The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3157 Angel Power

Chapter 3157 Angel Power
Facing the attack of the twelve-winged angels, the old man didn't have any fear at all, and directly shrunk and disappeared in place.

The God Lord of the temple obviously didn't expect the old man to be so cunning, and he didn't confront him head-on at all.However, although the god master of the temple does not have the supernatural power to shrink the ground to an inch, he can use the power of transcendent cultivation to keep up.

In the waters of the Bermuda Triangle, the old man looked at the priest of the temple angrily, pointed at the priest's nose and cursed, "You count flies, why do you keep chasing me? Am I shit?"

The Lord of the temple didn't have any nonsense with the old man, and immediately used the move of the temple's judgment.

The Temple Judgment used by the Temple God is absolutely different from that used by Hughes and the others.Feathers were flying all over the sky, and sword lights were flashing on the sea, and even the old man was surrounded by the sword lights of the Temple Judgment.

Seeing this scene, the old man said angrily: "Okay, do you think I'm easy to bully? I'll let you see who bullies whom today."

After speaking, a Tai Chi pattern appeared in front of the old man, and then a golden light appeared all over his body.

The Temple Judgment of the Twelve Winged Angels also all attacked the old man at this time.

The old man stared angrily, and shouted: "Grandma, you kid is actually serious."

After speaking, the golden light instantly turned into a simple and unpretentious big clock, but countless blue long swords flew out of the Tai Chi pattern and went straight to the twelve-winged angel.


All the swords of the Temple Judgment hit the old man's golden bell, and circles of indescribable ripples emanated from the golden bell, but the sword light of the Temple Judgment was completely blocked by these ripples.

Seeing this scene, the divine master of the temple asked in surprise, "Is this the golden bell cover of the Vajra Temple?"

Just when the temple god master finished speaking, all the blue swords of the old man turned into blue light and shot at the temple god master.

Facing these cyan sword lights, the divine master of the temple directly spread his twelve wings to block these cyan sword lights.

But after blocking it for a while, the face of the God Lord of the temple changed, because these blue sword lights were not as fragile as he imagined, but very sharp, so sharp that they could pierce his wings.

In just such a moment, his twelve wings were already riddled with holes and bleeding.

"This is Taoist swordsmanship. Who are you, a Buddhist and Taoist practitioner?"

The old man was very happy when he saw that the god of the temple was injured.He muttered to himself, "Why didn't you shoot him dead? Shouldn't that be?"

"Forget it, today I am in a good mood and I won't be as knowledgeable as you, and you should stop chasing me, and I won't tell your secret, I'll go first."

After saying this, the old man once again used his magical power to shrink the ground and disappeared in place, but the spiritual sense of the temple god could see that the old man had returned to Huaxia.

The Lord of the temple knew that he couldn't do anything to the old man now, so he didn't continue to chase after him immediately. Since the old man had already said that he would not reveal the secrets of their temple, he believed that the old man still had some credit with his cultivation base.

Zhang Tianhe didn't know that his attack had brought disaster to Hongmen, and Li Bai didn't know that the Ability Hall would really attack Hongmen.

On the way to the 28 islands, Zhang Tianhe always felt restless.

It seems that he will encounter something along the way, and he can already sense something in advance when he reaches his level of cultivation.

This time, Li Bai and Shi Kailai didn't have a plane, but directly used the strength of their cultivation to fly along the sea to the 28 islands.

After Zhang Wu came out of the secret realm, he still followed this person. This person is the elder of their sect, but his cultivation is already in the late stage of distraction. The reason why he followed Zhang Wu was to hone himself in the mortal world. Although it has been completed, the state of mind has not yet been completed.

This time, as long as his state of mind is complete, he can continue to improve his cultivation and cross the tribulation.

As long as he succeeds in crossing the catastrophe, he can ascend to another world. Although there is still a Dacheng period after the catastrophe, since Li Xiaogang changed the will of the earth with the power of Nuwa, there is no such thing as a Mahayana period. Then there is ascension.

Zhang Wu had stayed in the sect long enough, and this time Li Bai sent him a Tianxun just to be received by him, and he also had a reason to come out.

Zhang Wu's reason is that he has his own foundation in the secular world, and he wants to see it, but it is precisely because of this not-so-good reason that he has been fulfilled.

According to the locations of the original 28 islands, Zhang Wu flew together with the elders of the sect.

At the beginning, Asura wanted to go to the head of the Hongmen, but he thought that the white fox that Hughes said was very powerful, and his status in the Hongmen seemed to be very high. Most of the industries and power in the Hongmen were created by this white fox. As long as the white fox is eliminated, Hongmen will naturally decline.

Hearing such an evaluation, Asura was still very surprised.But since it is to solve the problem, Asura feels that killing one person can solve it, and killing a group of people can solve the problem.

Immediately, he chased Zhang Tianhe all the way to the 28 islands.

At the same time, the Hall of Ability sent a large number of experts with abilities to cause trouble in some industries of Hongmen.

The fire-type superpower went to Hongmen's brand clothing factory and destroyed most of the factory.

The power supply system of the hotel and catering in Hongmen was cut off out of thin air by a person with lightning abilities, and suffered heavy losses that day.

And the building that Hongmen was building was also collapsed by the earth-type supernatural beings sent by the supernatural power hall. Such things kept happening among the Hongmen's forces.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that this is someone deliberately making things difficult for Hong Men.

But how many people can challenge Hongmen?
After Zhang Tianhe received the news from Hongmenli, his face became very ugly. He didn't expect that the power hall would really make a move, and the speed of the move was so fast, which he didn't expect.

Soon Zhang Tianhe sent out a Tianxun, and simply said "Perform the first destruction".

It is such a simple sentence, but it is heavy for the power hall.

After Hongmen suffered a series of blows, the Hall of Abilities was reduced to ashes in just a few hours in the underground boxing arena in California.The laboratory of the Hall of Ability suffered from an unknown attack, a large number of experimental items were destroyed, and multiple implementation rooms were destroyed.

Some hotels, shopping malls, and even churches controlled by the Temple of Abilities exploded and were destroyed at the same time.

In response to this, the government of country M sent a large amount of manpower to investigate the matter, which is no less serious than a terrorist attack to country M.

This brief contest between Hongmen and Ability Hall did not benefit each other.

Asura was trying his best to catch up with Zhang Tianhe, when he suddenly received a message from the God Lord of the temple.

"We must kill the white fox. If this person is not eliminated, the anger of my temple will be hard to dissipate."

After hearing this, Asura knew that the Lord of the temple had ordered death.Immediately pursued Zhang Tianhe more quickly.

Before arriving at the 28 islands, Li Bai stopped, because Li Bai's spiritual sense had already swept into the air not far ahead to hide a person, and the killing intent on this person was very strong, although I don't know if it was aimed at them Yes, but Li Bai felt it was better to be careful.

Zhang Tianhe was always restless, although he didn't know why, but this kind of restlessness often foreshadowed something.

Seeing Li Bai stop, Zhang Tianhe knew that something must happen, because the closer he was to the 28 islands Li Bai talked about, the more restless he became. Zhang Tianhe was already half-distracted, but still If this happens, it has to be said that this crisis has a great impact on Zhang Tianhe, and it may even be in danger of killing his life.

Li Bai just stopped in place, quietly waiting for the person hidden in the clouds in the sky to come down.

He believed that the other party must not match his patience.

Because just now Li Bai had discovered that the killing intent on the other party had subsided a lot. Although it was subdued, a trace of that powerful and violent murderous aura was released, which was to prepare for a one-hit kill.

Li Bai said to the void lightly: "Come out, there is no need to hide."

Asura had felt that someone swept him with spiritual sense before, but then disappeared. It seems that the previous feeling was not wrong, he was indeed discovered by the young man in front of him.

Now that he was discovered, Asura didn't intend to hide at all, and slowly walked out from the void.

He said lightly: "It is said that China is a land of hidden dragons and crouching tigers. It seems that it is true. I came this time only to want his life. If you don't want to die, you'd better stay away."

After finishing speaking, Ashura released his late-stage cultivation base of distraction, and the murderous aura could actually materialize, it was as black as ink, and everyone present felt terrified.

Zhang Tianhe knew that he had to face what he had to face, but he didn't expect this day to come so early.

"You should be Asura, the twelve main gods of the temple."

Asura heard this, his eyes became even colder.

"It seems that the Lord God is right. You really shouldn't be in this world. You actually know our twelve main gods. It seems that you know a lot about the temple."

Zhang Tianhe smiled lightly and said, "I'm afraid you don't know that I was the God of Wisdom in your temple before."

After finishing speaking, a fiery red light appeared on Zhang Tianhe's body. Following the appearance of this light, a phoenix cry came from Zhang Tianhe's body, and then four pairs of wings appeared behind Zhang Tianhe, but the wings did not look like Not like the wings of an angel, but like the wings of a phoenix.

Ashura was also stunned when he saw this scene.

He didn't expect that the white fox would be a member of the temple before, let alone that the other party was an eight-winged angel.

Seeing this scene, Asura also unleashed his full strength without hesitation, and five pairs of bright red wings appeared behind him instantly. These wings were exactly the same as the angel wings, but the colors were different.

"Since you were the main god of the temple before, why did you betray the temple?"

Hearing this, Zhang Tianhe smiled coldly and said, "You have all been deceived, you don't understand your divine master at all, you don't know his ambitions, and the so-called betrayal is just what you think in your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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