Chapter 372

Seeing Hu Rong and the seed transport team coming together, Li Xiaogang felt a little puzzled.

Hu Rong and Song Shuang didn't know each other very well, but beauties seemed to be attracted to each other just like heroes, and within a short while, the two became acquainted, chatting and laughing non-stop.Li Xiaogang was put aside.

Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong and said with a faint smile: "You don't want to stay in the city to run your Tianhao Group, what are you doing here?"

"Wrong! Your information is outdated. Now there is no Tianhao Group, only Longhao Group." Hu Rong laughed.

"Longhao Group? What do you mean? Do you want to join today and quit tomorrow like the Da Nong Consortium did last time?"

Li Xiaogang said sarcastically.

Hu Rong blushed, lowered her head slightly and said, "I knew you must still be blaming me..."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I don't blame you, should I still be grateful to you? I was quite happy when you proposed to join the Da Nong Consortium. But I didn't expect you to... Hey! Don't say it, now it's okay to talk about it. It's not interesting anymore!"

"Say it! I want you to say, if you scold me, I'll be more comfortable! Do you think it's voluntary to make such a decision? Do you think it won't hurt me? You may not know, After making the decision, you locked yourself up for three days, and I cried for three days too! Li Xiaogang, you are not alone in being sad, and you are not alone in being wronged!"

The more Hu Rong spoke, the more excited she became, the emotions that were desperately suppressed in her heart were finally completely released.

Li Xiaogang frowned and looked at Hu Rong who was already in tears, and suddenly realized that it was no wonder that she felt wronged and sad for such a weak woman to bear such a heavy burden.

Li Xiaogang sighed softly, handed over a tissue, and said, "Wipe it off! A big girl who cries all the time is really useless!"

Hu Rong snatched Ji Ji away, and said angrily: "It's not all about you, you must make people cry!"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly and said, "Why does everything turn around and turn into my fault?"

Song Shuang said with a snort: "Who made you a man? Men are more willing to bear mistakes than women!"

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Yes, yes! Men deserve to die!" Li Xiaogang's words finally made Hu Rong burst into laughter.

Li Xiaogang looked at her and couldn't help teasing, "Crying for a while and laughing for a while, why does this person look like a psychopath?"

Hu Rong waved her little pink fist angrily and was about to hit, but Li Xiaogang hurriedly hid aside and said, "Okay, okay, I still have business to do, you should stand aside with Song Shuang first." Workers unload sacks of seeds from trucks.

"what is this?"

Hu Rong pointed to the sacks suspiciously and asked.

Li Xiaogang said: "Seed!"

"Seeds? Okay, you don't know how to take care of us even if you have a business. Fortunately, I changed the name on purpose!"

Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "What does your name change have to do with me? Besides, I don't like the seeds your company sells." Hu Rong suddenly remembered that Long Ling'er had said that Li Xiaogang was concentrating on 'farming' recently. There are many good things on the Internet, is this seed one of them?

Hu Rong picked out a small handful of seeds from a sack, and was immediately attracted by these plump and round seeds.Following Hu Rundong, she can be regarded as being fascinated by it, and her eyes are also considered sharp.These seeds not only have an excellent appearance, but they are also very heavy when you weigh them lightly.

Hu Rong found that even the best quality seeds cultivated by their company are very different from this one.

I couldn't help being shocked, and said in shock: "Where did you get these seeds, it's so perfect!"

Li Xiaogang smiled at her and said, "I can't see it, you really have some knowledge. But, don't try to play tricks on them, you can't buy them!"

"I can't buy it. Where did you get it?"

Hu Rong asked dissatisfied.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Why do I feel like you are a female spy? Haha..." After speaking, he called Erniu, distributed the seeds, and planted them in the ground as soon as possible.

Er Niu is also an old farmer who has planted the land for many years. Seeing these seeds, Er Niu's hands began to tremble.

Na Na said: "I have planted the land all my life, and I have never seen such a good seed..."

Li Xiaogang patted him on the shoulder and said, "Uncle Er Niu, are you surprised by this? Let me tell you, there will be more good things in the future, just wait and see!"

Er Niu looked at Li Xiaogang with a smile and said: "Your boy... I, Er Niu, really saw the right person!" After finishing speaking, he excitedly directed each family to take the seeds back.

Hu Rong was dissatisfied with Li Xiaogang's aggressiveness, curled her lips and said, "What's the big deal! No matter how good the seeds are, what you grow is just grain! Now that the harvest is abundant every year, the most worthless thing is probably grain! What you harvested The more you have, the more you will have a headache, what will you do then?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Isn't there your Longhao Group? Farmers still worry about not being able to sell their grain?"

Hu Rong said a little lonely: "That was in the past, no one knows what will happen in the future!" Seeing Hu Rong's sad expression, Li Xiaogang realized that she had encountered difficulties.

Smiling, Li Xiaogang said, "Do you want to see my pets?"

"Your pets?"

Hu Rong's eyes lit up, she was successfully seduced by Li Xiaogang, she seemed a little impatient.

Song Shuang giggled and said, "I guarantee you will be surprised." Holding Hu Rong's arm, the three of them came to the pond together.

Salamanders are sexually promiscuous, especially now that they are in estrus almost all the time.

The two oldest salamanders have reproduced five times so far, giving birth to no less than a thousand baby salamanders.

As a result, the whole pond suddenly became unprecedentedly lively, with waves flying over it.

Song Shuang was right. When Hu Rong saw all this, she was really stunned, and stammered, " can this happen? Don't tell me they are all salamanders! But How come salamanders live in your pond?"

Seeing Hu Rong's tongue-tied appearance, both Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, Li Xiaogang suddenly asked: "Did Longhao Group encounter any difficulties?"

Hu Rong was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Li Xiaogang, who smiled at her and said, "I can see it all from your face.

Frowning as if someone owes you 200 yuan.Tell me, didn't you come to ask me for help? "

Hu Rong sat down under a willow tree by the pond. The willow treetops were driven by the wind, gently stroking her cheeks. In front of her was a sparkling pond. From time to time there would be giant salamanders in the pond. tumbling.

Hu Rong's heart has never felt such peace.

The difficulties encountered by the Longhao Group were described in detail.

Even when talking about Long Ling'er giving up Longhao Group for Li Sida, her tone was as calm as ever, as if she was telling someone else's story.

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly and said, "I... I don't think Long Ling'er can be blamed for this! Between relatives and friends, it is not wrong for him to choose relatives!"

Hu Rong chuckled a few times and said: "But Li Sida is her relative! At best, she is just a playmate who grew up with her! Besides, I think Li Sida is not pure in mind, he may take advantage of it. What did Long Linger do! You must know that Long Linger is now the general manager of Longquan Group, with great power!"

Li Xiaogang's face turned cold, and he said: "I don't care who Li Sida is, as long as he dares to touch my bottom line, I will make him disappear!"

After a pause, Li Xiaogang looked at Hu Rong and said, "Now without Long Linger's help, how are you going to deal with that Li Sida?"

Hu Rong shook her head and smiled, "I don't know, that's why I came to you!"

Li Xiaogang curled his lips and said, "I don't care about you, a traitor!"

"Traitor? Who do you call a traitor?" Hu Rong stared at Li Xiaogang dissatisfied and said.

Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Does that matter? Whoever withdrew from the Da Nong Consortium was a traitor, hum!" Hu Rong's eyes turned red, and she said, "Why do you still mention this?"

Seeing that Hu Rong was about to drop the golden beans, Li Xiaogang laughed hurriedly: "I'm just kidding, why do you care so much.

You idiot, without the support of Longquan Group, you can still go to Longxi Group and Qiangnong Company! "

"Heck... To tell you the truth, that's what I think, so I came here to ask you to use the handwriting, otherwise what if Li Yong disagrees?"

Hu Rong smiled triumphantly.

Li Xiaogang smiled dumbly: "It seems that you are quite good at calculating! Don't worry, I will greet Li Yong."

Hu Rong's goal was achieved, she felt relaxed, leaned back on the trunk of the willow tree, squinted her eyes slightly, and looked at the rays of sunlight that shot down from the gaps between the willow leaves, and said with a little fascination: "Song Shuang , I really envy you, it's so comfortable here, there is no intrigue, and people treat each other sincerely, the whole person seems to be flying."

"Then you can stay here for a few days before going back and relax!" Li Xiaogang said casually.

Hu Rong laughed and said: "Okay, under your kind invitation, I will reluctantly do what I can, so stay here! Hehe..."

Hearing Hu Rong's words, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said: "Forget it! But, you don't want to live here for free! Some giant salamanders will be on the market soon, and you have to contact buyers for me. !"

Maybe it's because they have perfect genes, or maybe it's because the nutritional value of dreamy blue silk is too high. In just over a month, the first batch of salamanders have grown up, and the largest one has already weighed three catties, which has reached the standard for listing.

"Distributing salamanders? Haha... Long Ling'er told me that Longhao Group is short of a high-quality product right now, so let me come to you! Sure enough, I didn't come in vain this time. I guess our Longhao Group is It is the first company in the world to distribute salamanders!" After speaking, he looked at Li Xiaogang excitedly and said, "Is this your condition?"

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile and said, "Why? You think it's easy? I haven't told my price yet!"

Hu Rong restrained her smile and said, "Then tell me, I'm listening!" Li Xiaogang frowned and thought for a while and said, "5000 yuan a catty, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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