Chapter 3128
Regarding the previous ambiguity between Yu Chengcheng and Li Bai, Zhuang Fei pretended not to see anything and pulled Zhang Hu aside.

And Liu Feng had doubted it before, and he was very sure in his heart. Now seeing Yu Chengcheng's undisguised caring, Liu Feng became more sure.

Li Bai is also a little embarrassed about Yu Chengcheng's concern.

Although there was a relationship between the two of them, but that time it was not intentional, but Yu Chengcheng had no choice but to save his life.

It was at that time that Li Bai had other thoughts about Yu Chengcheng, and before that, Li Bai had always regarded Yu Chengcheng as a friend, but something happened by accident.

But for Yu Chengcheng, Li Bai still likes it very much in his heart, but he just likes it, but it lacks such a feeling of love.

Some people say that love and liking are two completely different concepts, two feelings.But for Li Bai now, his love for Yu Chengcheng is liking, and liking is love.

Although this statement is somewhat contradictory, it is the truth.

Before, the two felt that they were each other's confidante, but after that incident, Li Bai realized that he was no longer satisfied with confidante, and Yu Chengcheng was no longer satisfied with blue face.

Although it is already an open society, for people from the Xiuzhen family, some ideas are still the same as those in the previous feudal society, and Li Bai is the same.A large part of this is the influence of Li Xiaogang.

Seeing Yu Chengcheng's worried face, Li Bai stopped joking with Yu Chengcheng as before.

Instead, he gently pulled Yu Chengcheng's Qianqianyu hand on his chest, and said softly: "Don't worry, it's okay, you can feel the beating of this heart."

"I don't even know what's going on, but now he jumps very fast when he sees you."

At first, Li Bai pulled Yu Chengcheng into his hand, but now he heard Li Bai turn the corner and talk about love, which made Yu Chengcheng blush even more.

Looking at Yu Chengcheng's tender neck, shy face, and the little trick of secretly looking up at him all made Li Bai's heart itch.

This kind of itch is not the kind of seven-year itch that has been married for many years, but a heartbeat itch that I haven't seen for a long time.

Feeling Li Bai's powerful heartbeat, Yu Chengcheng shyly wanted to withdraw his hand, but Li Bai held on firmly.

When Liu Feng saw this scene, he pretended he didn't see anything, and quickly went to order the people from the Liu family to clean up the Toyota Farm.

And Zhuang Fei pulled Zhang Hu aside, the two of them quietly looked at Li Bai without saying anything.

Yu Chengcheng wanted to pull back the little hand tightly held by Li Bai, but how could she be stronger than Li Bai, she struggled three or four times but did not break free from Li Bai's hand, and finally had to say: "Let go, so Many people are watching."

Li Bai glanced around, and sure enough, he found that many people were sneaking at him.

But all this is nothing to Li Bai, Li Bai has never experienced such a big storm, let alone just being watched secretly.

Li Bai usually turned a blind eye to this kind of situation, but in this case, and the people who peeked at him were all members of the Liu family and Yu family, Li Bai turned a blind eye even more.

Although Liu Feng is his brother-in-law, he didn't even tell him which hidden sect Liu Meng went to, which made Li Bai very angry.

Li Bai also saw Liu Feng looking towards this side secretly, but Li Bai was not afraid of others watching at all. He and Yu Chengcheng had never made it public before, and the two of them kept a certain distance before, even if that happened Afterwards, the relationship between the two was also a little awkward. Today, I finally had a chance to kiss Fangze, and Li Bai would not miss it.

This kind of caring about other people's eyes all the time, only a fool would miss the opportunity to kiss Fangze for the sake of other people's eyes.

"Let's just watch it. Could it make you and me ugly?"

After speaking, Li Bai took Yu Chengcheng's hand and walked towards the previous secret place.

For Li Bai's sudden boldness and sudden overbearing, Yu Chengcheng felt that he was getting deeper and deeper.

People often say that the torrent retreats bravely, but in the torrent with Li Bai, Yu Chengcheng feels that she will follow the torrent without hesitation.

The members of the Yu family watched Li Bai take their young lady's hand and left, so naturally they started discussing together.

"When did you say they were together?"

Another member of the Yu family began to interject: "Does it need to be said? They must have been together a long time ago, otherwise it would not be so easy to hold the hand of our young lady."

"Yeah, I feel the same way. That Gao Xiang, who is known as the No. 1 younger generation of our four major families, failed to hold hands successfully. I didn't expect that in the end, he took advantage of this kid."

"You are wrong. Li Bai's strength has always been stronger than Gao Xiang's, and I feel that Li Bai is not a simple young man. Otherwise, the head of the family would not have led so many people to rescue him. Liu Ruifeng from the Liu family heard When I saw that Li Bai was hopeless, I gave up, and I heard that everyone in the Liu family is doing well with this Li Bai."

The voices of these people's discussions became louder and louder, and naturally some unavoidable words reached Liu Feng's ears.

If this is according to Liu Feng's previous temper, he will definitely step forward and beat up these people, no matter whether the other party is from the Yu family or someone from the Long family or Gao family, as long as it makes him happy, he will not care about that More directly is a violent beating.

But now Liu Feng, who has undergone precipitation, has become quite different from before. He knows how to restrain his temper, knows how to treat others, and also knows how to be a human being.

Liu Feng stepped forward and said with a smile: "What are you guys talking about? Are you talking so happily?"

Everyone in the Yu family saw that it was Liu Feng who was questioning, so they naturally knew that Liu Feng must have listened to their words.

At this time, everyone would not touch Liu Feng's brows, and they all showed awkward smiles and then dispersed.

At this time, Li Bai took Yu Chengcheng's hand and introduced the layout of his 28 islands to Yu Chengcheng.

Yu Chengcheng naturally knew the meaning of Li Bai's introduction of the layout, and said with a smile: "You want my Yu family to contribute?"

Before Li Bai finished the introduction, he was interrupted by Yu Chengcheng's words. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Could it be that I am such a person in your heart? When did I ask the Yu family to contribute? Both What's the advantage of being the first to think of you before thinking of your Yu family?"

Li Bai's disguised expression of love made Yu Chengcheng very useful.

Yu Chengcheng said with a happy face: "It's almost the same, tell me, what do you want my Yu family to do? I can solve ordinary things."

Hearing Yu Chengcheng utter such big words, Li Bai was a little surprised.Turned around Yu Chengcheng and said: "Well, people haven't grown bigger, but their words are quite big."

Yu Chengcheng naturally heard the meaning of Li Bai's words, and immediately punched Li Bai directly with his fist, but this bit of force was like a massage to Li Bai, not only did it not hurt, but it was also very beneficial to Li Bai like a massage.

Seeing Li Bai's enjoyment, the powder fist turned into a pair of tongs, and directly spun 360 degrees around Li Bai's waist.


Li Bai immediately took a breath, and the moment of comfort immediately turned into unbearable pain.

In particular, Yu Chengcheng's strength this time is obviously much stronger than the previous Fenquan. Not only is the strength much stronger, but Yu Chengcheng seems to feel that 360 degrees is not enough and continues to prepare to spin.

Li Bai immediately grabbed Yu Chengcheng's small hand and begged for mercy: "Oh, oh, I was wrong, I was wrong, your words are not big, not at all, my eyes are small, my eyes are small."

Yu Chengcheng pretended to be angry and said: "Your eyes are small? Do you want me to give you a massage to solve the problem of your small eyes?"

Seeing Yu Chengcheng's pink fist pointing to his eyes, Li Bai didn't understand what Yu Chengcheng meant, so he laughed and said, "No, no, maybe I haven't had a good rest. I'll sleep with you in my arms tonight." It just got bigger."

When Yu Chengcheng heard Li Bai's words, his face flushed immediately, and his face was reddened by Li Bai's words, "You will grow bigger when you hug you".

The speaker has no intention, but the listener does. Yu Chengcheng is thinking of something else now.

Seeing Yu Chengcheng's shy appearance, Li Bai naturally knew that there were some parts in his words that he didn't explain clearly.

With a smirk on his face, he said, "Don't overthink it, what I'm talking about is that the eyes have become bigger, not what you think."

It's fine if Li Bai didn't say it, but Yu Chengcheng wanted to find a crack in the ground and get in.

"Ignore you, hum."

After finishing speaking, Yu Chengcheng trotted all the way and disappeared in front of Li Bai. Li Bai wanted to catch up, but now is not the time to flirt. The most important thing is that the Toyota Farm has not stabilized. Although the Gao family suffered heavy losses, the Long family retreat, but no one can guarantee whether these two families will attack again.

Li Bai felt that the top priority was to stabilize Toyota Farm first.

Seeing that Liu Feng was directing the people in the Liu family to be orderly and efficient, Li Bai knew that Liu Feng might not be the same Liu Feng as before.Instead, he has become a qualified future head of the family who is more mature and stable than before.

As for Yu Chengcheng, Li Bai has to say that a woman does not give way to a man.But Li Bai didn't know the attitude of the Patriarch of the Yu family.

After all, Yucheng Chengha has four older brothers. If the head of the Yu family asked Yu Chengcheng to take over the Yu family, Li Bai still felt a little unreliable about this matter.

Let's not talk about the ancient ideas inside the four masters, that is, the minds are already open, but will Yu Chengcheng's four brothers agree?
Even if they all agree, Li Bai is not happy, he doesn't want to make the person he likes so tired.

Even he wouldn't want to manage a company, let alone a family.

Looking at Yu Chengcheng's busy figure, Li Bai secretly made up his mind that even if the Patriarch of the Yu family let Yu Chengcheng inherit the position of Patriarch, Li Bai would not allow Yu Chengcheng to manage the Yu family for a long time. If it is longer than a year, Li Bai will never allow it.

(End of this chapter)

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