The strongest peasant city

Chapter 3213 Jeff's team

Chapter 3213 Jeff's team

In the night, Jeff looked at Liang Zenghui with some pain. There was something indescribable in his eyes. It seemed that there was anger and hatred, but what was worse was fear.

Maybe it was because he was afraid of Li Bai. After all, Li Bai's strength made him incapable of resisting at all, which can't even be called crushing.And Li Bai didn't care about Liang Zengtian's problem, Li Bai was more concerned about Arathor's problem.

Li Bai always felt that so many bugs would not die so easily. Although he had burned them into nothingness, the intuition of a cultivator is sometimes very powerful.It is simply not known by ordinary people.

Zhou Cang and his son Zhou Xu did not leave. Now they are the same as the Liang family. The whole army was wiped out. Originally, Zhou Cang thought that his Zhou family would win a big victory this time, but the result is that people unexpected.

Seeing Liang Zengtian interrogating Jeff, Zhou Cang was not at all unhappy, but very happy.

Sometimes people are like this. When you have everything, you will have a kind of hostility towards people like you, and this kind of hostility will slowly turn into a fight.But when you lose everything and have nothing, when you look at the person who also has nothing with you, you will feel connected with your life.

Liang Zengtian didn't use any torture, but directly took out a small knife, which was small but very sharp.

It was inserted quietly in Jeff's palm like that, and asked slowly, neither in a hurry nor in a hurry, without any anxious attitude.

"Jeff, you have seen what I am now. I should have died, but you have seen it. In this situation, I am alive and you are caught. You don't have to answer my question, of course I also have the right to make you miserable, or to say that if you want to live, you can't die."

"How is it? Have you considered it?"

At the same time as he finished asking this sentence, Liang Zenghui cut off Jeff's thumb with the sharp knife without any hesitation.The thumb is the most important finger. Whether it is holding, holding, or pinching, the thumb is the main finger.

Jeff was also stubborn, and he didn't say a word.

Li Bai kept an eye on Jeff, for fear that Jeff would blow himself up or something, and that would be a waste of money.Both the pulsation of the earth and spiritual consciousness locked on Jeff, and if Jeff made a slight mistake, Li Bai would shake Jeff into a blood mist without hesitation.

Gradually, Jeff has been tortured by Liang Zengtian, and he no longer looks like a ghost or a ghost.

"You are really stubborn, and you haven't killed yourself by biting your tongue."

Hearing Liang Zengtian's words, Li Bai remembered that he had already removed Jeff's jaw at the beginning to avoid Jeff biting his tongue and committing suicide. No wonder Jeff just kept yelling.

Li Bai looked at Liang Zengtian still there, as if he would not give up until he slowly tortured Jeff to death.

"Patriarch Liang, please wait a moment."

Liang Zengtian didn't understand what was going on, but since Li Bai had spoken, of course he would not continue to attack. After all, it was Li Bai's credit that Jeff was captured, and Li Bai also saved them. Offended Li Bai.

Especially after Li Bai showed his strength, Liang Zengtian was even more happy. With such strength and talent, unless his brain was completely rusted, he would not be an enemy of Li Bai.

But Li Bai's next actions made Liang Zengtian quite speechless, because Li Bai walked over and slowly took Jeff's jaw back.

Jeff, who took his jaw back, immediately roared in pain.

"Are you stupid, I have yelled so many times, can't you see my swollen jaw?"

Regarding this situation, Li Bai just smiled, but Liang Zengtian would not spoil him.

It kicked Jeff's mouth directly, and Jeff spit out five or six teeth in an instant.There is an urge to make Liang Zengtian cramp and thin, but unfortunately he is in Liang Zengtian's hands now, otherwise he will definitely make the other party's life worse than death.

Liang Zengtian said coldly: "Are you still in a dream now? Is it because you don't give you some power? Do you not know the feeling of death?"


Liang Zengtian directly broke one of Jeff's arms, and Jeff was in great pain. Now Jeff has deeply understood that it is impossible to reason with these people. Only by cooperating can he suffer less pain. Wouldn't that harm the troops outside?

It is worthwhile to die alone to save an army.

"Kill me quickly if you have the ability, or you will regret it."

After saying this, Jeff controlled the toxin in his stomach to slowly flow into his mouth. Just a little bit of this poison is enough to kill him.

Li Bai was always watching Jeff's every move. When Jeff was about to spit out the venom, Li Bai directly used the pulsation of the earth to shake the word. Swallowed it back.

Naturally, Liang Zengtian didn't know that he had walked through the gate of hell just now, but directly cut Jeff's body a few times with that sharp smile, and each cut would drop a piece of meat from Jeff's body.

Jeff knew that it was impossible to commit suicide, and Li Bai's invisible force was controlling him all the time.

"Patriarch Liang let me come."

Li Bai watched Jeff for a long time and didn't let go, so he knew that even if he killed Jeff, he probably wouldn't tell where the team he brought this time was.

Liang Zengtian didn't expect Li Bai to make a move. In fact, Liang Zengtian didn't have much confidence after torturing Jeff.

Hearing Li Bai's words, Liang Zengtian immediately stepped aside and left everything to Li Bai.

Li Bai walked slowly in front of Jeff, neither happy nor sad.

But this kind of Li Bai is the most terrifying in Jeff's eyes.

"I only know that you won't tell, but I know where your team is. Before I make a move, I just want to tell you that since you are in Huaxia, don't do anything wrong."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Li Bai's hand was placed directly on the top of Jeff's head, and the soul search method was launched instantly.

This time, Li Bai didn't search all his memories as he did last time, he just searched Jeff's recent memories, and knew about Jeff's abilities and how to use them.

But to Li Bai's surprise, he only found information about Jeff's team, and there was nothing about supernatural powers other than poison.This made Li Bai very puzzled.

Jeff looked at Li Bai in horror, because at this moment just now, Jeff was caught in the memory, and the memory seemed to be peeped by someone.

Needless to say, Jeff knew that his memory might have been seen by Li Bai, but how did Li Bai do all this?
Could it be that this is the ability of the Chinese man in front of him?This kind of power is really too scary. Fortunately, when they first awakened the power, they would be sealed by the master of the power hall, and this seal is to prevent others from peeping.

Otherwise, this time he might really be shown by Li Bai.

Li Bai searched again and again, but he didn't find anything useful, so he even stopped casting spells.

When he saw Jeff sober, Li Bai knew what was going on. The soul-locking method is similar to Western hypnosis, but the soul-searching method is superior to Western hypnosis in that it does not require preparation and can be used directly. Search the entire memory of the other party, but the Western hypnosis method requires asking questions one by one, and pretending to be another person before asking.

This approach may not always be successful.

The height can be seen immediately, but seeing that Jeff is awake, Li Bai knows that it is normal to not find anything useful, because it is rare to use the soul search method in this situation.

Especially Jeff was injured. Although these injuries were not fatal, the pain could keep Jeff awake. Fortunately, Li Bai knew where Jeff's current team was, otherwise Li Bai really didn't know.

Because this time the team led by Jeff was all disguised as Chinese people and buried outside Liang's house, quietly waiting for Jeff to come out.

Once they haven't come out for too long, they will charge without hesitation. This is the rule set by Jeff at the beginning.

But now Jeff really wants to say to the people in the distance, run as fast as you can.

But Jeff has no chance, because Li Bai directly ended Jeff's life. Li Bai didn't want to do things and leave troubles. The only way to avoid troubles is to kill him.

Of course there are exceptions, but those are not troublesome for Li Bai.

But those things that are troublesome or not troublesome to Li Bai at all, have personal emotional reasons in them.

Liang Zengtian didn't expect Li Bai to act so decisively, but that's good, because he's done with one of Ye's enemies, and he's tortured enough.

"You guys deal with it here, I'll go and kill his team first."

After hearing this, Liang Zengtian said directly: "Let me go with you, I can still help to some extent."

"Let's join together. Now I understand. The most stupid thing is that Chinese people fight with Chinese people, but others are united by country and country. The most ridiculous thing is that they are united, and we are still fighting in the nest."

Zhou Cang's words caused Liang Zengtian to remain silent for a while. Everyone understands these things now, but isn't it too late to understand?

Li Bai was also very moved after hearing Zhou Cang's words, and said with a smile: "You are right. I don't think it's better for the two of you to unite, which is stronger. I'm afraid no one in the entire ice city is your opponent. In the past, you only If you want to kill each other, you have seen that as long as you kill each other, you can dominate the ice city, but have you ever thought about dominating China and the world? Unity is actually the best way. Together, your strength will be stronger, and both of you Peak power."

(End of this chapter)

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