other people don’t want to be quiet? It’s just the two of you who are loud, don’t look at your own virtues, and still want to do what a playboy does.”

"I bother."

After saying this, the beautiful flight attendant twisted her waist and left.

But the boss who left the fat old man was there angrily and just wanted to yell. This is the first time that his identity as the agent of the Gao family is not good. Respectfully, but today I encountered an accident.

The fat boss said to the person next to him: "Don't look at her stubborn mouth now, and see me later when I get off the plane."

Even though he knew there was sound monitoring, the fat man still talked to the people around him.

On the other hand, Li Bai closed his eyes and rested his mind while quietly analyzing how much this fat man is really an agent of the Gao family. The industry is in TLF in Jiujiang, and I want to see if it is true or not. Of course, the fat man will not say this to the people around him, but came to investigate.

Li Bai felt a little funny. Although the fat man was well-informed, the news he got was outdated, but this seemed to be a kind of accumulation for the fat man's bragging capital.

Soon the plane landed at the airport of TLF in Jiujiang.

After getting off the plane, the fat man went straight to the beautiful flight attendant.

Li Bai and the others were not in a hurry to leave, but wanted to see if the fat man would be so brave as what was said on the plane, and let the beautiful flight attendant obey.

But the result was tragic. The fat man just pointed his finger at the beautiful flight attendant, and the beautiful flight attendant snapped off that finger.

The beautiful flight attendant looked coldly and said: "I've seen a lot of people like you, today I just broke one of your fingers, if you dare to harass me like this next time, I'll just pull out your lifeblood."

It seemed that the perfect female flight attendant didn't understand her hatred, and kicked the fat man's balls directly.

It was a touch of sadness. The fat man was covering his fingers, but now he was covering his balls.

And the person who was with Fatty was also stunned, he still vividly remembered what Fatty talked about on the plane.

Never expected such a result.

The fat man rolled all over the floor in pain, and he didn't forget to threaten the beautiful flight attendant: "I am the agent of the Gao family, the Gao family of the four major cultivation families, I will write down today's accounts."

Next, the beautiful flight attendant KO'd the fat man again, until the fat man who hit him directly didn't dare anymore.

And the fat man who beat him told the truth.

What happened to the fat man was exactly as Li Bai thought.He is indeed not a manager of the Gao family, and this time he just wants to come to the Gao family to find a job. By the way, he can learn about the management of the Gao family and the images of some important people in the Gao family, so that he can better go out to scam.

But today I met a beautiful flight attendant who knows Furutake, and she is also a flight attendant with a bad temper.This led to the tragedy of the fat man.

Especially the kick on the testicles, the three of Li Bai's legs tightened when they saw it.

That kick was too fast, too hard.

Li Bai felt that the fat man's sexual blessings for the rest of his life might really be gone.

Now that they know the ins and outs of these things, the three of Li Bai are not in the mood to continue watching the fun.

After all, Yu Chengcheng is still waiting for him, and Liu Feng, but I don't know if Liu Feng will grow up a lot.

As for the matter between the beautiful flight attendant and the fat man's boss, Li Bai did not continue to pay attention.

But not long after the three of Li Bai left, the fat man stood up and moved his fingers at the same time, there was no sign of being KO'd by the female flight attendant.

Looking at the backs of the three people going away, the fat man had a serious expression on his face.

He directly took out Tianxun and passed it to Gao Xiang.

"Patriarch, Li Bai has come to TLF. I feel that this time is going to be dangerous. Do you think it's time for the old Patriarch to come over and help?"

Gao Xiang did not expect Li Bai to appear in TLF, and it was at such a critical moment.

But after thinking about it for a while, Gao Xiang felt relieved, as long as he didn't tell Long Zun the news, as long as Long Zun knew about Li Bai, then his Gao family would not need to come forward for the next thing.

(End of this chapter)

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