The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3169 Li Bai Injured

Chapter 3169 Li Bai Injured
Huaxia Martial Dao has a long history, even if you can learn the real Chinese Martial Dao at 01:30, you will benefit for life.

And Li Bai's inheritance of martial arts is even more powerful. Zhang Sanfeng's inheritance of martial arts is a generation of great people. Li Bai has seen the other party's unrestrained attitude in the face of the catastrophe, and did not pose any threat to him at all.

And Li Bai is like this now, facing this hidden man without any fear and directly hitting him personally.

Seeing this scene, Simon Saf immediately came to help. After all, he and Rex came to China to perform a mission this time. If Rex was lost because of such a trivial matter, it would be extremely important for him and the Hall of Ability. Big loss.

When he saw Li Bai hitting close to him, Simon Saf knew that Rex was in danger, because it took time to cast the supernatural power, and Li Bai didn't give Rex any time to prepare.

Rex was also taken aback by Li Bai's close combat style. He didn't know this kind of close combat skills at all, so he could only fight Li Bai with brute force.


Li Bai had a hearty feeling that the other party was punched more than a dozen times in a row, but the other party did not dodge it.

"seal up"

Simon Saff pointed with one hand, and an ice wall cut off the fight between Li Bai and Rex.With this respite, Rex left the stealth and left.

Li Bai punched at the ice wall. Cracks appeared on the entire ice wall when he punched it, but it didn't shatter, and it still blocked Li Bai's progress. Seeing Rex disappear, Li Bai was even more furious.


This punch directly pierced through the ice wall, and at the same time, this punch also used the Tai Chi boxing to beat the cow across the mountain.

Simon Saf felt a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and he immediately became alert, and a wall of ice was laid in front of him with a wave of his hand.The appearance of this ice wall just stopped Li Bai's attacking cattle across the mountain.


A person-high fist mark appeared directly on the ice wall in front of Simon Saf, and this fist mark was deeply imprinted on the ice wall.

"Why are you still standing in a daze? Could it be that you are willing to take action only after the two of us die?"

After hearing this, the four members of the Gao family knew that Li Bai could not be dealt with by himself alone, and Gao Xiang had already said before he came out that he would fully cooperate with Gao Huai in rescuing the hostages, but they didn't know that Gao Huai would be the hostage. What foreigners didn't even expect was that Gao Huai and Gao Xiang were in a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate-subordinate relationship as they thought.

When they knew that Gao Huai was a foreigner, the four of them felt unhappy for a while. Could it be difficult for such a big country like Huaxia to deal with one person and go to a foreign country to find a partner?Just relying on this, the four of them felt a sense of traitorousness and glory.

Especially this Simon Saf who still gave them instructions, and Gao Xiang still said in Tianxun that he would follow Gao Huai's instructions.When were Chinese people ordered by foreigners like this?

Gao Yangyun snorted coldly and said, "Whether we want to make a move is not up to you, you'd better put away your arrogant face in front of us."

Simon Saf didn't expect that several members of the Gao family would lose the chain at such a critical moment, and immediately became furious.

"If you don't make a move, I will."

After finishing speaking, he immediately cast his supernatural ability and hit Li Bai.

And Li Bai is in an indescribable state at this time, facing Simon Saf's attack without any fear at all, Tai Chi is unfolding, and the pulse of the earth is slowly moving towards Li Bai at this moment, the whole body The spiritual power no longer circulates only in the dantian, but circulates the whole body, automatically producing a spiritual shield. This time, the spiritual shield is not intentional, but produced automatically.

In particular, the pulsation of the earth slowly retracted automatically, moving with Li Bai's breathing.

Facing Simon Saff's volleying ice sword, Li Bai directly punched it with his fist, without using the Heavenly Damaged Sword.

This punch doesn't have any name, but the power of this punch is much stronger than Wan Jin's transformation into one force.

There was no accident, the ice sword was shattered by this punch, and the moment Li Bai punched, Li Bai felt the wind behind him, and immediately knew that someone was sneaking up, and he didn't need to look at Li Bai to know that it was the man driving.

At this moment, the pulsation of the earth automatically sent out circles of ripples, all of which condensed on the back, and at the same time, the spiritual power mask outside the body trembled with the rhythm of the pulsation of the earth.


Rex's explosive punch directly hit Li Bai's back, but what is surprising is that Li Bai didn't suffer any damage at all. Not only that, Li Bai quickly counterattacked the moment he shattered the ice sword, Although Rex's speed was fast enough, he was still taken aback when he saw that Li Bai hadn't suffered any damage, but this short moment of surprise was enough for Li Bai to fight back.

"No Phase"

Although the four members of the Gao family were very unwilling to cooperate with the two foreigners, seeing Li Bai's strength, they knew that even if the spiritual consciousness was suppressed here and the air could be banned, it would still be very difficult to kill Li Bai.

Rex thought that this time it was over and he would definitely be punched to death by Li Bai, but he didn't expect those four people to make a move.

However, the four of them shot really well, Li Bai's punch didn't hit him, but hit a light curtain in front of him, and this light curtain was used by those four Huaxia people.

When Li Bai saw the four of them make a move, his entire expression changed incomparably.

"Are you from the Gao family?"

The four of them didn't stop talking, they just went back to Rex and quickly set up their formation.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that only members of the Gao family would do such a shameless thing in this world. It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, but I can feel a familiar aura about you, and this aura belongs to Gao Xiang. You have been harmed by the power of his blood."

Li Bai's words directly touched the pain of the four of them, and it was also the thing they regretted most in their lives.

Gao Yangtian said coldly: "How do you know about this?"

"The third one."

When Gao Yangtian asked this sentence, Gao Yangyun knew something was wrong.Originally, they didn't speak because they neither admitted nor denied it. Even if Li Bai couldn't be killed this time, there was no evidence that the Gao family united with foreigners to kill him, but Gao Yangtian's question directly admitted many things.

Li Bai really didn't expect that his guesses were all true. Li Bai's current state is that all senses are extremely sharp, and the four of them will unconsciously use the power of Qi and blood when using the exercises, which is the use of the power of Qi and blood. It made Li Bai smell the big snake that had trained a clone during the distraction period.

And Gao Xiang's blood lineage came from that black snake, and Li Bai had fought with that black snake more than once, and Li Bai could still feel the faint force of obscenity on the opponent.

Li Bai could also feel a little bit of these four people. Although Gao Xiang didn't know what method Gao Xiang used to give the four of them the power of blood, it was obvious that the expressions of the four were very regretful.

"Gao Xiang treats you like this, and I'm a little surprised that you still work hard for him."

Gao Yangyun looked at Li Bai coldly and said, "Stop talking nonsense, let's kill you first before talking about it."

After talking, the four of them fought against Li Bai at the same time, and they couldn't fly in the air, but they could better display Li Bai's fighting style when fighting underground, and they fought close to each other.

Taijiquan directly attacked the four people, and the four people did not have any ambiguity, and directly launched their powerful attack.


The four of them shouted loudly at the same time, and then the energy shield that the four of them propped up before disappeared and turned into an energy knife. The energy fluctuations emitted by this knife shocked the inside. All a little distorted.

Simon Saf was also startled by the blow from the four of them.This blow was too powerful. If it was a head-on confrontation, Simon Saf didn't know if he could win, but the possibility of losing in Simon Saf's heart was relatively high.

"Tai Chi"

Li Bai turned offense into defense, and a yin-yang pattern stood up directly in front of Li Bai. At the same time, the pulsation of the earth also instantly condensed, converging towards the direction of the energy knife, trying to stop the knife.But what surprised Li Bai was that this knife didn't fear his pulse of the earth at all.

The Zhenzijue unfolded, and ripples spread out, trying to disperse the energy knife that was flying towards it, but the result was still the same. Li Bai's Earth Pulse didn't have any effect at all, and the same was true for the Zhenzijue.

The energy knife slashed directly on Li Bai's Tai Chi, and with a bang, dust flew up, and Li Bai was slashed directly into the rock several meters deep by this knife.


Even though there was a spiritual shield to defend him, he was still chopped into pieces by this knife.

The power of the four-phase array Li Bai now finally knows why the legend is invincible. This attack power is too powerful, and the combined force of the four directly damaged Li Bai's internal organs to varying degrees.

Li Bai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, jumped out from the small face, looked at the four of them with cold eyes, and said indifferently: "It is said that the four-phase array is invincible, today I want to see if it is really invincible."

Seeing the powerful aura suddenly erupting from Li Bai's body, the four of them were also on alert, and the phaseless formation of the four-phase array was also unfolded, for fear that Li Bai would make a sudden attack.

And Simon Saff also looked at Li Bai with a frown. He didn't expect Li Bai to be so strong. In the eyes of Simon Saff, he might not be able to take the knife just now, but Li Bai not only took it, but also Exuding such a powerful aura, Simon Saff felt that it would be very difficult for the Hall of Ability to let him capture Li Bai alive based on this alone.

No one knows Li Bai's current mood. He was directly and seriously injured by that knife. At first, he felt that his internal organs were a little injured, but as time passed, Li Bai finally found that the knife that the four of them worked together was beyond the power of spiritual power. This is another kind of power, and this power is still constantly destroying his wounds.

(End of this chapter)

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