Chapter 3211
Hearing Long Yangyan's words, Long Tianze already somewhat understood what happened in the so-called Dharma-ending Era.

This is basically the same as opening a new era, but the only thing is not to interfere with the earth, if you interfere, you will be bombarded endlessly, and there are still loopholes that can be exploited, that is, to ask the guardians not to kill This point is very important to Long Tianze for the monks below crossing the catastrophe.

Originally, Long Tianze regarded Li Bai as his opponent, but once such a thing really happened, and it really came, I am afraid that Li Bai could no longer satisfy him. He had a new plan and a new goal.

After thinking about it for a while, Long Tianze knew the benefits and feasibility of this matter.

The Liu family, Liu Ruifeng watched the water in the pond slowly dry up, revealing the fish inside, and the fresh lives slowly passed away like that, which made Liu Ruifeng feel a little bit emotional.

What should come is still here. It seems that the decision of the Long family before was to deal with this disaster. It seems that the blue is better than the blue.

Naturally, Liu Feng didn't know Liu Ruifeng's worry. At this time, Liu Feng was still building 28 islands.

Liu Feng was still very surprised to receive the news from Liu Ruifeng suddenly, but he didn't know what happened to Liu Ruifeng?Do you still want an island?
"Feng'er, come back to me quickly, something big is about to happen, come back as soon as you have as much money as you can hear."

Liu Feng looked at the anxious Liu Ruifeng in Tianxun, and immediately nodded in agreement without hesitation, and directly expanded his cultivation and flew towards Haigang City.

You must know that it is rare for Liu Ruifeng to be so anxious. In Liu Feng's impression, as long as Liu Meng left without saying goodbye once, Liu Ruifeng appeared anxious, and the rest of the time it was calm. look.

Even in the face of the Long family and the Gao family, Liu Ruifeng has never been timid, let alone showed an anxious expression.

In the Yu family, Yu Fenglei felt the temperature change outside, and the icebergs were melting slowly, and this was not the only thing, the cold jade bed in the Yu family was actually slowly flowing out, this kind of situation has never happened before.

Yu Fenglei couldn't help but think of the legend back then. He didn't believe it all the time, but now it seems that this is not a question of whether he believes it or not, but who is in front of him, so he can't help but believe it up.

At the same time, Yu Fenglei thought of the big move of the Long family before. At that time, he felt strange, thinking that the Long family had offended something that should not be provoked, but now he realized that it was not the Long family that had offended something wrong. The existence that should be provoked is that the prophets of the Long family have already made preparations.

And that old fox Liu Ruifeng, although he didn't do it as obviously as the Long family, but Yu Fenglei is not a fool, so he naturally knows what's going on here.

It turned out that he was still a bit worse than the old fox Liu Ruifeng.

Immediately, Yu Fenglei immediately issued an order to let most of the Yu family disciples who are away return to the family to practice, and they are not allowed to enter the world to practice without the Golden Core.

After this order was issued, none of the members of the Yu family understood what had happened, but seeing Yu Fenglei's gloomy face, no one dared to ask why.

On the 28 islands, Yu Chengcheng is sitting in a small courtyard in a daze, still thinking about the madness with Li Bai that night, thinking about it, she feels like a different person, he was never like this before yes.

Suddenly Tianxun's voice came, startling Yu Chengcheng, and glanced at Tianxun's number, it was Yu Chengcheng's father Yu Fenglei calling.

Yu Chengcheng was very curious about what kind of news Yu Fenglei sent her at this time. You must know that the little life she lived here was much better than that of the Yu family, and the spiritual power here was also much stronger than that of the Yu family.

However, Yu Chengcheng connected to Tianxun very quickly.

I saw Yu Fenglei appearing on the Tianxun screen with a serious expression on his face.

"Cheng Cheng, hurry back to the family, something very important is going to happen, remember to come back quickly, I can't tell you clearly in Tianxun."

Yu Fenglei turned off Tianxun after he finished speaking. He knew that if he didn't turn off Tianxun at this time, he would definitely be questioned by Yu Chengcheng. At that time, Yu Chengcheng would not believe it when he explained all this to Yu Chengcheng.

The most important thing is that Yu Chengcheng has basically not been in touch with him since he went to 28 islands, and he is still in contact with Yu Chengcheng every now and then. This huge gap also makes Yu Fenglei very uncomfortable.

Yu Chengcheng was a little puzzled about what happened to Yu's family, which made Yu Fenglei so anxious, but thinking that something big was about to happen, Yu Chengcheng didn't care so much, and directly took the Yu family who was still on the 28 islands General comprehension masters took away.

What Yu Chengcheng didn't expect was that Liu Feng actually took some people away one step ahead of time. Liu Feng's departure made Yu Chengcheng even more sure that something must have happened to Yu's family, otherwise Yu Fenglei's character would not be like this .

With Yu Chengcheng's departure, the people from the cultivation sect on the island also went back one after another.

Zhuang Fei was setting up the formation at this time, when suddenly the jade pendant on his chest became hot. Zhuang Fei knew that this was because of a major change in the sect. A summons will be used.

This is only the case when the sect is alive or dead. Could it be that so many people in the sect really rebelled?

Zhuang Fei couldn't help but think of the Great Elder and those transformations of his so-called senior brothers. The ability is indeed enviable and enviable, but Zhuang Fei knew that the greater the ability, the greater the pain he would suffer. reason.

Although Zhuang Fei hoped that it could become like that, his rationality still told him clearly that it shouldn't be like this, and there would definitely be side effects.

Just when Zhuang Fei was hesitating, the jade plaque on his chest shattered. Zhuang Fei couldn't care about anything anymore, and directly sent a voice transmission to Zhang Yuhan and Su Daji saying that the sect was in a hurry and flew away.

Jeff and Arathor looked at the huge vortex in the air. Was this vortex created by the green beam of light just now?
Liang Zenghui looked nervously at the vortex in the sky at this time. After all, he was also the first to use this family token. No one knew what effect it would have, and whether someone from Qingmen appeared.

But after the whirlpool frantically absorbed a burst of spiritual power, it slowly disappeared.

This kind of situation made Liang Yao and Liang Zengtian feel dazed. This was completely different from what they thought. They thought that the people from Qingmen should come out of the whirlpool, but now it is not the case at all.


Jeff and Arathor couldn't stop laughing wildly when they saw this scene. The scene that appeared originally scared them to death, but soon they all recovered calm and had a false alarm. How could they not laugh out loud.

Without any hesitation, Jeff directly slashed at Liang Zengtian with the sword of judgment.

And Arathor didn't have any nonsense, and directly punched in the air.

The power of this punch was enough to blast Zhou Cang into pieces.


Li Bai saw this scene as soon as he flew over, and immediately launched the pulse of the earth without hesitation, directly blocking the attacks of Jeff and Arathor.

The dark green Judgment Sword was already scattered by Li Bai's pulsating earth-shaking Judgment before it flew halfway, and the same was true for Arathor's punch.

Looking at Li Bai who suddenly appeared, Liang Zenghui knew in his heart that he would not die today. The only regret was that it would be too difficult for the Liang family to turn over this time.

Seeing Li Bai appearing, Zhou Cang had a complicated expression on his face, but at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. After all, when Li Bai made a move just now, he did not refuse to save him, but directly shook off Arathor's punch.

Just from this point alone, Zhou Cang could feel that Li Bai had no killing intent towards him.

Li Bai looked at the corpses in the entire yard, both from the Liang family and the Zhou family. The Liang family members were all poisoned to death, while the Zhou family members were all killed with a single blow.

Li Bai didn't ask Liang Zengtian and Zhou Cang, but slowly fell from the sky, and gave Jeff and Arathor a cold look.

"Did you kill these people?"

Jeff and Arathor didn't expect that such a strong man would appear, and the other party could easily defuse the attack of the two of them just now.

It was even higher, first of all, they regretted that they didn't make a quick decision.

Jeff didn't talk nonsense with Li Bai and chose to run away, but how could Li Bai let him run away.

The pulsation of the earth directly locked him, and then the word Zhen shook the spiritual power in Jeff's body. Li Bai did not find the power of the supernatural power. The power of ordinary people's supernatural power is in the brain, but the power of Jeff's supernatural power Li Bai searched for three or four times but couldn't find it, so he could only let Jeff lose his mobility first.

The tremor not only dissipated the spiritual power in Jeff's body, but also dislocated some of Jeff's bones.


Jeff fell to the ground, without the slightest ability to resist.

This scene stunned Arathor. He always thought that Li Bai was very strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong.

It wasn't just Arathor who thought of this, even Liang Zengtian and Zhou Cang didn't think that Li Bai would be so powerful now.

Those people brought by Arathor also looked at Li Bai with some fear, because they suddenly found that they couldn't move their bodies, as if they were tied up by someone. Isn't this situation at the mercy of others?
After Li Bai finished solving Jeff, he looked at Arathor again. Arathor really wanted to run away, but he knew that Jeff would be easily captured by Li Bai, so his chances of escaping would not be great.

"Now it's your turn, I think you're smart, can you tell me why?"

Arathor really wanted not to say it, but now he really realized the truth that people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If he didn't say it, he would definitely be killed by Li Bai, but if he said it, he would be killed in the end The odds are high too.

Seeing that Arathor didn't speak, Li Bai immediately knew what Arathor was planning.

(End of this chapter)

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