The strongest peasant city

Chapter 322 Decision

Chapter 322 Decision
The tenderness in Li Xiaogang's eyes surprised both Long Ling'er and Li Li. Only then did they realize that Song Shuang had such a great influence on Li Xiaogang before they knew it. They couldn't help but look deeply at Song Shuang at the same time. , looking thoughtful.

Under the full operation of Long Ling'er and Li Li, Longquan Group seemed to be running again like a machine.

The first products are on the way, but no final decision has been made on pricing.

For the past few days, Li Xiaogang has been troubled by this matter.

The price must be raised, otherwise wouldn't the accusations he received be in vain?In addition, after the negotiations with Utah in the past few days, the export of Longquan fine wine to country M is a certainty. Not to mention the same price as that sold in country M, at least it can't be too different!

Otherwise, the people in Country M will be dissatisfied on the one hand, and on the other hand it may cause large-scale smuggling activities. This will not only interfere with the market in Country M, but also have a negative impact on social stability.

"Li Xiaogang, come on, I'm not the spokesperson this time. A beautiful reporter wants to meet you by name!" Song Shuang walked into Li Xiaogang's office and said to him.

Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, the beautiful reporter seemed to only know Fang Bing.

He waved his hand directly and said, "Just say I'm not free, no see!"

"Now I really annoy you so much that you don't even want to see me?"

Unexpectedly, Fang Bing walked in directly by himself, looked at Li Xiaogang full of resentment and said.

Song Shuang tactfully let Fang Bing in, and then gently backed out.

Li Xiaogang looked at Fang Bing coldly and said, "Reporter Fang Da, what's the matter this time?"

Fang Bing looked around for a week and said, "Why, are you going to let me stand like this to interview you?"

"Interview me?, now you reporters can interview whoever you want, without first obtaining the consent of the interviewee?"

Li Xiaogang sneered.

Fang Bing's face darkened and said: "Of course it is necessary to interview others, but you don't need to interview! Because I know you will never agree to it!"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "You really have self-knowledge! If that's the case, you can go back now!"

"You... Do you hate me so much? It's not that I didn't want to help you back then, but I really couldn't help you. Don't even think about it. I'm just a slightly famous reporter. How useful can I be? "

Fang Bing said aggrievedly.

Li Xiaogang said: "I don't want you to turn the tide and use your own power to change the public's opinion! I just want you to say a word for me and let me know that you are actually on my side. Who cares how many people there will be?" People believe what you say! People are like this. When they are suffering, what they want most is the care and comfort of friends and relatives, even if the comfort is only verbal and has no practical meaning. But I regard you as a friend, but I can’t follow you You get a little comfort from me, what else do you expect from me?"

Li Xiaogang's words made Fang Bing silent. She didn't expect that what Li Xiaogang wanted was just this, but she felt that this kind of behavior without any practical meaning was just a waste of time. It turned out that she was wrong from the beginning!

After a long silence, Li Xiaogang took a deep breath and said, "But I can't blame you! My relatives and lovers can't do this, let alone you, a friend I have only known for a few days.

Well, I will not accept your interview, please leave! "

Fang Bing said gruffly: "I'm sorry, I've always been too self-righteous, but I really... really cherish you as a friend. I dare not beg your forgiveness, but I hope you can stop hating me!"

Li Xiaogang chuckled and said, "Hate? Haha...not at all! And I think hating someone is a waste of energy and time. You can rest assured!"

Fang Bing said faintly: "Thank you. In fact, I came today to tell you that tomorrow I will go to the plateau, where the independent elements committed a series of horrific crimes. I volunteered to do a series of reports. I I came to bid you farewell..."

"Are you going to the plateau? It seems quite dangerous there, you should be careful alone!" Li Xiaogang said slowly with a sigh.

Fang Bing said with a wry smile, "I thought you wouldn't care about my life anymore!"

Li Xiaogang was stunned and said: "Don't get me wrong, even an ordinary person, I would say this! However, since you are here, you are also a member of the media anyway, I hope you can help me convey a message to the outside world! "

Fang Bing giggled, "Didn't you say you won't accept my interview?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Of course! So from now on you can only listen to what I have to say, and you can't ask questions! That's not considered an interview, right?"

Fang Bing smiled and said: "You really have a way! Well, it just so happens that the most concerned issue of the outside world is whether the price of Longquan Group will increase after the resumption of production, and how much it will increase. This should be what you told me?"

Li Xiaogang waved his hand and said, "Have you forgotten, no questions are allowed!" Fang Bing shrugged his shoulders, as if I was listening to you.

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Because of the scarcity of Liquor Grass and the fact that Longquan Fine Wine may enter the international market in the near future, the price of Longquan Fine Wine will be raised from the original 1000 yuan to 5000 yuan.

At the same time, from this moment on, there can be no price gouging in the market, otherwise, we will resort to the law, resolutely pursue the legal responsibilities of relevant persons, and stabilize the price of Longquan fine wine that is circulating in the market! "

"Good guy, the price has increased five times all of a sudden, you are so cruel!" Fang Bing said with a sigh.

Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "Compared to the current price of tens of thousands, they will be satisfied! Besides, if they know that the international price of Longquan fine wine will be more than five thousand dollars a bottle, they will not say it again. What's wrong! This person will be much more honest after receiving a lesson!"

Fang Bing nodded and said, "Thank you for giving me such a valuable piece of news before I left! Then, let's say goodbye here!" Fang Bing stretched out his hand and said to Li Xiaogang.

Li Xiaogang took her hand and said lightly: "It's still the same sentence, pay attention to safety!" Fang Bing nodded, and finally took a deep look at Li Xiaogang, turned and walked out.

Following Fang Bing's report, fluctuations in people's emotions are naturally inevitable, but they are no longer that intense.

What Li Xiaogang said is right, Bibi has already been fired to a price of tens of thousands per bottle, and 5000 yuan is already very low.

It didn't take long for the fluctuation to subside.

Now that Longquan Group and Long Ling'er are back, the negotiations with country M will be fully entrusted to her.

The talks between the two sides went smoothly, and the general framework has been basically drawn up, but there are still quite a few differences between the two sides on the profit sharing. Utah advocates a [-]-[-] split, while Long Ling'er agrees to a [-]-[-] split at most. The two sides are late because of this point. A final agreement has not yet been reached.

Li Xiaogang also wanted to take more care, he was always thinking about the pond that had just been dug, and he didn't have much thought of staying in the city anymore.

This day, he had just made up his mind to take Song Shuang back home, but he suddenly received a call from Gao Liguo.

In Gao Liguo's phone call, Li Xiaogang learned the news that Gao Yuanyuan was going to Yi Country, and he was stunned when he heard the news.

When Gao Liguo told him why Gao Yuanyuan did this, Li Xiaogang wanted to cry.

From college to now, Gao Yuanyuan has always loved him deeply. In fact, he can feel this all the time, but just because of Gao Yuanyuan's few words of caring and reproach, he closed the door facing Gao Yuanyuan, and he started Regret for my extreme and self-willedness.

He wanted to appear by Gao Yuanyuan's side right away, but he was afraid of facing Gao Yuanyuan's sad and haggard face, so he fell into a dilemma for a while.

The phone between the two remained silent. Suddenly, Gao Liguo on the other end let out a long sigh and said, "Gao Yuanyuan's flight tomorrow, I hope you can come and see her off, hey!" After speaking, Gao Liguo hung up the phone.

Li Xiaogang sat quietly on the chair alone, looking at the brilliant fire-like sunset outside the window, his heart was full of ups and downs.

Song Shuang came in several times to look at it, but every time Li Xiaogang made one movement and one expression, just like a statue.

Just when Song Shuang was worried and didn't know why, Long Ling'er and Li Li walked in and said to Li Xiaogang: "Gao Yuanyuan's plane will fly to Yiguo tomorrow, uncle Gao told you, right? Hu Rong and I are going to fly to BJ to see her off tonight, won't you come with us?"

Facing Long Ling'er's inquiry, Li Xiaogang turned a deaf ear and did not respond at all.

Li Li glanced at Long Ling'er and said, "Even if we are wrong, Gao Yuanyuan is not wrong! She loves you from the beginning to the end, you can't be so cruel! She is going to Yi Country, and bullets are flying everywhere The country of Yi is not France! You will regret it if you don’t send her off!” Li Li was agitated, but Li Xiaogang remained indifferent.

The two were desperate, looked at each other, stomped their feet fiercely, turned around and went to catch the plane!Only Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang were left in the room.

Li Xiaogang didn't speak, Song Shuang didn't speak either, they just watched the sunset with him, which was as red as blood, outside the window.

After a long, long silence, Li Xiaogang suddenly said, "Why haven't you spoken?"

Song Shuangwan'er said, "What are you talking about?"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "Of course I persuaded me to go to BJ to see her off."

Song Shuang smiled calmly: "Some things don't need to be persuaded, it's better to figure it out by yourself!"

Li Xiaogang looked at Song Shuang with a smile and said: "Song Shuang, you know, sometimes I think you are like a fairy who has fallen into the mundane world by mistake. Not only your beautiful appearance, but also your pure soul and spring-like Generally can give people a warm heart! Being with you is always so comfortable, my whole body is warm..."

Song Shuang smiled sweetly and said, "Then, I think you are praising me!"

Li Xiaogang also smiled and said: "I am not praising you, I am clearly praising you, hehe..."

The two laughed for a while, and Song Shuang said, "Seeing that you are smiling so happily, have you figured it out?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "That's right! I figured it out. Gao Yuanyuan loves me, and I love her too. I can't continue to be stubborn like this, making myself miserable and the one I love painful!"

Song Shuang said with some confusion: "I really envy Gao Yuanyuan..."

Li Xiaogang smiled slyly and said: "Then there is nothing to envy. For a beautiful girl like you, I don't know how many men better than me will fight for you. What's more, even if no one wants you, I will reluctantly do it. Take you under my command, hehe..."

(End of this chapter)

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