Chapter 357
After this conversation with Shanshan, Zhu Fangfang's confidence soared, and she let go of her hands and feet and started working.

And Shanshan also conveyed her own ideas to Li Xiaogang, and Li Xiaogang did not hesitate at all, and immediately ordered Li Yong to provide all the funds for Shanshan to acquire Qilin Group.

After this period of time, the peerless cosmetics of Longxi Group have opened up the situation in the national market and become an upstart in cosmetics.

After being packaged by Qiangnong Company's marketing strategy, it has already been sought after by all the stars, and the momentum created by Peerless in the market is no less than that of Longquan Fine Wine.

The profits poured into Longxi Group's account continuously like a torrent.This made Longxi Group the second largest profitable company in the country after Longquan Group.

Less than two months after it was launched, the profit has reached an astronomical figure of 20 billion, and it is increasing at a frightening speed.

But although 20 billion is enough to obtain 50.00% of Kirin Group's shares, it is not enough to have complete control over Kirin Group.If you want to merge Kirin Group into Tianmu Group, you will face unprecedented resistance.

So now Shanshan is facing two problems. First, there is no more funds to absorb more shares.

Second, 40.00% of the remaining 40.00% of Jiu’s shares are in the hands of Dong Qi.

And Dong Qi is in prison at this time. Judging from his hatred for Tianmu Group, he would rather the Qilin Group go bankrupt than sell his shares.

These two problems entangled Zhang Shanshan like a nightmare, making her unable to eat well and sleep well, and her face was full of sadness and smile every day.

"Shanshan, what are you doing? We already own 50.00% of Kirin Group's shares, and the shareholders' meeting has been held. Ouyang Yun is now the chairman. We have completely controlled Kirin Group, and our goals have been achieved. Why are you still so worried?"

"Have the goals been achieved? Although the Kirin Group is now in our hands, it is not up to us to merge the Kirin Group into the Tianmu Group.

The 40.00% shares in the hands of Dong Qi are like a thorn in our heart, and it will hurt for a day if we don’t pull it out. How can we say that the goal has been achieved? "

"Oh my God, Shanshan, you really want to swallow the entire Qilin Group! That's at least a billion! I'm afraid the current financial strength of Longxi Group is not enough to support it?"

Zhu Fangfang said in surprise.

Shanshan shook her head and said, "I know, so I'm also worried about money. For now, we have to go to Long Ling'er from Longquan Group. She should be able to help us!"

"That's right! Longquan Group is recognized as the most profitable company. It should be a mere billion, right? Now that you've thought it all over, what else is there to worry about?"

Zhu Fangfang said.

"You don't know, Longquan Group has just resumed production, and the vitality has not yet fully recovered. Brother Xiaogang asked me to go to Longxi Group instead of Longquan Group. I think this is the reason. That's why I'm hesitant!"

"Vice President Zhang, there are guests waiting for you in the living room!" The secretary said to Shanshan in a gentle and pleasant voice.

Shanshan was taken aback for a moment, then said in a nasty voice, "Who could it be?"

Zhu Fangfang giggled and said with a coquettish smile: "It's not easy, you'll know if you go and have a look? Let's go, sister, I'll go with you!" After speaking, she hurried to the reception room with Shanshan.

Opening the door of the reception room, the figure that came into Shanshan's eyes made her feel excited.

"Sister Ling'er, you are a real rare visitor, I miss you so much!" Long Ling'er raised her head when she heard that, although she was still radiant, she was more stable than before.

Long Ling'er smiled and said, "Humph, that sounds nice. If you really miss me, why didn't you tell me about such a big move this time, and I have to come here in person?"

Long Ling'er was a little dissatisfied.

Shanshan giggled and said, "Sister Linger, I don't want to trouble you! Longquan Group has just resumed production, and there are a lot of things waiting for you to work on. I don't want to cause trouble for you."

Long Ling'er pinched her nose and said, "You have many reasons." After speaking, she turned to look at Zhu Fangfang and said, "This beautiful lady should be the famous queen of the pharmaceutical industry, Miss Zhu Fangfang, right?"

Zhu Fangfang hurriedly said: "Look at what you said, what kind of empress am I, but Miss Long Ling'er is a heroine admired by thousands of people.

I did not expect to meet you here, it is my greatest honor! "Long Ling'er laughed and said: "Don't say that.We are all girls, so we need to help each other a lot in the future. "

After finishing speaking, he turned to Shanshan and said, "Shanshan? Are you in trouble with the acquisition of Qilin Group? I have a billion here for now. You can take it for now. It should help you solve some of the difficulties!" Long Linger said. Handed over a large, beautifully printed check.

"Sister Linger, you..." Shanshan was a little moved.

Long Ling'er waved his hand and said, "Li Yong told me everything. You are right, if you want to merge, you have to buy all of them, so as to save you trouble in the future.

However, Longquan Group has just resumed production after all. If it weren't for the payment from country M, I probably wouldn't be able to spend so much money.Why!Your sister Ling'er is a real pauper now, hehe..."

Shanshan frowned and said, "Sister Linger, I can't accept this money! Now Longquan Group itself is using the money. If I take this money, your life will be difficult, I can't!" Shanshan Shan stuffed the check into Long Ling'er's hand.

Long Ling'er shook his head and pushed back, saying: "Shanshan, my life is a bit sad, but it is definitely not impossible! With the strength of Longquan Group, everything will return to normal within a month at most! Sister Linger I'm not afraid to tell you that now Longquan Fine Wine has officially entered the M country market, relying on the Huaye Consortium, its sales and market share are rising steadily.

In order to cope with the ever-increasing demand in the country M market, we have laid ten more production lines. When these ten production lines are put into production, you can see that the profit of Longquan Group will be doubled compared to now.So you don't have to worry about us! "

After hearing Long Linger's words, Shanshan finally nodded and accepted the check.

"Vice President Zhang, we have guests."

The secretary's voice sounded again, and Shanshan looked up in astonishment, only to see Li Xiaoshui walking in with a smile on her face, and said with a crisp smile as soon as she entered the door: "Xiao Shanshan, you really have the ability to become a big company at a young age." Vice President, hehe..."

"Miss Li Xiaoshui!?"

Shanshan was pleasantly surprised and couldn't help but let out a cry.

He hurriedly took Zhu Fangfang's hand and said, "Sister Fangfang, this is Sister Li Xiaoshui."

Zhu Fangfang giggled and said, "Okay, no need to introduce, Miss Li Xiaoshui's famous name, I've already heard it like thunder!"

Li Xiaoshui smiled and held Zhu Fangfang's hand, and said, "Mr. Zhu, are you satisfied with that marketing plan?"

Zhu Fangfang giggled and said: "Satisfied? It's not just satisfied. After I got the plan, I held it for three days and didn't let go. It's really wonderful! But, can you stop calling me Mr. Zhu? Let me be Fangfang!"

Li Xiaoshui was quite masculine, and said with a smile, "There's nothing wrong with that, Fangfang! From now on, you can just call me Xiaoshui, that's what all your friends call me!"

In the small reception room, four heroines from the financial world gathered, and it became unprecedentedly lively all of a sudden.

"Sister Xiaoshui, you are here!" Long Linger said to Li Xiaoshui.

Li Xiaoshui smiled slightly and said, "I knew you would be here."

After finishing speaking, he took out a check from his pocket and handed it to Shanshan, saying: "Shanshan, I have heard about you from Li Yong. This is [-] million, you take it!"

Shanshan was startled, and said loudly, "How can that be?"

Li Xiaoshui said with a smile: "What's wrong? Although our Qiangnong Company doesn't earn as much as Longquan Group, but a mere [-] million yuan is still nothing to worry about! Besides, the purpose of taking out this money is not only to help you , more importantly we want to make up. Right, Linger?"

Long Ling'er nodded and said: "Shanshan, just accept it. We hurt Li Xiaogang that time, although he forgave us in the end, but there is always such a hurdle in our hearts, if we don't make it up, we will I will have a conscience for the rest of my life! This time is a good opportunity, and we will naturally not let it go.

After a while, your sister Hu Rong will also come, and the Tianhao Group represented by her will also support you with [-] million yuan. At that time, you will be able to completely acquire the Kirin Group. "

"What? Even sister Hu Rong is coming?"

Shanshan was taken aback, but at this moment, under the guidance of the secretary, Hu Rong walked in, just in time to hear Shanshan's words, and said with a smile: "Why, aren't you welcome?"

Seeing Hu Rong when she turned her head, Shanshan's face was filled with joy, and she hurried forward to give Hu Rong a hug.

Hu Rong jokingly said: "Your hug is worth at least [-] million, it's very expensive! Hehe..." She said and put the [-] million check in Shanshan's hand.

Shanshan was moved in her heart, when one party was in trouble, all parties supported her.

Shanshan suddenly felt that with these good sisters caring about her, life was really warm.

Little did they know that Zhu Fangfang was even more moved than she was at this time.

Everyone selflessly helps each other, just like a big warm family, everyone supports and comforts each other and advances together on the bumpy journey of life. At that moment, she suddenly seems to join in and become a member of it.

The appearance of Long Ling'er, Li Xiaoshui, and Hu Rong solved Shanshan's financial shortfall.

But this does not mean that everything is easily solved.

Shanshan's price has been raised very high, but Dong Qi is still steadfast.

She wasn't tempted at all, and she didn't want to sell the stocks she held, which made Shanshan's heart full of fire.

In the company, with a solemn look on his face, even Zhu Fangfang wanted to back away a little when he saw her, and didn't dare to get close easily.

"Vice President, call, front line!" The secretary said cautiously.

Shanshan nodded with a cold face, grabbed the phone, and the caller turned out to be Dao Scar.

Dao Scar smiled innocently: "Sister, are you at work?"

Shanshan got angry and said in response: "Nonsense! Can I answer your call when I'm not at work?"

Dao Scar was stunned for a moment, then said nah na: " you have any unhappy things?"

"It's up to you! Don't think that if I call you brother a few times, you can interfere in my life!" Shanshan was angry, and wanted to find a punching bag to vent it out.

Scar is so unlucky, he called at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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