The strongest peasant city

Chapter 403 The Perfect Gene

Chapter 403 The Perfect Gene
As soon as he entered Zhou Zongnan's exclusive laboratory, Zhou Keqing understood a little bit.

In the spacious laboratory, one after another advanced and complete equipment is neatly arranged, many of which are confidential instruments from various countries that cannot even be purchased by the government.

For scientists, scientific instruments are like swords in the hands of masters. Without a sword in hand, it is difficult to even protect oneself, not to mention dominating the world.

Just for these instruments, it is absolutely difficult for ordinary scientists to resist the temptation of this scientific research institute.

"Hey, isn't this Professor Zhou Keqing? I really didn't expect you to come. I'm so disappointed!"

Zhou Zongnan greeted him with a smile.

Zhou Keqing glanced at the surrounding equipment enviously, and said: "You have changed your shotgun, no wonder you are smiling from ear to ear every day!"

Zhou Zongnan didn't hide his ease at all, and said, "That's right! Now we really understand what it means to feel like a fish in water! Let's go, don't disturb their work, let's go to my office to talk!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Li Shuang, and said with a chuckle, "This is Li Shuang, right? Your professor praises you every day for being smart, and you are a genius. When I saw you today, I didn't expect you to be beautiful. Come on, let me show you You introduce a sister!"

After finishing speaking, he called Qin Qin, who was busy, and said, "This is my assistant, Qin Qin! You are as smart as you, you two smart people should have a good discussion."

The age is similar, people are both beautiful, and their jobs are also similar. Many things in common make the two girls have a natural tacit understanding, and a good tacit understanding quickly gave birth to a friendship between the two. It took only a while for the two to hold hands. They were together and never let go, the elder sister was long and the younger sister was short.

"Hey, it's good to be young!"

Seeing Qin Qin and Li Shuang's affectionate appearance, Zhou Zongnan couldn't help but lamented that time was wasted.

When he came to Zhou Zongnan's office, Zhou Zongnan smiled and said, "Old guy, tell me, what do you want from me?" Zhou Keqing tilted his neck and said, "I have to have something to come to you, so I can't talk to you? "

Zhou Zongnan laughed and said, "I'll believe anyone else! You're the master of the Three Treasures Palace, waiting for you to catch up with me? Unless I'm buried, you come to my grave!"

Zhou Keqing laughed and said, "Brother, you understand me!"

Zhou Zongnan waved his hand and said: "Young brothers are close to each other. I committed crimes in my previous life, so I only have the same surname as you in this life. Damn you, don't go around in circles. Hurry up and tell me what's going on this time. My research is reaching the critical point." Time, I don't have time to fool around with you!"

Zhou Keqing shook his head helplessly and said, "That's right, I found a plant that I've never seen before, and I'm not here to ask you to identify it."

"A plant you've never seen before? Show me it!"

After all, this is what they do, and Zhou Zongnan immediately became energetic when he mentioned new plants.

Thanks to Li Xiaogang during his last trip to Xingfu Village, he discovered several plants that had never been discovered before, and even published several papers in international scientific journals, which caused an uproar in the international botanical community. Let his fame climb to a peak again.

"That's it, have you seen it before?" Zhou Keqing carefully took out a handful of fantasy blue silk and handed it to Zhou Zongnan.

Zhou Zongnan's heart trembled, and he immediately became infinitely curious about these hair-thin herbs.

Na Na said: "I really haven't seen it! There is no record in the Encyclopedia of World Plants. I guarantee that this is a new plant that has never been discovered in the world. Where did you find it?" Zhou Zongnan's With great interest, he asked repeatedly.

Zhou Keqing smiled and said, "I found it in a village."

Zhou Zongnan raised his head abruptly, looked at him and said, "You mean Happy Village?"

Hearing Zhou Zongnan call out Xingfu Village, Zhou Keqing was taken aback and asked, "You... how do you know about that village?"

Zhou Zongnan suddenly smiled and said, "Then, you must have gotten these plants in a huge special greenhouse!"

"Yes, yes! Have you been there?" Zhou Zongnan said with a smile, "It's not just that I've been there, I've been there for several months! But why did you appear there?"

Zhou Keqing said: "Don't ask me in a hurry, let me ask you, did you go there to do research?"

Zhou Zongnan said: "I'm not doing research, do you think I'm going on vacation? Didn't I publish several influential papers in a row a while ago? Those are the results of my few months in Xingfu Village!"

"Then you must know Li Xiaogang?" Zhou Keqing asked loudly.

Zhou Zongnan laughed and said: "I understand, you are also running after Li Xiaogang.

Tell me, what did he come up with this time? "

Zhou Keqing smiled wryly and said: "Speaking out will scare you to death! This guy has raised a pond of salamanders in the pond of his village.

Just like ordinary fishermen raising fish, it is a peace of mind, as long as they catch fish every day and sell them for money.

I salvaged these salamanders, checked them, and guess what, these salamanders all have perfect genetic sequences! "

"Perfect genetic sequence? Come, let me show you something!"

Zhou Zongnan's expression changed, he pulled Zhou Keqing out of the office, and went straight to the laboratory.

"What is this?" Zhou Keqing asked, looking at the test tube in Zhou Zongnan's hand, in which two plump and vigorous seeds were preserved in a vacuum.

Zhou Zongnan said: "These are two seeds that also have perfect genes. After our comprehensive testing, we found that these two seeds have a super ability to resist drought, flood, and pests. In other words, they have great impact on the environment. Powerful, adaptability unmatched by other plants.

Not only that, the internal composition and elemental combination of these two seeds are perfect, which also makes them have extremely high nutritional value. "

"Old man, what exactly do you want to tell me?" Zhou Keqing asked anxiously.

Zhou Zongnan smiled and said: "There is a common sense, you must have heard it since you were very young, what you eat can nourish your brain. Eating fish brains can nourish the brain, eating corns can improve eyesight, and eating beef can promote muscle growth. There must be science in this Makes sense, why do you think there is such an effect?"

Zhou Keqing was surprised by Zhou Zongnan's words, and then said excitedly: "I thought of it. This shows that the genetic fragments between species can complement each other.

The genetic code contained in the fish brain can make up for the defects of the human brain gene, thereby achieving the effect of improving the efficiency of the human brain, and the same is true for corns, beef, etc.

If this is true, then, in theory, long-term consumption of genetically perfect foods would give a species a huge, if not genetically perfect, evolutionary boost.

This is why these salamanders feed on these plants and at the same time evolve so fast. "

Zhou Zongnan laughed and said, "Maybe, but I'm not interested in your salamander at all. What I'm interested in is, where did Li Xiaogang get these creatures with perfect genes, or... he has mastered the ability to The technology to perfect plant genes?"

"Impossible? When scientists all over the world have just figured out the gene sequence, he has been able to create a perfect gene. This is too unbelievable!?" Zhou Keqing exclaimed as if he couldn't accept it.

Zhou Zongnan turned his head and looked at him firmly and said, "Otherwise, how should we explain all this. Li Xiang told me that these two seeds were given to him by Li Xiaogang.

You see, salamanders, mysterious plants, seeds, as long as they are related to Li Xiaogang, they are all so different. Doesn't this explain the problem? "

Zhou Keqing fell silent, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he said quietly after a long while: "If Li Xiaogang can really do it, the significance is really too great, and it will probably be a milestone in the history of evolution. Road watershed!"

Zhou Zongnan smiled and said: "I don't care about these, I only care that his ability can help me complete my research. Turn the vast desert into fertile land!"

Zhou Keqing was just about to laugh at Zhou Zongnan's research that sounded absurd, but he suddenly thought that if Li Xiaogang could really create seeds with perfect genes, based on their super adaptability to the environment and extremely tenacious vitality, The study doesn't really seem to be that unreliable.

"Let's go, let's go to Li Xiaogang right now, talk to him well, let him contribute this technology no matter what!"

When Zhou Zongnan thought that his experiment was about to have a major breakthrough, he couldn't sit still any longer, took Zhou Keqing's hand and walked out of the laboratory.

Zhou Keqing smiled wryly and said, "Your hot-tempered personality hasn't changed at all! I tell you, Li Xiaogang is not at home now." Zhou Zongnan was stunned and said, "Where did he go?"

Zhou Keqing smiled wryly and said, "How would I know? It would be great if he would ask me for instructions on everything!"

Zhou Zongnan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said with a chuckle, "It must be for me to get equipment, haha..."

"Huh? What equipment? It makes you laugh so lewdly?" Zhou Keqing asked curiously.

Zhou Zongnan gave him a hard look, and then said triumphantly: "The high-speed electronic stripping machine can run more than [-] million times per session! How about it, are you dumbfounded?" Seeing Zhou Keqing's stunned and ridiculous appearance, Zhou Zongnan couldn't bear it. I couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! [-] million times! Can he really find it for you?" Zhou Keqing swallowed his saliva and asked nah.

"That's needless to say! I can rest assured that he will do the job, and he will be successful!"

Zhou Zongnan said confidently.

"That... Brother Zhou..." Zhou Keqing was interrupted by Zhou Zongnan just as he opened his mouth, "Stop, stop, you should call me old guy or Zhou Zongnan. As soon as I heard that you are called Brother Zhou, I knew something was going to happen! "

Zhou Keqing said with a chuckle: "Well... I have a few experiments in my hand, and I really can't do without your super-speed stripping machine. See if you can..."

(End of this chapter)

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