The strongest peasant city

Chapter 314 Raising Salamander

Chapter 314 Raising Salamander
Li Xiaogang raised a finger and said, "The initial investment is at least [-] million!"

Er Niu was so frightened by Li Xiaogang's words that he almost fainted, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses and say, "Xiao Gang, are you joking with me? Do you think my bone is worth [-] million? If it is worth it , you just take it!" Cursing his lips, Er Niu said loudly: "I said, what are you thinking, kid, and you still have [-] million, let me tell you, I might not even be able to get [-]!"

Li Xiaogang didn't care at all, he laughed and said: "I know you can't get it out, and I didn't plan to ask you for it, I will figure out a way myself!"

Only then did Er Niu heave a sigh of relief, but he still asked worriedly, "Where did you get [-] million?"

Li Xiaogang picked up a stone, threw it into the pond casually, and said slowly: "Naturally, I want to ask for the pond we dug out so hard."


Er Niu was stunned for a moment and said, "I know you want to raise fish in this pond, but in such a small pond, even if the fish are raised next to each other, it is impossible to raise 1 million yuan of fish!"

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "It depends on what kind of fish you raise. Of course, ordinary fish can't do it. Uncle Er Niu, let me ask you which fish is the most expensive now?"

Er Niu thought for a while and said: "I don't know much about this, but I heard that salamanders seem to be the most expensive, which is comparable to the price of gold, but it seems that no one has successfully raised live salamanders so far. It's a technical problem! And I just don't understand it at all, and I know that our environment is not suitable for the survival of giant salamanders!"

Li Xiaogang looked at the pond in front of him calmly, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said softly, as if talking to himself: "Since the environment cannot adapt to the salamander, why can't the salamander adapt to the environment!"

Er Niu didn't hear clearly and asked, "Xiao Gang, what are you mumbling about?"

Li Xiaogang stood up and laughed: "I was thinking, how many giant salamanders can be sold for [-] million. Hehe..."

Er Niu asked in surprise: "Do you really want to raise it? But it seems that eating salamanders is against the law..."

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Uncle Er Niu, the wild salamander is a first-class protected animal in the country, and it is illegal to eat it.

But we are artificial breeding, it is not against the law!You are the head of the village, so you should have a better grasp of this legal knowledge, or you will make mistakes! "

Er Niu glared at him and said, "With you as a college student here, I have nothing to worry about! Oh, by the way, I just heard what you said about the initial investment, let me listen to the specifics!"

Li Xiaogang's face turned solemn, pointing to the green mountains and green waters in front of him, Li Xiaogang asked: "Uncle Erniu, what do you think of the scenery in our hometown? Is it beautiful?"

Er Niu glanced around and said with a smile, "I'm not boasting. There's no other world as picturesque as ours for hundreds of miles around here!"

Li Xiaogang's face was full of pride and said: "That's right! I've been to so many places, and I always think this is the most beautiful place! If you don't use such unique resources to get some benefits for the people, how can you say we are right?" They! So, I am going to build our village into a tourist group.

When tourists come here, they can fish giant salamanders by the pond, climb mountains to pick wild fruits, or go down to the fields to taste the hard work of farmers, and even taste our delicious and fragrant farm meals. You said there is a better way than this Let our villagers get rich quickly? "

Erniu also knows that many rural areas are now engaged in tourism development, and many rural areas are now living a life richer than urban people, but because of their courage, Erniu has never dared to make this determination. Li Xiaogang brought it up, Er Niu was naturally 1 happy, his face seemed to be blooming, and he fell into the longing for a better future.

As he spoke, Li Xiaogang said with a bitter face: "But to develop tourism, it is not enough to have green mountains and green waters, but also to have solid infrastructure.

Tourists come to us to relax and play, not to suffer. The living facilities in our village certainly cannot meet their needs.It would take a lot of money to renovate..."

Back and forth and back to the issue of money, originally Li Xiaogang could reach out to Li Yong for it, but Li Yong's current Longxi Group is already the most profitable company in the whole province and even the whole country.

Peerless cosmetics are even more popular and cannot be sold any more. If it is not limited by the raw materials, the profit of Longxi Group will at least double.

But after the incident with Longquan Group, Li Xiaogang paid less attention to these companies and did not pay as much attention to them as before. Sometimes he even felt that they had nothing to do with him.

Although the Longhua Group has developed rapidly recently, Li Xiaogang never thought of asking Huawei to check the accounts. Subconsciously, the Longhua Group seemed to have nothing to do with him.

After returning to the countryside, Li Xiaogang finally understood why he had such a state of mind, because he found that it was not his territory at all, it was like a dream, in the dream you were the richest man in the world, but it was just a vain bubble That's all.

It is the rural areas that really make Li Xiaogang feel comfortable. In fact, it is like waking up from a dream, leaving the dream and returning to reality. Everything in the dream has disappeared. It is inevitable to feel lost, but more experience will is real emotion.

Er Niu also somewhat understood why Li Xiaogang needed money so urgently. That's right, in order to support such a large project, the [-] million Li Xiaogang said might be just a conservative estimate.

First of all, the village needs to be beautified. There are low, dilapidated and dilapidated houses everywhere like this. It’s not good. Secondly, the most important thing is that the road into the village needs to be well repaired. At the very least, it can make people outside more comfortable and drive in smoothly , in the end, the necessary publicity is definitely indispensable, otherwise it will always mean that your place is a fairyland on earth, and it is also the smell of wine in the alley, which is meaningless.

Although he knew that Li Xiaogang needed money, Er Niu seemed unable to help other than frowning.

"Do you only need [-] million? I'll tell you [-] million!" At this moment, Lin Chaoran's voice suddenly sounded, and Li Xiaogang looked back in astonishment. Lin Chaoran and Gao Liguo were walking slowly under the leadership of Li Ming. come over.

Li Xiaogang forced a smile on his face, and said, "Are you here?"

Lin Chaoran laughed and said: "I don't think you welcome us very much! However, this is what we deserve. You have a reason to annoy us. Even if you just scold me now, I won't say anything!"

Lin Chaoran's free and easy attitude made Li Xiaogang feel a little stingy, and said with a calm smile: "How can that be! Everyone has their own difficulties, and when things happen, you can't always think from your own standpoint, sometimes stand on the standpoint of others It's important to think about it! I don't blame you."

It's rare that Li Xiaogang is so reasonable, Lin Chaoran felt very relieved.

He nodded and said solemnly: "Although you said that, I still feel sorry for you. If you make a mistake, you are wrong. I, Lin Chaoran, never hide my mistakes, and I am not afraid to apologize. Please accept my apology. !"

Lin Chaoran looked at Li Xiaogang piercingly, with sincere rays of light shining from his eyes from time to time, Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "I want to accept it, but I know there must be something else behind this apology. I'm afraid I I can't accept it!"

Lin Chaoran smiled wryly and said: "I told you, you are the smartest young man I have ever met! You have already guessed my old man's intention before I say it! But even so, I still have to say No, I want to ask you to let Longquan Group resume production! Those troublemakers have already been punished enough, if you continue, some consumers who support you will also suffer, they are innocent! And... and The country needs you to do that."

Li Xiaogang was taken aback by Lin Chaoran's words, and asked in puzzlement, "No matter how hard the Longquan Group is, it's just a bigger company. What does it have to do with the country?"

Lin Chaoran said: "There are some things you don't know. President Krone of Country M came to China for a visit. At the final farewell banquet, the leader and the Prime Minister used to entertain him with the peerless Longquan wine produced by you.

Krona is also a good wine man. He was attracted by it at the first taste, and couldn't stop, so he directly asked our leader to import this wine, which will provide us with aircraft carrier technology!You understand now that whether Longquan Group can resume production has risen to a level related to national strategic security.

If the process of reunification of the motherland is delayed because Longquan wine is no longer produced, I, Lin Chaoran, will not be able to bear this crime even if I die!Xiao Gang, you don't want to watch me become a sinner of the nation, do you? "

Li Xiaogang still didn't expect that the suspension of production of Longquan Group would have such a wide impact due to twists and turns, and he hesitated for a while.

Lin Chaoran continued: "This is only a political impact, and the economic impact is even greater. Think about it, Krona's request to import Longquan fine wine undoubtedly opened the door for Longquan fine wine to enter the international market! I remember you once Didn’t you aim at the international market at the beginning, and pursue the pursuit of promoting China’s thousand-year-old brewing technology to the world? Now that such a good opportunity has come, how can you give up because of some grievances? In that case, You will regret it forever!"

Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice: "Do you think I shut down Longquan Group just to get angry? Although I am not very mature, I am definitely not that naive! I figured it out, the city is not my home, even if I get there again Great achievements are nothing but rootless duckweed. Here, the vast countryside is my home, and it is also the reason why I closed Longquan Group. You let me go back again, doesn’t it mean that I have returned to my dream? , I don't want that kind of life where my feet can't reach the ground."

Just as Lin Chaoran wanted to persuade him further, Li Xiaogang's phone rang suddenly.

After connecting the phone, Song Shuang's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Li Xiaogang couldn't help showing a bright and sincere smile on his face.

The affection between him and Song Shuang is an emotion that surpasses friendship, even surpasses love, and it also incorporates the taste of family affection.

It is such a peculiar and strong emotion that Li Xiaogang can't help but taste carefully in the most difficult and proudest moments.

(End of this chapter)

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