The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3146 8 Fang Yundong

Chapter 3146
Shi Kailai didn't expect that Li Bai would really send him a communication, which made him very curious about what Li Bai would send him a communication.

Although he had a good relationship with Li Bai, after returning to country M, Shi Kailai felt that he might not meet Li Bai too many times, and there should be no contact with him.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for Li Bai to communicate with him, which made Shi Kailai very curious, what could make Li Bai communicate with him.

Shi Kailai knew Li Bai quite well, and he could feel that Li Bai was a person who was unwilling to ask for help, so there was nothing Li Bai would not send to others.In fact, it was true, Li Bai would not call people from Tianxun under normal circumstances.

After receiving Li Bai's Tianxun, Li Bai told the truth before Shi Kailai asked anything.

After hearing Li Bai's plan, Shi Kailai was taken aback for a moment, and then happily agreed.

Before Li Bai said that he wanted those 28 islands to make a fortune, he thought it was Li Bai's joke, but he didn't expect it to be true.

Immediately Shi Kailai greeted Zhang Tianhe and prepared to leave for China, but this time Fa Ruxue did not follow because Fa Ruxue was pregnant.Shi Kailai himself did not expect this speed. Logically speaking, it is very difficult for a true cultivator to conceive. Generally, a true cultivator will refine his essence during the process of cultivation, unless his vitality is very tenacious. to survive.

And Shi Kailai was obviously like this, and survived with vitality and tenacity.

But this time Zhang Tianhe came to China with Shi Kailai, and Zhang Tianhe was also very curious about what kind of strength this Li Bai had to be able to build so boldly.

After Shi Kailai told Zhang Tianhe what Li Bai said, Zhang Tianhe knew that Li Bai didn't care about this petty gain at all, but had something bigger.

Hearing that Shi Kailai agreed without hesitation, Li Bai immediately called Zhangwu Tianxun.

Although Zhang Wu always carried Tianxun with him, he knew that even if he carried it with him, it would be of no use. He thought that the sect had no communication with the outside world, and the signal from Tianxun would not come through.

Today, Zhangwu Yujian flew into the air and broke through the sect's blockade, which made Zhangwu feel very comfortable.

As soon as he rushed out, he heard the voice of Tianxun, which made Zhangwu very puzzled. Someone actually communicated with him. When he saw that the person who called him was Li Bai, Zhangwu became even more puzzled.

The first feeling is that Li Bai is in trouble and needs help?But after thinking about it carefully, with Li Bai's strength, he shouldn't encounter any trouble.

After receiving the news from the sky, Zhang Wu found out that Li Bai was looking for him because of the 28 islands. Hearing Li Bai's plan, Zhang Wu was very moved, and even if he agreed to Li Bai, he would go out after a few days.

In country M's underground boxing arena, a fat man from China was fighting with a black man twice his height.

The black man looked at the Huaxia fat man with disdain, as if he would knock him down with a punch at any time.

Jingle Bell……

The sky signal on the fat man's waist rang, which made the fat man very puzzled. He carried the sky signal with him, but few people knew his sky signal.And during games, the referees usually ask him to take down Tianxun, but because he is afraid that some important people will not be able to reply to them in the first time and miss it, he still insists on doing so.

At the beginning, it was because one of his brothers called him a sky message but he didn't receive it, which caused his brother to die.If he could have received the Tianxun in time, then such a thing would not have happened.And this also led to Fatty's stubborn character.

He never thought that someone would call him today.This made the fat man very curious, and Dang even prepared to take out Tianxun to answer.

But this scene just gave the black man a chance, and the black punch was as fast as lightning, and went straight to the fat man's temple.

Hearing the sound of the wind, the fat man lowered his head and dodged it. At the same time, he kicked the black man's knee joint. This kick directly broke the opponent's leg.

The fat man said coldly: "I am most annoyed that someone disturbs me when I am answering the Tianxun."

After speaking, he directly threw a cannon punch straight to the black man's face. The strength of this punch was conservatively estimated by Fatty to be at least five thousand catties.

The black man saw how big the fat man was, and immediately prepared to block with one hand, while punching the fat man with the other hand.

Because the fat man jumped up to punch him in the face.This also led to the fact that the fat man could not give opportunities to black people out of thin air.

But in the end, the black man did not expect that after receiving the fat man's punch, he was overjoyed, but immediately after this Huaxia fat man's fist gushed out more domineering power.

Zhao Dakui's Pao Fist is not that simple. After this punch, there is an inch of strength. The Cun Jin of Pao Fist is more domineering and violent than Wing Chun's three-strike combo.


The black man's brains shot out, and with just one punch, Zhao Dakui blew the opponent's head off.

This punch stunned the people at the scene. With such power, it actually knocked out the head of another boxer who had won three consecutive victories.

Soon there were crazy shouts from the audience, and Zhao Dakui didn't pay any attention to the madness of these people.

Instead, he quickly picked up Tianxun, Li Bai looked at Zhao Dakui with a smile on his face.

Zhao Dakui also looked at Li Bai with a smile on his face, and said happily, "What's the matter, boss? You also come to play first?"

Li Bai could clearly see where the fat man was from Tianxun, and he could also see the people at the scene and the surrounding environment.

Li Bai frowned and said, "The underground boxing arena?"

Zhao Dakui nodded with a smile.

Li Bai is no stranger to underground boxing arenas, but Li Bai still has some understanding of the routines in underground boxing arenas. Domestic ones can control a little bit, but Li Bai doesn't know about underground boxing arenas abroad. The only thing is that underground boxing arenas are easy to enter , I am afraid it will be difficult to get out.

Li Bai frowned and said: "Fatty, come back quickly, and I'm going to develop your island for you. When you come back, I will build you a separate villa on the island and arrange some formations. You will be needed." The most important thing is our way of getting rich, of course you can give up, but the premise of giving up is that you can’t regret it when you see us splitting the money later.”

Hearing what Li Bai said, how could Zhao Dakui not be moved.

But he had only come to the boxing ring for a few days, and he didn't feel very happy to leave like this.

However, Zhao Dakui agreed to Li Bai very happily, and the moment he agreed to Li Bai, a strong electric current hit him directly, making him fall into a coma on the spot.

From Tianxun, Li Bai clearly saw a pale man with blond hair leaving the ring with a fat man.

As for Tianxun, Li Bai clearly saw a big foot crushing Zhao Dakui's Tianxun.

Seeing this scene, Li Bai knew that the fat man was in danger.

Immediately, Li Bai couldn't care about anything else, he went directly to Liu Feng and asked, "Are you bringing a smart computer with you this time?"

Seeing Li Bai's anxious appearance, Liu Feng knew that something must have happened, otherwise Li Bai would not be so anxious.Immediately took Li Bai into a tent.This time, in order to occupy the Toyota Farm, Liu Ruifeng prepared very well, including the artificial intelligence computer, in order to observe the enemy's every move at any time.

Li Bai walked in front of the artificial intelligence computer, but did not use the artificial intelligence mode.

Instead, Li Bai himself was constantly inquiring about the location of the source of the last signal from Zhao Dakui's Tianxun.

This time Li Bai directly used alien civilization technology to inquire about the last location of Zhao Dakui's Tianxun signal source.

Soon, Li Bai entered the signal space station of country M, and constantly searched for the location of Zhao Dakui's Tianxun signal source.

Within a minute, Li Bai found the location, and then Li Bai used Tianxun to record the location.

At the same time, Li Bai captured the signal space station of country M in a fit of anger, causing the entire country of M to fall into an information crisis that day.

Zhao Dakui did not expect that he would encounter such a situation, the electric current actually directly acted on his dantian, just as he was about to use his spiritual power, a burst of electric current appeared, paralyzing his whole body.

The blond-haired and white-faced man held Zhao Dakui in one hand and said in a blunt Chinese language: "You'd better be honest, or you will suffer later."

When Zhao Dakui heard this, he immediately became angry.

Without hesitation, he wanted to use the power of his cultivation, but before he could use it, a super-strong electric current gushed out from his dantian and acted on the meridians of his whole body, making him unable to raise any strength.

Zhao Dakui said coldly: "Today, I admit that I have failed, but don't be complacent, I think my friend will come to the door soon, and I will double the repayment."

Hearing what Zhao Dakui said, the blond man with a white face sneered.

Said: "Your Tianxun has been abolished by me, and I can't think of any other way for your friends to find you, and I will take you to another underground boxing ring, where I hope you can Be as brave as you are today."

Hearing this, Zhao Dakui knew that something was wrong.

However, Zhao Dakui was not afraid. He came to Country M to open the killing ring. Since he had the opportunity, how could he miss it? However, the feeling of being forced to kill made Zhao Dakui very unhappy. Or, it made him lose his mood even more.

After Li Bai finished all this, he directly took out the plane ticket to country M booked by Tianxun.

At the same time, Su Daji and Zhang Yuhan were left at the Toyota Farm. As for Zhuang Fei, he didn't take it with him this time, but asked Zhuang Fei to go to the 28 islands to make arrangements in advance.

As for Zhang Hu, Li Bai did not let Zhang Hu stay with Zhuang Fei, but asked Zhang Hu and Zhang Yuhan to stay at Toyota Farm temporarily and wait for him to come back.

After explaining everything here, Li Bai immediately opened the big formation and left quickly.

After all, every minute now is one step closer to death for Zhao Dakui.

(End of this chapter)

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